public static DataTable LayFileTLVTheoMaBaiHoc(string strMaBaiHoc, string loaiFile) { string strLenhDocDuLieu = "Select * From FileLuyenTap " + "Where MaBaiHoc = '" + strMaBaiHoc + "'" + " and LoaiFile = '" + loaiFile + "'"; DataTable KetQua = CoSoDuLieu.LayDuLieu(strLenhDocDuLieu); return(KetQua); }
public static DataTable LayFileTheoMaBaiHoc(string strMaBaiHoc) { string strLenhDocDuLieu = "Select * From FileLuyenTap " + "Where MaBaiHoc = '" + strMaBaiHoc + "' Order By Ma"; DataTable KetQua = CoSoDuLieu.LayDuLieu(strLenhDocDuLieu); return(KetQua); }
public static DataTable LayFileAmThanhTheoMa(string strMaFileAmThanh) { string strLenhDocDuLieu = "Select * From FileAmThanh " + "Where MaFileAmThanh = '" + strMaFileAmThanh + "' Order By Ma"; DataTable KetQua = CoSoDuLieu.LayDuLieu(strLenhDocDuLieu); return(KetQua); }
public static DataTable LayDanhSachBai(string strMaBaiHoc) { string LenhDocDuLieu = "Select * From FileLuyenTap " + "Where MaBaiHoc = '" + strMaBaiHoc + "'" + " And MaLoaiMon = '2'"; return(CoSoDuLieu.LayDuLieu(LenhDocDuLieu)); }
public static DataTable LayDanhSachTuan() { try { String strLenhLayDuLieu = "Select * From Tuan Order By Ma"; DataTable KetQua = CoSoDuLieu.LayDuLieu(strLenhLayDuLieu); return(KetQua); } catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } }
public static DataTable LayFileLuyenTapTheoMa(string strMaBaiHoc) { string strLenhDocDuLieu = "Select * From FileLuyenTap " + "Where MaBaiHoc = '" + strMaBaiHoc + "'"; try { DataTable KetQua = CoSoDuLieu.LayDuLieu(strLenhDocDuLieu); return(KetQua); } catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } }
public static DataTable LayDanhSachBaiTheoTuan(string strMaTuan) { string strLenhDocDuLieu = "Select * From BaiHoc " + "Where MaTuan = '" + strMaTuan + "' Order By Ten"; try { DataTable KetQua = CoSoDuLieu.LayDuLieu(strLenhDocDuLieu); return(KetQua); } catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } }