예제 #1
 //public bool IsValidPassword(PasswordFM passwordFM)
 //    UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
 //    if (passwordFM.Password != null && passwordFM.Password.Length > 5 && dao.GetUserByEmail(passwordFM.Password) == null)
 //    {
 //        return true;
 //    }
 //    return false;
 public PasswordFM GetPasswordFM(int ID)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     User user = dao.GetUserByID(ID);
     PasswordFM passwordFM = new PasswordFM(user);
     return passwordFM;
예제 #2
 public UserFM GetUserFM(int ID)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     User user = dao.GetUserByID(ID);
     UserFM userFM = new UserFM(user);
     return userFM;
예제 #3
 public bool IsValidUser(UserFM userFM)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     if(userFM.Email != null && userFM.Email.Length > 5 && dao.GetUserByEmail(userFM.Email) == null)
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #4
 public LoginVM Login(LoginFM login)
     LoginVM userVM = null;
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     User user = dao.GetUserByEmail(login.Email);
     if(user != null && user.Password == login.Password)
         userVM = new LoginVM();
         userVM.Email = user.Email;
         userVM.ID = user.ID;
     return userVM;
예제 #5
 public UsersVM GetUsers()
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     List<User> users = dao.GetAllUsers();
     UsersVM usersVM = new UsersVM();
     foreach(User user in users)
         UserVM userVM = new UserVM();
         userVM.UserID = user.ID;
         userVM.Email = user.Email;
     return usersVM;
예제 #6
 //public User ConvertUser(UserFM user)
 //    User userDAO = new User();
 //    userDAO.Email = user.Email;
 public bool CreateUser(UserFM userFM)
     if (IsValidUser(userFM))
         //email temp pass to user
         UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
         User user = new User();
         user.Email = userFM.Email;
         user.Password = RandomPassword();
         return true;
     return false;
        protected void CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Determine the currently logged on user's UserId
            //MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser();
            //Guid currentUserId = (Guid)currentUser.ProviderUserKey;

            //Create user in Account table
            DAO_Account_Interface acc_ctx = new AccountDAO();
            AccountDTO newAccount = new AccountDTO();

            newAccount.userName = CreateUserWizard1.UserName.ToLower();
            newAccount.password = "******";
            newAccount.status = "active";
            newAccount.accountType = "user";

            //Add User Email to COntact Info
            DAO_ContactInfo_Interface info_ctx = new ContactInfoDAO();
            ContactInfoDTO mail_info = new ContactInfoDTO();
            mail_info.userName = newAccount.userName;
            mail_info.contactType = "e-mail";
            mail_info.data = CreateUserWizard1.Email;

            //Add User information to User Table
            DAO_User_Interface user_ctx = new UserDAO();
            UserDTO user_info = new UserDTO();
            user_info.userName = newAccount.userName;
            user_info.id = txtID.Text;
            user_info.fullName = txtName.Text;
            user_info.surname = txtSurname.Text;
            user_info.nickName = txtNickname.Text;
            user_info.idType = RadioIdType.SelectedValue;
            user_info.race = RadioRace.SelectedValue;
            user_info.gender = RadioGender.SelectedValue;

            Roles.AddUserToRole(newAccount.userName, "User");
예제 #8
 public void UpdateUser(UserFM userFM)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     User user = dao.GetUserByID(userFM.ID);
     user.Email = userFM.Email;
예제 #9
 public void UpdatePassword(PasswordFM passwordFM)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     User user = dao.GetUserByID(passwordFM.ID);
     user.Password = passwordFM.NewPassword;
예제 #10
 public void DeleteUser(int ID)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
예제 #11
        // create a method to view all users
        public List <UserDAO> ViewAllUsers()

            // create a new instance of userDAO
            List <UserDAO> _UserList = new List <UserDAO>();

            // set the bool to false
            bool success = false;

            // create try catch to catch any possible errors
                // create a using statment to use the connection string
                using (SqlConnection _Connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    // create using statment to specify the stored procedure
                    using (SqlCommand _Command = new SqlCommand("sp_UserAccountInfoViewAllUsers", _Connection))
                        // specify the command is a stored procedure
                        _Command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        // open the connection

                        // create a using statement using the reader to reader through the list
                        using (SqlDataReader _Reader = _Command.ExecuteReader())
                            // create a while loop to read throught the whole record
                            while (_Reader.Read())
                                // create a new instance of userDOA to retrieve each item
                                UserDAO userToList = new UserDAO();

                                // get the user elements
                                userToList.accountInfoID      = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["accountInfoID"]);
                                userToList.userTableID        = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["userTableID"]);
                                userToList.accountFirstName   = (string)_Reader["accountFirstName"];
                                userToList.accountLastName    = (string)_Reader["accountLastName"];
                                userToList.accountEmail       = (string)_Reader["accountEmail"];
                                userToList.accountPhoneNumber = (string)_Reader["accountPhoneNumber"];
                                userToList.accountAddress     = (string)_Reader["accountAddress"];
                                userToList.accountCity        = (string)_Reader["accountCity"];
                                userToList.accountState       = (string)_Reader["accountState"];
                                userToList.accountZip         = Convert.ToInt32(_Reader["accountZip"]);
                                userToList.roleName           = (string)_Reader["roleName"];
                        //change the bool to true
                        success = true;

                        //close the connection
            catch (Exception error)
                // call the error method and pass the error