public List<Membership> GetFee(Membership mem,bool donor,bool member) { try { // List<object> obj = new List<object>(); List<Membership> members = new List<Membership>(); string select=""; if(member==true) select = "SELECT MonthlyFee from MembershipData where MemberName='" + mem.MemberName + "'"; else if (donor==true) select = "SELECT DonorFee from Donor where DonorName='" + mem.Donor.DonorName + "'"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); tran = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(select, con); cmd.Transaction = tran; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Membership m = new Membership(); Donor d = new Donor(); if(member==true) m.MonthlyFee = dr["MonthlyFee"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["MonthlyFee"]); else m.Donor.DonorFee = dr["DonorFee"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["DonorFee"]); members.Add(m); } dr.Close(); tran.Commit(); return members; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public bool SaveDonorData(Donor d) { try { string insert; if (d.MID == 0) insert = "Insert Into Donor(DonorName,DonorLastName,Age,Gender,NIC" + ",Refrence,Phone,Email,Bloodgroup,DonorFee,CollectionDate,Adress,BranchName,DonorNo,Status,FundType,City,CurrentDate) " + "values ('" + d.DonorName + "','" + d.DonorLastName + "'," + d.AGE + ",'" + d.Gender + "','" + d.NIC + "','" + d.Refrence + "'," + d.Phone + ",'" + d.Email + "','" + d.BloodGroup + "','" + d.DonorFee + "',#" + d.CollectionDate + "#,'" + d.Adress + "','" + d.branch.BranchName + "'," + "" + d.DonorNo + ",'" + d.Status + "','" + d.FundType + "','"+d.City.CityName+"',#"+d.CurrentDate+"# )"; else insert = "Update Donor set DonorName='" + d.DonorName + "',DonorLastName='" + d.DonorLastName + "',Age=" + d.AGE + "" + ", Gender= '" + d.Gender + "',NIC= '" + d.NIC + "',Refrence='" + d.Refrence + "',Phone='" + d.Phone + "',Email='" + d.Email + "'," + " Bloodgroup= '" + d.BloodGroup + "',DonorFee='" + d.DonorFee + "' ,CollectionDate= #" + d.CollectionDate + "#,Adress= '" + d.Adress + "',BranchName= '" + d.branch.BranchName + "'," + " DonorNo=" + d.DonorNo + " ,Status='" + d.Status + "' ,FundType= '" + d.FundType + "',City= '" + d.City.CityName + "',CurrentDate=#" + d.CurrentDate + "# where MID=" + d.MID + ""; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); tran = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(insert, con); cmd.Transaction = tran; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); tran.Commit(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public List <Membership> GetMembersAndDonors() { try { members = new List <Membership>(); string Select = "SELECT Mid,MemberName from MembershipData Union All select Mid,DonorName from Donor"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); tran = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(Select, con); cmd.Transaction = tran; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Membership m = new Membership(); Donor d = new Donor(); m.MemberName = dr["MemberName"] == System.DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToString(dr["MemberName"]); m.MembershipNo = dr["Mid"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["Mid"]); members.Add(m); } dr.Close(); tran.Commit(); return(members); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public List <Membership> GetMembersCollection(MemberCollection mem) { try { members = new List <Membership>(); string Select = "SELECT MonthlyFee from MembershipData where MemberName='" + mem.MemberName + "'"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); tran = con.BeginTransaction(); cmd = new OleDbCommand(Select, con); cmd.Transaction = tran; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Membership m = new Membership(); Donor d = new Donor(); m.MonthlyFee = dr["MonthlyFee"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(dr["MonthlyFee"]); members.Add(m); } dr.Close(); tran.Commit(); return(members); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DSRefrenceCollection GetRefrenceCollection(bool rbDonor, bool rbMember, Donor d, Membership m, string fromdate, string todate) { DSRefrenceCollection ds = new DSRefrenceCollection(); try { //string MyQry = "SELECT MemberCollection.MemberName as MemberName, MemberCollection.CollectionFee as CollectionFee from MemberCollection"+ // " left join MembershipData on MemberCollection.MemberName=MembershipData.Refrence where MemberCollection.MemberName='"+m.MemberName+"'"+ // " UNION ALL"+ // " SELECT DonorCollection.DonorName as MemberName, DonorCollection.CollectionFee as CollectionFee from DonorCollection"+ // " left join Donor on DonorCollection.DonorName=Donor.Refrence where DonorCollection.DonorName='"+d.DonorName+"'"; string MyDonorQry = " Select mc.MemberName,mc.CollectionFee from MemberCollection mc where mc.MemberName='" + d.DonorName + "'" + " or mc.MemberName in(select MembershipData.MemberName from MembershipData where" + " MembershipData.Refrence='" + d.DonorName + "')" + //and CollectionDate>=#"+fromdate+"# and CollectionDate<=#"+todate +"#" + " union all" + " select dc.DonorName,dc.CollectionFee from DonorCollectionCollection dc where dc.DonorName ='" + d.DonorName + "'" + " or dc.DonorName in(select Donor.Donorname from Donor where " + " Donor.Refrence='" + d.DonorName + "') "; //and CollectionDate>=#"+fromdate+"# and CollectionDate<=#"+todate +"#"; String MemberQry = " Select mc.MemberName,mc.CollectionFee from MemberCollection mc where mc.MemberName='" + m.MemberName + "'" + " or mc.MemberName in(select MembershipData.MemberName from MembershipData where" + " MembershipData.Refrence='" + m.MemberName + "')" + // and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" + " union all" + " select dc.DonorName,dc.CollectionFee from DonorCollection dc where dc.DonorName ='" + m.MemberName + "'" + " or dc.DonorName in(select Donor.Donorname from Donor where " + " Donor.Refrence='" + m.MemberName + "')"; // and CollectionDate>=#"+fromdate+"# and CollectionDate<=#"+todate +"#"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { string select = ""; if (rbDonor == true) { select = MyDonorQry; } else { select = MemberQry; } da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DSDonorPlusMember GetDonorPlusMemberData(Donor d, bool Branches, bool Cities, bool All, bool Donationtype, string fromdate, string todate) { DSDonorPlusMember ds = new DSDonorPlusMember(); try { string branches = "Select MemberName,MembershipNo,CollectionDate,MemberShipFee,MonthlyFee,BranchName,Refrence,Bloodgroup,'' as FundType,'' as City" + " from MembershipData Where BranchName='" + d.branch.BranchName + "'" + // and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" " union all select DonorName,DonorNo,CollectionDate,DonorFee, null as MonthlyFee,BranchName,'' as Refrence,'' as Bloodgroup, FundType,City" + " from Donor Where BranchName='" + d.branch.BranchName + "'"; //and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" string all = "Select MemberName,MembershipNo,CollectionDate,MemberShipFee,MonthlyFee,BranchName,Refrence,Bloodgroup,'' as FundType,City" + " from MembershipData " + //and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" " union all select DonorName,DonorNo,CollectionDate,DonorFee, null as MonthlyFee,BranchName,'' as Refrence,'' as Bloodgroup, FundType,City" + " from Donor "; //and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" string cities = "Select MemberName,MembershipNo,CollectionDate,MemberShipFee,MonthlyFee,BranchName,Refrence,Bloodgroup,'' as FundType,City " + " from MembershipData Where City='" + d.City.CityName + "'" + " union all select DonorName,DonorNo,CollectionDate,DonorFee, null as MonthlyFee,BranchName,'' as Refrence,'' as Bloodgroup, FundType,City " + " from Donor Where City='" + d.City.CityName + "'";//and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" string donationtype = "Select '' as MemberName,null as MembershipNo,null as CollectionDate, null as MemberShipFee,'' as BranchName,'' as FundType,'' as City" + " from MembershipData " + " union all select DonorName,DonorNo,CollectionDate,DonorFee,BranchName, FundType,City" + " from Donor Where FundType='" + d.FundType + "'";//and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { string select = ""; if (Branches == true) { select = branches; } else if (Cities == true) { select = cities; } else if (All == true) { select = all; } else if (Donationtype == true) { select = donationtype; } da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DSDonor GetData(Donor d, bool Branches, bool Cities, bool All, bool Donationtype, string fromdate, string todate, bool Datewise) { DSDonor ds = new DSDonor(); try { string branches = "Select * from Donor Where BranchName='" + d.branch.BranchName + "'"; string all = "Select * from Donor"; string cities = "Select * from Donor Where City='" + d.City.CityName + "'"; string donationtype = " Select * from Donor Where FundType='" + d.FundType + "'"; string datewise = " SELECT * from donor where CurrentDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CurrentDate<=#" + todate + "#"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { string select = ""; if (Branches == true) { select = branches; } else if (Cities == true) { select = cities; } else if (All == true) { select = all; } else if (Donationtype == true) { select = donationtype; } else if (Datewise == true) { select = datewise; } da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DSRefrenceCollection GetRefrenceCollection(bool rbDonor, bool rbMember, Donor d, Membership m, string fromdate, string todate) { DSRefrenceCollection ds = new DSRefrenceCollection(); try { string MyDonorQry = " Select mc.MemberName,'' as DonorName,mc.CollectionFee from MemberCollection mc where mc.MemberName='" + d.DonorName + "'" + " or mc.MemberName in(select MembershipData.MemberName from MembershipData where" + " MembershipData.Refrence='" + d.DonorName + "'" + " and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#)" + " union all" + " select '' as MemberName,dc.DonorName as DonorName,dc.CollectionFee from DonorCollection dc where dc.DonorName ='" + d.DonorName + "'" + " or dc.DonorName in(select Donor.Donorname from Donor where" + " Donor.Refrence='" + d.DonorName + "' and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#)" + " union all" + " Select dc.DonorName as MemberName,'' as DonorName,dc.CollectionFee from DonorCollection dc where" + " dc.DonorName in(select MembershipData.MemberName from MembershipData where " + " MembershipData.Refrence='" + d.DonorName + "' and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#)"; String MemberQry = " Select mc.MemberName,'' as DonorName,mc.CollectionFee from MemberCollection mc where mc.MemberName='" +m.MemberName+ "'" + " or mc.MemberName in(select MembershipData.MemberName from MembershipData where" + " MembershipData.Refrence='" + m.MemberName+ "'" + " and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#)" + " union all" + " select '' as MemberName,dc.DonorName as DonorName,dc.CollectionFee from DonorCollection dc where dc.DonorName ='" + d.DonorName + "'" + " or dc.DonorName in(select Donor.Donorname from Donor where" + " Donor.Refrence='" +m.MemberName + "' and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#)" + " union all" + " Select dc.DonorName as MemberName,'' as DonorName,dc.CollectionFee from DonorCollection dc where" + " dc.DonorName in(select MembershipData.MemberName from MembershipData where " + " MembershipData.Refrence='" + m.MemberName + "' and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#)"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { string select = ""; if (rbDonor == true) select = MyDonorQry; else select = MemberQry; da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return ds; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }
public DSDonorAndMemberCollection GetDonorAndMemberCollection(Donor d, bool All, bool Donationtype, string fromdate, string todate) { DSDonorAndMemberCollection ds = new DSDonorAndMemberCollection(); try { string all = "Select DonorName, '' as MemberName,CollectionDate,CollectionFee,ReciptNo,DonationType,Other,CheckDetail"+ " from DonorCollection "+ " union all Select '' as DonorName, MemberName,CollectionDate,CollectionFee,ReciptNo,'' as DonationType, "+ " null as Other, null as CheckDetail from MemberCollection order by ReciptNo desc"; //where CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + //" # and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#" + " order by ReciptNo desc"; string donationtype = "Select DonorName,CollectionDate,CollectionFee,ReciptNo,DonationType,CheckDetail" + " from DonorCollection Where DonationType='" + d.FundType + "'" + " and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#"; string Other = "Select DonorName,CollectionDate,CollectionFee,ReciptNo,DonationType,Other,CheckDetail" + " from DonorCollection Where Len(Other)>0 and CollectionDate>=#" + fromdate + "# and CollectionDate<=#" + todate + "#"; con = new OleDbConnection(); this.readconfile = new ReadConfigFile(); con.ConnectionString = this.readconfile.ConfigString(ConfigFiles.ProjectConfigFile); con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Open) { string select = ""; if (All == true) { select = all; } else if (Donationtype == true && d.FundType == "Others") { select = Other; } else if (Donationtype == true && d.FundType != "Others") { select = donationtype; } da = new OleDbDataAdapter(select, con); da.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } return ds; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { con.Close(); } }