public static Student GetbyId(string id) { a = new Student(); string sql = string.Format("select * from T_Student where id='{0}'", id); dr = DBAcess.GetDataRow(sql); try { a.Id = dr["ID"].ToString(); a.Name = dr["name"].ToString(); a.Sex = dr["sex"].ToString(); a.Political = dr["political"].ToString(); a.Pincodes = dr["pincodes"].ToString(); a.Grade = dr["grade"].ToString(); a.class1 = dr["class"].ToString(); a.Address = dr["address"].ToString(); a.Phone = dr["phone"].ToString(); a.Main = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["main"]); a.Imgurl = dr["img"].ToString(); return(a); } catch { //throw ei; // return null; return(a); } }
public static List <Vacation> GetALL(string condition) { List <Vacation> list = new List <Vacation>(); string sql = string.Format("select * from T_Vacation where condition='{0}'", condition); ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { a = new Vacation(); a.number = dr["Number"].ToString(); = dr["ID"].ToString(); = dr["name"].ToString(); a.type = dr["type"].ToString(); a.reason = dr["reason"].ToString(); a.daystart = dr["daystart"].ToString(); a.dayover = dr["dayover"].ToString(); a.applytime = dr["applytime"].ToString(); a.agreepeople = dr["applytime"].ToString(); a.condition = dr["condition"].ToString(); list.Add(a); } return(list); } }
public static List <Student> GetALL() { List <Student> list = new List <Student>(); sql = "select * from T_Student"; ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { a = new Student(); a.Id = dr["id"].ToString(); a.Name = dr["Name"].ToString(); a.Classes = dr["Classes"].ToString(); a.Major = dr["Major"].ToString(); a.College = dr["College"].ToString(); a.Grade = dr["grade"]; a.Sex = dr["Sex"].ToString(); a.Address = dr["Address"].ToString(); a.Pincodes = dr["pincodes"].ToString(); a.Imgurl = dr["Imgurl"].ToString(); a.Main = true; list.Add(a); } return(list); } }
public static List <Student> GetALL() { List <Student> list = new List <Student>(); sql = "select * from T_Student"; ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { a = new Student(); a.Id = dr["ID"].ToString(); a.Name = dr["name"].ToString(); a.Sex = dr["sex"].ToString(); a.Political = dr["political"].ToString(); a.Grade = dr["grade"].ToString(); a.class1 = dr["class"].ToString(); a.Address = dr["address"].ToString(); a.Phone = dr["phone"].ToString(); a.Main = true; list.Add(a); } return(list); } }
public static IList <SystemLog> Show() { List <SystemLog> list = new List <SystemLog>(); string sql = "select LogID,Operator.DateTime,Activity,Status,IPAdd,DetailInfo from T_SystemLog"; DataSet ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { SystemLog sl = new SystemLog(); sl.LogID = (dr["LogID"].ToString()); sl.Operator = (dr["Operator"].ToString()); sl.DateTimes = (dr["DateTime"].ToString()); sl.Activity = (dr["Activity"].ToString()); sl.Status = (dr["Status"].ToString()); sl.IPAdd = (dr["IPAdd"].ToString()); sl.DetailInfo = (dr["DetailInfo"].ToString()); list.Add(sl); } return(list); } }
public static bool Add(Student a) { //string x=string.Format("insert into T_Stduent(id,name,classes,major,college,grade,sex,address,pincodes,imgurl) values ("+a.Id+","+a.Name+","+a.Classes+","+a.Major+","+a.College+","+a.Grade+","+a.Sex+","+a.Address+","+a.Pincodes+","+a.Imgurl+")"); sql = string.Format("insert into T_Student(id,name,classes,major,college,grade,sex,address,pincodes,imgurl,dayruxue) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}')", a.Id, a.Name, a.Classes, a.Major, a.College, a.Grade, a.Sex, a.Address, a.Pincodes, a.Imgurl, a.DayRuxue); //sql = x; return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static Student GetbyId(object id) { a = new Student(); string sql = string.Format("select * from T_Student where id='{0}'", id); dr = DBAcess.GetDataRow(sql); try { a.Id = dr["id"]; a.Name = dr["Name"].ToString(); a.Classes = dr["Classes"].ToString(); a.Major = dr["Major"].ToString(); a.College = dr["College"].ToString(); a.Grade = dr["grade"]; a.Sex = dr["Sex"].ToString(); a.Address = dr["Address"].ToString(); a.Pincodes = dr["pincodes"].ToString(); a.Imgurl = dr["Imgurl"].ToString(); a.DayRuxue = dr["Dayruxue"].ToString(); //a.Imgurl = dr["picture"].ToString(); a.Main = true; return(a); } catch { //throw ei; // return null; return(a); } }
public static IList <Score> getAll() { List <Score> list = new List <Score>(); string sql = "select sid,stuid,T_Score.cid,cname,score from T_Score,T_Course where T_Score.cid=T_Course.cid"; ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { sc = new Score(); sc.Sid = int.Parse(dr["sid"].ToString()); sc.Stuid = dr["stuid"].ToString(); sc.Cid = int.Parse(dr["cid"].ToString()); sc.Cname = dr["cname"].ToString(); sc.Scores = int.Parse(dr["score"].ToString()); list.Add(sc); } return(list); } }
public static void AddToAdmin(Student a) { string x = a.Pincodes.Substring(a.Pincodes.Length - 6); sql = string.Format("insert into T_Admin(ID,Password,Privilege) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", a.Id, x, 0); DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql); }
public static Vacation GetbyId(string id) { a = new Vacation(); string sql = string.Format("select * from T_Vacation where Number='{0}'", id); dr = DBAcess.GetDataRow(sql); try { a.number = dr["Number"].ToString(); = dr["ID"].ToString(); = dr["name"].ToString(); a.type = dr["type"].ToString(); a.reason = dr["reason"].ToString(); a.daystart = dr["daystart"].ToString(); a.dayover = dr["dayover"].ToString(); a.applytime = dr["applytime"].ToString(); a.agreepeople = dr["agreepeople"].ToString(); a.condition = dr["condition"].ToString(); return(a); } catch { return(a); } }
public static bool checkAdmin(Admin a) { sql = string.Format("select * from T_Admin where ID='{0}' and Password='******' and Privilege='{2}'", a.Id, a.Password, a.Privilege); ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static Admin getRow(string id) { sc = new Admin(); string sql = string.Format("select * from T_Admin where id='{0}'", id); dr = DBAcess.GetDataRow(sql); try { sc.Id = dr["id"].ToString(); sc.Password = dr["password"].ToString(); sc.Privilege = int.Parse(dr["privilege"].ToString()); return(sc); } catch { return(null); } }
public static Score getRow(int sid) { sc = new Score(); string sql = string.Format("select T_Score.cid,cname,score from T_Score,T_Course where sid='{0}'", sid); dr = DBAcess.GetDataRow(sql); try { sc.Cid = int.Parse(dr["cid"].ToString()); sc.Cname = dr["cname"].ToString(); sc.Scores = int.Parse(dr["score"].ToString()); return(sc); } catch { return(null); } }
public static Dictionary <int, String> getCourse() { int cid; String cname; Dictionary <int, String> dic = new Dictionary <int, String>(); string sql = string.Format("select * from T_Course"); ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { cid = int.Parse(dr["cid"].ToString()); cname = dr["cname"].ToString(); dic.Add(cid, cname); } return(dic); } }
public static IList <Admin> adminList() { List <Admin> list = new List <Admin>(); sql = "select * from T_Admin"; ds = DBAcess.GetDataSet(sql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } else { foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { sc = new Admin(); sc.Id = dr["Id"].ToString(); sc.Password = dr["Password"].ToString(); sc.Privilege = int.Parse(dr["Privilege"].ToString()); list.Add(sc); } return(list); } }
public static bool UpdateAgree(Vacation a) { sql = string.Format("update T_Vacation set agreepeople='{0}' where Number='{1}'", a.agreepeople, a.number); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Add(Student a) { sql = string.Format("insert into T_Student(ID,name,sex,political,pincodes,grade,class,address,phone,main,img) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}')", a.Id, a.Name, a.Sex, a.Political, a.Pincodes, a.Grade, a.class1, a.Address, a.Phone, a.Main, a.Imgurl); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Delete(int sid) { sql = string.Format("Delete T_Score where sid='{0}'", sid); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Update(Score a) { sql = string.Format("update T_Score set score='{0}' where sid='{1}' ", a.Scores, a.Sid); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Add(Score a) { sql = string.Format("insert into T_Score (cid,stuid,score) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", a.Cid, a.Stuid, a.Scores); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Update(Student a) { sql = string.Format("update T_Student set name='{0}',political='{1}',grade='{2}',class='{3}',address='{4}',phone='{5}',sex='{6}',pincodes='{7}',img='{8}' where ID='{9}'", a.Name, a.Political, a.Grade, a.class1, a.Address, a.Phone, a.Sex, a.Pincodes, a.Imgurl, a.Id); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Add(Admin a) { sql = string.Format("insert into T_Admin (ID,Password,Privilege) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", a.Id, a.Password, a.Privilege); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static int Count(Vacation a) { sql = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(condition) FROM T_Vacation WHERE condition = '未审批'"); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand1(sql)); }
public static bool Delete(string id) { sql = string.Format("Delete T_Student where id='{0}'", id); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Add(Vacation a) { sql = string.Format("insert into T_Vacation(ID,name,type,reason,daystart,dayover,applytime,condition,Number) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}')",,, a.type, a.reason, a.daystart, a.dayover, a.applytime, a.condition, a.number); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Update(Admin a) { sql = string.Format("update T_Admin set Password='******',Privilege='{1}' where ID='{2}' ", a.Password, a.Privilege, a.Id); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Delete(string id) { sql = string.Format("Delete T_Vacation where Number='{0}'", id); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool AddSL(SystemLog sl) { sql = string.Format("insert into T_SystemLog (Operator,Activity,Status,IPAdd,DetailInfo) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}') ", sl.Operator, sl.Activity, sl.Status, sl.IPAdd, sl.DetailInfo); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Update(Student a) { sql = string.Format("update T_Student set name='{0}',classes='{1}',major='{2}',college='{3}',grade='{4}',sex='{5}',address='{6}',pincodes='{7}',imgurl='{8}' where id='{9}'", a.Name, a.Classes, a.Major, a.College, a.Grade, a.Sex, a.Address, a.Pincodes, a.Imgurl, a.Id); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }
public static bool Delete(String id) { sql = string.Format("delete T_Admin where id='{0}'", id); return(DBAcess.ExecSqlCommand(sql)); }