public static int AddUpdateCustomer(Customer ob) { int customerid = 0; using (ABBEntities db = new ABBEntities()) { if (ob.CustomerID>0) { Customer checkifexist = db.Customers.Where(u => u.CustomerID == ob.CustomerID).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkifexist != null) { checkifexist.CustomerID = ob.CustomerID; checkifexist.CustomerFirstName = ob.CustomerFirstName; checkifexist.CustomerLastName = ob.CustomerLastName; checkifexist.PhoneNumber = ob.PhoneNumber; checkifexist.Address = ob.Address; checkifexist.City = ob.City; checkifexist.St = ob.St; checkifexist.Zip = ob.Zip; checkifexist.Country = ob.Country; } } else { db.Customers.Add(ob); } int saved = db.SaveChanges(); if(saved > 0) { customerid = ob.CustomerID; } } return customerid; }
public void AddCustomerandSaleHeader() { FFREntities ffrDb = new FFREntities(); Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.FirstName = "Nick"; customer.LastName = "Olsen"; customer.City = "Parker"; customer.State = "CO"; customer.Zip = "80134"; //Need to Add Street Name and Suite Fields customer.Address = customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName + "11321 Lovage Way " + customer.City + ", " + customer.State + " " + customer.Zip; customer.Phone = "3037181336"; customer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; ffrDb.Customers.Add(customer); ffrDb.SaveChanges(); SalesHeader salesHeader = new SalesHeader(); //salesHeader.CustomerId = 1; salesHeader.SalesStatus = "Open"; salesHeader.OrderSalesBalance = 50; salesHeader.OrderTaxAmount = 5; salesHeader.OrderTotal = salesHeader.OrderSalesBalance + salesHeader.OrderTaxAmount; ffrDb.SalesHeaders.Add(salesHeader); ffrDb.SaveChanges(); }
public void CustomerAdd() { Customer TestCust = new Customer(); TestCust.CustomerFirstName = "Kim"; TestCust.CustomerLastName = "Smith"; TestCust.PhoneNumber = "3304775555"; CustomerProvider testProvider = new CustomerProvider(); int myID=testProvider.AddUpdateCustomer(TestCust); Assert.IsNotNull(myID); }
public void CustomerUpdate() { Customer TestCust = new Customer(); TestCust.CustomerID = 1; TestCust.CustomerFirstName = "Neal"; TestCust.CustomerLastName = "Irwin"; TestCust.PhoneNumber = "1234325"; TestCust.Country = "USA"; TestCust.St = "OH"; CustomerProvider testProvider = new CustomerProvider(); int myID = testProvider.AddUpdateCustomer(TestCust); Assert.IsNotNull(myID); }
public void CreateCustomerUsingRepository() { var customerRepo = new DataRepository<Customer>(); Customer createCustomer = new Customer(); createCustomer.FirstName = "Jackie"; createCustomer.LastName = "Olsen"; createCustomer.Address = "11320 Lovage Way"; createCustomer.City = "Parker"; createCustomer.State = "CO"; createCustomer.Zip = "80134"; createCustomer.Phone = "303-949-2695"; createCustomer.Email = "*****@*****.**"; customerRepo.Create(createCustomer); }
public void TestMethod() { //setup test data Customer customer = new Customer() { Depot = new Depot() }; _fakeContext.AddTestData(customer); //call the tested method int result = _customerComponent.FindDepotIdForCustoemr(customer.CustomerId); //verify expectancies Assert.AreNotEqual(0, result); Assert.AreEqual(customer.DepotId, result); }
void LoadReport() { modeReport = 0; lbTotal.Text = "(VND) 0"; if (cbmCustomers.SelectedValue != null) { int customerId = (int)cbmCustomers.SelectedValue; if (customerId != 0) { SetupColumnOneCustomer(); modeReport = 1; textForPrint = "Từ ngày " + dtpFrom.Value.ToString(BHConstant.DATE_FORMAT) + " đến ngày " + dtpTo.Value.ToString(BHConstant.DATE_FORMAT); customerPrint = ((Customer)cbmCustomers.SelectedItem); double total = 0.0; CustomerLogService customerLogService = new CustomerLogService(); customerReports = customerLogService.GetReportsOfCustomer(customerId, dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value.AddDays(1).Date, ref total); dgwStockEntranceList.DataSource = customerReports; lbTotal.Text = Global.formatVNDCurrencyText(total.ToString()); } else { SetupColumnAllCustomers(); double total = 0.0; textForPrint = "Từ ngày " + dtpFrom.Value.ToString(BHConstant.DATE_FORMAT) + " đến ngày " + dtpTo.Value.ToString(BHConstant.DATE_FORMAT); CustomerLogService customerLogService = new CustomerLogService(); customersReports = customerLogService.GetReportsOfCustomers(dtpFrom.Value, dtpTo.Value.AddDays(1).Date, ref total); dgwStockEntranceList.DataSource = customersReports; setColorRow(4); lbTotal.Text = Global.formatVNDCurrencyText(total.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Không đủ thông tin để lập báo cáo!"); } }
public void loadDataForEditCustomer(int customerId) { this.Text = "Chỉnh sửa thông tin khách hàng"; this.btnAdd.Text = "Cập nhật"; CustomerService customerService = new CustomerService(); customer = customerService.GetCustomer(customerId); loadSomeData(); if (customer != null) { txtDescription.Text = customer.Description; txtCode.Text = customer.CustCode; txtName.Text = customer.CustomerName; txtAddress.Text = customer.Address; txtBankAcc.Text = customer.BankAcc; txtBankName.Text = customer.BankName; txtContactPersonPhone.Text = customer.ContactPersonPhone; txtContactPersonEmail.Text = customer.ContactPersonEmail; txtContactPersonName.Text = customer.ContactPerson; txtEmail.Text = customer.Email; txtFax.Text = customer.Fax; txtPhoneNumber.Text = customer.Phone; txtFavoriteProduct.Text = customer.FavoriteProduct; } }
partial void DeleteCustomer(Customer instance);
partial void UpdateCustomer(Customer instance);
partial void InsertCustomer(Customer instance);
private void detach_Customers(Customer entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Employee = null; }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validator1.Validate() && ValidateData()) { if (customer != null && customer.Id > 0) { Employee emp = null; int old_saler_id = (int)customer.SalerId; if (cmbSaler.SelectedValue != null) { emp = salers.Single(x => x.Id == (int)cmbSaler.SelectedValue); customer.Employee = emp; } if (emp == null || emp.Id != old_saler_id) { DialogResult dl = MessageBox.Show("Chuyến nhân viên của khách hàng và đồng ý chuyển hoa hồng cho nhân viên mới?", "Thông tin!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dl == DialogResult.Yes) { EmployeeLogService els = new EmployeeLogService(); els.MoveEmployeeLogOfCustomer(customer.Id, old_saler_id, emp.Id); } } customer.Description = txtDescription.Text; customer.CustCode = txtCode.Text; customer.Address = txtAddress.Text; customer.BankAcc = txtBankAcc.Text; customer.BankName = txtBankName.Text; customer.ContactPersonEmail = txtContactPersonEmail.Text; customer.ContactPerson = txtContactPersonName.Text; customer.ContactPersonPhone = txtContactPersonPhone.Text; customer.Email = txtEmail.Text; customer.Fax = txtFax.Text; customer.Phone = txtPhoneNumber.Text; customer.CustomerName = txtName.Text; customer.FavoriteProduct = txtFavoriteProduct.Text; CustomerService customerService = new CustomerService(); bool result = customerService.UpdateCustomer(customer); if (result) { MessageBox.Show("Khách hàng được cập nhật thành công"); if (this.CallFromUserControll != null && this.CallFromUserControll is CustomerList) { ((CustomerList)this.CallFromUserControll).loadCustomerList(); } this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Hiện tại hệ thống đang có lỗi. Vui lòng thử lại sau!", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { customer = new Customer { Description = txtDescription.Text, CustCode = txtCode.Text, Address = txtAddress.Text, BankAcc = txtBankAcc.Text, BankName = txtBankName.Text, ContactPerson = txtContactPersonName.Text, ContactPersonEmail = txtContactPersonEmail.Text, ContactPersonPhone = txtContactPersonPhone.Text, Email = txtEmail.Text, Fax = txtFax.Text, Phone = txtPhoneNumber.Text, CustomerName = txtName.Text, SalerId = cmbSaler.SelectedValue != null ? (int?)cmbSaler.SelectedValue : (int?)null, FavoriteProduct = txtFavoriteProduct.Text }; CustomerService customerService = new CustomerService(); bool result = customerService.AddCustomer(customer); if (result) { MessageBox.Show("Khách hàng được tạo thành công"); if (this.CallFromUserControll != null && this.CallFromUserControll is CustomerList) { ((CustomerList)this.CallFromUserControll).loadCustomerList(); } this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Hiện tại hệ thống đang có lỗi. Vui lòng thử lại sau!", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } else preventClosing = true; }
public static int AddUpdateCustomer(Customer ob) { return CustomerProvider.AddUpdateCustomer(ob); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Customer object. /// </summary> /// <param name="custId">Initial value of the CustId property.</param> /// <param name="name">Initial value of the Name property.</param> /// <param name="custCode">Initial value of the CustCode property.</param> /// <param name="address">Initial value of the Address property.</param> /// <param name="phone">Initial value of the Phone property.</param> public static Customer CreateCustomer(global::System.Int32 custId, global::System.String name, global::System.String custCode, global::System.String address, global::System.String phone) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.CustId = custId; customer.Name = name; customer.CustCode = custCode; customer.Address = address; customer.Phone = phone; return customer; }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Customers EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToCustomers(Customer customer) { base.AddObject("Customers", customer); }