public override bool ShowRightDataGridView(DataGridView rightgrid, ChartColumn col, string zid) { string sql = ""; DataTable dt = null; if (col.TableName == "st_dt") { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0} where ztid={3} and {0}.gj in ('中国','美国') group by {0}.{1} order by {0}.{1} asc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } else { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0},st_dt where {0}.sid=st_dt.sid and st_dt.ztid={3} and {0}.gj in ('中国','美国') group by {0}.{1} order by {0}.{1} asc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } dt = DBA.MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, sql); rightgrid.DataSource = dt; rightgrid.Columns[rightgrid.Columns.Count - 1].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill; return true; }
public static bool ShowRightDataGridView(DataGridView rightgrid, ChartColumn col, string zid) { string sql = ""; DataTable dt = null; if (col.ShowName.IndexOf("年") >= 0) { if (col.TableName == "st_dt") { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0} where {0}.ztid={3} group by {0}.{1} order by {0}.{1} asc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } else { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0},st_dt where {0}.sid=st_dt.sid and st_dt.ztid={3} group by {0}.{1} order by {0}.{1} asc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } dt = DBA.MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, sql); dt = DataTableHelper.ReadDateTable(dt); } else { if (col.TableName == "st_dt") { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0} where ztid={3} group by {0}.{1} order by count(distinct {0}.sid) desc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } else { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0},st_dt where {0}.sid=st_dt.sid and st_dt.ztid={3} group by {0}.{1} order by count(distinct {0}.sid) desc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } dt = DBA.MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, sql); } string[] types = null; switch (col.ShowName) { case "专利类型(含PCT)": types = new string[] { "发明专利", "实用新型", "外观专利", "发明专利PCT", "实用新型PCT" }; break; case "专利类型": types = new string[] { "发明专利", "实用新型", "外观专利" }; break; case "申请人类型": case "第一申请人类型": types = new string[] { "企业", "科研院所", "高校", "事业单位", "个人" }; break; case "法律状态": types = new string[] { "在审", "授权有效", "授权失效", "无效" }; break; } if (types != null) { DataTable tmpdt = new DataTable(); tmpdt.Columns.Add(col.ShowName); tmpdt.Columns.Add("专利数"); foreach (var type in types) { DataRow tmprow = tmpdt.NewRow(); var x = from y in dt.AsEnumerable() where y[0].ToString() == type select y; if (x.Count() == 0) { tmprow[0] = type; tmprow[1] = 0; } else { tmprow[0] = type; tmprow[1] = x.First()[1].ToString(); } tmpdt.Rows.Add(tmprow); } rightgrid.DataSource = tmpdt; } else { rightgrid.DataSource = dt; } rightgrid.Columns[rightgrid.Columns.Count - 1].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill; return true; }
public static bool ShowRightDataGridView(DataGridView rightgrid, ChartColumn col, string zid, string zhibiao) { string sql = ""; DataTable dt = null; switch (zhibiao) { case "专利存活期": sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0} where ztid={3} group by {0}.{1} order by {0}.{1} desc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); break; case "审查周期": sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0} where ztid={3} and type='发明专利' group by {0}.{1} order by {0}.{1} desc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); break; case "有效专利维持期": sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0} where ztid={3} and lg='授权有效' group by {0}.{1} order by {0}.{1} desc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); break; case "公知技术": if (col.TableName == "st_dt") { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0} where ztid={3} and st_dt.isgongzhi=1 group by {0}.{1} order by count(distinct sid) desc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } else { sql = string.Format("select {0}.{1} as '{2}',count(distinct {0}.sid) as 专利数 from {0},st_dt where {0}.sid=st_dt.sid and st_dt.ztid={3} and st_dt.isgongzhi=1 group by {0}.{1} order by count(distinct {0}.sid) desc", col.TableName, col.ColName, col.ShowName, zid); } break; case "": break; default: break; } dt = DBA.MySqlDbAccess.GetDataTable(CommandType.Text, sql); rightgrid.DataSource = dt; rightgrid.Columns[rightgrid.Columns.Count - 1].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill; return true; }
private void showdata_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { //得到行名称 //得到列名称 if (e.RowIndex < 0) return; if (e.ColumnIndex == 0 || e.ColumnIndex == showdata.Columns.Count - 1) return; if (e.RowIndex == showdata.Rows.Count - 1) return; if (showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString() == "0") return; if (showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText.IndexOf("增长率") >= 0) return; ChartColumn columnname1 = null; ChartColumn columnname2 = null; string type1 = "char"; string type2 = "char"; string value1 = ""; string value2 = ""; switch (this.lib_Name.Text) { #region 趋势 case "专利趋势分析": columnname1 = config.GroupYear; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; break; case "技术生命周期分析": if (e.ColumnIndex >= 2) { MessageBox.Show("对不起,本列不支持数据钻取!", "提示"); return; } columnname1 = config.GroupYear; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; break; case "专利类型分布趋势分析": columnname1 = config.GroupYear; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; columnname2 = config.GroupType; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; #endregion #region 区域 case "区域专利申请比重分析": columnname1 = config.GroupQY; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); break; case "区域专利申请趋势分析": columnname1 = config.GroupYear; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; columnname2 = config.GroupQY; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "区域专利申请人分析": columnname1 = config.GroupQY; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupPA; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "区域专利发明人分析": columnname1 = config.GroupQY; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupIN; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "区域专利技术构成分析": columnname1 = config.GroupQY; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupIPC; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "区域首次专利申请分析": columnname1 = config.GroupQY; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = new ChartColumn() { ColName = "ady", TableName = "st_dt" }; value2 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString(); break; #endregion #region 申请人 //申请人专利排名分析 case "申请人专利排名分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPA; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); break; case "申请人类型分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPAType; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); break; case "申请人趋势分析": columnname1 = config.GroupYear; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; columnname2 = config.GroupPA; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "申请人首次专利申请分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPA; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = new ChartColumn() { ColName = "ady", TableName = "st_dt" }; value2 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString(); type2 = "int"; break; case "申请人专利类型分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPA; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupType; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; //申请人专利布局动向分析 case "申请人专利布局动向分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPA; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupQY; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "申请人专利技术构成分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPA; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupIPC; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "申请人研发阵容分析": if (e.ColumnIndex >= 2) { MessageBox.Show("对不起,本列不支持数据钻取!", "提示"); return; } break; case "申请人专利合作分析": if (e.ColumnIndex >= 2) { MessageBox.Show("对不起,本列不支持数据钻取!", "提示"); return; } break; case "发明人专利排名分析": columnname1 = config.GroupIN; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); break; case "发明人专利技术构成分析": columnname1 = config.GroupIN; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupIPC; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; #endregion #region 技术 case "专利技术构成分析": columnname1 = config.GroupIPC; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); break; case "专利技术趋势分析": columnname1 = config.GroupYear; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; columnname2 = config.GroupIPC; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "专利技术区域分析": columnname1 = config.GroupIPC; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupQY; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "专利技术申请人分析": columnname1 = config.GroupIPC; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupPA; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; #endregion #region 法律状态 case "专利法律状态分析": columnname1 = config.GroupLG; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); break; case "专利存活期分析": columnname1 = config.GroupCS; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; break; case "有效专利维持期分析": columnname1 = config.GroupCS; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; break; case "申请人法律状态分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPA; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupLG; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "区域法律状态分析": columnname1 = config.GroupQY; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupLG; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "技术领域法律状态分析": columnname1 = config.GroupQY; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = config.GroupLG; value2 = showdata.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; break; case "公知技术统计分析": columnname1 = config.GroupPA; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); columnname2 = new ChartColumn() { ColName = "isgongzhi", TableName = "st_dt" }; value2 = "1"; type2 = "int"; break; case "专利审查周期分析": columnname1 = config.GroupCS; value1 = showdata.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); type1 = "int"; break; case "法律状态自定义分析": break; case "中国本土专利趋势": break; case "中美市场专利趋势": break; case "中欧市场专利趋势": break; case "中国市场重点技术排行榜": break; case "中国市场专利申请人排行榜": break; case "中国市场布局国家排行榜": break; #endregion } List<string> tables = new List<string>(); string where1 = ""; string where2 = ""; if (columnname1 != null) { tables.Add(columnname1.TableName); if (type1 == "int") { where1 = string.Format(" and {0}.{1} ={2} ", columnname1.TableName, columnname1.ColName, value1); } else { where1 = string.Format(" and {0}.{1} ='{2}' ", columnname1.TableName, columnname1.ColName, value1); } } if (columnname2 != null) { tables.Add(columnname2.TableName); if (type2 == "int") { where2 = string.Format(" and {0}.{1} ={2} ", columnname2.TableName, columnname2.ColName, value2); } else { where2 = string.Format(" and {0}.{1} ='{2}' ", columnname2.TableName, columnname2.ColName, value2); } } tables.Add("show_Base"); tables.Add("st_dt"); tables = tables.Distinct<string>().ToList<string>(); StringBuilder sbtable = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbjoin = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var table in tables) { sbtable.Append(table + ","); if (table == "st_dt") continue; sbjoin.Append("st_dt.sid = " + table + ".sid and "); } string strtable = sbtable.ToString(0, sbtable.Length - 1); string strjoin = sbjoin.ToString(0, sbjoin.Length - 4); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.FilterSQL)) { strtable += ", (" + config.FilterSQL + " ) as Filter "; if (strjoin == "") { strjoin += string.Format("{0}.sid = Filter.sid", tables[0]); } else { strjoin += string.Format(" and {0}.sid = Filter.sid", tables[0]); } } string select = " (@rowIdx:=@rowIdx+1) as '序号',st_dt.sid, as '申请号', as '公开号',show_Base.Title as '标题'"; string where0 = " and st_dt.ztid=" + zid; string sql = string.Format("select {0} from {1} where {2} {3} {4} {5}", select, strtable, strjoin, where0, where1, where2); string sql1 = string.Format("select count(distinct st_dt.sid) from {1} where {2} {3} {4} {5}", select, strtable, strjoin, where0, where1, where2); frmPtListmin frm = new frmPtListmin(dbname, zid, dbtype, sql, sql1); frm.ShowDialog(); }