public ResponseBase Add(Client client) { var response = new ResponseBase(); try { if (_context.Clients.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower() == client.Name.ToLower() && p.PAN == client.PAN && p.DOB == client.DOB).FirstOrDefault() != null) { response.ResultSuccess = false; response.ResultMessages.Add(new ResultMessage { Message = "Client is already added" }); return(response); } _context.Clients.Add(client); _context.SaveChanges(); response.ResultSuccess = true; } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); response.ResultMessages.Add(new ResultMessage { Message = "Faild to Add Client" }); } return(response); }
public ClientsWithCount GetByFilter(int id, string columnName, string value, int offset, bool isCount = false) { ClientsWithCount response = new ClientsWithCount(); try { switch (columnName) { case "Name": response.Clients = _context.Clients.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(value) && p.ReturnTypeId == id).OrderBy(p => p.Id).Skip(offset).Take(10).ToList(); if (isCount) { response.TotalCount = _context.Clients.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(value) && p.ReturnTypeId == id).Count(); } break; case "PanCard": response.Clients = _context.Clients.Where(p => p.PAN.Contains(value) && p.ReturnTypeId == id).OrderBy(p => p.Id).Skip(offset).Take(10).ToList(); if (isCount) { response.TotalCount = _context.Clients.Where(p => p.PAN.Contains(value) && p.ReturnTypeId == id).Count(); } break; default: break; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); } return(response); }
public ResponseBase Add(Company_Details company) { var response = new ResponseBase(); try { if (_context.Company_Details.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower() == company.Name.ToLower() && p.PAN == company.PAN).FirstOrDefault() != null) { response.ResultSuccess = false; response.ResultMessages.Add(new ResultMessage { Message = "Company is already added" }); return(response); } _context.Company_Details.Add(company); _context.SaveChanges(); response.ResultSuccess = true; } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); response.ResultMessages.Add(new ResultMessage { Message = "Faild to Add Company" }); } return(response); }
public List <Company_Details> Get() { List <Company_Details> getallCompany = new List <Company_Details>(); try { getallCompany = _context.Company_Details.ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); } return(getallCompany); }
public ResponseBase AddClientDetails(Client_Details details, string filePath) { var response = new ResponseBase(); try { var findClientDetails = _context.Client_Details.Where(p => p.AY == details.AY && p.ClientId == details.ClientId).FirstOrDefault(); if (findClientDetails != null) { details.Id = findClientDetails.Id; //response.ResultSuccess = false; //response.ResultMessages.Add(new ResultMessage { Message = "Invoice already generated" }); //return response; } else { _context.Client_Details.Add(details); _context.SaveChanges(); } var lastIds = _context.Client_Invoice.Where(p => p.Client_Id == details.ClientId).OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).FirstOrDefault(); Client_Invoice invoice = new Client_Invoice(); invoice.Client_DetailsId = details.Id; invoice.Client_Id = details.ClientId; invoice.Path = filePath; string number = "1"; if (lastIds != null) { number = (Convert.ToInt32(lastIds.InvoiceNumber.Substring(lastIds.InvoiceNumber.IndexOf(" "), lastIds.InvoiceNumber.Length - lastIds.InvoiceNumber.IndexOf(" ")).Trim()) + 1).ToString(); } invoice.InvoiceNumber = "Invoice " + number; _context.Client_Invoice.Add(invoice); _context.SaveChanges(); response.ResultSuccess = true; } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); response.ResultMessages.Add(new ResultMessage { Message = "Faild to Generate Invoice" }); } return(response); }
public List <Client_Invoice> GetInvoices(string ay) { var response = new List <Client_Invoice>(); try { var clntDetails = _context.Client_Details.Where(p => p.AY == ay).FirstOrDefault(); if (clntDetails != null) { response = _context.Client_Invoice.Include("Client_Details").Where(p => p.Client_DetailsId == clntDetails.Id).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); } return(response); }
public ClientsWithCount GetAll(int id, int offset, bool isCount = false) { ClientsWithCount response = new ClientsWithCount(); try { response.Clients = _context.Clients.Where(p => p.ReturnTypeId == id).OrderBy(p => p.Id).Skip(offset).Take(10).ToList(); if (isCount) { response.TotalCount = _context.Clients.Count(p => p.ReturnTypeId == id); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); return(null); } return(response); }
public bool AutheticateUser(string username, string password) { bool isValid = false; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { return(_context.Logins.Any(p => p.Username.ToLower() == username.ToLower() && p.Password == password)); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteException(ex); } return(isValid); }