public void RefreshAppRelease(BuildContext ctx, AppReleaseInfo release) { string filePath = release.GetAssembliesPath (ctx); string file = Path.Combine (filePath, ""); string timestamp = release.LastUpdateTime.ToString (); string timestampFile = Path.Combine (filePath, "__timestamp"); try { if (File.Exists (timestampFile)) { string date = File.ReadAllText (timestampFile); if (date == timestamp) return; } } catch (Exception ex) { ctx.Log (ex); } Util.ResetFolder (filePath); ctx.Status = "Downloading assembly package for release " + release.AppVersion; WebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create (ctx.ServerUrl + release.ZipUrl); WebResponse res = req.GetResponse (); res.GetResponseStream ().SaveToFile (file); ctx.Status = "Extracting assemblies for release " + release.AppVersion; using (Stream fs = File.OpenRead (file)) { ZipFile zfile = new ZipFile (fs); foreach (ZipEntry ze in zfile) { string fname = ze.Name.ToLower (); if (fname.EndsWith (".dll") || fname.EndsWith (".exe")) { using (Stream s = zfile.GetInputStream (ze)) { s.SaveToFile (Path.Combine (filePath, Path.GetFileName (ze.Name))); } } } } File.Delete (file); File.WriteAllText (timestampFile, timestamp); ctx.Status = "Assembly package for release " + release.AppVersion + " isntalled"; }
AddinData BuildProjectAddin(BuildContext ctx, SourceTagInfo stag, string logFile, string sourcePath, AppReleaseInfo rel, AddinProjectAddin addin) { SetupService ss = new SetupService (); bool generatedXplatPackage = false; HashSet<string> foundPlatforms = new HashSet<string> (); AddinData ainfo = new AddinData (); foreach (AddinProjectSource psource in addin.Sources) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (psource.AddinFile)) throw new Exception ("AddinFile element not found in addin-project.xml"); string platforms = psource.Platforms; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (platforms)) platforms = ctx.Application.Platforms; string[] platformList = platforms.Split (new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string plat in platformList) if (!foundPlatforms.Add (plat)) throw new Exception ("Platform " + plat + " specificed in more than open Project element"); string outFile = NormalizePath (psource.AddinFile); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (psource.BuildFile)) { // Build the project string solFile = Path.Combine (sourcePath, NormalizePath (psource.BuildFile)); string ops = " \"/p:ReferencePath=" + rel.GetAssembliesPath (ctx) + "\""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (psource.BuildConfiguration)) ops += " \"/property:Configuration=" + psource.BuildConfiguration + "\""; ops = ops + " \"" + solFile + "\""; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder (); try { // Clean the project RunCommand (ctx.LocalSettings.MSBuildCommand, "/t:Clean " + ops, output, output, Timeout.Infinite); // Build RunCommand (ctx.LocalSettings.MSBuildCommand, ops, output, output, Timeout.Infinite); } finally { File.AppendAllText (logFile, "<pre>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (output.ToString ()) + "</pre>"); } } // Generate the package string tmpPath = Path.Combine (sourcePath, "tmp"); File.AppendAllText (logFile, "<p><b>Building Package</b></p>"); LocalStatusMonitor monitor = new LocalStatusMonitor (); try { if (Directory.Exists (tmpPath)) Directory.Delete (tmpPath, true); Directory.CreateDirectory (tmpPath); ss.BuildPackage (monitor, tmpPath, Path.Combine (sourcePath, outFile)); string file = Directory.GetFiles (tmpPath, "*.mpack").FirstOrDefault (); if (file == null) throw new Exception ("Add-in generation failed"); AddinInfo ai = ReadAddinInfo (file); ainfo.AddinVersion = ai.Version; ainfo.AddinId = Mono.Addins.Addin.GetIdName (ai.Id); if (!generatedXplatPackage && platformList.Length > 0) { File.Copy (file, Path.Combine (stag.GetPackagePath (ctx), "All.mpack"), true); generatedXplatPackage = true; } else { foreach (string plat in platformList) { File.Copy (file, Path.Combine (stag.GetPackagePath (ctx), plat + ".mpack"), true); } } } finally { try { Directory.Delete (tmpPath, true); } catch { } File.AppendAllText (logFile, "<pre>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (monitor.ToString ()) + "</pre>"); } } ainfo.Platforms = string.Join (" ", foundPlatforms.ToArray ()); ainfo.AppVersion = rel.AppVersion; return ainfo; }
public void RefreshAppRelease(BuildContext ctx, AppReleaseInfo release) { string filePath = release.GetAssembliesPath (ctx); string installPath = Path.Combine (filePath, "__install"); string timestamp = release.LastUpdateTime.ToString (); string timestampFile = Path.Combine (filePath, "__timestamp"); try { if (File.Exists (timestampFile) && Directory.Exists (installPath)) { string date = File.ReadAllText (timestampFile); if (date == timestamp) return; } } catch (Exception ex) { ctx.Log (ex); } Util.ResetFolder (filePath); ctx.Status = "Downloading assembly package for release " + release.AppVersion; WebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create (ctx.ServerUrl + release.ZipUrl); WebResponse res = req.GetResponse (); string wfname = res.Headers["Content-Disposition"]; string ext; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (wfname)) ext = ".zip"; else ext = Path.GetExtension (wfname); string file = Path.Combine (filePath, "__release" + ext); res.GetResponseStream ().SaveToFile (file); ctx.Status = "Extracting assemblies for release " + release.AppVersion; if (ext == ".dmg") { ExtractDmg (ctx, filePath, file); } else { try { using (Stream fs = File.OpenRead (file)) { ZipFile zfile = new ZipFile (fs); foreach (ZipEntry ze in zfile) { string fname = ze.Name.ToLower (); if (fname.EndsWith (".dll") || fname.EndsWith (".exe")) { using (Stream s = zfile.GetInputStream (ze)) { s.SaveToFile (Path.Combine (filePath, Path.GetFileName (ze.Name))); } } } } } catch (ZipException) { // Maybe it is a dmg after all ExtractDmg (ctx, filePath, file); } } // Extract the whole app, keeping the directory structure Run7z (file, installPath); File.Delete (file); File.WriteAllText (timestampFile, timestamp); ctx.Status = "Assembly package for release " + release.AppVersion + " isntalled"; }