// Create a new (empty) customer // and put the form into Adding mode private void Add() { Customer newCustomer = new Customer { CustomerID = 0 }; this.customers.Insert(currentCustomer, newCustomer); this.IsAdding = true; this.OnPropertyChanged("Current"); }
protected Account(Customer customer, decimal monthlyInterestRate, DateTime accountStartDate = default(DateTime)) { this.AccountStartDate = accountStartDate == default(DateTime) ? DateTime.Today : accountStartDate; this.MonthlyInterestRate = monthlyInterestRate; this.Customer = customer; this.Balance = 0.0m; }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); Window.Current.SizeChanged += WindowSizeChanged; List<string> titles = new List<string> { "Mr", "Mrs", "Ms" }; this.title.ItemsSource = titles; this.cTitle.ItemsSource = titles; Customer customer = new Customer { CustomerID = 1, Title = "Mr", FirstName = "John", LastName = "Sharp", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", Phone = "111-1111" }; this.DataContext = customer; }
public CustomerDetailViewModel(Customer customer = null) { _CapabilityService = DependencyService.Get<ICapabilityService>(); _Geocoder = new Geocoder(); if (customer == null) { _IsNewCustomer = true; Customer = new Customer(); } else { _IsNewCustomer = false; Customer = customer; } Title = _IsNewCustomer ? "New Customer" : _Customer.DisplayLastNameFirst; _AddressString = Customer.AddressString; SubscribeToSaveCustomerMessages(); SubscribeToCustomerLocationUpdatedMessages(); }
public void GoTo(Customer customer) { this.currentCustomer = this.customers.IndexOf(customer); this.OnPropertyChanged("Current"); this.IsAtStart = (this.currentCustomer == 0); this.IsAtEnd = (this.customers.Count - 1 == this.currentCustomer); }
// Helper method to validate customer details private bool ValidateCustomer(Customer customer) { string validationErrors = string.Empty; bool hasErrors = false; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.FirstName)) { hasErrors = true; validationErrors = "First Name must not be empty\n"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.LastName)) { hasErrors = true; validationErrors += "Last Name must not be empty\n"; } // Email address is a series of characters that do not include a space or @ // followed by @ // followed by a series of characters that do not include a space or @ // followed by . // followed by a series of characters that do not include a space or @ Regex emailRegex = new Regex(@"^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ ]+$"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.EmailAddress) || !emailRegex.IsMatch(customer.EmailAddress)) { hasErrors = true; validationErrors += "Invalid Email Address\n"; } // Phone number is a series of digits, brackets, spaces, +, and - characters Regex phoneRegex = new Regex(@"^[0-9\(\)\/+ \-]+$"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.Phone) || !phoneRegex.IsMatch(customer.Phone)) { hasErrors = true; validationErrors += "Invalid Phone Number\n"; } return !hasErrors; }
public DepositAccount(Customer customer, decimal balance, double interestRate) : base(customer, balance, interestRate) { }
protected Account(Customer customer, decimal balance, double interestRate) { this.Customer = customer; this.Balance = balance; this.InterestRate = interestRate; }
public Mortgage(Customer customer, decimal balance, decimal iRate) : base(customer,balance,iRate) { }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtCusID.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("You must select a Customer first"); return; } try { Customer updateData = new Customer(); updateData.CustomerID = int.Parse(this.txtCusID.Text.Trim()); updateData.CompanyName = this.txtCompName.Text; updateData.Contactname = this.txtContName.Text; updateData.ContactTitle = this.txtContTitle.Text; updateData.Address = this.txtAddr.Text; updateData.City = this.txtCity.Text; updateData.Region = this.txtRegion.Text; updateData.Postalcode = this.txtPos.Text; updateData.Country = this.cbCountry.Text; updateData.Phone = this.txtPhone.Text; updateData.Fax = this.txtFax.Text; this.dataModel.updateRow(updateData); MessageBox.Show("Updated"); clearAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public MortgageAccount(Customer customer, decimal monthlyInterestRate, decimal mortageAmount, DateTime accountStartDate = default(DateTime)) : base(customer, monthlyInterestRate, accountStartDate) { this.MortageAmount = mortageAmount; this.Balance = this.MortageAmount; }
public DepositAccount(Customer customer, decimal monthlyInterestRate, decimal initialAmount, DateTime accountStartDate = default(DateTime)) : base(customer, monthlyInterestRate, accountStartDate) { this.Deposit(initialAmount); }
public Account(Customer customer, decimal balance, decimal iRate) { this.customer = customer; this.Balance = balance; this.IRate = iRate; }
private void Edit () { this.oldCustomer = new Customer(); this.CopyCustomer(this.Current, this.oldCustomer); this.IsEditing = true; }
public DepositAccount(Customer customer, double interestRate) : base(customer, interestRate) { }
public LoanAccount(Customer customer, double interestRate) : base(customer, interestRate) { }
public LoanAccount(Customer customer, decimal monthlyInterestRate, decimal loanAmount, DateTime accountStartDate = default(DateTime)) : base(customer, monthlyInterestRate, accountStartDate) { this.LoanAmount = loanAmount; this.Balance = this.LoanAmount; }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Customer newCus = new Customer(); newCus.CustomerID = -1; newCus.CompanyName = this.txtCompName.Text; newCus.Contactname = this.txtContName.Text; newCus.ContactTitle = this.txtContTitle.Text; newCus.Address = this.txtAddr.Text; newCus.City = this.txtCity.Text; newCus.Region = this.txtRegion.Text; newCus.Postalcode = this.txtPos.Text; newCus.Country = this.cbCountry.Text; newCus.Phone = this.txtPhone.Text; newCus.Fax = this.txtFax.Text; int check = newCus.isValid(); if (check < 0) { MessageBox.Show(newCus.getErrorMessage(check)); } else { this.dataModel.insertNewRow(newCus); MessageBox.Show("Completed"); clearAll(); } }
public MortgageAccount(Customer customer, double interestRate) : base(customer, interestRate) { }
private void gvCustomers_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.gvCustomers.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { Customer get = new Customer(); get.CustomerID = int.Parse(this.gvCustomers.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); Customer selectedItem = this.dataModel.Data[dataModel.Data.IndexOf(get)]; this.txtCusID.Text = selectedItem.CustomerID.ToString(); this.txtCompName.Text = selectedItem.CompanyName; this.txtContName.Text = selectedItem.Contactname; this.txtContTitle.Text = selectedItem.ContactTitle; this.txtAddr.Text = selectedItem.Address; this.txtCity.Text = selectedItem.City; this.txtRegion.Text = selectedItem.Region; this.txtPos.Text = selectedItem.Postalcode; this.cbCountry.Text = selectedItem.Country; this.txtPhone.Text = selectedItem.Phone; this.txtFax.Text = selectedItem.Fax; } else { this.txtCusID.Text = ""; } }
// Utility method for copying the details of a customer private void CopyCustomer(Customer source, Customer destination) { destination.CustomerID = source.CustomerID; destination.EmailAddress = source.EmailAddress; destination.FirstName = source.FirstName; destination.LastName = source.LastName; destination.Phone = source.Phone; destination.Title = source.Title; destination.rowguid = source.rowguid; destination.ModifiedDate = source.ModifiedDate; }
public Deposit(Customer customer, decimal balance, decimal iRate) : base(customer, balance, iRate) { this.Balance = balance; }
public Loan(Customer customer, decimal balance, decimal iRate) : base(customer, balance, iRate) { }