public static void Main() { CustomerFilter filterByAK = new CustomerFilter(IsCustomerStartWithAToK); CustomerFilter filterByLZ = new CustomerFilter(IsCustomerStartWithLToZ); List <Customer> anotherCustomerList = new List <Customer>(); anotherCustomerList.Add(new Customer("Nelly", "Holon", 311)); anotherCustomerList.Add(new Customer("Kevin", "TelAviv", 11)); anotherCustomerList.Add(new Customer("Itay", "Heifa", 89)); anotherCustomerList.Add(new Customer("Ziva", "BatYam", 111)); anotherCustomerList.Add(new Customer("Ketty", "Holon", 222)); List <Customer> list1 = GetCustomers(anotherCustomerList, filterByAK); Console.WriteLine("The Names that starts with A-K"); foreach (Customer customer in list1) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", customer.Name); } List <Customer> list2 = GetCustomers(anotherCustomerList, filterByLZ); Console.WriteLine("The Names That starts With L-Z"); foreach (Customer customer in list2) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", customer.Name); } List <Customer> list3 = new List <Customer>(); CustomerFilter lambdaFilter = s => s.ID < 100; list3 = GetCustomers(anotherCustomerList, lambdaFilter); Console.WriteLine("The list of customers that thier Id is smaller than 100"); foreach (Customer customer in list3) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", customer.Name); } Customer[] customerList = new Customer[4]; customerList[0] = new Customer("NELLY", "Holon", 311); customerList[1] = new Customer("nelly", "Holon", 450); customerList[2] = new Customer("Elad", "Givaataim", 300); customerList[3] = new Customer("Tami", "Raanana", 324); Array.Sort(customerList); Console.WriteLine("Sorted List"); foreach (Customer currentCustomer in customerList) { Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", currentCustomer.Name, currentCustomer.ID); } IComparer <Customer> newComparer = new AnotherCustomerComparer(); Array.Sort(customerList, newComparer); Console.WriteLine("the list of customers sorted by id"); foreach (Customer currentCustomer in customerList) { Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", currentCustomer.Name, currentCustomer.ID); } }
public static void Main() { Customer[] customerList = new Customer[4]; customerList[0] = new Customer("NELLY", "Holon", 311); customerList[1] = new Customer("nelly", "Holon", 450); customerList[2] = new Customer("Elad", "Givaataim", 300); customerList[3] = new Customer("Tami", "Raanana", 324); Array.Sort(customerList); foreach (Customer currentCustomer in customerList) { Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", currentCustomer.Name, currentCustomer.ID); } IComparer <Customer> newComparer = new AnotherCustomerComparer(); Array.Sort(customerList, newComparer); foreach (Customer currentCustomer in customerList) { Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", currentCustomer.Name, currentCustomer.ID); } }