public ItemInstance(ItemInstanceJson json, GameSchema reference) { InstanceID =; OriginalInstanceID = json.original_id; Item = reference.GetItem(json.defindex); Level = json.level; Count = json.quantity; Tradable = !json.flag_cannot_trade; Craftable = !json.flag_cannot_craft; Quality = (Quality)json.quality; CustomName = json.custom_name; CustomDescription = json.custom_desc; Style =; InventoryLocationFlags flags = (InventoryLocationFlags)json.inventory; BackpackSlot = flags.GetBackpackPos(); IsNewToBackpack = flags.IsNewItem(); Attributes = new List<AppliedInstanceAttribute>(); if (json.attributes != null) { foreach (AppliedItemInstanceAttributeJson aiiaj in json.attributes) { Attributes.Add(new AppliedInstanceAttribute(aiiaj)); } } if (json.contained_item != null) { WrappedItem = new ItemInstance(json.contained_item, reference); } }
public bool SetItemFromFullSlot(ItemInstance inst) { if (!inst.BackpackSlot.IsBetween(MinSlotID, MaxSlotID)) { return false; } int index = inst.BackpackSlot - MinSlotID; Items[index] = inst; return true; }
public BackpackPage(List<ItemInstance> items, int pageid) { PageID = pageid; Items = new ItemInstance[50]; foreach (ItemInstance i in items) { if ((i.BackpackSlot - 1).IsBetween(MinSlotID, MaxSlotID) && !i.IsNewToBackpack) { Items[i.BackpackSlot - MinSlotID - 1] = i; } } }
public ItemPriceInfo(ItemInstance inst) { Item = inst.Item; Quality = inst.Quality; Killstreak = inst.GetKillstreak(); Unusual = inst.GetUnusual(); CrateSeries = inst.GetCrateSeries(); _skin = Item.GetSkin(); SkinWear = inst.GetSkinWear(); Craftable = inst.Craftable; Tradable = inst.Tradable; Australium = inst.IsAustralium(); }
public ClassifiedsListing(ItemInstance inst, Price price, string steamID, string nickname, string url, string comment = "", bool buyoutOnly = true, OrderType order = OrderType.Sell) { ItemInstance = inst; Price = price; ListerSteamID64 = steamID; if (nickname != null) { ListerNickname = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(nickname); } BuyoutOnly = buyoutOnly; if (!comment.IsNullOrWhitespace()) { Comment = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(comment); } OrderType = order; OfferURL = url; }
public static List<ClassifiedsListing> GetClassifieds(Item item, Quality quality, bool craftable = true, bool tradable = true, bool australium = false) { string url = MakeBpTfClassifiedsUrl(item, quality, craftable, tradable, australium); VersatileIO.Verbose("Downloading listings from {0}...", url.Shorten(100, "")); WebClient client = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }; string html = client.DownloadString(url); //Logger.Log(" Download complete.", ConsoleColor.DarkGray); VersatileIO.Verbose(" Scraping listings from HTML..."); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); List<ClassifiedsListing> results = new List<ClassifiedsListing>(); HtmlNode root = doc.DocumentNode; #region sells HtmlNode sellOrderRoot = root.Descendants("ul").FirstOrDefault(n => n.Attributes.Contains("class") && n.Attributes["class"].Value == "media-list"); if (sellOrderRoot == null) { VersatileIO.Verbose(" No sell orders found."); } else { List<HtmlNode> sellOrderBases = sellOrderRoot.Descendants("li").ToList(); foreach (HtmlNode sob in sellOrderBases) { HtmlNode sellData = sob.Descendants("li").FirstOrDefault(); if (sellData == null) { continue; } Item foundItem = item; string sellItemName = sellData.Attributes["data-name"].Value; // not really necessary string sellTradable = sellData.Attributes["data-tradable"]?.Value; // or this string sellCraftable = sellData.Attributes["data-craftable"]?.Value; // or this string sellQuality = sellData.Attributes["data-quality"].Value; // or even this string sellComment = sellData.Attributes["data-listing_comment"]?.Value; string sellPrice = sellData.Attributes["data-listing_price"].Value; string sellLevel = sellData.Attributes["data-level"]?.Value ?? "-1"; string sellID = sellData.Attributes["data-id"].Value; string sellerSteamID64 = sellData.Attributes["data-listing_account_id"].Value; string sellerNickname = sellData.Attributes["data-listing_name"]?.Value; string sellOfferUrl = sellData.Attributes["data-listing_offers_url"]?.Value; string sellOriginalID = sellData.Attributes["data-original_id"]?.Value; string sellCustomName = sellData.Attributes["data-custom_name"]?.Value; string sellCustomDesc = sellData.Attributes["data-custom_desc"]?.Value; string sellBuyoutOnly = sellData.Attributes["data-listing_buyout"]?.Value ?? "0"; string sellMarketName = sellData.Attributes["data-market-name"]?.Value; if (sellMarketName != null) { MarketPricing mp = DataManager.MarketPrices.GetPricing(sellMarketName); if (mp?.GunMettleSkin != null) { foundItem = mp.GunMettleSkin.GetItemForm(DataManager.Schema); } } ulong id = ulong.Parse(sellID); // really funky syntax down here -v ulong? originalID = sellOriginalID != null ? new ulong?(ulong.Parse(sellOriginalID)) : null; Price price = Price.ParseFancy(sellPrice); int level = int.Parse(sellLevel); bool buyoutOnly = BooleanUtil.ParseLoose(sellBuyoutOnly); ItemInstance instance = new ItemInstance(foundItem, id, level, quality, craftable, sellCustomName, sellCustomDesc, originalID, tradable); ClassifiedsListing listing = new ClassifiedsListing(instance, price, sellerSteamID64, sellerNickname, sellOfferUrl, sellComment, buyoutOnly, OrderType.Sell); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listing.OfferURL)) { continue; } results.Add(listing); } VersatileIO.Verbose(" Sell order scrape complete."); } #endregion sells #region buys HtmlNode buyOrderRoot = root.Descendants("ul").LastOrDefault(n => n.Attributes.Contains("class") && n.Attributes["class"].Value == "media-list"); if (buyOrderRoot == null) { VersatileIO.Verbose(" No buy orders found."); } else { List<HtmlNode> buyOrderBases = buyOrderRoot.Descendants("li").ToList(); foreach (HtmlNode bob in buyOrderBases) { HtmlNode buyData = bob.Descendants("li").FirstOrDefault(); if (buyData == null) { continue; } Item foundItem = item; string buyItemName = buyData.Attributes["data-name"].Value; // not really necessary string buyTradable = buyData.Attributes["data-tradable"]?.Value; // or this string buyCraftable = buyData.Attributes["data-craftable"]?.Value; // or this string buyQuality = buyData.Attributes["data-quality"].Value; // or even this string buyComment = buyData.Attributes["data-listing_comment"]?.Value; string buyPrice = buyData.Attributes["data-listing_price"].Value; string buyLevel = buyData.Attributes["data-level"]?.Value ?? "-1"; string buyID = buyData.Attributes["data-id"]?.Value ?? "0"; string buyerSteamID64 = buyData.Attributes["data-listing_account_id"].Value; string buyerSteamNickname = buyData.Attributes["data-listing_name"]?.Value; string buyOfferUrl = buyData.Attributes["data-listing_offers_url"]?.Value; string buyOriginalID = buyData.Attributes["data-original_id"]?.Value; string buyCustomName = buyData.Attributes["data-custom_name"]?.Value; string buyCustomDesc = buyData.Attributes["data-custom_desc"]?.Value; string buyBuyoutOnly = buyData.Attributes["data-listing_buyout"]?.Value ?? "0"; string buyMarketName = buyData.Attributes["data-market-name"]?.Value; if (buyMarketName != null) { MarketPricing mp = DataManager.MarketPrices.GetPricing(buyMarketName); if (mp != null && mp.GunMettleSkin != null) { foundItem = mp.GunMettleSkin.GetItemForm(DataManager.Schema); } } ulong id = ulong.Parse(buyID == "" ? "0" : buyID); // really funky syntax down here -v ulong? originalID = buyOriginalID != null ? new ulong?(ulong.Parse(buyOriginalID == "" ? "0" : buyOriginalID)) : null; Price price = Price.ParseFancy(buyPrice); int level = int.Parse(buyLevel); bool buyoutOnly = BooleanUtil.ParseLoose(buyBuyoutOnly); ItemInstance instance = new ItemInstance(foundItem, id, level, quality, craftable, buyCustomName, buyCustomDesc, originalID, tradable); ClassifiedsListing listing = new ClassifiedsListing(instance, price, buyerSteamID64, buyerSteamNickname, buyOfferUrl, buyComment, buyoutOnly, OrderType.Buy); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(listing.OfferURL)) { continue; } results.Add(listing); } VersatileIO.Verbose(" Buy order scrape complete."); } #endregion buys return results; }
public bool MatchesInstance(ItemInstance inst) { if (inst.Item != Item) { return false; } if (inst.GetKillstreak() != Killstreak) { return false; } if (inst.Quality != Quality) { return false; } return true; }
public bool SetItemFromFullSlot(ushort slot, ItemInstance inst) { inst.BackpackSlot = slot; return SetItemFromFullSlot(inst); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the resulting price from complex algorithm. /// </summary> /// <param name="inst">Item to check</param> /// <returns>The resulting price</returns> public static PriceRange? GetPrice(ItemInstance inst) { return GetPrice(new ItemPriceInfo(inst)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the resulting price from complex algorithm, with the flag "market" if the price /// was obtained from the Steam Community Market. /// </summary> /// <param name="inst">Item to check</param> /// <returns>The resulting price with flags</returns> public static FlaggedResult<PriceRange?, string> GetPriceFlagged(ItemInstance inst) { return GetPriceFlagged(new ItemPriceInfo(inst)); }