/// <summary>A Harmony prefix patch that excludes designated NPCs from visiting <see cref="IslandSouth"/>.</summary>
        /// <param name="npc">The NPC being checked.</param>
        /// <param name="__result">The original method's return value. True if the NPC can visit the island today; false if they cannot.</param>
        public static bool IslandSouth_CanVisitIslandToday(NPC npc, ref bool __result)
                List <string> exclusions = ModEntry.GetNPCExclusions(npc.Name); //get exclusion data for the provided NPC

                if (exclusions.Exists(entry =>
                                      entry.StartsWith("All", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || //if this NPC is excluded from everything
                                      entry.StartsWith("IslandEvent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || //if this NPC is excluded from town quests
                                      entry.StartsWith("IslandVisit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) //OR if this NPC is excluded from item delivery quests
                    ModEntry.Instance.Monitor.Log($"Excluded NPC from possible island visit: {npc.Name}", LogLevel.Trace);
                    __result = false; //return false (prevent this NPC visiting the island today)
                    return(false);    //skip the original method

                return(true); //run the original method
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModEntry.Instance.Monitor.LogOnce($"Harmony patch \"{nameof(IslandSouth_CanVisitIslandToday)}\" has encountered an error and may revert to default behavior. Full error message:\n{ex.ToString()}", LogLevel.Error);
                return(true); //run the original method
        /// <summary>Prevents this NPC from being invited to the movie theater, depending on their exclusion data.</summary>
        /// <param name="npc">The NPC being invited.</param>
        /// <returns>True if this NPC was excluded.</returns>
        public static bool ExcludeNPCFromTheaterInvitation(NPC npc)
                List <string> exclusions = ModEntry.GetNPCExclusions(npc.Name); //get this NPC's exclusion data

                foreach (string exclusion in exclusions)                        //for each of this NPC's exclusion settings
                    if (exclusion.StartsWith("All", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || //if this NPC is excluded from everything
                        exclusion.StartsWith("TownEvent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || //OR if this NPC is excluded from town events
                        exclusion.StartsWith("MovieInvite", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //OR if this NPC is excluded from movie invitations
                        DrawMovieExclusionDialogue(npc);                                         //generate exclusion dialogue for this NPC
                        if (ModEntry.Instance.Monitor.IsVerbose)
                            ModEntry.Instance.Monitor.Log($"Excluded NPC from being invited to a movie: {npc.Name}", LogLevel.Trace);
                        return(true); //this NPC was excluded
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModEntry.Instance.Monitor.LogOnce($"Harmony patch \"{nameof(HarmonyPatch_MovieInvitation)}\" has encountered an error. Method \"{nameof(ExcludeNPCFromTheaterInvitation)}\" might revert to default behavior. Full error message:\n{ex.ToString()}", LogLevel.Error);

            return(false); //this NPC was NOT excluded
        /// <summary>Checks whether the given NPC's birthday should be displayed on calendars.</summary>
        /// <returns>True if the NPC's birthday should be included on calendars. False if it should be excluded.</returns>
        public static bool IncludeBirthday(NPC npc)
            List<string> excluded = ModEntry.GetNPCExclusions(npc.Name, false); //get exclusion data for this NPC

            if (excluded.Exists(entry =>
                entry.StartsWith("All", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) //if this NPC is excluded from everything
                || entry.StartsWith("TownEvent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) //OR if this NPC is excluded from town events
                || entry.StartsWith("Calendar", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) //OR this NPC is excluded from birthday calendars
                ModEntry.Instance.Monitor.VerboseLog($"Excluded NPC's birthday from a calendar: {npc.Name}");
                return false; //exclude this NPC

            return true; //allow this NPC