// Split Cell Value into other column
        public String Copy_Column_Content_To_Other_Column(String InputFile, String OriginColumn, String RegexPatternGroupToCopy, String TargetColumn)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int idxTar          = cu.Get_Column_Index(TargetColumn);
            int idxOri          = cu.Get_Column_Index(OriginColumn);
            int NumberOfMatches = 0;

            if (idxTar > -1 && idxOri > -1) // If column exists..
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                    if (entry.Key > 0) // preserving column headers
                        String CellContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(OriginColumn, entry.Key);
                        if (CellContent != null)
                            var pattern = RegexPatternGroupToCopy;
                            var matches = Regex.Matches(CellContent, pattern);
                            if (matches.Count > 0 && matches[0].Groups.Count > 1)
                                String ValueToCopy = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
                                cu.Set_Cell_Content(TargetColumn, entry.Key, ValueToCopy);
                            return("Cell Content is Null");
                return("At Least 1 Column in parameter does not exist.");
            if (NumberOfMatches == 0)
                return("No Match Found or No Regex Group defined in Regular Expression Pattern");
                return("Number of Matching Cells Found and moved: " + NumberOfMatches);
        // Rearranges columns to enforce a particular order
        public Boolean Enforce_Column_Order(String InputFile, String ColumnOrderTemplate)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            String[] ColNames = ColumnOrderTemplate.Split(',');
            IDictionary <int, List <String> > NewDict = new Dictionary <int, List <String> >();
            List <string> AllColumnNameFromTemplate   = new List <string>();
            List <int>    Order = new List <int>();

            foreach (String s in ColNames)
                // Console.WriteLine("Debug, adding:" + s.Trim());
            int NumberOfColumnsInParameters = AllColumnNameFromTemplate.Count();
            int NumberOfColumnsInCsv        = cu.Get_Number_Of_Columns();

            if (NumberOfColumnsInParameters != NumberOfColumnsInCsv)
                // Number of Columns in parameter passed is different from number of columns in CSV

            //Console.WriteLine("sdf:" + NumberOfColumnsInParameters + ":" + NumberOfColumnsInCsv);

            foreach (String Col in AllColumnNameFromTemplate)
                if (cu.Get_Column_Index(Col) < 0)

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                List <String> result1 = Order.Select(i => entry.Value[i]).ToList();
                NewDict.Add(entry.Key, result1);
            cu.dict = NewDict;
예제 #3
        // Kepp only Lines that match a regular expression
        public int Keep_Line_If_Cell_Matches_Pattern(String InputFile, String ColumnName, String RegExPattern)
            int      CntLinesKept = 0;
            CsvUtils cu           = new CsvUtils();

            IDictionary <int, List <String> > NewDict = new Dictionary <int, List <String> >();
            int ColumnIndex = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnName);

            if (ColumnIndex > -1)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                    String MyLine = cu.Get_Line_Content(entry.Key);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Debug Line: " + MyLine);
                    String CellValueToCheck = entry.Value[ColumnIndex];
                    //Console.WriteLine("Checking Value: " + CellValueToCheck + " against Regex: " + @RegExPattern);
                    var pattern = @RegExPattern;
                    var matches = Regex.Matches(CellValueToCheck, pattern);
                    if (entry.Key == 0) // if First Line, then keep it regardless of match or no match
                        if (matches.Count == 0)
                            // Console.WriteLine("Match Found, Keeping Line.");
                cu.dict = NewDict;

        // Tested - Delete an entire Line if a particular cell of a given column matches a regular expression pattern
        public int Delete_Column(String InputFile, String ColumnName)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            IDictionary <int, List <String> > NewDict = new Dictionary <int, List <String> >();
            int ColumnIndex = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnName);

            if (ColumnIndex > -1)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                    String MyLine = cu.Get_Line_Content(entry.Key);
        // Transforms the content of an entire column (by replacing it with a RegEx MATCH from a regular expression)
        public String Transform_Column_Content(String InputFile, String ColumnName, String RegExPattern)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int colIdx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnName);

            if (colIdx < 0)
                return("Column Does Not Exist.");
            int NbOfMatches = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                if (entry.Key > 0) // dont process the column header line
                    String MyContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(ColumnName, entry.Key);
                    String NewValue  = MyContent;
                    var    pattern   = @RegExPattern;
                    var    matches   = Regex.Matches(MyContent, pattern);
                    if (matches.Count > 0 && matches[0].Groups.Count > 1)
                        NewValue = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
                    cu.Save_Cell_Value_No_Save(ColumnName, entry.Key, NewValue);
            if (NbOfMatches == 0)
                return("No Match Found or No Regex Group defined in Regular Expression Pattern");
                return("Number of Matching Cells Found and transformed: " + NbOfMatches);
        // Returns Y if a cell in Column A and line 4 matches a regex, otherwise returns N
        public String Does_Cell_Content_Match_Regex(String InputFile, String ColumnName, int LineNumber, String RegExPattern)
            String   IsThereMatch = "N";
            CsvUtils cu           = new CsvUtils();

            String MyContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(ColumnName, LineNumber);

            //Console.Write("Debug:" + MyContent);
            if (MyContent != null)
                var pattern = @RegExPattern;
                var matches = Regex.Matches(MyContent, pattern);
                if (matches.Count > 0)
                    IsThereMatch = "Y";
        public Boolean Rename_Column(String InputFile, String CurrentColumnName, String NewColumnName)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int idx = cu.Get_Column_Index(CurrentColumnName);

            if (idx > -1)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                    if (entry.Key == 0)
                        entry.Value[idx] = NewColumnName;
        // Append a string to the content of a Cell IF a certain corresponding Cell in the same column or a different column matches a Regex (ex: if "Description" contains "Credit" then append a "-" to column "Amount")
        public int Append_If_Column_Matches_Pattern(String InputFile, String ColumnNameToMatch, String RegExPattern, String ColumnNameToModify, String StringToAppend, Boolean AppendAtEnd)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int CntMods             = 0;
            int ColumnIndex         = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnNameToMatch);
            int ColumnIndexToModify = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnNameToModify);

            if (ColumnIndex < 0 || ColumnIndexToModify < 0)

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                //Console.WriteLine("Debug Column Index | Name: " + ColumnIndex + ":" + ColumnName);
                String MyLine           = cu.Get_Line_Content(entry.Key);
                String CellValueToCheck = entry.Value[ColumnIndex];
                var    pattern          = @RegExPattern;
                var    matches          = Regex.Matches(CellValueToCheck, pattern);
                if (entry.Key > 0 && matches.Count != 0) // not first line AND match
                    String OriginalValueOfCell = entry.Value[ColumnIndexToModify];
                    String NewValueCell        = "";
                    if (OriginalValueOfCell.StartsWith("\""))
                        NewValueCell = cu.ReplaceFirst(OriginalValueOfCell, "\"", "\"" + StringToAppend);
                        NewValueCell = StringToAppend + OriginalValueOfCell;
                    entry.Value[ColumnIndexToModify] = NewValueCell;
        // Add a new Column before an existing one
        public int Add_Column_Before(String InputFile, String ColumnName, String ColumnNameToAdd, String EmptyCellFiller)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int Index = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnName);

            if (Index > -1) // if column found
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                    // do something with entry.Value or entry.Key
                    String NewValueToInsert = ColumnNameToAdd;
                    if (entry.Key != 0)
                        NewValueToInsert = EmptyCellFiller;
                    entry.Value.Insert(Index, NewValueToInsert);
        // Change the content of a Cell
        public String Set_Cell_Content(String InputFile, String ColumnName, int LineNumber, String NewValue)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int NbOfLines = cu.Get_Number_Of_Lines();

            if (LineNumber > NbOfLines)
                return("Line Number exceeds the number of total lines in the input file.");

            int ColIdx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnName);

            if (ColIdx < 0)
                return("Column Does Not Exist.");

            cu.Set_Cell_Content(ColumnName, LineNumber, NewValue);
        // Split Cell Value into other column (ex: on line 3 take the content of Column "Currency" ("Currency (USD)") and copy the regex group 1 to column "Clean_Currency") using Regex expression:" Currency \(([A-Z]{3})\)"
        public String Copy_Cell_Content_To_Other_Column(String InputFile, String OriginColumn, int LineNumber, String RegexPatternGroupToCopy, String TargetColumn)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            String CellContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(OriginColumn, LineNumber);

            if (CellContent != null)
                var pattern = RegexPatternGroupToCopy;
                var matches = Regex.Matches(CellContent, pattern);
                if (matches.Count > 0 && matches[0].Groups.Count > 1)
                    int idx = cu.Get_Column_Index(TargetColumn);
                    if (idx > -1) // If column exists..
                        String ValueToCopy = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
                        // Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Value Extracted: " + ValueToCopy);
                        cu.Set_Cell_Content(TargetColumn, LineNumber, ValueToCopy);
                    return("No Match Found or No Regex Group defined in Regular Expression Pattern");
                return("Cell Content is Null");
         * // Transforms the content of an entire column (by replacing it with a RegEx MATCH from a regular expression)
         * public String Split_Column_Content_based_on_groups(String InputFile, String ColumnNameToRead, String RegExPattern, String InsertAfterColumnName, String ColumnNameStub)
         * {
         *  //Check the number of matches for each Row and retrieve the Max number(N)
         *  //Create N columns after “Insert After Column” named “Col_1”, “Col_2”, etc.
         *  //For each row, split it into the proper number of elements
         *  CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();
         *  cu.SetFile(InputFile);
         *  int colIdx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnNameToRead);
         *  if (colIdx < 0) { return "Column Does Not Exist."; }
         *  int colIdxInsert = cu.Get_Column_Index(InsertAfterColumnName);
         *  if (colIdxInsert < 0) { return "Column Does Not Exist:" + InsertAfterColumnName; }
         *  int MaxNumberOfMatches = 0;
         *  foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<String>> entry in cu.dict)
         *  {
         *      if (entry.Key > 0) // dont process the column header line
         *      {
         *          String MyContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(ColumnNameToRead, entry.Key);
         *          String NewValue = MyContent;
         *          var pattern = @RegExPattern;
         *          var matches = Regex.Matches(MyContent, pattern);
         *          int NumOfMatches = matches.Count;
         *          if (NumOfMatches > MaxNumberOfMatches) { MaxNumberOfMatches = NumOfMatches; }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  //Console.WriteLine("Debug: Max Number of Matches" + MaxNumberOfMatches);
         *  for(int i = 0;i< MaxNumberOfMatches; i++)
         *  {
         *      int tempIdx = MaxNumberOfMatches - i;
         *      //icolIdx = MaxNumberOfMatches - i;
         *      Add_Column_After(cu, InsertAfterColumnName, ColumnNameStub + tempIdx, "");
         *  }
         *  foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<String>> entry in cu.dict)
         *  {
         *      if (entry.Key > 0) // dont process the column header line
         *      {
         *          String MyContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(ColumnNameToRead, entry.Key);
         *          var matches = Regex.Matches(MyContent, RegExPattern);
         *          int NumOfMatches = matches.Count;
         *          int idxMatch = 0;
         *          foreach (Match match in matches)
         *          {
         *              idxMatch++;
         *              // Console.WriteLine("Match Number:" + idxMatch + ":" + match.Value);
         *              String CurrentCellValue = match.Value;
         *             // Console.WriteLine("Debug: " + CurrentCellValue);
         *             if (CurrentCellValue.Contains(','))
         *              {
         *                  //Console.WriteLine("Quote detected");
         *                  entry.Value[colIdxInsert + idxMatch] = "\"" + CurrentCellValue + "\"";
         *              }
         *              else
         *              {
         *                  entry.Value[colIdxInsert + idxMatch] = match.Value;
         *              }
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  cu.Save_File_As_CSV(InputFile);
         *  return "";
         * }

        // Takes a row and duplicates it while extracting part of a given column (Regex Group Matches)
        public String Split_Column_Content_into_rows_based_on_matches(String InputFile, String ColumnNameToRead, String RegExPattern, int RowNumber)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            // index below is line number (without counting header)

            int colIdx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnNameToRead);

            if (colIdx < 0)
                return("Column Does Not Exist.");
            //int MaxNumberOfMatches = 0;

            List <String> MyRowContent = cu.dict[RowNumber];
            String        MyContent    = MyRowContent[colIdx];

            var pattern      = @RegExPattern;
            var matches      = Regex.Matches(MyContent, pattern);
            int NumOfMatches = matches.Count;

            List <List <String> > AllNewRows = new List <List <String> >();

            foreach (Match match in matches)
                List <String> RowCopy    = new List <String>(MyRowContent);
                String        MatchValue = match.Value;
                RowCopy[colIdx] = MatchValue;

            Add_Rows_After2(cu, RowNumber, AllNewRows);
        // Change the value of multiple cells in a column based on Range (Ex: set "USD" in column currency from line 3 to 15)
        public Boolean Save_Cell_Value_On_Range(String InputFile, String ColumnName, int LineNumberStart, int LineNumberEnd, String NewValue)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int ColumnIndex = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnName);

            if (ColumnIndex > -1 && LineNumberStart < LineNumberEnd)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                    if (entry.Key >= LineNumberStart && entry.Key <= LineNumberEnd)
                        entry.Value[ColumnIndex] = NewValue;
예제 #14
        // the following method is fairly complex and undocumented.. TBD
        public string Get_Output_As_Json(String InputFile, String TitleForSingleValues, String ListOfColumsOfStandardFields, String TitleForItemValues, String ListOfColumnsOfItemizedFields)
            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();


            // Get the list of columns that contain standard fields
            String[] ColumsOfStandardFields = ListOfColumsOfStandardFields.Split(',');

            // Get the list of columns that contain itemized fields
            String[] ColumnsOfItemizedFields = ListOfColumnsOfItemizedFields.Split(',');

            // This List will contain all "Key|Value" pairs retrieved from columns with standard fields: ex:[ {invoice_Date:1/2/2018} , {invoice_number:1234} ]
            List <KeyValuePair> AllKeyValuePairsStdFields = new List <KeyValuePair>();

            // this list will contain all lists of "Key|Value" pairs retrieved form columns with itemized fields[ [{Item Number:1},{Item Total:122}],[{Item Number:2},{Item Total:144}] ]
            List <KeyValuePairArray> AllKeyValuePairsItemFields = new List <KeyValuePairArray>();

            foreach (String ColName in ColumsOfStandardFields)
                int idx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColName);
                if (idx < 0)
                    return(GetErrorJson("Standard Column Not Found: " + ColName));

                List <String> AllVals         = cu.GetAllValuesFromColumn(ColName);
                List <String> distinct        = AllVals.Distinct().ToList();
                int           nbOfDisctValues = distinct.Count();
                int           index           = 0;
                if (nbOfDisctValues > 1)
                    index = 1;
                KeyValuePair kvp = new KeyValuePair(ColName, distinct[index]);
                //Console.Write("Value Std:" + distinct[1]);

            List <int> ColumnsToExtract = new List <int>();

            Console.Write("Debug:" + ColumnsOfItemizedFields.Count());

            if (ColumnsOfItemizedFields.Count() > 0 && ColumnsOfItemizedFields[0] != "")
                foreach (String ColName in ColumnsOfItemizedFields)
                    int idx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColName);
                    if (idx < 0)
                        return(GetErrorJson("Itemized Column Not Found: " + ColName));
                    int cIdx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColName);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                    // List<String> OneSetofValues = new List<String>();
                    if (entry.Key > 0)
                        KeyValuePairArray kvpa = new KeyValuePairArray();
                        int idx = 0;
                        foreach (String s in entry.Value)
                            //var result0 = String.Join(",", ColumnsToExtract.ToArray());
                            //Console.Write("Debug:" + entry.Value.IndexOf(s) + "|"+ result0);
                            String ColumnHeader = cu.Get_Column_name(idx);

                            bool isInList = ColumnsToExtract.IndexOf(idx) != -1;
                            if (isInList)
                                KeyValuePair kvp = new KeyValuePair(ColumnHeader, s);

                                // OneSetofValues.Add(s);

            String dataString = "{" + "\"" + TitleForSingleValues + "\":{";

            foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in AllKeyValuePairsStdFields)
                dataString = dataString + "\"" + kvp.KeyName + "\":\"" + kvp.Value + "\",";
            dataString = dataString.TrimEnd(',');
            dataString = dataString + "}";

            if (AllKeyValuePairsItemFields.Count() > 0)
                dataString = dataString + "," + "\"" + TitleForItemValues + "\":[";
                foreach (KeyValuePairArray kvpa in AllKeyValuePairsItemFields)
                    dataString = dataString + "{";
                    foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in kvpa.listOfItems)
                        dataString = dataString + "\"" + kvp.KeyName + "\":" + "\"" + kvp.Value + "\",";
                    dataString = dataString.TrimEnd(',');
                    dataString = dataString + "},";
                dataString = dataString.TrimEnd(',');
                dataString = dataString + "]";

            // Final Brace
            dataString = dataString + "}";

        // Transforms the content of an entire column (by replacing it with a RegEx MATCH from a regular expression)
        public String Split_Column_Content_based_on_matches(String InputFile, String ColumnNameToRead, String RegExPattern, String InsertAfterColumnName, String ColumnNameStub)
            //Check the number of matches for each Row and retrieve the Max number(N)
            //Create N columns after “Insert After Column” named “Col_1”, “Col_2”, etc.
            //For each row, split it into the proper number of elements

            CsvUtils cu = new CsvUtils();

            int colIdx = cu.Get_Column_Index(ColumnNameToRead);

            if (colIdx < 0)
                return("Column Does Not Exist: " + ColumnNameToRead);
            int colIdxInsert = cu.Get_Column_Index(InsertAfterColumnName);

            if (colIdxInsert < 0)
                return("Column Does Not Exist:" + InsertAfterColumnName);
            int MaxNumberOfMatches = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                if (entry.Key > 0) // dont process the column header line
                    String MyContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(ColumnNameToRead, entry.Key);
                    String NewValue  = MyContent;
                    var    pattern   = @RegExPattern;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Debug: Content:" + MyContent);
                    var matches      = Regex.Matches(MyContent, pattern);
                    int NumOfMatches = matches.Count;

                    if (NumOfMatches > MaxNumberOfMatches)
                        MaxNumberOfMatches = NumOfMatches;
            //Console.WriteLine("Debug: Max Number of Matches: " + MaxNumberOfMatches);

            for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumberOfMatches; i++)
                int tempIdx = MaxNumberOfMatches - i;
                //icolIdx = MaxNumberOfMatches - i;
                Add_Column_After(cu, InsertAfterColumnName, ColumnNameStub + tempIdx, "");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <String> > entry in cu.dict)
                if (entry.Key > 0) // dont process the column header line
                    String MyContent = cu.Get_Cell_Content(ColumnNameToRead, entry.Key);

                    var matches = Regex.Matches(MyContent, RegExPattern);
                    //int NumOfMatches = matches.Count;
                    int idxGrp = 0;
                    foreach (Match match in matches)
                        if (idxGrp > 0)
                            //Console.WriteLine("Group Number:" + idxGrp + ":" + group.Value);
                            String CurrentCellValue = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Debug: " + CurrentCellValue);
                            if (CurrentCellValue.Contains(','))
                                // Console.WriteLine("Quote detected");
                                entry.Value[colIdxInsert + idxGrp] = "\"" + CurrentCellValue + "\"";
                                entry.Value[colIdxInsert + idxGrp] = match.Groups[1].Value;
