// for seq no > 0 in the Record Code only private long ExpectNextSeqNo(ReadArgs args) { long actualSeqNo = 0; while (true) { int readChar = args.ReadOne(); int digit = readChar - iDigit0; if (digit >= 0 && digit < 10) { actualSeqNo = (actualSeqNo * 10) + digit; } else { if (readChar == iFieldSep) { break; } else { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, '0', readChar); } } } if (actualSeqNo != args.dcRecords.Count) { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedSequenceNo, args.dcRecords.Count, actualSeqNo); } return(actualSeqNo); }
public override void Read(ReadArgs args) { args.SetValues(); args.CurrentSeqNo = ExpectNextSeqNo(args); int readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar == iRefPrefix) { args.State = ReaderInstance.Singleton; } else if (readChar == iArray) { readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar != iFieldSep) { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, FieldSeparator, readChar); } ArrayRecord rec = new ArrayRecord(args.CurrentSeqNo); args.SetupRecord(rec); args.Read.Read(rec); args.State = ReaderField.Singleton; } else if (readChar == iStringEncl) { args.State = ReaderTypeDef.Singleton; } else { throw new Error(ErrorCode.UnknownRecordType).AddData(ErrorDataKeys.Actual, readChar); } }
public override void Read(ReadArgs args) { // read Version Record Code '0,' if (args.ReadOne() != iDigit0 || args.ReadOne() != iFieldSep) { throw Error.UnexpectedRecordType(RecordType.Version, RecordType.Unknown); } args.CurrentSeqNo = 0; // TODO - version validation ?? VersionRecord vr = new VersionRecord(base.ReadStringStrict(args)); args.dcRecords[args.CurrentSeqNo] = vr; args.Read.Read(vr); int readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar == iRecordSep) { args.State = ReaderNewRecord.Singleton; } else if (readChar == -1) { args.State = ReaderEnd.Singleton; } else { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, Constants.RecordSeparator, readChar); } }
protected ReaderField ReadSkipOne(ReadArgs args, int expectedChar) { int readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar != expectedChar) { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, expectedChar, readChar); } return(this); }
public void Read(StreamReader sr, IRead callback) { ReadArgs args = new ReadArgs(sr, callback); do { args.State.Read(args); } while (args.State != ReaderEnd.Singleton); args.SetValues(); }
public override void Read(ReadArgs args) { // sequence no, opening quote of type name has been read, TypeDefRecord rec = new TypeDefRecord(args.CurrentSeqNo, base.ReadStringStrict(args, false), ReadMembers(args)); args.SetupRecord(rec); args.Read.Read(rec); //ReadMembers(args, rec); }
protected String ReadStringStrict(ReadArgs args, bool expectOpenEncl = true) { int readChar = 0; // opening encloser if (expectOpenEncl) { readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar != iStringEncl) { throw Error.UnexpectedChars(Constants.StringFieldEncloser, Convert.ToChar(readChar)); } } while (true) { readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar == iStringEncl) { break; } else if (readChar == iStringEsc) { readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar == iStringEsc) { args.StrAppend(Constants.StringEscapeChar); } else if (readChar == iStringEncl) { args.StrAppend(Constants.StringFieldEncloser); } else if (readChar == -1) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.UnexpectedEOF); } else { throw new Error(ErrorCode.NotEscapeChar).AddData(ErrorDataKeys.Actual, Convert.ToChar(readChar)); } continue; } else if (readChar >= 0) { args.StrAppend((char)readChar); } else { throw new Error(ErrorCode.UnexpectedEOF); } } return(args.StrGet()); }
protected Record ReadRef(ReadArgs args, bool checkFirstChar = true) { int readChar = 0; if (checkFirstChar) { readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar != iRefPrefix) { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, Constants.ReferencePrefix, readChar); } } long seqNo = 0; long digitValue = 0; while (true) { readChar = args.ReadOne(); digitValue = readChar - iDigit0; if (digitValue >= 0 && digitValue < 10) { seqNo = (seqNo * 10) + digitValue; } else if (readChar == iFieldSep) { args.State = ReaderField.Singleton; break; } else if (readChar == iRecordSep) { args.State = ReaderNewRecord.Singleton; break; } else if (readChar == -1) { args.State = ReaderEnd.Singleton; break; } else { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, readChar, digitValue); } } return(args.dcRecords[seqNo]); }
public override void Read(ReadArgs args) { Record refRec = base.ReadRef(args, false); if (refRec.RecType != RecordType.TypeDef) { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedRecordType, RecordType.TypeDef, refRec.RecType); } TypeDefRecord refType = refRec as TypeDefRecord; InstanceRecord rec = new InstanceRecord(args.CurrentSeqNo, refType); args.SetupRecord(rec); args.Read.Read(rec); // base.ReadRef must have already set the next state }
public int ReadDateTimeDigits(ReadArgs args, int len) { int value = 0; int mapValue = 0; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < len; ctr++) { int readChar = args.ReadOne(); mapValue = readChar - iDigit0; if (mapValue >= 0 && mapValue < 10) { value = (value * 10) + mapValue; } else { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, '0', readChar); } } return(value); }
private string[] ReadMembers(ReadArgs args) { // members int readChar = 0; List <String> members = new List <string>(); while (true) { readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar == iFieldSep) { members.Add(base.ReadStringStrict(args)); } else if (readChar == iRecordSep) { args.State = ReaderNewRecord.Singleton; return(members.ToArray()); } else { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, Constants.FieldSeparator, readChar); } } }
// ideally, according to the design of the where loop, // this method should not get triggered public override void Read(ReadArgs args) { throw new Error(ErrorCode.NothingToRead); }
protected void ReadNumber(ReadArgs args, int readChar) { long valueLong = 0; long multiply = 1; bool isDecimal = false; if (readChar == iMinus) { multiply = -1; args.StrAppend((char)readChar); readChar = args.ReadOne(); } do { int digitValue = readChar - iDigit0; if (digitValue >= 0 && digitValue < 10) { valueLong = (valueLong * 10) + digitValue; args.StrAppend((char)readChar); } else { if (readChar == iDecimal) { args.StrAppend((char)readChar); isDecimal = true; } else if (readChar == iFieldSep) { args.State = ReaderField.Singleton; } else if (readChar == iRecordSep) { args.State = ReaderNewRecord.Singleton; } else if (readChar == -1) { args.State = ReaderEnd.Singleton; } else { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, iDigit0, readChar); } break; } readChar = args.ReadOne(); } while (true); ValueRecord vr = args.ValueRec; if (!isDecimal) { valueLong *= multiply; args.AddValue(valueLong); args.Read.GetReadValue().ReadValue(vr, args.valPos, valueLong); args.StrReset(); } else { // get a double value do { readChar = args.ReadOne(); int digitValue = readChar - iDigit0; if (digitValue >= 0 && digitValue < 10) { args.StrAppend((char)readChar); } else { if (readChar == iFieldSep) { args.State = ReaderField.Singleton; } else if (readChar == iRecordSep) { args.State = ReaderNewRecord.Singleton; } else if (readChar == -1) { args.State = ReaderEnd.Singleton; } else { throw Error.Unexpected(ErrorCode.UnexpectedChars, iDigit0, readChar); } break; } } while (true); double realValue = double.Parse(args.StrGet()); args.AddValue(realValue); args.Read.GetReadValue().ReadValue(vr, args.valPos, realValue); } }
public override void Read(ReadArgs args) { IReadValue rv = args.Read.GetReadValue(); ValueRecord vr = args.ValueRec; int readChar = args.ReadOne(); switch (readChar) { case iBoolTrue: args.AddValue(true); rv.ReadValue(vr, args.valPos, true); break; case iBoolFalse: args.AddValue(false); rv.ReadValue(vr, args.valPos, false); break; case iStringEncl: String str = base.ReadStringStrict(args, false); args.AddValue(str); rv.ReadValue(vr, args.valPos, str); break; case iRefPrefix: Record rc = base.ReadRef(args, false); if (rc.RecType != RecordType.Instance && rc.RecType != RecordType.Array) { throw Error.UnexpectedRecordType(RecordType.Instance, rc.RecType); } args.AddValue(rc); rv.ReadValue(vr, args.valPos, rc); return; case iDateTimePrefix: DateTime dt = new DateTime( ReadDateTimeDigits(args, 4), ReadDateTimeDigits(args, 2), ReadDateTimeDigits(args, 2), ReadSkipOne(args, iDateTimeT).ReadDateTimeDigits(args, 2), ReadDateTimeDigits(args, 2), ReadDateTimeDigits(args, 2), ReadDateTimeDigits(args, 3) ); args.AddValue(dt); rv.ReadValue(vr, args.valPos, dt); break; case iFieldSep: args.AddValue(null); rv.ReadValueNull(vr, args.valPos); return; case iRecordSep: args.AddValue(null); rv.ReadValueNull(vr, args.valPos); args.State = ReaderNewRecord.Singleton; return; case -1: args.AddValue(null); rv.ReadValueNull(vr, args.valPos); args.State = ReaderEnd.Singleton; return; default: ReadNumber(args, readChar); return; } // fixed width values (bool, datetime) or values with delimiter (string) // still have one extra character to read in order to determine next step readChar = args.ReadOne(); if (readChar == iFieldSep) { args.State = ReaderField.Singleton; } else if (readChar == iRecordSep) { args.State = ReaderNewRecord.Singleton; } else if (readChar == -1) { args.State = ReaderEnd.Singleton; } else { throw Error.UnexpectedChars(Constants.FieldSeparator, (char)readChar); } }
abstract public void Read(ReadArgs args);