//public ListNode oddEvenList(ListNode head) //{ // if (head == null) return null; // ListNode node = head; // ListNode newNode = new ListNode(); // while (node.next != null) // { // if (node.val % 2 != 0) // { // newNode.AddToTail(node.val); // } // node = node.next; // if (node.next == null) // { // newNode.AddToTail(node.val); // } // } // while (head.next != null) // { // if (head.val % 2 == 0) // { // newNode.AddToTail(head.val); // } // head = head.next; // if (head.next == null) // { // newNode.AddToTail(head.val); // } // } // return newNode; //} public void AddToTail(int val) { ListNode newNode = new ListNode(val); ListNode current = this; while (current.next != null) { current = current.next; } current.next = newNode; }
public ListNode OddEvenList(ListNode head) { ListNode oddposition = new ListNode(1); ListNode evenposition = new ListNode(2); ListNode oddStart; ListNode evenStart; bool isodd = false; if (head == null || head.next == null) return head; oddposition = head; oddStart = head; head = head.next; evenposition = head; evenStart = head; while (head.next != null) { head = head.next; isodd = !isodd; if (isodd) { oddposition.next = head; oddposition = head; } else { evenposition.next = head; evenposition = head; } } oddposition.next = evenStart; evenposition.next = null; return oddStart; }
public void run() { // Print # in descent triangle int num = 6; for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= num; j++) { if ((i + j) > num) { Console.Write("#"); } else { Console.Write(" "); } } Console.WriteLine(); } //Setup 11 CsharpStringExs instance = new CsharpStringExs(); //Ex.1 Reverse a word Charactrers string strTest = "Rahmo"; string result = instance.ReverseString(strTest); Console.WriteLine(result); //Ex.2 Reverse the words in a sentence String strTest2 = "Hello, It's me ;)"; string result2 = instance.ReverseSentence(strTest2); Console.WriteLine(result2); //Ex.3 check if string is palindrome string pan1 = "cocoococ"; string pan2 = "qqaabb"; Console.WriteLine(pan1 + " palindrome check is " + instance.isPalindrome(pan1) + " \n" + pan2 + " palindrome check is " + instance.isPalindrome(pan2)); //Ex.4 Check if String contains Only Capital Charactars string strcap1 = "Reeefe"; string strcap2 = "SWEET"; Console.WriteLine(strcap1 + " capital check is " + instance.isCapitalOnly(strcap1) + " \n" + strcap2 + " capital check is " + instance.isCapitalOnly(strcap2)); int[] reArrange = new[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; string reArrangeStr = String.Join(",", reArrange).ToString(); string result1 = String.Join(",", instance.arrangeMaxMInts(reArrange)).ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Rearrange an array in maximum minimum of " + reArrangeStr + " is: " + result1); //Ex.5 Arrang array Input : // arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} // Output: arr[] = { 7, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4 } Console.WriteLine(Solution.result); int[] arr = {1,2,3,3,2,1,3}; Console.WriteLine(" the Number Occurring Odd Number of Times " + instance.findNumberOccuringOdd(arr)); string Rahm = "Rahmo"; //string Rahm = "Rssmoo"; Console.WriteLine(" isUnique check " + instance.isUniqueChar(Rahm)); string perm1 = "sumit"; string perm2 = "tiums"; Console.WriteLine(" Permutation check " + instance.CheckPermutation(perm1, perm2)); string UrlFyMe = "12 f"; Console.WriteLine(" Permutation check " + instance.urlfy(UrlFyMe,5)); // Example Check if the first letter is capital in a typcal word string Testword = "rahmo"; Console.WriteLine(CheckCab(Testword).ToString() + " Check cab resultss"); LinkedList<int> list = new LinkedList<int>(); list.AddLast(1); list.AddLast(2); list.AddLast(3); list.AddLast(4); list.AddLast(5); int n = Console.Read(); Console.WriteLine(n); for (int i = 0 ; i <= n; i++ ) { int FirstSide = Console.Read(); int SecondSide = Console.Read(); int ThirdSide = Console.Read(); if (FirstSide == SecondSide && FirstSide == ThirdSide) { Console.WriteLine("Equilateral"); } else if (FirstSide == SecondSide || FirstSide == ThirdSide) { Console.WriteLine("Isosceles"); } else { Console.WriteLine("None of these"); } } Console.WriteLine(" the list conents " + list.Last.Value.ToString()); //135789 ListNode listNode = new ListNode(1); listNode.AddToTail(2); listNode.AddToTail(3); listNode.AddToTail(4); listNode.AddToTail(5); listNode.AddToTail(6); ListNode listNode2 = new ListNode(1); listNode2.AddToTail(2); listNode2.AddToTail(3); ListNode OddevenNode = listNode.reversell(listNode); OddevenNode = listNode.OddEvenList(listNode); while (OddevenNode.next != null) { Console.WriteLine(OddevenNode.val.ToString()); if (OddevenNode.next != null) { OddevenNode = OddevenNode.next; } } Console.ReadLine(); }
public ListNode OddEvenList(ListNode head) { return head; }
public ListNode reversell(ListNode head) { ListNode reversedPart = null; ListNode current = head; while (current != null) { ListNode next = current.next; current.next = reversedPart; reversedPart = current; current = next; } head = reversedPart; return head; }
public ListNode oddEvenList(ListNode head) { if (head == null) return head; ListNode p = head, q = head; while (q != null) { q = q.next; if (q == null || q.next == null) break; ListNode next_p = p.next, next_q = q.next; q.next = next_q.next; p.next = next_q; next_q.next = next_p; p = p.next; } return head; }