public NavZoneDef(MpqFileStream stream) { this.NavCellCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); this.NavCells = stream.ReadSerializedData<NavCell>(this.NavCellCount); this.NeightbourCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); this.NavCellNeighbours = stream.ReadSerializedData<NavCellLookup>(this.NeightbourCount); this.Float0 = stream.ReadValueF32(); this.Float1 = stream.ReadValueF32(); this.Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.V0 = new Vector2D(stream); stream.Position += (3 * 4); var pointerGridSquares = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); this.GridSquares = stream.ReadSerializedData<NavGridSquare>(pointerGridSquares, pointerGridSquares.Size / 6); this.Int3 = stream.ReadValueS32(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); var pointerCellLookups = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); this.CellLookups = stream.ReadSerializedData<NavCellLookup>(pointerCellLookups, pointerCellLookups.Size / 4); this.Int4 = stream.ReadValueS32(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); var pointerBorderData = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); this.BorderData = stream.ReadSerializedData<NavCellBorderData>(pointerBorderData, pointerBorderData.Size / 4); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { var pointer = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); this.ChunkCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); this.SceneChunks = stream.ReadSerializedData<SceneChunk>(pointer, this.ChunkCount); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.Name = stream.ReadString(128, true); this.Int0 = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.PRTransform = new PRTransform(stream); this.SNOName = new SNOName(stream); this.TagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); // Un sure about these 3 ints, 010template isnt the same as snodata.xml - DarkLotus this.IntTagMap = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); var pointerMarkerLinks = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { var pointer = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); this.DRLGTiles = stream.ReadSerializedData<TileInfo>(pointer, pointer.Size / 72); stream.Position += (14 * 4); this.CommandCount = stream.ReadValueS32(); this.DRLGCommands = stream.ReadSerializedData<DRLGCommand>(this.CommandCount); stream.Position += (3 * 4); this.ParentIndices = stream.ReadSerializedInts(); stream.Position += (2 * 4); this.DRLGTagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); }
public void Read(MpqFileStream stream) { this.Name = stream.ReadString(128, true); this.Type = (MarkerType)stream.ReadValueS32(); this.PRTransform = new PRTransform(stream); this.SNOHandle = new SNOHandle(stream); this.TagMap = stream.ReadSerializedItem<TagMap>(); // Un sure about these 3 ints, 010template isnt the same as snodata.xml - DarkLotus // IntTagMap && Int2 are always 0 for beta. leave it here only because xml does not match either -farmy this.IntTagMap = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int1 = stream.ReadValueS32(); Int2 = stream.ReadValueS32(); var pointerMarkerLinks = stream.GetSerializedDataPointer(); stream.Position += (3 * 4); }