예제 #1
 private void CopyFromOther(VesselViewModel other)
     this.Id   = other.Id;
     this.Name = other.Name;
     this.MaxPassengersCapacity = other.MaxPassengersCapacity;
     this.BoardedPassengers     = other.BoardedPassengers;
 private void OnEditVessel(VesselViewModel vessel)
      * We can specify the notification content in two ways here:
      * 1* If we use "Content = vessel" and pass the selected vessel directly,
      * any intermediate changes in the Edit window will be applied automatically to the List window
      * (they're both binding to the same instance). Whenever we cancel (i.e. use IEditableObject.CancelEdit())
      * the changes will be reverted and the List window will be back to its original state.
      * 2* If we use "Content = new VesselViewModel(vessel)", there's no need to implement
      * IEditableObject on VesselViewModel, because we're passing a new instance to the
      * Edit window every time and it will be discarded both on Save and Cancel.
      * 3 * another approach is to simply send the id to the interaction request and have it deal with it.
     this.EditVesselInteractionRequest.Raise(new VesselNotification()
         Title   = $"Edit {vessel.Name}",
         Content = vessel, // APPROACH 1
         //Content = new VesselViewModel(vessel), // APPROACH 2
         EditMode = VesselNotification.EditModes.Edit
     }, _ =>
         var __ = this.InitializeAsync();
예제 #3
 public void BeginEdit()
     this.memento = new VesselViewModel(this);
예제 #4
 public VesselViewModel(VesselViewModel other)
예제 #5
 public void EndEdit()
     this.memento = null;