예제 #1
        public Grid(Grid grid)
            Rows    = grid.Rows;
            Columns = grid.Columns;

            // copy grid rows
            List <String[]> copyGridRows = new List <String[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < grid.GridRows.Count; i++)
                String[] copyStringArray = new String[grid.GridRows[i].Length];
                Array.Copy(grid.GridRows[i], copyStringArray, grid.GridRows[i].Length);
            GridRows = copyGridRows;

            // copy grid columns
            List <String[]> copyGridColumns = new List <String[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < grid.GridColumns.Count; i++)
                String[] copyStringArray = new String[grid.GridColumns[i].Length];
                Array.Copy(grid.GridColumns[i], copyStringArray, grid.GridColumns[i].Length);
            GridColumns = copyGridColumns;

            // copy grid sequences
            GridSequences = new CrozzleSequences(grid.GridSequences);

            // copy WordDataList
            List <WordData> copyWordDataList = new List <WordData>();

            foreach (WordData wordData in grid.WordDataList)
                copyWordDataList.Add(new WordData(wordData));
            WordDataList = copyWordDataList;

            // copy HorizontalWordDataList
            List <WordData> copyHorizontalWordDataList = new List <WordData>();

            foreach (WordData wordData in grid.HorizontalWordDataList)
                copyHorizontalWordDataList.Add(new WordData(wordData));
            HorizontalWordDataList = copyHorizontalWordDataList;

            // copy VerticalWordDataList
            List <WordData> copyVerticalWordDataList = new List <WordData>();

            foreach (WordData wordData in grid.VerticalWordDataList)
                copyVerticalWordDataList.Add(new WordData(wordData));
            VerticalWordDataList = copyVerticalWordDataList;

            // shallow copying Configuration (as it is only used for readOnly purposes)
            Configuration = grid.Configuration;
예제 #2
        private void EmptyGrid(Configuration configuration)
            // Create a List to store String arrays, one String[] for each row, one String for each letter.
            GridRows = new List <String[]>();
            // Create and store empty rows into the list.
            for (int i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
                String[] row = new String[Columns];
                for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
                    row[j] = " ";

            // Create a List to store String arrays, one String[] for each column, one String for each letter.
            GridColumns = new List <String[]>();
            // Create and store empty columns into the list.
            for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++)
                String[] column = new String[Rows];
                for (int j = 0; j < column.Length; j++)
                    column[j] = " ";

            WordDataList           = new List <WordData>();
            GridSequences          = new CrozzleSequences(GridRows, GridColumns, configuration);
            HorizontalWordDataList = new List <WordData>();
            VerticalWordDataList   = new List <WordData>();
예제 #3
        public void Validate()
            CrozzleGridErrors = new List <String>();

            // Indicate that validity has been attempted.
            ValidityChecked = true;

            // Get all sequences of 2 or more letters.
            CrozzleSequences = new CrozzleSequences(CrozzleRows, CrozzleColumns, Configuration);

            // Check that the number of rows is within limits.
            if (Rows < Configuration.MinimumNumberOfRows || Rows > Configuration.MaximumNumberOfRows)
                CrozzleGridErrors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.RowCountError, Rows, Configuration.MinimumNumberOfRows, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfRows));

            // Check that the number of columns is within limits.
            if (Columns < Configuration.MinimumNumberOfColumns || Columns > Configuration.MaximumNumberOfColumns)
                CrozzleGridErrors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ColumnCountError, Columns, Configuration.MinimumNumberOfColumns, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfColumns));

            // Check that the number of words is within limits.
            // Check that the number of horizontal words is within limits.
            if (Node.Grid.HorizontalWordDataList.Count < Configuration.MinimumHorizontalWords || Node.Grid.HorizontalWordDataList.Count > Configuration.MaximumHorizontalWords)
                CrozzleGridErrors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleErrors.HorizontalWordCountError, Node.Grid.HorizontalWordDataList.Count, Configuration.MinimumHorizontalWords, Configuration.MaximumHorizontalWords));

            // Check that the number of vertical words is within limits.
            if (Node.Grid.VerticalWordDataList.Count < Configuration.MinimumVerticalWords || Node.Grid.VerticalWordDataList.Count > Configuration.MaximumVerticalWords)
                CrozzleGridErrors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleErrors.VerticalWordCountError, Node.Grid.VerticalWordDataList.Count, Configuration.MinimumVerticalWords, Configuration.MaximumVerticalWords));

            // Check that the number of vertical words that intersect a horizontal word is within limits.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckHorizontalIntersections(Configuration.MinimumIntersectionsInHorizontalWords, Configuration.MaximumIntersectionsInHorizontalWords);

            // Check that the number of horizontal words that intersect a vertical word is within limits.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckVerticalIntersections(Configuration.MinimumIntersectionsInVerticalWords, Configuration.MaximumIntersectionsInVerticalWords);

            // Check that the number of duplicate words is within limits.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckDuplicateWords(Configuration.MinimumNumberOfTheSameWord, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfTheSameWord);

            // Check that the number of groups of connected words is within the limit.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckConnectivity(Configuration.MinimumNumberOfGroups, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfGroups, CrozzleRows, CrozzleColumns);

            // Check that each sequence is in the wordlist.

            // Is this crozzle valid?
            CrozzleValid = true;
            if (CrozzleSequences.ErrorsDetected)
                CrozzleValid = false;
예제 #4
        public int CrozzleScore()
            int score = 0;

            if (CrozzleSequences == null)
            // Increase the score for each word.
            score += CrozzleSequences.Count * Configuration.PointsPerWord;

            // Increase the score for intersecting letters.
            List <Char> intersectingLetters = CrozzleSequences.GetIntersectingLetters();

            foreach (Char letter in intersectingLetters)
                score += Configuration.IntersectingPointsPerLetter[(int)letter - (int)'A'];

            // Get all letters.
            List <Char> allLetters = new List <Char>();

            foreach (String[] letters in CrozzleRows)
                foreach (String letter in letters)
                    if (letter[0] != ' ')

            // Remove each intersecting letter from allLetters.
            List <Char> nonIntersectingLetters = allLetters;

            foreach (Char letter in intersectingLetters)

            // Increase the score for non-intersecting letters.
            foreach (Char letter in nonIntersectingLetters)
                score += Configuration.NonIntersectingPointsPerLetter[(int)letter - (int)'A'];

예제 #5
        public CrozzleSequences(CrozzleSequences crozzleSequences)
            // copy Sequences
            List <WordData> copySequences = new List <WordData>();
            // copy HorizontalSequences
            List <WordData> copyHorizontalSequences = new List <WordData>();
            // copy VerticalSequences
            List <WordData> copyVerticalSequences = new List <WordData>();

            foreach (WordData wordData in crozzleSequences.Sequences)
                if (wordData.IsHorizontal)
                    copyHorizontalSequences.Add(new WordData(wordData));
                    copyVerticalSequences.Add(new WordData(wordData));

                copySequences.Add(new WordData(wordData));
            Sequences           = copySequences;
            HorizontalSequences = copyHorizontalSequences;
            VerticalSequences   = copyVerticalSequences;

            // copy ErrorMessages
            List <String> copyErrorMessages = new List <String>();

            foreach (String error in crozzleSequences.ErrorMessages)
            ErrorMessages = copyErrorMessages;

            // shallow copying Configuration (as it is only used for readOnly purposes)
            Configuration = crozzleSequences.Configuration;
예제 #6
        public void Insert(WordData wordData)
            if (wordData.Location.Row >= 1 && wordData.Location.Row <= Rows &&
                wordData.Location.Column >= 1 && wordData.Location.Column <= Columns)
                if (wordData.Orientation.Direction == Orientation.Row)
                    // Store the letter into the approriate row.
                    String[] row = GridRows[wordData.Location.Row - 1];
                    int      col = wordData.Location.Column - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (col < Columns)
                            row[col++] = new String(c, 1);

                    // Store each letter into the ith column, but the same row location.
                    int j = wordData.Location.Column - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (j < Columns)
                            String[] column = GridColumns[j];
                            column[wordData.Location.Row - 1] = new String(c, 1);

                    // Store the letter into the ith row, but the same column location.
                    int j = wordData.Location.Row - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (j < Rows)
                            String[] currentRow = GridRows[j];
                            currentRow[wordData.Location.Column - 1] = new String(c, 1);

                    // Store each letter into the approriate column.
                    String[] column = GridColumns[wordData.Location.Column - 1];
                    int      row    = wordData.Location.Row - 1;
                    foreach (Char c in wordData.Letters)
                        if (row < Rows)
                            column[row++] = new String(c, 1);


                GridSequences = new CrozzleSequences(GridRows, GridColumns, Configuration);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate each generated crozzle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testGrid"></param>
        public bool Validate(Grid testGrid)
            CrozzleRows    = new List <String[]>();
            CrozzleColumns = new List <String[]>();

            // Get all row data
            for (int r = 0; r < CrozzleRow; r++)
                String[] row = new String[CrozzleColumn];
                for (int c = 0; c < row.Length; c++)
                    row[c] = testGrid.GridCoordinate[r, c].ToString();

            // Get all column data
            for (int c = 0; c < CrozzleColumn; c++)
                String[] col = new String[CrozzleRow];
                for (int r = 0; r < col.Length; r++)
                    col[r] = testGrid.GridCoordinate[r, c].ToString();

            CrozzleSequences = new CrozzleSequences(CrozzleRows, CrozzleColumns, Configuration);

            // Check that the number of rows is within limits.
            if (CrozzleRow < Configuration.MinimumNumberOfRows || CrozzleRow > Configuration.MaximumNumberOfRows)
                //CrozzleGridErrors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.RowCountError, Rows, Configuration.MinimumNumberOfRows, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfRows));
            // Check that the number of columns is within limits.
            if (CrozzleColumn < Configuration.MinimumNumberOfColumns || CrozzleColumn > Configuration.MaximumNumberOfColumns)
                //CrozzleGridErrors.Add(String.Format(CrozzleFileErrors.ColumnCountError, Columns, Configuration.MinimumNumberOfColumns, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfColumns));
            // Check that the number of vertical words that intersect a horizontal word is within limits.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckHorizontalIntersections(Configuration.MinimumIntersectionsInHorizontalWords, Configuration.MaximumIntersectionsInHorizontalWords);

            // Check that the number of horizontal words that intersect a vertical word is within limits.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckVerticalIntersections(Configuration.MinimumIntersectionsInVerticalWords, Configuration.MaximumIntersectionsInVerticalWords);

            // Check that the number of duplicate words is within limits.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckDuplicateWords(Configuration.MinimumNumberOfTheSameWord, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfTheSameWord);

            // Check that the number of groups of connected words is within the limit.
            CrozzleSequences.CheckConnectivity(Configuration.MinimumNumberOfGroups, Configuration.MaximumNumberOfGroups, CrozzleRows, CrozzleColumns);

            if (CrozzleSequences.ErrorsDetected)