public void getUserGroup() { try { UserGropsListBox.Items.Clear(); string urlUserGroupSearch = serverURL + "/user/group/direct?username="******""; retrive.GET(urlUserGroupSearch, auth, out groupList); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(groupList); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "group") { UserGropsListBox.Items.Add(noda.Attributes["name"].Value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } }
public void getGroup() { try { listBoxAvailibleGroups.Items.Clear(); string urlGroupSearch = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=group"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string groupList = ""; retrive.GET(urlGroupSearch, auth, out groupList); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(groupList); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "group") { listBoxAvailibleGroups.Items.Add(noda.Attributes["name"].Value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } }
public void GroupsTab() { try { existingGroupsComboBox.Items.Clear(); string urlGroupSearch = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=group"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string groupList = ""; retrive.GET(urlGroupSearch, auth, out groupList); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(groupList); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "group") { existingGroupsComboBox.Items.Add(noda.Attributes["name"].Value); } } existingGroupsComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } }
private void deleteUserFromGroup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string groupListToDelete = ""; foreach (var group in UserGropsListBox.SelectedItems) { groupListToDelete += " '" + group.ToString() + "' "; } DialogBox DialogBox1 = new DialogBox(); DialogBox1.Show("User '" + UserNameBox.Text + "' will be removed from the groups:" + groupListToDelete + ". Would you like to continue?"); if (DialogBox1.DialogResult == true) { foreach (var group in UserGropsListBox.SelectedItems) { getCredentials(); string removeFromTheGroupURL = "/user/group/direct?username="******"&groupname=" + group.ToString(); getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.DELETE(serverURL + removeFromTheGroupURL, auth, out data); } getUserGroup(); log("Remove User From Group - " + UserNameBox.Text + ". Result: user removed from the groups:" + groupListToDelete); } }
private void createGroupButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (createGroupTextBox.Text.Contains("&") || createGroupTextBox.Text.Contains("/") || createGroupTextBox.Text.Contains("?") || createGroupTextBox.Text.Contains("\\")) { MessageBox1("'Group name' field contains an illegal character/s. If you anyway would like to create group with such name please use Crowd web interface"); return; } if (createGroupTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox1("Please fill the 'Group name' box first."); return; } getCredentials(); string createGroupURL = "/group"; string XmlDocument = "<group name = \"" + createGroupTextBox.Text + "\" expand=\"attributes\"><type>GROUP</type><description>" + createGroupTextBox.Text + "</description><active>true</active><attributes><link rel =\"self\" href = \"/group?groupname=" + createGroupTextBox.Text + "\" /></attributes></group>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + createGroupURL, XmlDocument, auth, out data); MessageBox1("'" + createGroupTextBox.Text + "' group was successfully created"); GroupsTab(); log("Create Group - " + createGroupTextBox.Text + " - Result: group successfully created"); }
private void copyGroupsButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <string> diffGroups = new List <string>(); string XmlDocument = ""; foreach (string group in listBoxSearchUser.Items) { if (listBox1.Items.Contains(group) == false) { diffGroups.Add(group); } } if (diffGroups.Count != 0) { DialogBox DialogBox1 = new DialogBox(); DialogBox1.Show("Group/s will be added. Would you like to continue?"); if (DialogBox1.DialogResult == true) { foreach (string group in diffGroups) { string url = serverURL + "/group?groupname=" + group; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.GET(url, auth0, out data); if (data == "") { string createGroupURL = "/group"; XmlDocument = "<group name = \"" + group + "\" expand=\"attributes\"><type>GROUP</type><description>" + group + "</description><active>true</active><attributes><link rel =\"self\" href = \"/group?groupname=" + group + "\" /></attributes></group>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + createGroupURL, XmlDocument, auth0, out data); log("Create Group - " + group + " - Result: group successfully created"); } string addToGroupURL = "/user/group/direct?username="******"<group name=\"" + group + "\"/>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + addToGroupURL + userUnderProcess, XmlDocument, auth0, out data); log("Add to Group - " + userUnderProcess + " - Result: was successfully added to the '" + group + "' group"); listBox1.Items.Add(group); } } } this.DialogResult = true; }
public void sendPassword() { try { string sendPassword = "******"; string XmlDocument = ""; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + sendPassword + userName, XmlDocument, auth, out data); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } }
//private void logo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //{ // System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); // proc.StartInfo.FileName = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=ServiceRequest // "+DateTime.UtcNow.ToUniversalTime(); // proc.Start(); //} private void attributsButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string attributes = ""; string urlUserAttributes = serverURL + "/user/attribute?username="******""; retrive.GET(urlUserAttributes, auth, out attributesList); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(attributesList); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "attribute") { var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); switch (noda.Attributes["name"].Value) { case "requiresPasswordChange": attributes += "Requires Password Change : " + noda.InnerText + "\r\n"; break; case "invalidPasswordAttempts": attributes += "Invalid Password Attempts : " + noda.InnerText + "\r\n"; break; case "autoGroupsAdded": attributes += "Auto Groups Added : " + noda.InnerText + "\r\n"; break; case "lastActive": attributes += "Last Active : " + epoch.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToInt64(noda.InnerText)).ToString() + "\r\n"; break; case "lastAuthenticated": attributes += "Last Authenticated : " + epoch.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToInt64(noda.InnerText)).ToString() + "\r\n"; break; case "passwordLastChanged": attributes += "Password Last Changed : " + epoch.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToInt64(noda.InnerText)).ToString() + "\r\n"; break; default: continue; } } } MessageBox1(attributes); }
public void getUserGroups(string user) { foreach (var directory in directories) { if (listBoxSearchUser.Items.Count != 0) { return; } getCredentials(directory); try { listBoxSearchUser.Items.Clear(); string urlUserGroupSearch = serverURL + "/user/group/direct?username="******""; retrive.GET(urlUserGroupSearch, auth, out groupList); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(groupList); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "group") { listBoxSearchUser.Items.Add(noda.Attributes["name"].Value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } } }
private void deleteGroupButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (existingGroupsComboBox.Text == "") { MessageBox1("Please, select group to delete first"); return; } DialogBox DialogBox1 = new DialogBox(); DialogBox1.Show("Group " + existingGroupsComboBox.Text + " will be deleted from the system. Would you like to continue?"); if (DialogBox1.DialogResult == true) { getCredentials(); string urlGroupSearch = serverURL + "/group?groupname=" + existingGroupsComboBox.Text; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string groupList = ""; retrive.DELETE(urlGroupSearch, auth, out groupList); MessageBox1(existingGroupsComboBox.Text + " group successfully deleted"); GroupsTab(); log("Delete Group - " + existingGroupsComboBox.Text + ". Result: group successfully deleted"); } }
private void addToGroupButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (listBoxAvailibleGroups.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { MessageBox1("Please, select one or several groups first"); } else { getCredentials(); string addToGroupURL = "/user/group/direct?username="******"<group name=\"" + selectedGroup + "\"/>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + addToGroupURL + UserNameBox.Text, XmlDocument, auth, out data); log("Add to Group - " + UserNameBox.Text + " - Result: was successfully added to the '" + selectedGroup + "' group"); } MessageBox1("User '" + UserNameBox.Text + "' was successfully added to selected group/s"); getUserGroup(); } }
private void GetMambersButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { listBox.Items.Clear(); totalMembersCountTextBlock.Text = ""; if (existingGroupsComboBox.Text == "") { MessageBox1("Please, select group first."); return; } try { string urlGroupMembersSearch = serverURL + "/group/user/direct?groupname=" + existingGroupsComboBox.Text + "&max-result=10000"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string groupMembersList = ""; retrive.GET(urlGroupMembersSearch, auth, out groupMembersList); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(groupMembersList); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { listBox.Items.Add(noda.Attributes["name"].Value); } } totalMembersCountTextBlock.Text = "Total: " + listBox.Items.Count; log("Get Group Members - " + existingGroupsComboBox.Text + ". Result: " + totalMembersCountTextBlock.Text + ": users found"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } }
private void DeleteUserButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (UserNameBox.Text == "") { MessageBox1("'User Name' field is empty"); return; } DialogBox DialogBox1 = new DialogBox(); DialogBox1.Show("User '" + UserNameBox.Text + "' will be deleted from the system. Would you like to continue?"); if (DialogBox1.DialogResult == true) { getCredentials(); string removeUserURL = "/user?username="******""; retrive.DELETE(serverURL + removeUserURL, auth, out data); MessageBox1("User '" + UserNameBox.Text + "' was successfully removed from the system"); log("Delete User - " + UserNameBox.Text + " - Result: successfully removed from the system"); } }
private void verifyButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (DataRowView row in dataGrid.Items) { row.Row["Directory"] = ""; row.Row["Process"] = true; } string domain = ""; string text = ""; string xmlFile = File.ReadAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\application.conf"); string DefaultConfig = ""; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xmlFile); XmlNodeList elements = doc.GetElementsByTagName("template"); //Set Directory according to the email domains for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++) { domain = elements[i].InnerXml; if (elements[i].InnerXml == "default") { DefaultConfig = elements[i].ParentNode.Attributes["name"].Value; } foreach (DataRowView row in dataGrid.Items) { text = row.Row.ItemArray[0].ToString(); Regex regex = new Regex(domain); Match match = regex.Match(text); if (match.Success) { row.Row["Directory"] = elements[i].ParentNode.Attributes["name"].Value; } } } //Set default Directory for unknown email domains foreach (DataRowView row in dataGrid.Items) { if (row.Row["Directory"].ToString() == "") { row.Row["Directory"] = DefaultConfig; } } //Verify users and emails foreach (DataRowView row in dataGrid.Items) { userName = row.Row["F4"].ToString(); email = row.Row["F1"].ToString(); Directory = row.Row["Directory"].ToString(); string Status = ""; getCredentials(); string notFoundXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><users expand=\"user\"/>"; string url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user"; string XmlDocument = "<property-search-restriction><property><name>name</name><type>STRING</type></property><match-mode>EXACTLY_MATCHES</match-mode><value>" + userName + "</value></property-search-restriction>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); if (data != notFoundXML) { row.Row["Process"] = false; Status = "UserName already exists. "; row.Row["Status"] = Status; } notFoundXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><users expand=\"user\"/>"; url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user"; XmlDocument = "<property-search-restriction><property><name>email</name><type>STRING</type></property><match-mode>EXACTLY_MATCHES</match-mode><value>" + email + "</value></property-search-restriction>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); if (data != notFoundXML) { row.Row["Process"] = false; row.Row["Status"] = Status + "Email already exists."; } if (row.Row["Status"].ToString() == "") { row.Row["Status"] = "Ready"; } } }
private void recreateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { newDomain = targetDomainComboBox.Text; getCredentials(domain); if (userNameLabel.Content.ToString() == "") { MessageBox1("'User Name' field is empty"); return; } DialogBox DialogBox1 = new DialogBox(); DialogBox1.Show("User '" + userName + "' will be recreated in " + targetDomainComboBox.Text + " derictory. Would you like to continue?"); if (DialogBox1.DialogResult == true) { string removeUserURL = "/user?username="******""; retrive.DELETE(serverURL + removeUserURL, auth, out data); getCredentials(newDomain); try { //create string pass = "******" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + "Epam"; string url = serverURL + "/user"; string XmlDocument = "<user name=\"" + userName + "\" expand=\"attributes\"><first-name>" + firstName + "</first-name><last-name>" + lastName + "</last-name><display-name>" + firstName + " " + lastName + "</display-name><email>" + email + "</email><active>true</active><attributes><link rel=\"self\" href=\"/user/attribute?username="******"\"/></attributes><password><link rel=\"edit\" href=\"/user/password?username="******"\"/><value>" + pass + "</value></password></user>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); //set group foreach (string group in userGroupsList) { string addToGroupURL = "/user/group/direct?username="******"<group name=\"" + group + "\"/>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + addToGroupURL + userName, XmlDocument, auth, out data); } sendPassword(); MessageBox1(userNameLabel.Content + " was successfully recreated in " + targetDomainComboBox.Text + " directory"); this.DialogResult = true; log("Recreate - " + userNameLabel.Content + " was successfully recreated in " + targetDomainComboBox.Text + " directory"); Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } } }
public void getUserByUserName() { string url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user"; string XmlDocument = "<property-search-restriction><property><name>name</name><type>STRING</type></property><match-mode>EXACTLY_MATCHES</match-mode><value>" + SearchTextBox.Text + "</value></property-search-restriction>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); if (data == notFoundXML) { cleanSearchFields(); } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { UserNameBox.Text = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; userName = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; } } try { string urlUserSearch = serverURL + "/user?username="******""; retrive.GET(urlUserSearch, auth, out userInfo); doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(userInfo); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "active") { active = Convert.ToBoolean(noda.FirstChild.Value); } else if (noda.LocalName == "first-name") { firstName = noda.FirstChild.Value; } else if (noda.LocalName == "last-name") { lastName = noda.FirstChild.Value; } else if (noda.LocalName == "email") { email = noda.FirstChild.Value; } } FirstNameBox.Text = firstName; LastNameBox.Text = lastName; EmailBox.Text = email; if (active == true) { ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked = true; } else { ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked = false; } //Set lable Update on the button if the user was found resetPasswordButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; copyGroupButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; CreateUpdateButton.Content = "Update"; log("Search - " + SearchTextBox.Text + " - Result: Found username - " + userName); attributsButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; recreateUserButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } catch (Exception ex) { cleanSearchFields(); } //Find a groups for the user getUserGroup(); // Retrive groups list getGroup(); }
private void searchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (var directory in directories) { getCredentials(directory); searchTextBox.Text = searchTextBox.Text.TrimStart(' ').TrimEnd(' '); if (searchTextBox.Text.Contains(" ")) { string url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user&restriction=displayName%20=%20%22*" + searchTextBox.Text + "*%22"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.GET(url, auth, out data); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { userName = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; foundUsers.Add(userName); } } } if (searchTextBox.Text.Contains("@")) { string url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user&restriction=email%20=%20%22*" + searchTextBox.Text + "*%22"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.GET(url, auth, out data); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { userName = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; foundUsers.Add(userName); } } searchTextBox.Text.Substring(0, searchTextBox.Text.IndexOf("@")); url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user&restriction=name%20=%20%22*" + searchTextBox.Text + "*%22"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.GET(url, auth, out data); doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { userName = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; foundUsers.Add(userName); } } } else { string url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user&restriction=name%20=%20%22*" + searchTextBox.Text + "*%22"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.GET(url, auth, out data); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { userName = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; foundUsers.Add(userName); } } } } if (foundUsers.Count == 0) { MessageBox1("No users found"); return; } getUserGroups(foundUsers.Last()); }
private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { userName = ""; foundUsers.Clear(); maxIndex = 0; nextUserButton.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; SearchTextBox.Text = SearchTextBox.Text.TrimStart(' ').TrimEnd(' '); // if field search is empty if (SearchTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox1("Search field is empty."); return; } // if master mode should be enabled if (SearchTextBox.Text == "#master") { DeleteUserButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; deleteGroupButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; return; } // User search string xmlFile = File.ReadAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\application.conf"); XmlDocument configuration = new XmlDocument(); configuration.LoadXml(xmlFile); foreach (XmlNode tag in configuration.DocumentElement) { if (userName != "") { return; } if (tag.Attributes["company"].Value == company) { string directory = tag.Attributes["name"].Value; serverURL = tag.Attributes["url"].Value + "/rest/usermanagement/1"; auth[0] = tag.Attributes["user"].Value; auth[1] = tag.Attributes["password"].Value; DirectoryComboBox.Text = directory; // if string contains @ symbol do search by email address if (SearchTextBox.Text.Contains("@") == true) { string url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user"; string XmlDocument = "<property-search-restriction><property><name>email</name><type>STRING</type></property><match-mode>EXACTLY_MATCHES</match-mode><value>" + SearchTextBox.Text + "</value></property-search-restriction>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); if (data == notFoundXML) { cleanSearchFields(); url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user"; XmlDocument = "<property-search-restriction><property><name>name</name><type>STRING</type></property><match-mode>EXACTLY_MATCHES</match-mode><value>" + SearchTextBox.Text.Substring(0, SearchTextBox.Text.IndexOf("@")) + "</value></property-search-restriction>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); if (data == notFoundXML) { cleanSearchFields(); } } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { UserNameBox.Text = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; userName = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; foundUsers.Add(userName); } } if (foundUsers.Count > 1) { severalUsersFound(); } try { string urlUserSearch = serverURL + "/user?username="******""; retrive.GET(urlUserSearch, auth, out userInfo); doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(userInfo); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "active") { active = Convert.ToBoolean(noda.FirstChild.Value); } else if (noda.LocalName == "first-name") { firstName = noda.FirstChild.Value; } else if (noda.LocalName == "last-name") { lastName = noda.FirstChild.Value; } else if (noda.LocalName == "email") { email = noda.FirstChild.Value; } } FirstNameBox.Text = firstName; LastNameBox.Text = lastName; EmailBox.Text = email; if (active == true) { ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked = true; } else { ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked = false; } //Set lable Update on the button if the user was found resetPasswordButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; copyGroupButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; CreateUpdateButton.Content = "Update"; log("Search - " + SearchTextBox.Text + " - Result: Found username - " + userName); attributsButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; recreateUserButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } catch (Exception ex) { cleanSearchFields(); } //Find a groups for the user getUserGroup(); // Retrive groups list getGroup(); } //If first name and last name provided else if (SearchTextBox.Text.Contains(" ")) { string url = serverURL + "/search?entity-type=user&restriction=displayName%20=%20%22*" + SearchTextBox.Text + "*%22"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.GET(url, auth, out data); if (data == notFoundXML) { cleanSearchFields(); } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(data); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "user") { UserNameBox.Text = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; userName = noda.Attributes["name"].Value; foundUsers.Add(userName); } } if (foundUsers.Count > 1) { severalUsersFound(); } try { string urlUserSearch = serverURL + "/user?username="******""; retrive.GET(urlUserSearch, auth, out userInfo); doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(userInfo); foreach (XmlNode noda in doc.DocumentElement) { if (noda.LocalName == "active") { active = Convert.ToBoolean(noda.FirstChild.Value); } else if (noda.LocalName == "first-name") { firstName = noda.FirstChild.Value; } else if (noda.LocalName == "last-name") { lastName = noda.FirstChild.Value; } else if (noda.LocalName == "email") { email = noda.FirstChild.Value; } } FirstNameBox.Text = firstName; LastNameBox.Text = lastName; EmailBox.Text = email; if (active == true) { ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked = true; } else { ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked = false; } //Set lable Update on the button if the user was found resetPasswordButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; copyGroupButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; CreateUpdateButton.Content = "Update"; log("Search - " + SearchTextBox.Text + " - Result: Found username - " + userName); attributsButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; recreateUserButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } catch (Exception ex) { cleanSearchFields(); } //Find a groups for the user getUserGroup(); // Retrive groups list getGroup(); } // if search box contains username else { getUserByUserName(); } } } if (userName == "") { listBoxAvailibleGroups.Items.Clear(); MessageBox1("User not found!"); if (SearchTextBox.Text.Contains("@")) { EmailBox.Text = SearchTextBox.Text; UserNameBox.Text = SearchTextBox.Text.Substring(0, SearchTextBox.Text.IndexOf("@")); string compOfAcc = SearchTextBox.Text.Substring(SearchTextBox.Text.IndexOf("@") + 1, SearchTextBox.Text.LastIndexOf(".") - SearchTextBox.Text.IndexOf("@") - 1); LastNameBox.Text = " (" + char.ToUpper(compOfAcc[0]) + compOfAcc.Substring(1) + ")"; //LastNameBox.Text = SearchTextBox.Text.LastIndexOf(".").ToString(); } log("Search - " + SearchTextBox.Text + " - Result: Not Found"); } }
private void CreateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { userName = ""; firstName = ""; lastName = ""; password = ""; groups = ""; email = ""; foreach (DataRowView row in dataGrid.Items) { if (row.Row["Directory"].ToString() == "") { MessageBox1("Please, verify accounts first "); return; } if (row.Row["Process"].ToString() == "True") { try { //create userName = row.Row["F4"].ToString(); firstName = row.Row["F2"].ToString(); lastName = row.Row["F3"].ToString(); email = row.Row["F1"].ToString(); groups = ""; password = "******" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now) + "Epam"; Directory = row.Row["Directory"].ToString(); getCredentials(); string url = serverURL + "/user"; string XmlDocument = "<user name=\"" + userName + "\" expand=\"attributes\"><first-name>" + firstName + "</first-name><last-name>" + lastName + "</last-name><display-name>" + firstName + " " + lastName + "</display-name><email>" + email + "</email><active>true</active><attributes><link rel=\"self\" href=\"/user/attribute?username="******"\"/></attributes><password><link rel=\"edit\" href=\"/user/password?username="******"\"/><value>" + password + "</value></password></user>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); if (data == "") { return; } row.Row["Status"] = "Created. "; // set group groups = row.Row["F6"].ToString(); string[] group = groups.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < group.Length; i++) { string addToGroupURL = "/user/group/direct?username="******"<group name=\"" + group[i] + "\"/>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + addToGroupURL + userName, XmlDocument, auth, out data); } row.Row["Status"] = row.Row["Status"] + "Group assigned. "; //send password sendPassword(); row.Row["Status"] = "Processed"; log("Create (bulk mode) - " + userName + " - Result: successfully created in " + Directory + " directory and added to the " + groups + " group/s. Email notification about the password sent to: " + email); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } } else { row.Row["Status"] = "Skipped"; } } }
private void CreateUpdateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserNameBox.Text = UserNameBox.Text.TrimStart(' ').TrimEnd(' '); EmailBox.Text = EmailBox.Text.TrimStart(' ').TrimEnd(' '); FirstNameBox.Text = FirstNameBox.Text.TrimStart(' ').TrimEnd(' '); LastNameBox.Text = LastNameBox.Text.TrimStart(' ').TrimEnd(' '); getCredentials(); if (CreateUpdateButton.Content == "Update") { if (UserNameBox.Text == "" || FirstNameBox.Text == "" || LastNameBox.Text == "" || EmailBox.Text == "") { MessageBox1("Some of the mandatory fields are empty."); } else { try { if (userName != UserNameBox.Text) { MessageBox1("This version of the application is not allowed to update 'User Name' field due to limitaions from the Atlassian Crowd side. If you anyway need this functionality please contact with Epam developers"); return; } if (ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { setActive = "true"; } else { setActive = "false"; } string url = serverURL + "/user?username="******"<user name=\"" + UserNameBox.Text + "\" expand=\"attributes\"><first-name>" + FirstNameBox.Text + "</first-name><last-name>" + LastNameBox.Text + "</last-name><display-name>" + FirstNameBox.Text + " " + LastNameBox.Text + "</display-name><email>" + EmailBox.Text + "</email><active>" + setActive + "</active><attributes><link rel=\"self\" href=\"/user/attribute?username="******"\"/></attributes><password><link rel=\"edit\" href=\"/user/password?username="******"\"/><value></value></password></user>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.PUT(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); MessageBox1("Updated successfully"); log("Update - " + UserNameBox.Text + " - Result: updated successfully"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } } } //Create User, send password link and assign to the jira-users group else { if (UserNameBox.Text == "" || FirstNameBox.Text == "" || LastNameBox.Text == "" || EmailBox.Text == "") { MessageBox1("Some of the mandatory fields are empty."); } else { try { //create string pass = "******" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Millisecond) + "Epam"; if (ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked == true) { setActive = "true"; } else { setActive = "false"; } string url = serverURL + "/user"; string XmlDocument = "<user name=\"" + UserNameBox.Text + "\" expand=\"attributes\"><first-name>" + FirstNameBox.Text + "</first-name><last-name>" + LastNameBox.Text + "</last-name><display-name>" + FirstNameBox.Text + " " + LastNameBox.Text + "</display-name><email>" + EmailBox.Text + "</email><active>" + setActive + "</active><attributes><link rel=\"self\" href=\"/user/attribute?username="******"\"/></attributes><password><link rel=\"edit\" href=\"/user/password?username="******"\"/><value>" + pass + "</value></password></user>"; getResponse retrive = new getResponse(); string data = ""; retrive.POST(url, XmlDocument, auth, out data); //set group string addToGroupURL = "/user/group/direct?username="******"<group name=\"jira-users\"/>"; retrive = new getResponse(); data = ""; retrive.POST(serverURL + addToGroupURL + UserNameBox.Text, XmlDocument, auth, out data); //send password sendPassword(); MessageBox1("User '" + UserNameBox.Text + "' was successfully created and added to the 'jira-users' group. Email notification about the password sent to the " + EmailBox.Text); log("Create - " + UserNameBox.Text + " - Result: successfully created in " + DirectoryComboBox.Text + " directory and added to the 'jira-users' group. Email notification about the password sent to: " + EmailBox.Text); Clipboard.SetText("Account '" + UserNameBox.Text + "' was successfully created .Reset password link was sent to " + EmailBox.Text); SearchButton_Click(sender, e); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox1(ex.Message); } } } }