private Devolutions buildDevolution(MySqlDataReader data) { Devolutions item = new Devolutions( data.GetInt32("id"), data.GetString("fecha"), data.GetInt32("autorizo"), data.GetDouble("total") ); return(item); }
public List <Devolutions> get_lastdevocion(string fecha, int autorizo, double total) { string query = "select id, fecha, autorizo, total from tbadevoluciones where fecha='" + fecha + "' and autorizo='" + autorizo.ToString() + "' and total='" + total.ToString() + "' order by id DESC"; MySqlDataReader data = runQuery(query); List <Devolutions> result = new List <Devolutions>(); if (data.HasRows) { while (data.Read()) { Devolutions item = buildDevolution(data); result.Add(item); } } return(result); }
public List <Devolutions> get_devolucionesbyid(int id) { string query = "select id, fecha, autorizo, total from tbadevoluciones where id='" + id.ToString() + "'"; MySqlDataReader data = runQuery(query); List <Devolutions> result = new List <Devolutions>(); if (data.HasRows) { while (data.Read()) { Devolutions item = buildDevolution(data); result.Add(item); } } return(result); }