예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes an item to the List with the - operator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CCL">The CCL that will be removed to.</param>
        /// <param name="Card">The card that will be removed.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The a CreditCardList that is the same as CCL with card removed.
        /// </returns>
        static public CreditCardList operator-(CreditCardList CCL, CreditCard Card)
            CreditCardList CardList = new CreditCardList(CCL);  //creates a new card list to be returned

            CardList.SaveNeeded = true;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new items to the List with the + operator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CCL">The CCL that will be added to.</param>
        /// <param name="Card">The card that will be added.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The a CreditCardList that is the same as CCL with card added.
        /// </returns>
        static public CreditCardList operator+(CreditCardList CCL, CreditCard Card)
            CreditCardList CardList = new CreditCardList(CCL);  //creates a new card list to be returned

            CardList.SaveNeeded = true;

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CardList">The card list to be copied.</param>
        public CreditCardList(CreditCardList CardList)
            if (CardList.CCL.Count != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < CardList.CCL.Count; i++)
                    CCL.Add(new CreditCard(CardList.CCL[i]));

            this.SaveNeeded = CardList.SaveNeeded;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The method that holds the menus and handles data entry
        /// </summary>
        static void menu()
            int    iChoice;                             //records the user's choices on the menu
            int    iIndex;                              //used to pick an index choosen by the user
            string strIndex;                            //holds the user's choosen index value
            string strAnyway;                           //holds if the user wants to use something anyway
            string strChoice;                           //records the user's choices on the menus
            string strName;                             //holds the card holder's name
            string strCardNum;                          //holds the card number
            string strEmail;                            //holds the card holder's email
            string strPhone;                            //holds the card holder's phone number
            string strDate;                             //holds the experation date on the card
            string strAdd    = "";                      //holds what the user entered when they were asked to save
            string strSearch = "";                      //holds what the user entered when asked what to search by

            CreditCard     cc;                          //a card checker used to check if what the user has entered is possible
            CreditCardList ccl = new CreditCardList( ); //a list to hold all the cards

            iChoice = 0;

            //while used to only exit the program when the user enters a 2
            while (iChoice != 8)
                iChoice = 0;

                Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the number of the action you would like to do." +
                                  "\n1.Enter Credit Card Info\n2.Load a file of Cards\n" +
                                  "3.Search for cards\n4.Save the current List\n5.Display" +
                                  " all cards\n6.Sort by card number\n7.Remove Card\n8.Exit");
                strChoice = Console.ReadLine( );

                //while used to check that the user's choice was valid
                while (iChoice < 1 || iChoice > 8)
                    //used a try catch because parsing can throw an exception
                        iChoice = int.Parse(strChoice);
                    }//end try
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("That was not valid");
                    }//end catch

                    if (iChoice < 1 || iChoice > 8)
                        Console.WriteLine("That was not a valid choice.\nTry again.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the number of the action you would like to do." +
                                          "\n1.Enter Credit Card Info\n2.Load a file of Cards\n" +
                                          "3.Search for cards\n4.Save the current List\n5.Display" +
                                          " all cards\n6.Sort by card number\n7.Remove Card\n8.Exit");
                        strChoice = Console.ReadLine( );
                }//end while (iChoice < 1 || iChoice > 2)

                if (iChoice == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the card holder's name.");
                    strName = Console.ReadLine( );

                    strAnyway = "9";

                    //reenter card number
                    while (!CreditCard.NameCheck(strName) && !strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                        Console.WriteLine("The name, {0}, is not valid.\nWould you like to use it anyway?\n1.Yes" +
                                          "\n2.No", strName);
                        strAnyway = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (strAnyway.Equals("2"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the card holder's name.");
                            strName = Console.ReadLine( );
                        else if (strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\n");
                    }//end while
                    strAnyway = "9";

                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the card number?");
                    strCardNum = Console.ReadLine( );
                    //reenter card number
                    while (!CreditCard.CardNumCheck(strCardNum) && !strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                        Console.WriteLine("The card number, {0}, is not valid.\nWould you like to use it anyway?\n1.Yes" +
                                          "\n2.No", strCardNum);
                        strAnyway = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (strAnyway.Equals("2"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the card number?");
                            strCardNum = Console.ReadLine( );
                        else if (strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\n");
                    }//end while
                    strAnyway = "9";

                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the card's experation date in the form mm/yyyy?");
                    strDate = Console.ReadLine( );

                    //reenter date
                    while (!CreditCard.DateCheck(strDate) && !strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                        Console.WriteLine("The date, {0}, has passed or is not realistic" +
                                          ".\nWould you like to use it anyway?\n1.Yes" +
                                          "\n2.No", strDate);
                        strAnyway = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (strAnyway.Equals("2"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the card's experation date.");
                            strDate = Console.ReadLine( );
                        else if (strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\n");
                    }//end while
                    strAnyway = "9";

                    Console.WriteLine(@"Enter the card holder's phone number in the form (###)###-####?");
                    strPhone = Console.ReadLine( );

                    //reenter phone number
                    while (!CreditCard.PhoneCheck(strPhone) && !strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                        Console.WriteLine("The phone number, {0}, was not valid.\nWould you like to use it anyway?\n1.Yes" +
                                          "\n2.No", strPhone);
                        strAnyway = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (strAnyway.Equals("2"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the card holder's phone number.");
                            strPhone = Console.ReadLine( );
                        else if (strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\n");
                    }//end while
                    strAnyway = "9";

                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the card holder's email?");
                    strEmail = Console.ReadLine( );
                    //reenter email
                    while (!CreditCard.EmailCheck(strEmail) && !strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                        Console.WriteLine("The email, {0}, was not valid.\nWould you like to use it anyway?\n1.Yes" +
                                          "\n2.No", strEmail);
                        strAnyway = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (strAnyway.Equals("2"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter the card holder's email.");
                            strEmail = Console.ReadLine( );
                        else if (strAnyway.Equals("1"))
                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\n");
                    }//end while

                    cc = new CreditCard(strName, strCardNum, strPhone, strEmail, strDate);

                    strAnyway = "9";

                    while (!strAdd.Equals("2") && !strAdd.Equals("1"))
                        Console.WriteLine(cc.ToString( ));
                        Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to add this card to the list?\n1.Yes\n2.No");
                        strAdd = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (strAdd.Equals("1"))
                            ccl = ccl + cc;

                        else if (strAdd.Equals("2"))

                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid");

                    strAdd = "";
                }//end if(iChoice ==1)

                else if (iChoice == 2)
                    ccl.Load( );

                else if (iChoice == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("What would you like to search for?\n1.Card Holder Name\n" +
                                      "2.Card Number\n3.Search for all valid cards\n4.Search by index number");
                    strSearch = Console.ReadLine( );
                    if (strSearch.Equals("1"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter the full name of the person you want to search for.");
                        strSearch = Console.ReadLine( );

                        if (ccl.SearchForName(strSearch).Count < 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("The name {0} was not found.", strSearch);

                            for (int i = 0; i < ccl.SearchForName(strSearch).Count; i++)
                                Console.WriteLine(ccl[ccl.SearchForName(strSearch)[i]].ToString( ));
                    else if (strSearch.Equals("2"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter the card number of the card you want to search for.");
                        strSearch = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (ccl[strSearch].Count == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("The number {0} was not found.", strSearch);

                            for (int i = 0; i < ccl[strSearch].Count; i++)
                                Console.WriteLine(ccl[(ccl[strSearch])[i]].ToString( ));
                                Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue");
                                Console.ReadLine( );
                    else if (strSearch.Equals("3"))
                        if (ccl.FindValid( ).Count < 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("None of the cards are valid");

                            for (int i = 0; i < ccl.FindValid( ).Count; i++)
                                Console.WriteLine(ccl[ccl.FindValid( )[i]].ToString( ));
                                if (i % 5 == 3 || i == (ccl.FindValid().Count - 1))
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue");
                                    Console.ReadLine( );
                    else if (strSearch.Equals("4"))
                        iIndex = -1;
                        while (iIndex == -1)
                            Console.WriteLine("What is the index number of the card you want to search for?");
                            strIndex = Console.ReadLine( );
                                iIndex = int.Parse(strIndex);
                            catch (Exception)
                                Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\nTry again.\n");

                        if (iIndex < ccl.Count() && iIndex > -1)
                            Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue");
                            Console.ReadLine( );

                            Console.WriteLine("That index was not found.");
                }//end else if(iChoice = 3)

                else if (iChoice == 4)

                else if (iChoice == 5)
                    if (ccl.Count() > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ccl.Count( ); i++)
                            Console.WriteLine("\n\nIndex number: " + i);
                            if (i % 5 == 4 || i == (ccl.Count() - 1))
                                Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue");
                                Console.ReadLine( );

                        Console.WriteLine("There are no records to display.");
                }//end else if(iChoice == 5)

                else if (iChoice == 6)
                    ccl.sort( );

                else if (iChoice == 7)
                    iIndex = -1;
                    while (iIndex == -1)
                        Console.WriteLine("What is the index number of the card you want to delete?");
                        strIndex = Console.ReadLine( );
                            iIndex = int.Parse(strIndex);
                        catch (Exception)
                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\nTry again.\n");

                    while (!strChoice.Equals("1") && !strChoice.Equals("2"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Is this the card you want to delete?\n1.Yes\n2.No");
                        strChoice = Console.ReadLine( );
                        if (strChoice.Equals("1"))
                            ccl = ccl - ccl[iIndex];
                        else if (!strChoice.Equals("2"))
                            Console.WriteLine("That was not valid.\nTry again");

                    strChoice = "7";
                } //end else if(iChoice == 7)
            }     //end while(iChoice != 8)
        }         //end main