예제 #1
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (m_timerGodMode > 0)
                m_timerGodMode   -= Time.deltaTime;
                m_sprRender.color = Time.frameCount % 2 == 0? Color.red : Color.white;

                if (m_movingBehaviour != null)
                    m_movingBehaviour.ApplyForce(m_lastDamageData.Force * m_movingBehaviour.MaxForce);
                m_sprRender.color = Color.white;
예제 #2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            Vector3 vPlayerPos        = m_player.transform.position; vPlayerPos.z = transform.position.z;
            Ray2D   sightRay          = new Ray2D(transform.position, vPlayerPos - transform.position);
            float   distToTarget      = Vector2.Distance(vPlayerPos, transform.position);
            float   fSightBlockedDist = IsSightBlockedByBlockedTiles? RpgMapHelper.Raycast(sightRay, distToTarget) : -1f;
            // NOTE: fSightBlockedDist will be -1f if sight line is not blocked by blocked collision tile
            bool isPlayerSeen = distToTarget < SightDistance && fSightBlockedDist == -1f;

            if (isPlayerSeen)
                m_pathFindingBehaviour.TargetPos = vPlayerPos;

            bool isTargetReached = Vector2.Distance(m_pathFindingBehaviour.TargetPos, transform.position) <= MinDistToReachTarget;

            if (!isPlayerSeen && isTargetReached)
                // Move around
                m_pathFindingBehaviour.enabled = false;
                vPlayerPos = transform.position;
                m_fAngOff += Random.Range(-AngRandOff, AngRandOff);
                Vector3 vOffset = Quaternion.AngleAxis(m_fAngOff, Vector3.forward) * (AngRandRadious * Vector3.right);
                vPlayerPos += vOffset;
            else // Follow the player
                // stop following the path when closed enough to target
                m_pathFindingBehaviour.enabled = !isTargetReached;
                if (!m_pathFindingBehaviour.enabled)
                    m_fAngOff += Random.Range(-AngRandOff, AngRandOff);
                    Vector3 vOffset = Quaternion.AngleAxis(m_fAngOff, Vector3.forward) * (AngRandRadious * Vector3.right);
                    vPlayerPos += vOffset;
                    Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, m_player.transform.position, Color.blue);
                    Debug.DrawRay(m_player.transform.position, vOffset, Color.blue);


            //+++avoid obstacles
            Vector3 vTurnVel = Vector3.zero;

            if (0 != (m_phyChar.CollFlags & PhysicCharBehaviour.eCollFlags.RIGHT))
                vTurnVel.x = -m_moving.MaxSpeed;
            else if (0 != (m_phyChar.CollFlags & PhysicCharBehaviour.eCollFlags.LEFT))
                vTurnVel.x = m_moving.MaxSpeed;
            if (0 != (m_phyChar.CollFlags & PhysicCharBehaviour.eCollFlags.DOWN))
                vTurnVel.y = m_moving.MaxSpeed;
            else if (0 != (m_phyChar.CollFlags & PhysicCharBehaviour.eCollFlags.UP))
                vTurnVel.y = -m_moving.MaxSpeed;
            if (vTurnVel != Vector3.zero)
                m_moving.ApplyForce(vTurnVel - m_moving.Veloc);

            //fix to avoid flickering of the creature when collides with wall
            if (Time.frameCount % 16 == 0)
                if (!LockAnimDir)