예제 #1
        public void LoadDayFile()
            int addedEntries = 0;

            Program.LogMessage($"LoadDayFile: Attempting to load the day file");
            Console.WriteLine("Attempting to load the day file");
            if (File.Exists(dayFileName))
                int linenum    = 0;
                int errorCount = 0;

                // determine dayfile line ending
                if (Utils.TryDetectNewLine(dayFileName, out string lineend))
                    LineEnding = lineend;
                // determine the dayfile field and date separators
                Utils.GetLogFileSeparators(dayFileName, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator, out FieldSep, out DateSep);

                // Clear the existing list

                    using (var sr = new StreamReader(dayFileName))
                        var lastDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                                // process each record in the file

                                string Line   = sr.ReadLine();
                                var    newRec = ParseDayFileRec(Line);

                                // sanity check if this date is in sequence
                                if (newRec.Date < lastDate)
                                    Program.LogMessage($"LoadDayFile: Error - Date is out of order at line {linenum} of {dayFileName}, '{newRec.Date.ToString("dd" + DateSep + "MM" + DateSep + "yy")}'");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"\nError, date is out of order at line {linenum} of {dayFileName}, '{newRec.Date.ToString("dd" + DateSep + "MM" + DateSep + "yy")}'");

                                // sanity check if this date has already been added
                                //var matches = DayfileRecs.Where(p => p.Date == newRec.Date).ToList();
                                // (matches.Count > 0)
                                //Since we now know the order is correct, we can do a simple date compare
                                if (newRec.Date == lastDate)
                                    Program.LogMessage($"LoadDayFile: Error - Duplicate date at line {linenum} of {dayFileName}, '{newRec.Date.ToString("dd" + DateSep + "MM" + DateSep + "yy")}'");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"\nError, duplicate date at line {linenum} of {dayFileName}, '{newRec.Date.ToString("dd" + DateSep + "MM" + DateSep + "yy")}'");


                                lastDate = newRec.Date;

                            catch (Exception e)
                                Program.LogMessage($"LoadDayFile: Error at line {linenum} of {dayFileName} : {e.Message}");
                                Program.LogMessage("Please edit the file to correct the error");
                                if (errorCount >= 20)
                                    Program.LogMessage($"LoadDayFile: Too many errors reading {dayFileName} - aborting load of daily data");
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Too many errors reading {dayFileName} - aborting load of daily data");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please see the log file for more details");
                        } while (!(sr.EndOfStream || errorCount >= 20));
                catch (Exception e)
                    Program.LogMessage($"LoadDayFile: Error at line {linenum} of {dayFileName} : {e.Message}");
                    Program.LogMessage("Please edit the file to correct the error");
                Program.LogMessage($"LoadDayFile: Loaded {addedEntries} entries to the daily data list");
                Console.WriteLine($"Loaded {addedEntries} entries to the daily data list");
                Program.LogMessage("LoadDayFile: No Dayfile found - No entries added to recent daily data list");
                Console.WriteLine("No Dayfile found - No entries added to recent daily data list");
                // add a rcord for yesterday, just so we have something to process,
                // if it is left at default we will not write it out
                var newRec = new Dayfilerec
                    Date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1)
예제 #2
        private Dayfilerec ParseDayFileRec(string data)
            var    st = new List <string>(Regex.Split(data, FieldSep));
            double varDbl;
            int    varInt;
            int    idx = 0;

            var rec = new Dayfilerec();

                rec.Date             = Utils.DdmmyyStrToDate(st[idx++]);
                rec.HighGust         = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);
                rec.HighGustBearing  = Convert.ToInt32(st[idx++]);
                rec.HighGustTime     = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[idx++]);
                rec.LowTemp          = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);
                rec.LowTempTime      = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[idx++]);
                rec.HighTemp         = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);
                rec.HighTempTime     = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[idx++]);
                rec.LowPress         = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);
                rec.LowPressTime     = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[idx++]);
                rec.HighPress        = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);
                rec.HighPressTime    = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[idx++]);
                rec.HighRainRate     = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);
                rec.HighRainRateTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[idx++]);
                rec.TotalRain        = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);
                rec.AvgTemp          = Convert.ToDouble(st[idx++]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[16], out varDbl))
                    rec.WindRun = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[17], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighAvgWind = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[18].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighAvgWindTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[18]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && int.TryParse(st[19], out varInt))
                    rec.LowHumidity = varInt;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[20].Length == 5)
                    rec.LowHumidityTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[20]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && int.TryParse(st[21], out varInt))
                    rec.HighHumidity = varInt;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[22].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighHumidityTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[22]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[23], out varDbl))
                    rec.ET = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[24], out varDbl))
                    rec.SunShineHours = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[25], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighHeatIndex = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[26].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighHeatIndexTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[26]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[27], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighAppTemp = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[28].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighAppTempTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[28]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[29], out varDbl))
                    rec.LowAppTemp = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[30].Length == 5)
                    rec.LowAppTempTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[30]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[31], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighHourlyRain = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[32].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighHourlyRainTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[32]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[33], out varDbl))
                    rec.LowWindChill = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[34].Length == 5)
                    rec.LowWindChillTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[34]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[35], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighDewPoint = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[36].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighDewPointTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[36]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[37], out varDbl))
                    rec.LowDewPoint = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[38].Length == 5)
                    rec.LowDewPointTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[38]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && int.TryParse(st[39], out varInt))
                    rec.DominantWindBearing = varInt;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[40], out varDbl))
                    rec.HeatingDegreeDays = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[41], out varDbl))
                    rec.CoolingDegreeDays = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && int.TryParse(st[42], out varInt))
                    rec.HighSolar = varInt;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[43].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighSolarTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[43]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[44], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighUv = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[45].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighUvTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[45]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[46], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighFeelsLike = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[47].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighFeelsLikeTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[47]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[48], out varDbl))
                    rec.LowFeelsLike = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[49].Length == 5)
                    rec.LowFeelsLikeTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[49]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[50], out varDbl))
                    rec.HighHumidex = varDbl;

                if (st.Count > idx++ && st[51].Length == 5)
                    rec.HighHumidexTime = Utils.GetDateTime(rec.Date, st[51]);

                if (st.Count > idx++ && double.TryParse(st[52], out varDbl))
                    rec.ChillHours = varDbl;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.LogMessage($"ParseDayFileRec: Error at record {idx} - {ex.Message}");
                var e = new Exception($"Error at record {idx} = \"{st[idx - 1]}\" - {ex.Message}");
                throw e;
예제 #3
        private string RecToCsv(Dayfilerec rec)
            // Writes an entry to the daily extreme log file. Fields are comma-separated.
            // 0   Date in the form dd/mm/yy (the slash may be replaced by a dash in some cases)
            // 1  Highest wind gust
            // 2  Bearing of highest wind gust
            // 3  Time of highest wind gust
            // 4  Minimum temperature
            // 5  Time of minimum temperature
            // 6  Maximum temperature
            // 7  Time of maximum temperature
            // 8  Minimum sea level pressure
            // 9  Time of minimum pressure
            // 10  Maximum sea level pressure
            // 11  Time of maximum pressure
            // 12  Maximum rainfall rate
            // 13  Time of maximum rainfall rate
            // 14  Total rainfall for the day
            // 15  Average temperature for the day
            // 16  Total wind run
            // 17  Highest average wind speed
            // 18  Time of highest average wind speed
            // 19  Lowest humidity
            // 20  Time of lowest humidity
            // 21  Highest humidity
            // 22  Time of highest humidity
            // 23  Total evapotranspiration
            // 24  Total hours of sunshine
            // 25  High heat index
            // 26  Time of high heat index
            // 27  High apparent temperature
            // 28  Time of high apparent temperature
            // 29  Low apparent temperature
            // 30  Time of low apparent temperature
            // 31  High hourly rain
            // 32  Time of high hourly rain
            // 33  Low wind chill
            // 34  Time of low wind chill
            // 35  High dew point
            // 36  Time of high dew point
            // 37  Low dew point
            // 38  Time of low dew point
            // 39  Dominant wind bearing
            // 40  Heating degree days
            // 41  Cooling degree days
            // 42  High solar radiation
            // 43  Time of high solar radiation
            // 44  High UV Index
            // 45  Time of high UV Index
            // 46  High Feels like
            // 47  Time of high feels like
            // 48  Low feels like
            // 49  Time of low feels like
            // 50  High Humidex
            // 51  Time of high Humidex

            // 52  Low Humidex
            // 53  Time of low Humidex

            // Write the date back using the same separator as the source file
            string datestring = rec.Date.ToString($"dd{DateSep}MM{DateSep}yy");
            // NB this string is just for logging, the dayfile update code is further down
            var strb = new StringBuilder(300);

            strb.Append(datestring + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighGust == -9999)
            //strb.Append("0.0" + listsep + "0" + listsep + "00:00" + listsep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighGust.ToString(Program.cumulus.WindFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighGustBearing + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighGustTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.LowTemp == 9999)
            //strb.Append("0.0" + listsep + "00:00" + listsep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowTemp.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowTempTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighTemp == -9999)
            //strb.Append("0.0" + listsep + "00:00" + listsep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighTemp.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighTempTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.LowPress == 9999)
            //strb.Append("0.0" + listsep + "00:00" + listsep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowPress.ToString(Program.cumulus.PressFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowPressTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighPress == -9999)
            //strb.Append("0.0" + listsep + "00:00" + listsep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighPress.ToString(Program.cumulus.PressFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighPressTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighRainRate == -9999)
            //strb.Append("0.0" + listsep + "00:00" + listsep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighRainRate.ToString(Program.cumulus.RainFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighRainRateTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.TotalRain == -9999)
            //strb.Append("0.0" + listsep);
                strb.Append(rec.TotalRain.ToString(Program.cumulus.RainFormat) + FieldSep);

            if (rec.AvgTemp == -9999)
                strb.Append(rec.AvgTemp.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);

            strb.Append(rec.WindRun.ToString("F1") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighAvgWind == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighAvgWind.ToString(Program.cumulus.WindAvgFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighAvgWindTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.LowHumidity == 9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowHumidity + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowHumidityTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighHumidity == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHumidity + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHumidityTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            strb.Append(rec.ET.ToString(Program.cumulus.ETFormat) + FieldSep);
            strb.Append(rec.SunShineHours.ToString(Program.cumulus.SunFormat) + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighHeatIndex == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHeatIndex.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHeatIndexTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighAppTemp == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighAppTemp.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighAppTempTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.LowAppTemp == 9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowAppTemp.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowAppTempTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighHourlyRain == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHourlyRain.ToString(Program.cumulus.RainFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHourlyRainTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.LowWindChill == 9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowWindChill.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowWindChillTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighDewPoint == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighDewPoint.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighDewPointTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.LowDewPoint == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowDewPoint.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowDewPointTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.DominantWindBearing == 9999)
                strb.Append(rec.DominantWindBearing + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HeatingDegreeDays == -9999)
                strb.Append(rec.HeatingDegreeDays.ToString("F1") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.CoolingDegreeDays == -9999)
                strb.Append(rec.CoolingDegreeDays.ToString("F1") + FieldSep);

            strb.Append(rec.HighSolar + FieldSep);
            strb.Append(rec.HighSolarTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);
            strb.Append(rec.HighUv.ToString(Program.cumulus.UVFormat) + FieldSep);
            strb.Append(rec.HighUvTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighFeelsLike == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighFeelsLike.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighFeelsLikeTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.LowFeelsLike == 9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowFeelsLike.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.LowFeelsLikeTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.HighHumidex == -9999)
                strb.Append(FieldSep + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHumidex.ToString(Program.cumulus.TempFormat) + FieldSep);
                strb.Append(rec.HighHumidexTime.ToString("HH:mm") + FieldSep);

            if (rec.ChillHours != -9999)

            Program.LogMessage("Dayfile.txt Added: " + datestring);
