예제 #1
파일: Utils.cs 프로젝트: CowNation/CowSpeak
        public static string GetTokensExpression(List <Token> tokens, ref Any alreadyEvaluatedValue)
            string expression = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Count; i++)
                string identifier = tokens[i].identifier;

                Type objectType = null;
                if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.VariableIdentifier)
                    Variable var = Interpreter.Vars[identifier];
                    identifier = Modules.Main._ToString(var.Value);                     // replace variable name with it's value
                    objectType = var.Type;

                switch (tokens[i].type)
                case TokenType.WhileConditional:
                case TokenType.IfConditional:
                case TokenType.EndBracket:

                if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.FunctionCall)
                    BaseFunction func     = Interpreter.Functions[identifier];
                    Any          returned = func.Invoke(identifier);
                    objectType = func.ReturnType;

                    if (tokens.Count == 1)
                        alreadyEvaluatedValue = returned;

                    if (returned != null)
                        identifier = Modules.Main._ToString(returned.Value);                         // replace function call with it's return value
                        identifier = "";
                else if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.FunctionChain)
                    Any evaluatedChain = FunctionChain.Evaluate(identifier);

                    if (tokens.Count == 1)
                        alreadyEvaluatedValue = evaluatedChain;

                    identifier = Modules.Main._ToString(evaluatedChain.Value);
                    objectType = FunctionChain.GetType(tokens[i].identifier);

                if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.StringLiteral || objectType == Types.String)
                    identifier = "\"" + identifier.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"";
                else if (tokens[i].type == TokenType.CharacterLiteral || objectType == Types.Character)
                    identifier = "\'" + identifier + "\'";

                expression += identifier + (i < tokens.Count - 1 ? " " : "");

예제 #2
        public static Any[] ParseParameters(string s_parameters)
            if (s_parameters == "()")
                return(new Any[0]);                // no parameters
            List <Any> parameters = new List <Any>();

            s_parameters = s_parameters.Substring(1, s_parameters.Length - 2);            // remove parentheses

            s_parameters = Utils.ReplaceBetween(s_parameters, ',', '(', ')', (char)0x1a); // prevent splitting of commas in nested parentheses

            string[] splitParams = Regex.Split(s_parameters, ",");                        // split by each comma/space (each item is a parameter)

            for (int i = 0; i < splitParams.Length; i++)
                splitParams[i] = splitParams[i].Replace(((char)0x1a).ToString(), ",");

                if (splitParams[i][0] == ',')
                    splitParams[i] = splitParams[i].Substring(1, splitParams[i].Length - 1);
            }             // splitting has been done so we can revert placeholders back

            for (int i = 0; i < splitParams.Length; i++)
                string parameter = splitParams[i];

                while (parameter.Length > 0 && parameter[0] == ' ')
                    parameter = parameter.Remove(0, 1);                     // remove beginning spaces
                while (parameter.Length > 0 && parameter[parameter.Length - 1] == ' ')
                    parameter = parameter.Remove(parameter.Length - 1, 1);                     // remove trailing spaces
                string cleanedUp;
                if ((parameter[0] == '\"' || parameter[0] == '\'') && (parameter[parameter.Length - 1] == '\"' || parameter[parameter.Length - 1] == '\''))
                    cleanedUp = parameter.Substring(1, parameter.Length - 2);                     // remove quotes/apostrophes
                    cleanedUp = parameter;

                Token token = null;

                if (parameter.OccurrencesOf("\"") <= 2)
                    token = Lexer.ParseToken(parameter, false);                     // a flaw in the parsing function for strings would take a string chain if it starts and ends with a string as 1 string (this is a janky workaround)
                Type vtype = null;

                if (token == null)
                    // unknown identifier, could be an equation waiting to be solved
                    Line tl = new Line(Lexer.ParseLine(parameter));
                else if (token.type == TokenType.VariableIdentifier)
                    Variable _var = Interpreter.Vars[token.identifier];
                    parameters.Add(new Any(_var.Type, _var.Value));
                else if (token.type == TokenType.FunctionCall)
                    while (token.identifier[0] < 'A' || token.identifier[0] > 'z')
                        token.identifier = token.identifier.Remove(0, 1);                         // i don't remember why this is here tbh
                    BaseFunction func = Interpreter.Functions[token.identifier];
                    if (func.ReturnType == Types.Void)
                        throw new BaseException("Cannot pass void function as a parameter");
                    parameters.Add(new Any(func.ReturnType, func.Invoke(token.identifier).Value));
                else if (token.type == TokenType.FunctionChain)
                else if (token.type == TokenType.StringLiteral || token.type == TokenType.CharacterLiteral)
                    switch (token.type)
                    case TokenType.StringLiteral:
                        vtype = Types.String;

                    case TokenType.CharacterLiteral:
                        vtype = Types.Character;

                    if (cleanedUp.Length > 2)
                        cleanedUp = cleanedUp.FromBase64().Replace("\\\"", "\"").Replace("\\'", "\'");                         // convert encoded base64 text given it's not an empty literal & do literal conversions (\" -> ") and (\' -> ')
                else if (token.type == TokenType.Integer64Literal || token.type == TokenType.IntegerLiteral || token.type == TokenType.DecimalLiteral)
                    if (Interpreter.Definitions.ContainsKey(cleanedUp))
                        cleanedUp = Interpreter.Definitions[cleanedUp].To;

                    // get the appropriate type for the literal
                    switch (token.type)
                    case TokenType.DecimalLiteral:
                        vtype = Types.Decimal;

                    case TokenType.IntegerLiteral:
                        vtype = Types.Integer;
                        if (Utils.IsHexadecimal(cleanedUp))
                            cleanedUp = int.Parse(cleanedUp.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();

                    case TokenType.Integer64Literal:
                        vtype = Types.Integer64;
                        if (Utils.IsHexadecimal(cleanedUp))
                            cleanedUp = long.Parse(cleanedUp.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
                else if (token.type == TokenType.BooleanLiteral)
                    vtype = Types.Boolean;

                if (vtype == null)
                    throw new BaseException("Unknown type passed as parameter: " + token.type);

                parameters.Add(new Any(vtype, Convert.ChangeType(cleanedUp, vtype.CSharpType)));

예제 #3
파일: Lexer.cs 프로젝트: CowNation/CowSpeak
        public static Token ParseToken(string token, bool @throw = true, int index = -1)
            while (token.Length > 0 && token[0] == ' ')
                token = token.Remove(0);

            if (token.Length > 0)
                if (Interpreter.Definitions.ContainsKey(token))
                    token = Interpreter.Definitions[token].To;

                if (Utils.IsHexadecimal(token))
                    token = long.Parse(token.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();

                Type type = Type.GetType(token, false);
                if (type != null)
                    return(new Token(TokenType.TypeIdentifier, token, index));

                switch (token)
                case "true":
                case "false":
                    return(new Token(TokenType.BooleanLiteral, token, index));

                case Syntax.Statements.Return:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.ReturnStatement, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.Or:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.OrOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.BitwiseOR:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.BitwiseOROperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.BitwiseAND:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.BitwiseANDOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Comparators.IsEqual:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.IsEqualOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Comparators.IsNotEqual:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.IsNotEqualOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Comparators.IsGreaterThan:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.IsGreaterThanOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Comparators.IsLessThan:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.IsLessThanOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Comparators.IsGreaterThanOrEqual:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.IsGreaterThanOrEqualOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Comparators.IsLessThanOrEqual:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.IsLessThanOrEqualOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.Add:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.AddOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.And:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.AndOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.Subtract:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.SubtractOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.Multiply:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.MultiplyOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.Divide:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.DivideOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.Modulo:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.ModuloOperator, token, index));

                case Syntax.Operators.Equal:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.EqualOperator, token, index));

                case "''":
                    return(new Token(TokenType.CharacterLiteral, "", index));                            // support empty Characters ('')

                case "{":
                    return(new Token(TokenType.StartBracket, token, index));

                case "}":
                    return(new Token(TokenType.EndBracket, token, index));

                case "(":
                case ")":
                    return(new Token(TokenType.Parenthesis, token, index));

                case Syntax.Conditionals.Else:
                    return(new Token(TokenType.ElseConditional, token, index));

                if (token[0] == '\"' && token[token.Length - 1] == '\"' && token.OccurrencesOf("\"") == 2)
                    return(new Token(TokenType.StringLiteral, token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2).FromBase64().Replace("\\\"", "\""), index));
                else if (token[0] == '\'' && token[token.Length - 1] == '\'')                 // we can't ensure the length here because the contents are encoded
                    return(new Token(TokenType.CharacterLiteral, token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2).FromBase64(), index));
                else if (token.IndexOf(Syntax.Conditionals.If + "(") == 0 && token[token.Length - 1] == ')')
                    return(new Token(TokenType.IfConditional, token, index));
                else if (token.IndexOf(Syntax.Conditionals.While + "(") == 0 && token[token.Length - 1] == ')')
                    return(new Token(TokenType.WhileConditional, token, index));
                else if (token.IndexOf(Syntax.Conditionals.Loop + "(") == 0 && token[token.Length - 1] == ')')
                    return(new Token(TokenType.LoopConditional, token, index));
                else if (Utils.IsNumber(token))
                        if (token.OccurrencesOf(".") == 1)
                            return(new Token(TokenType.DecimalLiteral, token, index));
                            long number = Convert.ToInt64(token);
                            if (number <= int.MaxValue && number >= int.MinValue)
                                return(new Token(TokenType.IntegerLiteral, token, index));
                                return(new Token(TokenType.Integer64Literal, token, index));
                    catch (FormatException)
                        throw new BaseException("Number literal is in a invalid format");
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        throw new BaseException("Number literal is either too large or small to be parsed");
                else if (FunctionChain.IsChain(token))
                    return(new Token(TokenType.FunctionChain, token, index));
                else if (BaseFunction.IsFunctionCall(token))
                    return(new Token(TokenType.FunctionCall, token, index));
                else if (FastStruct.IsFastStruct(token))
                    return(new Token(TokenType.FastStruct, token, index));
                else if (Utils.IsValidObjectName(token) || FastStruct.IsValidMemberAccessor(token))
                    return(new Token(TokenType.VariableIdentifier, token, index));

            if (@throw)
                throw new BaseException("Unknown token: " + token);
