private void ParseChatRoomInfo(DiscoveryInfoResponse resp, ChatServerMenuItem parentMenu) { try { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; AddChatServerMenuItem(resp.From, parentMenu); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } catch {} }
private ChatServerMenuItem AddChatServerMenuItem(JabberID jid, ChatServerMenuItem parent) { ChatServerMenuItem itm = new ChatServerMenuItem(jid, this); if (parent == null) mnuJoinRoom.MenuItems.Add(itm); else { //make sure we can still output the template for the service if (parent.MenuItems.Count == 0) { parent.MenuItems.Add(new ChatServerMenuItem(jid.ServerJID, this)); parent.MenuItems.Add("-"); } //add this room as a subitem parent.MenuItems.Add(itm); } return itm; }