private void btnAddUSer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //when the 'Add User' button is clicked { string email, firstName, surname, houseNameNo, postcode; //defines the required variables int nestID, companyID; clsDBConnector dbConnector = new clsDBConnector(); DateTime dateOfBirth, dateJoined; if (txtEmail.Text != "" && txtFirstName.Text != "" && txtSurname.Text != "" && txtHouseNo.Text != "" && txtPostcode.Text != "" && nudNestID.Value != 0) //makes sure nothing is null { email = txtEmail.Text; //sets all the variables to the required values firstName = txtFirstName.Text; surname = txtSurname.Text; houseNameNo = txtHouseNo.Text; postcode = txtPostcode.Text; nestID = Convert.ToInt32(nudNestID.Value); dateOfBirth = dtpDOB.Value; companyID = company_ID; dateJoined = DateTime.Now; string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO tblUser (email, [password], firstName, surname, companyID, dateOfBirth, nestID, postcode, houseName, dateJoined, userTypeID) " + "VALUES ('" + email + "' , '" + password + "', '" + firstName + "', '" + surname + "', " + companyID + ", '" + dateOfBirth + "', " + nestID + ", '" + postcode + "', '" + houseNameNo + "', '" + dateJoined + "', " + user_type_ID + ")"; //this writes the SQL string dbConnector.Connect(); dbConnector.DoDML(sqlStr); //this executes the SQL string dbConnector.close(); MessageBox.Show("New user added."); //alters the user that it has been successful this.Close(); //closes at the end to avoide adding the same person twice. } else { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all the sections."); //throws an error message if not all sections are completed } }
private void btnAddNest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //happens when the 'Add Nest' button is clicked { DateTime dateAdded; //defines the required variables string postcode, whatThreeWords; clsDBConnector dbConnector = new clsDBConnector(); if (txtNestPostcode.Text != "" && txtWhatThreeWords.Text != "") //makes sure nothing is null { postcode = txtNestPostcode.Text; //sets the variables to the selected values whatThreeWords = txtWhatThreeWords.Text; dateAdded = DateTime.Now; string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO tblNestBirthCertificate (postcode, dateAdded, companyID, whatThreeWords) " + "VALUES ('" + postcode + "', '" + dateAdded + "', " + companyID + ", '" + whatThreeWords + "')"; //the SQL statement is written dbConnector.Connect(); dbConnector.DoDML(sqlStr); //the SQL statement is executed dbConnector.close(); MessageBox.Show("New nest added."); //alerts the user that it has been successful this.Close(); //closes at the end to avoide adding the same nest twice } else { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all the sections."); //throws an error message if not all sections are completed } }
private void btnAddCompany_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //when the add company button is clicked { string companyName, postcode, default_password, company_email, company_password; //sets all the variables needed clsDBConnector dbConnector = new clsDBConnector(); if (txtCompanyName.Text != "" && txtPostcode.Text != "" && txtDefaultPassword.Text != "" && txtPassword.Text != "" && txtCompanyEmail.Text != "") //makes sure nothing is null { companyName = txtCompanyName.Text; //sets all the variables to the chosen values postcode = txtPostcode.Text; default_password = txtDefaultPassword.Text; company_email = txtCompanyEmail.Text; company_password = txtPassword.Text; string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO tblCompany (hqPostcode, companyName, [defaultPassword], companyEmail, companyPassword) " + "VALUES ('" + postcode + "' , '" + companyName + "', '" + default_password + "', '" + company_email + "', '" + company_password + "')"; //this is the SQL code required dbConnector.Connect(); dbConnector.DoDML(sqlStr); //completes the SQL statement dbConnector.close(); MessageBox.Show("New company added."); //alerts the user that it has been successful this.Close(); //closes at the end to avoid adding the same company twice } else { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all fields."); //throws an error message if not all sections are completed } }
private void deleteGarment(object sender) { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete this garment?", "Delete Options", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) //lets the user delete the selected garment { clsDBConnector dbConnector = new clsDBConnector(); string cmdStr = "DELETE FROM tblGarmentBirthCertificate " + "WHERE (masterMACAddress = '" + (sender as Button).Text + "')"; dbConnector.Connect(); dbConnector.DoDML(cmdStr); dbConnector.close(); this.Close(); } }
private void deleteUser(object sender) //deletes the selected user from the database { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete this employee?", "Delete Options", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { clsDBConnector dbConnector = new clsDBConnector(); string cmdStr = "DELETE FROM tblUser " + "WHERE (email = '" + ((sender as Button).Tag).ToString() + "')"; dbConnector.Connect(); dbConnector.DoDML(cmdStr); dbConnector.close(); this.Close(); } }
private void deleteCompany(object sender) { if (Convert.ToInt32((sender as Button).Tag) == 1) //cannot delete Vision270 as it is the owner company { MessageBox.Show("You cannot delete this company."); } else if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete this company?", "Delete Options", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) //lets the user delete the selected company { clsDBConnector dbConnector = new clsDBConnector(); string cmdStr = "DELETE FROM tblCompany " + "WHERE (companyID = " + Convert.ToInt32((sender as Button).Tag) + ")"; dbConnector.Connect(); dbConnector.DoDML(cmdStr); dbConnector.close(); this.Close(); } }
private void btnAddGarment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string masterMAC, LLMAC, LUMAC, RLMAC, RUMAC, garmentType; //defines the required variables int garmentTypeID = 0; clsDBConnector dbConnector = new clsDBConnector(); DateTime dateAdded; if (txtMasterMAC.Text != "" && txtLLMAC.Text != "" && txtLUMAC.Text != "" && txtRUMAC.Text != "" && txtRLMAC.Text != "" && dudGarmentType.Text != "") //makes sure nothing is null { masterMAC = txtMasterMAC.Text; //sets all the variables to the required values LLMAC = txtLLMAC.Text; LUMAC = txtLUMAC.Text; RLMAC = txtRLMAC.Text; RUMAC = txtRUMAC.Text; garmentType = dudGarmentType.Text; dateAdded = DateTime.Now; if (garmentType == "Trousers") //works out the garmentTypeID { garmentTypeID = 1; } else if (garmentType == "Shirt") { garmentTypeID = 2; } else if (garmentType == "Jacket") { garmentTypeID = 3; } string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO tblGarmentBirthCertificate (garmentID, masterMACAddress, macAddressLU, macAddressLL, macAddressRU, macAddressRL, dateAdded, userEmail) " + "VALUES (" + garmentTypeID + ", '" + masterMAC + "' , '" + LUMAC + "', '" + LLMAC + "', '" + RUMAC + "', '" + RLMAC + "', '" + dateAdded + "', '" + email + "')"; //this writes the SQL string dbConnector.Connect(); dbConnector.DoDML(sqlStr); //this executes the SQL string dbConnector.close(); MessageBox.Show("New garment added."); //alters the user that it has been successful this.Close(); //closes at the end to avoide adding the same garment twice. } else { MessageBox.Show("Please fill in all the sections."); //throws an error message if not all sections are completed } }