private void buttonSupplierOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double priceProd = Double.Parse(textBoxPriceProd.Text); string dateDelivery = maskedTextBoxDateDelivery.Text; int numProd = Int32.Parse(textBoxNumProd.Text); string desProd = richTextBoxDescriprion.Text; string cmd = $"DECLARE @QWE varbinary(MAX)" + $"SET @QWE = (SELECT * FROM OpenRowSet (BULK '{path}', SINGLE_BLOB) AS Файл)" + $"EXEC NewProduct '{textBoxNameProd.Text}', '{textBoxSizeProd.Text}', {comboBoxSelectType.SelectedIndex + 1}, {priceProd}, @QWE, @DESPROD;" + $"EXEC NewDeliveryNewProduct @QWER, {comboBoxIdSupplier.SelectedIndex + 1}, {comboBoxIdAffiliate.SelectedIndex + 1}, {numProd}" + $"INSERT INTO TableProdImg VALUES ( {comboBoxSelectType.SelectedIndex + 1}, '{textBoxNameProd.Text}', @QWE)"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, sqlConnection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@DESPROD", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = desProd; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@QWER", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = dateDelivery; int result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!result.Equals(0)) { MessageBox.Show("Товар внесен."); refresh(); } sqlConnection.Close(); } textBoxNameProd.Clear(); textBoxSizeProd.Clear(); textBoxPriceProd.Clear(); maskedTextBoxDateDelivery.Clear(); textBoxNumProd.Clear(); richTextBoxDescriprion.Clear(); }
private static void getImageBinaryFromDb(ComboBox comboBox1, string comboBox2) { List <byte[]> iScreen = new List <byte[]>(); // сделав запрос к БД мы получим множество строк в ответе, поэтому мы их сможем загнать в массив/List using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommand.Connection = sqlConnection; sqlCommand.CommandText = $"SELECT [img] FROM TableProdImg WHERE [Id_Type] = {comboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1} AND [ProductName] = '{comboBox2}'"; // наша запись в БД под id=1, поэтому в запросе "WHERE [id] = 1" SqlDataReader sqlReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); byte[] iTrimByte = null; //string cmd = $"UPDATE Product SET [Img] = {imgByte} WHERE [Id_ProductKA] = {idProd}"; while (sqlReader.Read()) // считываем и вносим в лист результаты { iTrimByte = (byte[])sqlReader["img"]; // читаем строки с изображениями iScreen.Add(iTrimByte); } sqlConnection.Close(); } // конвертируем бинарные данные в изображение byte[] imageData = iScreen[0]; // возвращает массив байт из БД. Так как у нас SQL вернёт одну запись и в ней хранится нужное нам изображение, то из листа берём единственное значение с индексом '0' MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageData); newImage = Image.FromStream(ms); }
private void User_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { com = $"SELECT TOP 1 CONCAT([Surname], ' ', [Name]) FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); labelName.Text = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); } com = $"select count(*) from Buyer where [Id_User] = {Class.idUser} AND [Id_PurchaseNumber] IS NOT NULL"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); textBoxNumOrder.Text = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); } com = "SELECT [Type] FROM ProductType"; MyConnection.comboBoxLoading(comboBoxChooseType, com, "Type"); com = "select [ProductName] from TableProdImg"; MyConnection.comboBoxLoading(comboBoxChooseProd, com, "ProductName"); com = "SELECT [NameAffiliate] FROM Affiliate"; MyConnection.comboBoxLoading(comboBoxAffiliate, com, "NameAffiliate"); }
private void btnWareHouseEditPrice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { double price = Double.Parse(textBoxWareHouseEditPrice.Text); int index = comboBoxWareHouseEditPrice.SelectedIndex + 1; string com = $"EXEC UpdatePrice {price}, {index}"; int result; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!result.Equals(0)) { MessageBox.Show("Цена изменена!", "Уведомление", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } sqlConnection.Close(); } comboBoxWareHouseEditPrice.SelectedIndex = -1; textBoxWareHouseEditPrice.Text = null; refresh(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Что-то не заполненно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void comboBoxBuyer_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = comboBoxBuyer.SelectedIndex + 2; com = $"SELECT TOP 1 [MessageB] FROM MessageBuyer join Buyer on MessageBuyer.[Id_Buyer] = Buyer.[Id_Buyer] WHERE Buyer.[Id_User] = {id} ORDER BY MessageBuyer.[Id_BuyerMessKA] DESC"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); try { richTextBoxMessBuyer.Text = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); richTextBoxMessAdmin.Enabled = true; buttonSendMess.Enabled = true; com = $"SELECT TOP 1 MessageBuyer.[Id_BuyerMessKA] FROM MessageBuyer join Buyer on MessageBuyer.[Id_Buyer] = Buyer.[Id_Buyer] WHERE Buyer.[Id_User] = {comboBoxBuyer.SelectedIndex + 2} ORDER BY [MessageB] DESC"; sqlCommand.CommandText = com; idMess = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Сообщений нет!"); } sqlConnection.Close(); } }
private void buttonConfirmationOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxIdBuyerOrder.Text != null && checkBoxOrdersStatus.Checked == true) { idBuyer = Int32.Parse(textBoxIdBuyerOrder.Text); com = $"UPDATE PurchaseView SET PurchaseView.[Статус оплаты] = '{checkBoxOrdersStatus.Checked}' WHERE PurchaseView.[Номер покупателя] = {idBuyer}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!result.Equals(0)) { MessageBox.Show("Оплачено!", "Уведомление.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Покупатель не найден!", "Ошибка.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } sqlConnection.Close(); } textBoxIdBuyerOrder.Text = null; checkBoxOrdersStatus.Checked = false; refresh(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Что-то не заполнено!", "Ошибка.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); textBoxIdBuyerOrder.Text = null; checkBoxOrdersStatus.Checked = false; } }
private void RegUser(string cmd) { using (SqlConnection connection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, connection); if (sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() == 2) { MessageBox.Show("Аккаунт зарегистрирован!\nНажмите на кнопку 'Войти', чтобы продолжить.", "Уведомление!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); textBoxRegLogin.Clear(); textBoxRegPassword.Clear(); textBoxRegSurname.Clear(); textBoxRegName.Clear(); textBoxRegEmail.Clear(); textBoxRegConfirmPassword.Clear(); using (FormMain formMain = new FormMain()) { formMain.btnFormSignup.Enabled = false; formMain.btnFormRegistration.Enabled = true; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Нет.."); } connection.Close(); } }
private void workCom(string cmd) { using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { int res; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); res = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } }
private void AccountLogin(string cmd, string login, string pass) { using (SqlConnection connection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); DataTable table = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, connection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uL", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = login; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uP", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = pass; if (textBoxLoginUser.Text == "" || textBoxPasswordUser.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Заполните поля"); } else { dataAdapter.SelectCommand = sqlCommand; dataAdapter.Fill(table); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Пользователь не найден или некорректно введены данные!"); } } connection.Close(); } com = "SELECT Buyer.[Id_User] FROM Buyer join Users on Buyer.[Id_User] = Users.[Id_UserKA] WHERE [Login] = @uL AND [Password] = @uP"; using (SqlConnection connection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, connection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uL", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = login; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uP", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = pass; Class.idUser = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); connection.Close(); } com = "SELECT Buyer.[Id_Buyer] FROM Buyer join Users on Buyer.[Id_User] = Users.[Id_UserKA] WHERE [Login] = @uL AND [Password] = @uP"; using (SqlConnection connection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, connection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uL", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = login; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uP", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = pass; Class.idBuyer = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); connection.Close(); } }
private void buttonSendMess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string str = richTextBoxMessBuyer.Text; com = $"INSERT INTO MessageBuyer ([Id_Buyer],[MessageB]) VALUES ( {Class.idBuyer}, '{str}')"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { int qw; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); qw = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } }
private int RoleUser(string cmd, string login, string pass) { using (SqlConnection connection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); int temp; SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, connection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uL", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = login; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uP", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = pass; temp = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); // Роль connection.Close(); return(temp); } }
private void buttonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { com = $"EXEC DeleteUser {Int32.Parse(textBoxIdUser.Text)}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); res = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show("Пользователь удален!", "Уведомление.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); sqlConnection.Close(); } textBoxIdUser.Clear(); refrch(); }
public static void comboBoxLoading(ComboBox comboBox, string cmd, string column) { using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, sqlConnection); SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDataReader.Read()) { comboBox.Items.Add(sqlDataReader[column]); } sqlConnection.Close(); } }
public static void listBoxOrder(ListBox listBox, string cmd) { using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, sqlConnection); SqlDataReader rd; rd = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (rd.Read()) { listBox.Items.Add(rd[0].ToString()); } sqlConnection.Close(); } }
public static void richTextBoxLoading(RichTextBox richTextBox, string cmd) { using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(cmd, sqlConnection); SqlDataReader rd; rd = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (rd.Read()) { richTextBox.Text = rd[0].ToString(); } sqlConnection.Close(); } }
public void OpenForm(Form form) { form.FormClosed += (object s, FormClosedEventArgs args) => { this.Show(); if (Class.flag == true) { foreach (string item in positionProd) { tempStr = item.Substring(0, item.Length - 2); tempInt = Int32.Parse(tempStr); com = $"UPDATE Warehouse SET [NumberOfProduct] = [NumberOfProduct] - 1 WHERE [Id_Position] = {tempInt}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } } comboBoxAffiliate.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxChooseType.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxChooseProd.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxSizeBuy.SelectedIndex = -1; richTextBox.Clear(); textBoxAmount.Clear(); textBoxPriceProd.Clear(); listBoxProds.Items.Clear(); positionProd.Clear(); nameProd.Clear(); Class.nameProds = ""; Class.numPos = ""; sizeList.Clear(); amount = 0; tempDouble = 0; affiliateId = 0; indexItem = 0; result = 0; tempInt = 0; i = 0; com = ""; prodName = ""; tempStr = ""; pictureBoxViewProd.Image = null; } }; }
private void buttonAddBasket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxChooseType.Text.Length == 0 || comboBoxChooseProd.Text.Length == 0 || comboBoxSizeBuy.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Ничего не выбранно!", "Ошибка.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { com = "SELECT Product.[ProductName] " + "FROM Product " + "join ProductType on Product.[Id_ProductType] = ProductType.[Id_ProductTypeKA] " + "join TableProdImg on ProductType.[Id_ProductTypeKA] = TableProdImg.[Id_Type] " + $"WHERE TableProdImg.[Id_Type] = {comboBoxChooseType.SelectedIndex + 1} AND TableProdImg.[ProductName] = '{comboBoxChooseProd.Text}' " + $"AND Product.[ProductName] = '{comboBoxChooseProd.Text}' " + $"AND Product.[Size] = '{comboBoxSizeBuy.Text}'"; MyConnection.listBoxOrder(listBoxProds, com); com = "SELECT Product.[PriceOfUnit] " + "FROM Product " + "join ProductType on Product.[Id_ProductType] = ProductType.[Id_ProductTypeKA] " + "join TableProdImg on ProductType.[Id_ProductTypeKA] = TableProdImg.[Id_Type] " + $"WHERE TableProdImg.[Id_Type] = {comboBoxChooseType.SelectedIndex + 1} AND TableProdImg.[ProductName] = '{comboBoxChooseProd.Text}' " + $"AND Product.[ProductName] = '{comboBoxChooseProd.Text}' " + $"AND Product.[Size] = '{comboBoxSizeBuy.Text}'"; MyConnection.textBoxLoading(textBoxAmount, com); com = "SELECT Warehouse.[Id_Position] FROM Product " + "join Warehouse on Product.[Id_ProductKA] = Warehouse.[Id_Product] " + "join ProductType on Product.[Id_ProductType] = ProductType.[Id_ProductTypeKA] " + "join TableProdImg on ProductType.[Id_ProductTypeKA] = TableProdImg.[Id_Type] " + $"WHERE TableProdImg.[Id_Type] = {comboBoxChooseType.SelectedIndex + 1} AND TableProdImg.[ProductName] = '{comboBoxChooseProd.Text}' " + $"AND Product.[ProductName] = '{comboBoxChooseProd.Text}' " + $"AND Product.[Size] = '{comboBoxSizeBuy.Text}' " + $"AND Warehouse.[Id_Affiliate] = {affiliateId}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); tempInt = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); } positionProd.Add(tempInt.ToString() + ", "); sizeList.Add(comboBoxSizeBuy.Text + ", "); amount += Double.Parse(textBoxAmount.Text); textBoxAmount.Text = amount.ToString(); i++; } }
private void LoadingFormUser(string login, string pass) { com = "SELECT [Id_UserKA] FROM Users WHERE [Login] = @uL AND [Password] = @uP"; using (SqlConnection connection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, connection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uL", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = login; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@uP", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = pass; Class.idUser = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); // Роль connection.Close(); } User formUser = new User(); formUser.Owner = this; OpenFormMain(formUser); formUser.Show(); }
private void buttonSendMess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (richTextBoxMessAdmin.Text.Length != 0) { com = $"INSERT INTO MessageAdmin VALUES ({idMess}, '{richTextBoxMessAdmin.Text}')"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); res = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Вы ничего не написали!", "Ошибка!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void buttonRemoveListProd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { indexItem = listBoxProds.SelectedIndex; prodName = listBoxProds.Items[indexItem].ToString(); sizeList.RemoveAt(indexItem); positionProd.RemoveAt(indexItem); i--; listBoxProds.Items.RemoveAt(indexItem); com = "SELECT Product.[PriceOfUnit] " + "FROM Product " + $"WHERE [ProductName] = '{prodName}'"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); tempDouble = Convert.ToDouble(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } amount -= tempDouble; textBoxAmount.Text = amount.ToString(); }
private void MessBuyer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Администратор, как и вы, видит \nтолько последнее сообщение. Старайтесь уместить свои мысли в одно сообщение.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); com = $"SELECT TOP 1 [Message] FROM MessageAdmin join MessageBuyer on MessageAdmin.[Id_BuyerMess] = MessageBuyer.[Id_BuyerMessKA] join Buyer on MessageBuyer.[Id_Buyer] = Buyer.[Id_Buyer] WHERE Buyer.[Id_User] = {Class.idUser} ORDER BY MessageAdmin.[Id_MessAdmin] DESC"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); try { richTextBoxMessBuyer.Enabled = true; richTextBoxMessAdmin.Text = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); } catch { } sqlConnection.Close(); } com = $"SELECT TOP 1 [MessageB] FROM MessageBuyer join Buyer on MessageBuyer.[Id_Buyer] = Buyer.[Id_Buyer] WHERE Buyer.[Id_User] = {Class.idUser} ORDER BY MessageBuyer.[Id_BuyerMessKA] DESC"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); try { richTextBoxMessBuyer.Text = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); buttonSendMess.Enabled = true; com = $"SELECT TOP 1 MessageBuyer.[Id_BuyerMessKA] FROM MessageBuyer join Buyer on MessageBuyer.[Id_Buyer] = Buyer.[Id_Buyer] WHERE Buyer.[Id_User] = {Class.idUser} ORDER BY [MessageB] DESC"; sqlCommand.CommandText = com; } catch { } sqlConnection.Close(); } }
private void buttonAddProd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int idProd, idAffiliate, numProd, result = 0; string com; try { idProd = comboBoxAddProd.SelectedIndex + 1; idAffiliate = comboBoxAffiliateAddProd.SelectedIndex + 1; numProd = Int32.Parse(labelWareHouseNumProduct.Text); com = $"select * from Warehouse Where [Id_Product] = {idProd} AND [Id_Affiliate] = {idAffiliate}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(com, sqlConnection); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); sqlDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "Warehouse"); DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables["Warehouse"]; result = dataTable.Rows.Count; sqlConnection.Close(); } if (result > 0) { com = $"UPDATE Warehouse SET [NumberOfProduct] = [NumberOfProduct] + {numProd} WHERE [Id_Product] = {idProd} AND [Id_Affiliate] = {idAffiliate}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!result.Equals(0)) { MessageBox.Show("Доставлено!", "Уведомление.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } sqlConnection.Close(); } } else { com = $"declare @DATE DATE SET @DATE = GETDATE() EXEC NewDelivery @DATE, {idProd}, {idAffiliate}, {numProd}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (!result.Equals(0)) { MessageBox.Show("Доставлено!", "Уведомление.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } sqlConnection.Close(); } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Не одно поле не выбранно!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { count = 0; comboBoxAddProd.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxAffiliateAddProd.SelectedIndex = -1; labelWareHouseNumProduct.Text = count.ToString(); numProd = 0; refresh(); } }
private void buttonBuy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int j = 0; List <int> tempList = new List <int>(); bool flag = true; foreach (string item in positionProd) { tempStr1 = item.Substring(0, item.Length - 2); tempInt = Int32.Parse(tempStr1); com = $"SELECT Warehouse.[NumberOfProduct] FROM Warehouse WHERE [Id_Position] = {tempInt}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); result = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); } if (result == 0) { tempList.Add(j); } j++; } foreach (int item in tempList) { tempStr1 = positionProd[item].Substring(0, positionProd[item].Length - 2); tempInt = Int32.Parse(tempStr1); com = $"SELECT Product.[PriceOfUnit] FROM Product join Warehouse on Product.[Id_ProductKA] = Warehouse.[Id_Product] WHERE Warehouse.[Id_Position] = {tempInt}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); result = Convert.ToInt32(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); } amount -= result; } foreach (int item in tempList) { positionProd.RemoveAt(item); sizeList.RemoveAt(item); listBoxProds.Items.RemoveAt(item); flag = false; } if (flag == false) { MessageBox.Show("Вещи, которых нет на складе, \nбыли удалены.", "Уведомление.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } if (listBoxProds.Items.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Ничего невыбрано.", "Ошибка.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { foreach (string item in listBoxProds.Items) { nameProd.Add(item + ", "); } foreach (string item in nameProd) { Class.nameProds += item; } foreach (string item in positionProd) { tempStr += item; } Class.numPos = tempStr; Class.IdAffiliate = affiliateId; Class.amount = amount; Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.Owner = this; OpenForm(payment); payment.Show(); } }
private void buttonBuy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (radioButtonNAL.Checked == true) { if (radioButtonPickup.Checked == true) { com = $" DECLARE @DATE DATE SET @DATE = GETDATE() EXEC NewPurchaseNALNotDelivery {Class.IdAffiliate}, '{Class.numPos}', {Class.amount}, @DATE"; workCom(com); com = " INSERT INTO CheckPurchase ([Id_Role], [Surname], [Name], [Products], [Amount], [DatePayment]) VALUES " + "( 2, " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 [Surname] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 [Name] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"'{Class.nameProds}', " + $"{Class.amount}, " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[DateOfPurchase] FROM Purchase ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC))"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); int result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } com = "UPDATE Purchase SET [Id_Check] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Id_CheckKA] FROM CheckPurchase ORDER BY [Id_CheckKA] DESC) WHERE Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] = (SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] FROM Purchase ORDER BY [Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC)"; workCom(com); } else { com = $" DECLARE @DATE DATE SET @DATE = GETDATE() EXEC NewPurchaseNALDelivery '{textBoxAddressDelovery.Text}', '{maskedTextBoxDateDelivery.Text}', {Class.IdAffiliate}, '{Class.numPos}', {Class.amount}, @DATE"; workCom(com); com = " INSERT INTO CheckPurchase ([Id_Role], [Surname], [Name], [Products], [Amount], [DatePayment], [AddressDelivery], [DateDelivery]) VALUES " + "( 2, " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 [Surname] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 [Name] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"'{Class.nameProds}', " + $"{Class.amount}, " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[DateOfPurchase] FROM Purchase ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC), " + $" '{textBoxAddressDelovery.Text}', " + $"@QWER )"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@QWER", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = maskedTextBoxDateDelivery.Text; int result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } com = "UPDATE Purchase SET [Id_Check] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Id_CheckKA] FROM CheckPurchase ORDER BY [Id_CheckKA] DESC) WHERE Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] = (SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] FROM Purchase ORDER BY [Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC)"; workCom(com); } } else { if (radioButtonPickup.Checked == true) { com = $" DECLARE @DATE DATE SET @DATE = GETDATE() EXEC NewPurchaseCARDNotDelivery {Class.IdAffiliate}, '{Class.numPos}', {Class.amount}, {textBoxCARD.Text}, @DATE"; workCom(com); com = " INSERT INTO CheckPurchase ([Id_Role], [Surname], [Name], [Products], [Amount], [CardPayment], [DatePayment]) VALUES " + "( 2, " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 [Surname] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 [Name] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"'{Class.nameProds}', " + $"{Class.amount}, " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[CardPayment] FROM Purchase ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC), " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[DateOfPurchase] FROM Purchase ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC))"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); int result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } com = "UPDATE Purchase SET [Id_Check] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Id_CheckKA] FROM CheckPurchase ORDER BY [Id_CheckKA] DESC) WHERE Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] = (SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] FROM Purchase ORDER BY [Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC)"; workCom(com); } else { com = $" DECLARE @DATE DATE SET @DATE = GETDATE() EXEC NewPurchaseCARDDelivery '{textBoxAddressDelovery.Text}', '{maskedTextBoxDateDelivery.Text}', {Class.IdAffiliate}, '{Class.numPos}', {Class.amount}, '{textBoxCARD.Text}', @DATE"; workCom(com); com = "INSERT INTO CheckPurchase VALUES " + $"(2, (SELECT TOP 1 [Surname] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 [Name] FROM Buyer WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}), " + $"'{Class.nameProds}', " + $"{Class.amount}, " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[CardPayment] FROM Purchase ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC), " + $"(SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[DateOfPurchase] FROM Purchase ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC), " + $"'{textBoxAddressDelovery.Text}', " + $"@QWER)"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@QWER", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = maskedTextBoxDateDelivery.Text; int result = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); } com = "UPDATE Purchase SET [Id_Check] = (SELECT TOP 1 [Id_CheckKA] FROM CheckPurchase ORDER BY [Id_CheckKA] DESC) WHERE Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] = (SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] FROM Purchase ORDER BY [Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC)"; workCom(com); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } finally { { com = $"select Buyer.[Id_PurchaseNumber] from Buyer where Buyer.[Id_Buyer] = {Class.idUser}"; string res; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); res = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); } if (res == "") { com = $"UPDATE Buyer SET [Id_PurchaseNumber] = (SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] FROM Purchase ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC) WHERE [Id_User] = {Class.idUser}"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); res = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()); sqlConnection.Close(); } } else { com = "INSERT INTO Buyer VALUES " + $"( { Class.idUser}, ( " + "SELECT TOP 1[Surname] FROM Buyer " + $"WHERE[Id_User] = { Class.idUser} " + "), ( " + "SELECT TOP 1[Name] FROM Buyer " + $"WHERE[Id_User] = { Class.idUser} " + "), ( " + "SELECT TOP 1[Email] FROM Buyer " + $"WHERE[Id_User] = { Class.idUser} " + "), ( " + "SELECT TOP 1 Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] FROM Purchase " + "ORDER BY Purchase.[Id_PurchaseNumberKA] DESC ))"; using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new MyConnection().GetConnection()) { sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(com, sqlConnection); res = Convert.ToString(sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()); sqlConnection.Close(); } } MessageBox.Show("Покупка совершена!", "Уведомление.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (radioButtonNAL.Checked == true) { if (radioButtonPickup.Checked == true) { com = "select top 1 RoleUsers.[Role], " + "CheckPurchase.[Surname], " + "CheckPurchase.[Name], " + "CheckPurchase.[Products], " + "CheckPurchase.[Amount], " + "CheckPurchase.[DatePayment] " + "from CheckPurchase " + "join RoleUsers on CheckPurchase.[Id_Role] = RoleUsers.[Id_UsersRole] " + "order by CheckPurchase.[Id_CheckKA] desc"; MyConnection.loadingDataGridView(dataGridView1, com, "CheckPurchase"); } else { com = "select top 1 RoleUsers.[Role], " + "CheckPurchase.[Surname], " + "CheckPurchase.[Name], " + "CheckPurchase.[Products], " + "CheckPurchase.[Amount], " + "CheckPurchase.[AddressDelivery], " + "CheckPurchase.[DateDelivery] " + "from CheckPurchase " + "join RoleUsers on CheckPurchase.[Id_Role] = RoleUsers.[Id_UsersRole] " + "order by CheckPurchase.[Id_CheckKA] desc"; MyConnection.loadingDataGridView(dataGridView1, com, "CheckPurchase"); } } else { if (radioButtonPickup.Checked == true) { com = "select top 1 RoleUsers.[Role], " + "CheckPurchase.[Surname], " + "CheckPurchase.[Name], " + "CheckPurchase.[Products], " + "CheckPurchase.[Amount], " + "CheckPurchase.[CardPayment], " + "CheckPurchase.[DatePayment] " + "from CheckPurchase " + "join RoleUsers on CheckPurchase.[Id_Role] = RoleUsers.[Id_UsersRole] " + "order by CheckPurchase.[Id_CheckKA] desc"; MyConnection.loadingDataGridView(dataGridView1, com, "CheckPurchase"); } else { com = "select top 1 RoleUsers.[Role], " + "CheckPurchase.[Surname], " + "CheckPurchase.[Name], " + "CheckPurchase.[Products], " + "CheckPurchase.[Amount], " + "CheckPurchase.[CardPayment], " + "CheckPurchase.[DatePayment], " + "CheckPurchase.[AddressDelivery], " + "CheckPurchase.[DateDelivery] " + "from CheckPurchase " + "join RoleUsers on CheckPurchase.[Id_Role] = RoleUsers.[Id_UsersRole] " + "order by CheckPurchase.[Id_CheckKA] desc"; MyConnection.loadingDataGridView(dataGridView1, com, "CheckPurchase"); } } Class.flag = true; buttonCheck.Enabled = true; buttonBuy.Enabled = false; } } }