private static async Task DeleteRoute() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; string route = cliArgs[3]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosQueryUtil util = new CosmosQueryUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); await util.SetCurrentDatabase(dbname); await util.SetCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select, from c where c.route = '{route}'"; QueryResponse respObj = await util.ExecuteQuery(sql); string jstr = respObj.ToJson(); string outfile = "out/delete_route.json"; await File.WriteAllTextAsync(outfile, jstr); Console.WriteLine($"file written: {outfile}"); for (int i = 0; i < respObj.itemCount; i++) { dynamic item = respObj.items[i]; string id = item["id"]; string pk = item["pk"]; GenericDocument gd = new GenericDocument(id, pk); Console.WriteLine($"deleting {gd.ToJson()}"); ItemResponse <GenericDocument> resp = await util.DeleteGenericDocument(gd); Console.WriteLine($"resp, status: {resp.StatusCode} ru: {resp.RequestCharge}"); } }
private static async Task DeleteDatabase() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); int statusCode = await util.DeleteDatabase(dbname); Console.WriteLine($"DeleteDatabase {dbname} -> statusCode {statusCode}"); // 204 expected }
private static async Task DeleteContainer() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); int statusCode = await util.DeleteContainer(dbname, cname); Console.WriteLine($"DeleteContainer {dbname} {cname} -> statusCode {statusCode}"); }
private static async Task UpdateDatabaseThroughput() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; int sharedRu = Int32.Parse(cliArgs[2]); cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); int statusCode = await util.UpdateDatabaseThroughput(dbname, sharedRu); Console.WriteLine($"UpdateDatabaseThroughput {dbname} {sharedRu} -> statusCode {statusCode}"); }
private static async Task UpdateContainerIndexing() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; string infile = cliArgs[3]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); // int statusCode = await util.UpdateContainerIndexing(dbname, cname, infile); // Console.WriteLine($"UpdateContainerThroughput {dbname} {cname} {ru} -> statusCode {statusCode}"); await Task.Delay(0); }
private static async Task UpdateContainerThroughput() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; int ru = Int32.Parse(cliArgs[3]); cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); int statusCode = await util.UpdateContainerThroughput(dbname, cname, ru); Console.WriteLine($"UpdateContainerThroughput {dbname} {cname} {ru} -> statusCode {statusCode}"); }
private static async Task CreateDatabase() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; int sharedRu = Int32.Parse(cliArgs[2]); cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); DatabaseResponse resp = await util.CreateDatabase(dbname, sharedRu); Console.WriteLine( $"CreateDatabase {dbname} {sharedRu} -> status code {resp.StatusCode}, RU {resp.RequestCharge}"); }
private static async Task CreateContainer() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; string pk = cliArgs[3]; int ru = Int32.Parse(cliArgs[4]); cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); string id = await util.CreateContainer(dbname, cname, pk, ru); Console.WriteLine($"CreateContainer {dbname} {cname} {ru} -> Id {id}"); }
private static async Task ExecuteQueries() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; string infile = cliArgs[3]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosQueryUtil util = new CosmosQueryUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); await util.SetCurrentDatabase(dbname); await util.SetCurrentContainer(cname); // Console.WriteLine("warming sdk client..."); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { await util.CountDocuments(""); } foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(infile)) { string[] tokens = line.Split("|"); if (tokens.Length > 1) { string qname = tokens[0].Trim(); string sql = tokens[1].Trim(); if (qname.StartsWith("q")) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("================================================================================"); Console.WriteLine($"executing qname: {qname}, db: {dbname}, cname: {cname}, sql: {sql}"); QueryResponse respObj = await util.ExecuteQuery(sql); respObj.queryName = qname; respObj.sql = sql; respObj.dbname = dbname; respObj.cname = cname; respObj.Finish(); Console.WriteLine(respObj.ToString()); string jstr = respObj.ToJson(); if (config.IsVerbose()) { Console.WriteLine(jstr); } await File.WriteAllTextAsync(respObj.filename, jstr); Console.WriteLine($"file written: {respObj.filename}"); } } } }
private static async Task CountDocuments() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosQueryUtil util = new CosmosQueryUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); await util.SetCurrentDatabase(dbname); await util.SetCurrentContainer(cname); int count = (await util.CountDocuments("")).items[0]; Console.WriteLine($"CountDocuments {dbname} {cname} -> {count}"); }
private static async Task TruncateContainer() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; string cname = cliArgs[2]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); await util.SetCurrentDatabase(dbname); await util.SetCurrentContainer(cname); int deleteOperations = await util.TruncateContainer(); Console.WriteLine($"TruncateContainer {dbname} {cname} -> deleteOperations {deleteOperations}"); }
private static async Task ListContainers() { string dbname = cliArgs[1]; cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); List <string> containerList = await util.ListContainers(dbname); Console.WriteLine($"ListContainers - count {containerList.Count}"); for (int i = 0; i < containerList.Count; i++) { string cname = containerList[i]; Console.WriteLine($"container in db: {dbname} -> {cname}"); } }
private static async Task ListDatabases() { cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.RegularClient(); CosmosAdminUtil util = new CosmosAdminUtil(cosmosClient, config.IsVerbose()); List <string> dbList = await util.ListDatabases(); Console.WriteLine($"ListDatabases - count {dbList.Count}"); for (int i = 0; i < dbList.Count; i++) { string dbname = dbList[i]; Database db = await util.GetDatabase(dbname); int?currentRU = await db.ReadThroughputAsync(); if (currentRU == null) { Console.WriteLine($"database {i+1}: {dbname} non-shared"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"database {i+1}: {dbname} current RU {currentRU}"); } } }
private static async Task BulkLoadContainer() { string dbname = null; string cname = null; string infile = null; int maxBatchCount = 0; int batchSize = 500; int batchCount = 0; int taskCount = 0; long startEpoch = 0; int exceptions = 0; try { dbname = cliArgs[1]; cname = cliArgs[2]; infile = cliArgs[3]; maxBatchCount = Int32.Parse(cliArgs[4]); Console.WriteLine($"dbname: {dbname}"); Console.WriteLine($"cname: {cname}"); Console.WriteLine($"infile: {infile}"); Console.WriteLine($"mbc: {maxBatchCount}"); cosmosClient = CosmosClientFactory.BulkLoadingClient(); Database database = cosmosClient.GetDatabase(dbname); Container container = database.GetContainer(cname); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(batchSize); Console.WriteLine( $"LoadContainer - db: {dbname}, container: {cname}, infile: {infile}, maxBatchCount: {maxBatchCount}"); startEpoch = EpochMsTime(); using (FileStream fs = File.Open(infile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (BufferedStream bs = new BufferedStream(fs)) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(bs)) { string jsonLine; while ((jsonLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (batchCount < maxBatchCount) { // Parse the JSON line into a "dynamic" object, like a python dict dynamic jsonDoc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExpandoObject>( jsonLine.Trim(), new ExpandoObjectConverter()); // jsonDoc is an instance of class System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject (dynamic) // Set some additional attributes on the dynamic jsonDoc DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; jsonDoc.doc_epoch = now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); jsonDoc.doc_time = now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss"); = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Add an UpsertItemAsync task to the list of tasks for a batch tasks.Add(container.UpsertItemAsync(jsonDoc, new PartitionKey(; taskCount++; if (tasks.Count == batchSize) { // Display the last jsonDoc in this batch Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonDoc)); batchCount++; Console.WriteLine($"writing batch {batchCount} ({tasks.Count}) at {EpochMsTime()}"); // execute all of the Tasks in this batch, and await them await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // reset the tasks list to an empty list for the next batch tasks = new List <Task>(batchSize); } } else { return; } } } } } if (tasks.Count > 0) { // execute the last batch if there are any tasks batchCount++; Console.WriteLine($"writing batch {batchCount} ({tasks.Count}) at {EpochMsTime()}"); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"EXCEPTION: {e.Message}"); exceptions++; throw; } finally { long finishEpoch = EpochMsTime(); long elapsedMs = finishEpoch - startEpoch; double elapsedSec = (double)elapsedMs / (double)1000; double elapsedMin = elapsedSec / (double)60.0; double docsPerSec = taskCount / elapsedSec; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("EOJ Totals:"); Console.WriteLine($" Database: {dbname}"); Console.WriteLine($" Container: {cname}"); Console.WriteLine($" Input Filename: {infile}"); Console.WriteLine($" Max Batch Count: {maxBatchCount}"); Console.WriteLine($" BulkLoad startEpoch: {startEpoch}"); Console.WriteLine($" BulkLoad finishEpoch: {finishEpoch}"); Console.WriteLine($" BulkLoad elapsedMs: {elapsedMs}"); Console.WriteLine($" BulkLoad elapsedSec: {elapsedSec}"); Console.WriteLine($" BulkLoad elapsedMin: {elapsedMin}"); Console.WriteLine($" Batch Size: {batchSize}"); Console.WriteLine($" Batch Count: {batchCount}"); Console.WriteLine($" Exceptions: {exceptions}"); Console.WriteLine($" Document/Task count: {taskCount}"); Console.WriteLine($" Document per Second: {docsPerSec}"); Console.WriteLine(""); } await Task.Delay(0); }