예제 #1
        public static void BeginTrigger(Parse parse, Token name1, Token name2, TK trTm, TK op, IdList columns, SrcList tableName, Expr when, bool isTemp, int noErr)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;     // The database connection

            Debug.Assert(name1 != null); // pName1.z might be NULL, but not pName1 itself
            Debug.Assert(name2 != null);
            Debug.Assert(op == TK.INSERT || op == TK.UPDATE || op == TK.DELETE);
            Debug.Assert(op > 0 && op < (TK)0xff);
            Trigger trigger = null; // The new trigger

            int   db;               // The database to store the trigger in
            Token name = null;      // The unqualified db name

            if (isTemp)
                // If TEMP was specified, then the trigger name may not be qualified.
                if (name2.length > 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("temporary trigger may not have qualified name");
                    goto trigger_cleanup;
                db   = 1;
                name = name1;
                // Figure out the db that the the trigger will be created in
                db = parse.TwoPartName(name1, name2, ref name);
                if (db < 0)
                    goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (tableName == null || ctx.MallocFailed)
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // A long-standing parser bug is that this syntax was allowed:
            //    CREATE TRIGGER attached.demo AFTER INSERT ON attached.tab ....
            //                                                 ^^^^^^^^
            // To maintain backwards compatibility, ignore the database name on pTableName if we are reparsing our of SQLITE_MASTER.
            if (ctx.Init.Busy && db != 1)
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref tableName.Ids[0].Database);
                tableName.Ids[0].Database = null;

            // If the trigger name was unqualified, and the table is a temp table, then set iDb to 1 to create the trigger in the temporary database.
            // If sqlite3SrcListLookup() returns 0, indicating the table does not exist, the error is caught by the block below.
            //? if (tableName == null) goto trigger_cleanup;
            Table table = Delete.SrcListLookup(parse, tableName); // Table that the trigger fires off of

            if (ctx.Init.Busy == null && name2.length == 0 && table != null && table.Schema == ctx.DBs[1].Schema)
                db = 1;

            // Ensure the table name matches database name and that the table exists
            if (ctx.MallocFailed)
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(tableName.Srcs == 1);
            DbFixer sFix = new DbFixer(); // State vector for the DB fixer

            if (sFix.FixInit(parse, db, "trigger", name) && sFix.FixSrcList(tableName))
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            table = Delete.SrcListLookup(parse, tableName);
            if (table == null)
                // The table does not exist.
                if (ctx.Init.DB == 1)
                    // Ticket #3810.
                    // Normally, whenever a table is dropped, all associated triggers are dropped too.  But if a TEMP trigger is created on a non-TEMP table
                    // and the table is dropped by a different database connection, the trigger is not visible to the database connection that does the
                    // drop so the trigger cannot be dropped.  This results in an "orphaned trigger" - a trigger whose associated table is missing.
                    ctx.Init.OrphanTrigger = true;
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (E.IsVirtual(table))
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create triggers on virtual tables");
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // Check that the trigger name is not reserved and that no trigger of the specified name exists
            string nameAsString = Parse.NameFromToken(ctx, name);

            if (nameAsString == null || parse.CheckObjectName(nameAsString) != RC.OK)
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(Btree.SchemaMutexHeld(ctx, db, null));
            if (ctx.DBs[db].Schema.TriggerHash.Find(nameAsString, nameAsString.Length, (Trigger)null) != null)
                if (noErr == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("trigger %T already exists", name);
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // Do not create a trigger on a system table
            if (table.Name.StartsWith("sqlite_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create trigger on system table");
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // INSTEAD of triggers are only for views and views only support INSTEAD of triggers.
            if (table.Select != null && trTm != TK.INSTEAD)
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create %s trigger on view: %S", (trTm == TK.BEFORE ? "BEFORE" : "AFTER"), tableName, 0);
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (table.Select == null && trTm == TK.INSTEAD)
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create INSTEAD OF trigger on table: %S", tableName, 0);
                goto trigger_cleanup;

                int    tabDb      = Prepare.SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Index of the database holding pTab
                AUTH   code       = AUTH.CREATE_TRIGGER;
                string dbName     = ctx.DBs[tabDb].Name;
                string dbTrigName = (isTemp ? ctx.DBs[1].Name : dbName);
                if (tabDb == 1 || isTemp)
                    code = AUTH.CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER;
                if (Auth.Check(parse, code, nameAsString, table.Name, dbTrigName) != 0 || Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.INSERT, E.SCHEMA_TABLE(tabDb), 0, dbName))
                    goto trigger_cleanup;

            // INSTEAD OF triggers can only appear on views and BEFORE triggers cannot appear on views.  So we might as well translate every
            // INSTEAD OF trigger into a BEFORE trigger.  It simplifies code elsewhere.
            if (trTm == TK.INSTEAD)
                trTm = TK.BEFORE;

            // Build the Trigger object
            trigger = new Trigger(); //: (Trigger *)_tagalloc(db, sizeof(Trigger), true);
            if (trigger == null)
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            trigger.Name      = name;
            trigger.Table     = tableName.Ids[0].Name; //: _tagstrdup(ctx, tableName->Ids[0].Name);
            trigger.Schema    = ctx.DBs[db].Schema;
            trigger.TabSchema = table.Schema;
            trigger.OP        = op;
            trigger.TRtm      = (trTm == TK.BEFORE ? TRIGGER.BEFORE : TRIGGER.AFTER);
            trigger.When      = Expr.Dup(db, when, E.EXPRDUP_REDUCE);
            trigger.Columns   = Expr.IdListDup(ctx, columns);
            Debug.Assert(parse.NewTrigger == null);
            parse.NewTrigger = trigger;

            C._tagfree(ctx, ref name);
            Expr.SrcListDelete(ctx, ref tableName);
            Expr.IdListDelete(ctx, ref columns);
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref when);
            if (parse.NewTrigger == null)
                DeleteTrigger(ctx, ref trigger);
                Debug.Assert(parse.NewTrigger == trigger);
예제 #2
        static WRC ResolveExprStep(Walker walker, Expr expr)
            NameContext nc = walker.u.NC;

            Debug.Assert(nc != null);
            Parse parse = nc.Parse;

            Debug.Assert(parse == walker.Parse);

            if (E.ExprHasAnyProperty(expr, EP.Resolved))
            E.ExprSetProperty(expr, EP.Resolved);
            if (nc.SrcList != null && nc.SrcList.Allocs > 0)
                SrcList srcList = nc.SrcList;
                for (int i = 0; i < nc.SrcList.Srcs; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(srcList.Ids[i].Cursor >= 0 && srcList.Ids[i].Cursor < parse.Tabs);
            switch (expr.OP)
            // The special operator TK_ROW means use the rowid for the first column in the FROM clause.  This is used by the LIMIT and ORDER BY
            // clause processing on UPDATE and DELETE statements.
            case TK.ROW:
                SrcList srcList = nc.SrcList;
                Debug.Assert(srcList != null && srcList.Srcs == 1);
                SrcList.SrcListItem item = srcList.Ids[0];
                expr.OP       = TK.COLUMN;
                expr.Table    = item.Table;
                expr.TableId  = item.Cursor;
                expr.ColumnId = -1;
                expr.Aff      = AFF.INTEGER;

            case TK.ID:      // A lone identifier is the name of a column.
                return(LookupName(parse, null, null, expr.u.Token, nc, expr));

            case TK.DOT:     // A table name and column name: ID.ID Or a database, table and column: ID.ID.ID
                string columnName;
                string tableName;
                string dbName;
                // if (srcList == nullptr) break;
                Expr right = expr.Right;
                if (right.OP == TK.ID)
                    dbName     = null;
                    tableName  = expr.Left.u.Token;
                    columnName = right.u.Token;
                    Debug.Assert(right.OP == TK.DOT);
                    dbName     = expr.Left.u.Token;
                    tableName  = right.Left.u.Token;
                    columnName = right.Right.u.Token;
                return(LookupName(parse, dbName, tableName, columnName, nc, expr));

            case TK.CONST_FUNC:
            case TK.FUNCTION:                                              // Resolve function names
                ExprList   list         = expr.x.List;                     // The argument list
                int        n            = (list != null ? list.Exprs : 0); // Number of arguments
                bool       noSuchFunc   = false;                           // True if no such function exists
                bool       wrongNumArgs = false;                           // True if wrong number of arguments
                bool       isAgg        = false;                           // True if is an aggregate function
                TEXTENCODE encode       = E.CTXENCODE(parse.Ctx);          // The database encoding

                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.CONST_FUNC);
                Debug.Assert(!E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.xIsSelect));
                string  id       = expr.u.Token;                                                     // The function name.
                int     idLength = id.Length;                                                        // Number of characters in function name
                FuncDef def      = Callback.FindFunction(parse.Ctx, id, idLength, n, encode, false); // Information about the function
                if (def == null)
                    def = Callback.FindFunction(parse.Ctx, id, idLength, -2, encode, false);
                    if (def == null)
                        noSuchFunc = true;
                        wrongNumArgs = true;
                    isAgg = (def.Func == null);
                if (def != null)
                    ARC auth = Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.FUNCTION, null, def.Name, null);         // Authorization to use the function
                    if (auth != ARC.OK)
                        if (auth == ARC.DENY)
                            parse.ErrorMsg("not authorized to use function: %s", def.Name);
                        expr.OP = TK.NULL;
                if (isAgg && (nc.NCFlags & NC.AllowAgg) == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("misuse of aggregate function %.*s()", idLength, id);
                    isAgg = false;
                else if (noSuchFunc && !ctx.Init.Busy)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("no such function: %.*s", idLength, id);
                else if (wrongNumArgs)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("wrong number of arguments to function %.*s()", idLength, id);
                if (isAgg)
                    nc.NCFlags &= ~NC.AllowAgg;
                if (isAgg)
                    NameContext nc2 = nc;
                    expr.OP  = TK.AGG_FUNCTION;
                    expr.OP2 = 0;
                    while (nc2 != null && !expr.FunctionUsesThisSrc(nc2.SrcList))
                        nc2 = nc2.Next;
                    if (nc2 != null)
                        nc2.NCFlags |= NC.HasAgg;
                    nc.NCFlags |= NC.AllowAgg;
                // FIX ME:  Compute pExpr->affinity based on the expected return type of the function

            case TK.SELECT:
            case TK.EXISTS:
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.EXISTS);
                goto case TK.IN;
            case TK.IN:
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.IN);
                if (E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.xIsSelect))
                    int refs = nc.Refs;
                    if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.IsCheck) != 0)
                        parse.ErrorMsg("subqueries prohibited in CHECK constraints");
                    Debug.Assert(nc.Refs >= refs);
                    if (refs != nc.Refs)
                        E.ExprSetProperty(expr, EP.VarSelect);

            case TK.VARIABLE:
                if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.IsCheck) != 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("parameters prohibited in CHECK constraints");

            return(parse.Errs != 0 || parse.Ctx.MallocFailed ? WRC.Abort : WRC.Continue);
예제 #3
        public void FKCheck(Table table, int regOld, int regNew)
            Context ctx            = Ctx; // Database handle
            bool    isIgnoreErrors = DisableTriggers;

            // Exactly one of regOld and regNew should be non-zero.
            Debug.Assert((regOld == 0) != (regNew == 0));

            // If foreign-keys are disabled, this function is a no-op.
            if ((ctx.Flags & Context.FLAG.ForeignKeys) == 0)

            int    db     = SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Index of database containing pTab
            string dbName = ctx.DBs[db].Name;                 // Name of database containing pTab

            // Loop through all the foreign key constraints for which pTab is the child table (the table that the foreign key definition is part of).
            FKey fkey; // Used to iterate through FKs

            for (fkey = table.FKeys; fkey != null; fkey = fkey.NextFrom)
                bool isIgnore = false;
                // Find the parent table of this foreign key. Also find a unique index on the parent key columns in the parent table. If either of these
                // schema items cannot be located, set an error in pParse and return early.
                Table to    = (DisableTriggers ? FindTable(ctx, fkey.To, dbName) : LocateTable(false, fkey.To, dbName)); // Parent table of foreign key pFKey
                Index index = null;                                                                                      // Index on key columns in pTo
                int[] frees = null;
                if (to == null || LocateFkeyIndex(to, fkey, out index, out frees) != 0)
                    Debug.Assert(!isIgnoreErrors || (regOld != 0 && regNew == 0));
                    if (!isIgnoreErrors || ctx.MallocFailed)
                    if (to == null)
                        // If isIgnoreErrors is true, then a table is being dropped. In this se SQLite runs a "DELETE FROM xxx" on the table being dropped
                        // before actually dropping it in order to check FK constraints. If the parent table of an FK constraint on the current table is
                        // missing, behave as if it is empty. i.e. decrement the FK counter for each row of the current table with non-NULL keys.
                        Vdbe v      = GetVdbe();
                        int  jumpId = v.CurrentAddr() + fkey.Cols.length + 1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < fkey.Cols.length; i++)
                            int regId = fkey.Cols[i].From + regOld + 1;
                            v.AddOp2(OP.IsNull, regId, jumpId);
                        v.AddOp2(OP.FkCounter, fkey.IsDeferred, -1);
                Debug.Assert(fkey.Cols.length == 1 || (frees != null && index != null));

                int[] cols;
                if (frees != null)
                    cols = frees;
                    int col = fkey.Cols[0].From;
                    cols    = new int[1];
                    cols[0] = col;
                for (int i = 0; i < fkey.Cols.length; i++)
                    if (cols[i] == table.PKey)
                        cols[i] = -1;
                    // Request permission to read the parent key columns. If the authorization callback returns SQLITE_IGNORE, behave as if any
                    // values read from the parent table are NULL.
                    if (ctx.Auth != null)
                        string colName = to.Cols[index != null ? index.Columns[i] : to.PKey].Name;
                        ARC    rcauth  = Auth.ReadColumn(this, to.Name, colName, db);
                        isIgnore = (rcauth == ARC.IGNORE);

                // Take a shared-cache advisory read-lock on the parent table. Allocate a cursor to use to search the unique index on the parent key columns
                // in the parent table.
                TableLock(db, to.Id, false, to.Name);

                if (regOld != 0) // A row is being removed from the child table. Search for the parent. If the parent does not exist, removing the child row resolves an outstanding foreign key constraint violation.
                    FKLookupParent(this, db, to, index, fkey, cols, regOld, -1, isIgnore);
                if (regNew != 0) // A row is being added to the child table. If a parent row cannot be found, adding the child row has violated the FK constraint.
                    FKLookupParent(this, db, to, index, fkey, cols, regNew, +1, isIgnore);

                C._tagfree(ctx, ref frees);

            // Loop through all the foreign key constraints that refer to this table
            for (fkey = FKReferences(table); fkey != null; fkey = fkey.NextTo)
                if (!fkey.IsDeferred && Toplevel == null && !IsMultiWrite)
                    Debug.Assert(regOld == 0 && regNew != 0);
                    // Inserting a single row into a parent table cannot cause an immediate foreign key violation. So do nothing in this case.

                Index index = null; // Foreign key index for pFKey
                int[] cols  = null;
                if (LocateFkeyIndex(table, fkey, out index, out cols) != 0)
                    if (isIgnoreErrors || ctx.MallocFailed)
                Debug.Assert(cols != null || fkey.Cols.length == 1);

                // Create a SrcList structure containing a single table (the table the foreign key that refers to this table is attached to). This
                // is required for the sqlite3WhereXXX() interface.
                SrcList src = SrcListAppend(ctx, null, null, null);
                if (src != null)
                    SrcList.SrcListItem item = src.Ids[0];
                    item.Table = fkey.From;
                    item.Name  = fkey.From.Name;
                    item.Cursor = Tabs++;

                    if (regNew != 0)
                        FKScanChildren(this, src, table, index, fkey, cols, regNew, -1);
                    if (regOld != 0)
                        // If there is a RESTRICT action configured for the current operation on the parent table of this FK, then throw an exception
                        // immediately if the FK constraint is violated, even if this is a deferred trigger. That's what RESTRICT means. To defer checking
                        // the constraint, the FK should specify NO ACTION (represented using OE_None). NO ACTION is the default.
                        FKScanChildren(this, src, table, index, fkey, cols, regOld, 1);
                    item.Name = null;
                    SrcListDelete(ctx, ref src);
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref cols);
예제 #4
        static WRC LookupName(Parse parse, string dbName, string tableName, string colName, NameContext nc, Expr expr)
            int     cnt       = 0;            // Number of matching column names
            int     cntTab    = 0;            // Number of matching table names
            int     subquerys = 0;            // How many levels of subquery
            Context ctx       = parse.Ctx;    // The database connection

            SrcList.SrcListItem item;         // Use for looping over pSrcList items
            SrcList.SrcListItem match = null; // The matching pSrcList item
            NameContext         topNC = nc;   // First namecontext in the list
            Schema schema = null;             // Schema of the expression
            bool   isTrigger = false;
            int    i, j;

            Debug.Assert(nc != null);      // the name context cannot be NULL.
            Debug.Assert(colName != null); // The Z in X.Y.Z cannot be NULL
            Debug.Assert(!E.ExprHasAnyProperty(expr, EP.TokenOnly | EP.Reduced));

            // Initialize the node to no-match
            expr.TableId = -1;
            expr.Table   = null;

            // Translate the schema name in zDb into a pointer to the corresponding schema.  If not found, pSchema will remain NULL and nothing will match
            // resulting in an appropriate error message toward the end of this routine
            if (dbName != null)
                for (i = 0; i < ctx.DBs.length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(ctx.DBs[i].Name != null);
                    if (string.Compare(ctx.DBs[i].Name, dbName) == 0)
                        schema = ctx.DBs[i].Schema;

            // Start at the inner-most context and move outward until a match is found
            while (nc != null && cnt == 0)
                ExprList list;
                SrcList  srcList = nc.SrcList;
                if (srcList != null)
                    for (i = 0; i < srcList.Srcs; i++)
                        item = srcList.Ids[i];
                        Table table = item.Table;
                        Debug.Assert(table != null && table.Name != null);
                        Debug.Assert(table.Cols.length > 0);
                        if (item.Select != null && (item.Select.SelFlags & SF.NestedFrom) != 0)
                            bool hit = false;
                            list = item.Select.EList;
                            for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                                if (Walker.MatchSpanName(list.Ids[j].Span, colName, tableName, dbName))
                                    cntTab        = 2;
                                    match         = item;
                                    expr.ColumnId = j;
                                    hit           = true;
                            if (hit || table == null)
                        if (dbName != null && table.Schema != schema)
                        if (tableName != null)
                            string tableName2 = (item.Alias != null ? item.Alias : table.Name);
                            Debug.Assert(tableName2 != null);
                            if (!string.Equals(tableName2, tableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (cntTab++ == 0)
                            match = item;
                        Column col;
                        for (j = 0; j < table.Cols.length; j++)
                            col = table.Cols[j];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // If there has been exactly one prior match and this match is for the right-hand table of a NATURAL JOIN or is in a
                                // USING clause, then skip this match.
                                if (cnt == 1)
                                    if ((item.Jointype & JT.NATURAL) != 0)
                                    if (NameInUsingClause(item.Using, colName))
                                match = item;
                                // Substitute the rowid (column -1) for the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
                                expr.ColumnId = (j == table.PKey ? -1 : (short)j);
                    if (match != null)
                        expr.TableId = match.Cursor;
                        expr.Table   = match.Table;
                        schema       = expr.Table.Schema;

                // If we have not already resolved the name, then maybe it is a new.* or old.* trigger argument reference
                if (dbName == null && tableName != null && cnt == 0 && parse.TriggerTab != null)
                    TK    op    = parse.TriggerOp;
                    Table table = null;
                    Debug.Assert(op == TK.DELETE || op == TK.UPDATE || op == TK.INSERT);
                    if (op != TK.DELETE && string.Equals("new", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 1;
                        table        = parse.TriggerTab;
                    else if (op != TK.INSERT && string.Equals("old", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 0;
                        table        = parse.TriggerTab;
                    if (table != null)
                        int colId;
                        schema = table.Schema;
                        for (colId = 0; colId < table.Cols.length; colId++)
                            Column col = table.Cols[colId];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                if (colId == table.PKey)
                                    colId = -1;
                        if (colId >= table.Cols.length && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                            colId = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                        if (colId < table.Cols.length)
                            if (colId < 0)
                                expr.Aff = AFF.INTEGER;
                            else if (expr.TableId == 0)
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Oldmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Newmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                            expr.ColumnId = (short)colId;
                            expr.Table    = table;
                            isTrigger     = true;

                // Perhaps the name is a reference to the ROWID
                if (cnt == 0 && cntTab == 1 && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                    cnt           = 1;
                    expr.ColumnId = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                    expr.Aff      = AFF.INTEGER;

                // If the input is of the form Z (not Y.Z or X.Y.Z) then the name Z might refer to an result-set alias.  This happens, for example, when
                // we are resolving names in the WHERE clause of the following command:
                //     SELECT a+b AS x FROM table WHERE x<10;
                // In cases like this, replace pExpr with a copy of the expression that forms the result set entry ("a+b" in the example) and return immediately.
                // Note that the expression in the result set should have already been resolved by the time the WHERE clause is resolved.
                if (cnt == 0 && (list = nc.EList) != null && tableName == null)
                    for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                        string asName = list.Ids[j].Name;
                        if (asName != null && string.Equals(asName, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Debug.Assert(expr.Left == null && expr.Right == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.List == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.Select == null);
                            Expr orig = list.Ids[j].Expr;
                            if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.AllowAgg) == 0 && E.ExprHasProperty(orig, EP.Agg))
                                parse.ErrorMsg("misuse of aliased aggregate %s", asName);
                            ResolveAlias(parse, list, j, expr, "", subquerys);
                            cnt   = 1;
                            match = null;
                            Debug.Assert(tableName == null && dbName == null);
                            goto lookupname_end;

                // Advance to the next name context.  The loop will exit when either we have a match (cnt>0) or when we run out of name contexts.
                if (cnt == 0)
                    nc = nc.Next;

            // If X and Y are NULL (in other words if only the column name Z is supplied) and the value of Z is enclosed in double-quotes, then
            // Z is a string literal if it doesn't match any column names.  In that case, we need to return right away and not make any changes to
            // pExpr.
            // Because no reference was made to outer contexts, the pNC->nRef fields are not changed in any context.
            if (cnt == 0 && tableName == null && E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.DblQuoted))
                expr.OP    = TK.STRING;
                expr.Table = null;

            // cnt==0 means there was not match.  cnt>1 means there were two or more matches.  Either way, we have an error.
            if (cnt != 1)
                string err = (cnt == 0 ? "no such column" : "ambiguous column name");
                if (dbName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s.%s", err, dbName, tableName, colName);
                else if (tableName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s", err, tableName, colName);
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s", err, colName);
                parse.CheckSchema = 1;

            // If a column from a table in pSrcList is referenced, then record this fact in the pSrcList.a[].colUsed bitmask.  Column 0 causes
            // bit 0 to be set.  Column 1 sets bit 1.  And so forth.  If the column number is greater than the number of bits in the bitmask
            // then set the high-order bit of the bitmask.
            if (expr.ColumnId >= 0 && match != null)
                int n = expr.ColumnId;
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(n == BMS - 1);
                if (n >= BMS)
                    n = BMS - 1;
                Debug.Assert(match.Cursor == expr.TableId);
                match.ColUsed |= ((Bitmask)1) << n;

            // Clean up and return
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Left);
            expr.Left = null;
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Right);
            expr.Right = null;
            expr.OP    = (isTrigger ? TK.TRIGGER : TK.COLUMN);
            if (cnt == 1)
                Debug.Assert(nc != null);
                Auth.Read(parse, expr, schema, nc.SrcList);
                // Increment the nRef value on all name contexts from TopNC up to the point where the name matched.
                for (; ;)
                    Debug.Assert(topNC != null);
                    if (topNC == nc)
                    topNC = topNC.Next;