static void AddProfilePicture(Context context, string guid) { BitmapFactory.Options dimensions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(context.Resources, Resource.Drawable.profile_1, dimensions); int big_width = 400;//(int)TypedValue.ApplyDimension (ComplexUnitType.Dip, 200, context.Resources.DisplayMetrics); int small_width = 80;//(int)TypedValue.ApplyDimension (ComplexUnitType.Dip, 80, context.Resources.DisplayMetrics); Bitmap big_profile = bitmap; // scalling int w = 1; int h = 1; float v = 0; if (bitmap.Width < bitmap.Height) { v = (float)(big_width+2) / (float)bitmap.Width; } else { v = (float)(big_width+2) / (float)bitmap.Height; } w = (int)((float)bitmap.Width * v); h = (int)((float)bitmap.Height * v); big_profile = Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap (bitmap, w,h, false); // int x = (big_profile.Width - big_width) / 2; int y = (big_profile.Height - big_width) / 2; // rounding errors if (big_profile.Width < big_width) big_width = bitmap.Width; if (big_profile.Height < big_width) big_width = bitmap.Height; big_profile = Bitmap.CreateBitmap (big_profile, x,y,big_width, big_width); Bitmap small_profile = global::Android.Media.ThumbnailUtils.ExtractThumbnail (big_profile, small_width, small_width); ProfilePicture pic = new ProfilePicture (); pic.Guid = guid; pic.Big = getBytes (big_profile).ToArray<byte> (); pic.Small = getBytes (small_profile).ToArray<byte> (); Database.Instance().SaveProfilePicture (pic); }
public override void OnViewCreated (View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { this.profile = Database.Instance ().GetProfileById (1); this.picture = Database.Instance ().GetPicture (profile.Guid); if (this.picture == null) { this.picture = new ProfilePicture (); } ImageView iv = view.FindViewById<ImageView> (Resource.Id.picture); if (this.picture.Big != null) { iv.SetImageBitmap (Utils.BytesToBitmap (this.picture.Big)); } iv.Click += delegate { Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ActionImageCapture); mImageCaptureUri = global::Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(new Java.IO.File(CreateDirectoryForPictures(), string.Format("myPhoto_{0}.jpg", System.Guid.NewGuid()))); intent.PutExtra(MediaStore.ExtraOutput, mImageCaptureUri); intent.PutExtra("return-data", false); StartActivityForResult(intent, PICK_FROM_CAMERA); } ; EditText name = (view.FindViewById<EditText> (; name.Text = profile.Name == null ? "" : profile.Name; name.TextChanged += (object sender, global::Android.Text.TextChangedEventArgs e) => { profile.Name = e.Text.ToString(); profile_dirty = true; }; RadioGroup gender = (view.FindViewById<RadioGroup> (Resource.Id.radioGender)); gender.Check (profile.Gender == Profile.GENDER_MALE ? Resource.Id.genderMale : Resource.Id.genderFemale); gender.CheckedChange += (object sender, RadioGroup.CheckedChangeEventArgs e) => { profile.Gender = e.CheckedId == Resource.Id.genderMale ? Profile.GENDER_MALE : Profile.GENDER_FEMALE; profile_dirty = true; }; CheckBox meetMen = (view.FindViewById<CheckBox> (Resource.Id.meet_men)); meetMen.Checked = (profile.ToMeet & Profile.GENDER_MALE)==Profile.GENDER_MALE; meetMen.CheckedChange += (object sender, CompoundButton.CheckedChangeEventArgs e) => { if (e.IsChecked) { profile.ToMeet |= Profile.GENDER_MALE; } else { profile.ToMeet &= ~Profile.GENDER_MALE; } profile_dirty = true; }; CheckBox meetWomen = (view.FindViewById<CheckBox> (Resource.Id.meet_women)); meetWomen.Checked = (profile.ToMeet & Profile.GENDER_FEMALE)==Profile.GENDER_FEMALE; meetWomen.CheckedChange += (object sender, CompoundButton.CheckedChangeEventArgs e) => { if (e.IsChecked) { profile.ToMeet |= Profile.GENDER_FEMALE; } else { profile.ToMeet &= ~Profile.GENDER_FEMALE; } profile_dirty = true; }; EditText status = (view.FindViewById<EditText> (Resource.Id.status)); status.Text = profile.Status == null ? "" : profile.Status; status.TextChanged += (object sender, global::Android.Text.TextChangedEventArgs e) => { profile.Status = e.Text.ToString(); profile_dirty = true; }; }
public void RefreshProfile(Profile profile) { if (profile == null) return; if (null != this.ProfileBroadcast) { this.ProfileBroadcast.RefreshProfile (profile); } if (null != this.UPDBroadcastListener) { this.UPDBroadcastListener.RefreshProfile (profile); } lock (this.MyPicture) { this.MyPicture = Database.Instance ().GetPicture (profile.Guid); } lock (this.MyProfile) { this.MyProfile = profile; } }
// request handler sends out a picture, this handles accepting the pciture private void HandleProfileMessage(MemoryStream data, string fromIp, TcpClient tcpClient) { if (Logging) { Database.Instance ().SaveLog ("Profile - HandleProfileMessage() " + fromIp); } MessageProfile m = ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize<MessageProfile> (data); // look up the profile Profile profile = Database.Instance().GetProfileByGuid(m.Guid); if (profile == null) { profile = new Profile(); } // and picture ProfilePicture pic = Database.Instance().GetPicture(m.Guid); if (pic == null) { pic = new ProfilePicture(); } profile.Guid = m.Guid; profile.Version = m.Version; profile.PicVersion = m.PicVersion; profile.Name = m.Name; profile.Gender = m.Gender; profile.ToMeet = m.ToMeet; profile.Status = m.Status; if (profile.Blocked < BLOCK_COUNT_LIMIT) { // change to show if (profile.State == Profile.STATE_PENDING || profile.State == Profile.STATE_HIDE) { profile.State = Profile.STATE_SHOW; } // if picture included if (null != m.Small) { pic.Guid = m.Guid; pic.Small = m.Small; pic.Big = m.Big; Database.Instance().SaveProfilePicture(pic); } } Database.Instance().SaveProfile(profile); // check for and clear out any old entry // this happens when some unistalls and reinstalls creating a new profile but on the same device Profile old = Database.Instance().GetProfileByIpNotGuid(fromIp, m.Guid); if (null != old) { Database.Instance().DeleteProfile(old.Guid); } }