예제 #1
        //*** Post merge ***//

        public static void MergeProperties(IDictionary <string, object> newProperties, IDictionary <string, object> oldProperties)
            // Iterates on each old properties
            var oldPropertiesEnumerator = oldProperties.GetEnumerator();

            while (oldPropertiesEnumerator.MoveNext())
                // Gets old document key and value
                var oldProperty      = oldPropertiesEnumerator.Current;
                var oldPropertyKey   = oldProperty.Key;
                var oldPropertyValue = oldProperty.Value;

                // Checks if there is a new value to merge with the old one (if the new document contains the same key)
                Object newPropertyValue;
                if (newProperties.TryGetValue(oldPropertyKey, out newPropertyValue))
                    if (newPropertyValue is IDictionary <string, object> )
                        if (oldPropertyValue is JObject)
                            oldPropertyValue = (oldPropertyValue as JObject).ToObject <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                        if (oldPropertyValue is IDictionary <string, object> )
                            FullSyncUtils.MergeProperties(newPropertyValue as IDictionary <string, object>, oldPropertyValue as IDictionary <string, object>);
                    else if (newPropertyValue is JObject && oldPropertyValue is JObject)
                        FullSyncUtils.MergeProperties(newPropertyValue as JObject, oldPropertyValue as JObject);
                    else if (newPropertyValue is JArray && oldPropertyValue is JArray)
                        FullSyncUtils.MergeArrayProperties(newPropertyValue as JArray, oldPropertyValue as JArray);
                        // If the new document has the same key but its value is not the same type than the old one or if their type are "simple"
                        // Does nothing cause the right value is the new one
                    // If the new document does not contain the key then adds it
                    newProperties.Add(oldPropertyKey, oldPropertyValue);
예제 #2
        private static void MergeArrayProperties(JArray newArray, JArray oldArray)
            int newArraySize = newArray.Count;
            int oldArraySize = oldArray.Count;

            // Iterates on old values
            for (int i = 0; i < oldArraySize; i++)
                // Gets new and old values at this index
                JToken newArrayValue = null;
                if (i < newArraySize)
                    newArrayValue = newArray[i];
                JToken oldArrayValue = oldArray[i];

                // If there is a new value to merge with the old one
                if (newArrayValue != null)
                    if (newArrayValue is JObject && oldArrayValue is JObject)
                        FullSyncUtils.MergeProperties(newArrayValue as JObject, oldArrayValue as JObject);
                    else if (newArrayValue is JArray && oldArrayValue is JArray)
                        FullSyncUtils.MergeArrayProperties(newArrayValue as JArray, oldArrayValue as JArray);
                        // If the new document has the same key but its value is not the same type than the old one or if their type are "simple"
                        // Does nothing cause the right value is the new one
                    newArray.Insert(i, oldArrayValue);
예제 #3
        private static void MergeProperties(JObject newProperties, JObject oldProperties)
            // Iterates on each old properties
            var oldPropertiesEnumerable = oldProperties.Properties();

            foreach (var oldProperty in oldPropertiesEnumerable)
                // Gets old document key and value
                string oldPropertyKey   = oldProperty.Name;
                var    oldPropertyValue = oldProperty.Value;

                // Checks if there is a new value to merge with the old one (if the new document contains the same key)
                JToken newPropertyValue;
                if (newProperties.TryGetValue(oldPropertyKey, out newPropertyValue))
                    // Get the new document value
                    //Object newPropertyValue;
                    // newProperties.TryGetValue(oldPropertyKey, out newPropertyValue);
                    if (newPropertyValue is JObject && oldPropertyValue is JObject)
                        FullSyncUtils.MergeProperties(newPropertyValue as JObject, oldPropertyValue as JObject);
                    else if (newPropertyValue is JArray && oldPropertyValue is JArray)
                        FullSyncUtils.MergeArrayProperties(newPropertyValue as JArray, oldPropertyValue as JArray);
                        // If the new document has the same key but its value is not the same type than the old one or if their type are "simple"
                        // Does nothing cause the right value is the new one
                    // If the new document does not contain the key then adds it
                    newProperties.Add(oldPropertyKey, oldPropertyValue);
예제 #4
        //*** PostDocument ***//

        public async override Task <object> HandlePostDocumentRequest(string databaseName, FullSyncPolicy fullSyncPolicy, IDictionary <string, object> parameters)
            var fullSyncDatabase = await GetOrCreateFullSyncDatabase(databaseName);

            // Gets the subkey separator parameter
            string subkeySeparatorParameterValue = C8oUtils.GetParameterStringValue(parameters, FullSyncPostDocumentParameter.SUBKEY_SEPARATOR.name, false);

            if (subkeySeparatorParameterValue == null)
                subkeySeparatorParameterValue = ".";

            // Filters and modifies wrong properties
            var newProperties = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                string parameterName = parameter.Key;

                if (parameterName.Equals(C8oFullSync.FULL_SYNC__REV))
                    newProperties[parameterName] = parameter.Value;
                else if (!parameterName.StartsWith("__") && !parameterName.StartsWith("_use_"))
                    // Retrieves ???
                    var objectParameterValue = C8oUtils.GetParameterJsonValue(parameter);
                    //Manager.SharedInstance. ow = null;

                    if (objectParameterValue is JObject)
                        objectParameterValue = (objectParameterValue as JObject).ToObject <Dictionary <string, object> > ();

                    // Checks if the parameter name is splittable
                    var paths = parameterName.Split(new String[] { subkeySeparatorParameterValue }, StringSplitOptions.None); // Regex.Split(parameterName, subkeySeparatorParameterValue);
                    if (paths.Length > 1)
                        // The first substring becomes the key
                        parameterName = paths[0];
                        // Next substrings create a hierarchy which will becomes json subkeys
                        int count = paths.Length - 1;
                        while (count > 0)
                            var tmpObject = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            tmpObject[paths[count]] = objectParameterValue;
                            objectParameterValue    = tmpObject;
                        if (newProperties.ContainsKey(parameterName) && newProperties[parameterName] is IDictionary <string, object> )
                            FullSyncUtils.MergeProperties(objectParameterValue as IDictionary <string, object>, newProperties[parameterName] as IDictionary <string, object>);

                    newProperties[parameterName] = objectParameterValue;

            var    createdDocument = C8oFullSyncCblEnum.PostDocument(fullSyncPolicy, fullSyncDatabase.Database, newProperties);
            string documentId      = createdDocument.Id;
            string currentRevision = createdDocument.CurrentRevisionId;

            return(new FullSyncDocumentOperationResponse(documentId, currentRevision, true));
예제 #5
        //*** FullSyncPolicies ***//

        private static void InitFullSyncPolicies()
            fullSyncPolicies = new Dictionary <FullSyncPolicy, Func <Database, IDictionary <string, object>, Document> >();
            FullSyncPolicy policy;
            Func <Database, IDictionary <string, object>, Document> func;

            // NONE
            policy = FullSyncPolicy.NONE;
            func   = (database, newProperties) =>
                Document createdDocument;
                    string documentId = C8oUtils.GetParameterStringValue(newProperties, C8oFullSync.FULL_SYNC__ID, false);

                    // removes special properties

                    // Creates a new document or get an existing one (if the ID is specified)
                    createdDocument = (documentId == null) ? database.CreateDocument() : database.GetDocument(documentId);

                catch (CouchbaseLiteException e)
                    throw new C8oCouchbaseLiteException(C8oExceptionMessage.FullSyncPutProperties(newProperties), e);
            fullSyncPolicies.Add(policy, func);
            // CREATE
            policy = FullSyncPolicy.CREATE;
            func   = (database, newProperties) =>
                Document createdDocument;
                    // Removes specials properties in order to create a new document
                    createdDocument = database.CreateDocument();
                catch (CouchbaseLiteException e)
                    throw new C8oCouchbaseLiteException(C8oExceptionMessage.FullSyncPutProperties(newProperties), e);
            fullSyncPolicies.Add(policy, func);
            // OVERRIDE
            policy = FullSyncPolicy.OVERRIDE;
            func   = (database, newProperties) =>
                Document createdDocument;
                    // Gets the document ID
                    string documentId = C8oUtils.GetParameterStringValue(newProperties, C8oFullSync.FULL_SYNC__ID, false);

                    // Removes special properties in order to create a new document

                    // Creates a new document or get an existing one (if the ID is specified)
                    if (documentId == null)
                        createdDocument = database.CreateDocument();
                        createdDocument = database.GetDocument(documentId);
                        // Must add the current revision to the properties
                        var currentRevision = createdDocument.CurrentRevision;
                        if (currentRevision != null)
                            newProperties[C8oFullSync.FULL_SYNC__REV] = currentRevision.Id;

                catch (CouchbaseLiteException e)
                    throw new C8oCouchbaseLiteException(C8oExceptionMessage.FullSyncPutProperties(newProperties), e);
            fullSyncPolicies.Add(policy, func);
            // MERGE
            policy = FullSyncPolicy.MERGE;
            func   = (database, newProperties) =>
                Document createdDocument;
                    // Gets the document ID
                    string documentId = C8oUtils.GetParameterStringValue(newProperties, C8oFullSync.FULL_SYNC__ID, false);

                    // Removes special properties in order to create a new document

                    // Creates a new document or get an existing one (if the ID is specified)
                    if (documentId == null)
                        createdDocument = database.CreateDocument();
                        createdDocument = database.GetDocument(documentId);

                    // Merges old properties with the new ones
                    var oldProperties = createdDocument.Properties;
                    if (oldProperties != null)
                        FullSyncUtils.MergeProperties(newProperties, oldProperties);

                catch (CouchbaseLiteException e)
                    throw new C8oCouchbaseLiteException(C8oExceptionMessage.FullSyncPutProperties(newProperties), e);
            fullSyncPolicies.Add(policy, func);