public List<Sphere> FindSpheres(RangeImage rangeData) { int maxLp = 0; List<Sphere> sphereList = new List<Sphere>(); do { dataProcess(rangeData); subsTol = subsTol + .05; maxLp++; } while (groupNum <= 6 && maxLp < 9); for (int i = 1; i < groupNum; i++) { if (spBl[i] == 1) { Sphere updtSphere = new Sphere(spCr[i],(float).11777); sphereList.Add(updtSphere); } } return sphereList; }
//PAREI AQUIIIIIIIIII /** * @brief Prepare the spheres to be drawn on the MapCanvas * @param actual A Sphere * @param add A bool * @returns spherePosition A PointF */ private PointF prepareSphere(Sphere actual, bool add) { PointF spherePosition; double globalAngle, realAngle, radius, hypo; spherePosition = new PointF(); hypo = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(actual.absolutePosition.X * 100, 2) + Math.Pow(actual.absolutePosition.Z * 100, 2)) / 100; //Angle of the spheres relative to the MotherBot realAngle = Math.Asin(actual.absolutePosition.X / actual.absolutePosition.Z); //Angle of the robot relative to map if (m_Robot != null) globalAngle = (m_Robot.Telemetry.Heading - 90) * deg2rad; else globalAngle = (angleee - 90) * deg2rad; spherePosition.X = (float)(Math.Cos(globalAngle + realAngle) * hypo) - actual.realRadius / 2; spherePosition.Y = (float)(Math.Sin(globalAngle + realAngle) * hypo) - actual.realRadius / 2; if (add) { spherePositions.Add(spherePosition); sphereRadii.Add(actual.realRadius); } return spherePosition; }
//Returns a list of Sphere objects //Parameters: // RangeImage object // Array containing the edges of the image with an edge being a "1" and no-edge "0" // THIS CAN BE NULL // Maximum Radius // Minimum Radius // Edge threshold (see detectEdges method) // Percentile, which percentaje of the possible spheres will be discarded (based on their score) /** * @brief Returns a list of Sphere objects * @param rangeData A RangeImage Object * @param edges A float[,] - Array containing the edges of the image with an edge being a "1" and no-edge "0". THIS CAN BE NULL. * @param maxRad An integer - Maximum Radius * @param minRad An integer - Minimum Radius * @param edgeThreshold A float - Edge threshold (see @sa detectEdges method) * @param percentile A float - Which percentage of the possible spheres will be discarded (based on their score) * @returns The found spheres */ public List<Sphere> FindSpheres(RangeImage rangeData, float[,] edges, int maxRad, int minRad, float edgeThreshold, float percentile) { DebugTimer dt = new DebugTimer(); dt.debug("Find spheres!"); //Determine the range of radii that we will search for int diffRadii = maxRad - minRad; //Create the array that will hold the edge data //Normal bi-dimensional array x,y if (edges == null) { edges = new float[rangeData.Width + 1, rangeData.Height + 1]; edges = detectEdges(rangeData, edgeThreshold); //edges = detectEdgesRestricted(spheres, float.Parse(edgeTop.Text), float.Parse(edgeBottom.Text)); } //Initialize the array that will hold the accumulation data //First two dimensions are the are a x,y plane for the accumulation //Third dimension is the radius for which that accumulation is done //Forh dimension is only 2 items long: // -The first one is the accumulation value // -The second is an average of all the distances (z) to the point // in the edge array that projects a circle over this particular // x,y,k(radius) point accumulation = new float[rangeData.Width + 1, rangeData.Height + 1, diffRadii, 4]; //Initialize an array for recording the local MAX and MIN from each accumulation for //all the different radii. The first dimension of the array is the computed radius, //and on the second dimension the item 0 is the minimum value, and the item 1 is the max. float[,] localMaxMin = new float[maxRad - minRad, 2]; float tmpHeight = 0f; dt.debug("Starting Hough transform algorithm..."); for (int i = 0; i < edges.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < edges.GetLength(1); j++) { //If we have an edge in this point on the edges array, we proceed if (edges[i, j] == 1) { //For every radius for (int k = minRad; k < maxRad; k++) { //statusText.Text = "Generating circles (x,y,r)("+i+","+j+","+k+")"; for (int a = 0; a < 360; a += 5) { //Circle with 'k' radius to be traced on layer 'k' //Points on the circumference int x = (int)(i + Math.Sin(a * (Math.PI / 180)) * k); int y = (int)(j + Math.Cos(a * (Math.PI / 180)) * k); //If we are withing the bounds of the image if (x > 0 && x < edges.GetLength(0) && y > 0 && y < edges.GetLength(1)) { tmpHeight = accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 0] + 1F; //ACCUMULATE! accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 0] = tmpHeight; //Update the average of distances of the circumference accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 1] += rangeData.GetCustom(i, j); //Update the closest point in the circumference if (rangeData.GetCustom(i, j) < accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 2] || accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 2] == 0) accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 2] = rangeData.GetCustom(i, j); if (rangeData.GetCustom(i, j) > accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 2]) accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 3] = rangeData.GetCustom(i, j); //accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 1] = (accumulation[x, y, maxRad - k - 1, 1] + rangeData.GetCustom(i, j)) / 2; //If we have a local (in the "layer", for a specific radius) MINIMUM we record it if (tmpHeight < localMaxMin[maxRad - k - 1, 0] || localMaxMin[maxRad - k - 1, 0] == 0) localMaxMin[maxRad - k - 1, 0] = tmpHeight; //If we have a local (in the "layer", for a specific radius) MAXIMUM we record it if (tmpHeight > localMaxMin[maxRad - k - 1, 1]) localMaxMin[maxRad - k - 1, 1] = tmpHeight; } } } } } } dt.debugEnlapsed("Done accumulating..."); dt.debug("Starting tests..."); //Global list of positions, radius, accumulatedValues (SCORE), the average distance from center to midpoints, and average to edge points of spheres List<Point> centers = new List<Point>(); List<int> radii = new List<int>(); List<float> accumulatedValues = new List<float>(); List<double> midPoints = new List<double>(); List<double> avgEdges = new List<double>(); List<double> avgDistances = new List<double>(); List<double> diffCircumferences = new List<double>(); //Initialize variables float tmpPerc = 0; Point tmpCenter = new Point(0, 0); double avgDistance, distance, formula1, formula2, valN, valE, valS, valW, avgPoints, avgEdge, pointDifference, offset, diffCircumference; float pointDifferenteThreshold = 0.03f;//0.02 float midPointDifferenteThreshold = 0.02f;//0.01 //DEBUG List<String> trash = new List<String>(); for (int k = 0; k < accumulation.GetLength(2); k++) { //Calculate half the radius for sphere double cheching in line 163-179 offset = (maxRad - (float)k) / 2F; for (int i = 0; i < rangeData.Width - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rangeData.Height - 1; j++) { //Calculate if the point is in the predefined percentile tmpPerc = Math.Abs(accumulation[i, j, k, 0] - localMaxMin[k, 0]) / localMaxMin[k, 1]; //Average distance to the center of the sphere avgDistance = (rangeData.GetCustom((i + 1 > rangeData.Width - 2) ? i : i + 1, j) + rangeData.GetCustom((i < 1) ? i + 1 : i - 1, j) + rangeData.GetCustom(i, (j + 1 > rangeData.Height - 2) ? j : j + 1) + rangeData.GetCustom(i, (j < 1) ? j + 1 : j - 1)) / 4f; //Average edge distance avgEdge = accumulation[i, j, k, 1] / accumulation[i, j, k, 0]; //Distance from center to edges //(difference between average distance at the circumference, minus the center) distance = avgEdge - avgDistance; //Formula that approximates de excpected distance difference for a sphere of radius k //formula1 = (7f / 1800f) * (maxRad - k) + (122f / 900f); //Threshold for difference between expected and optimal //float thresholdDistance = 0.2f; //IF the point is in the predefined percentile and //the distance from edges of the circumference and the center is possitive and //the difference between the average distance at circumference minus the formula for k is // bigger tan threshold //if (tmpPerc > percentile / 100 && distance > 0 && (distance - formula1) < thresholdDistance) //-Math.Min(0,(maxRad-k-15)) if (tmpPerc > (percentile / 100) || (tmpPerc >= (percentile / 100) - ((float)(maxRad - k) / 90))) { //Get distances of four points in the sphere surface valE = rangeData.GetCustom((i - offset < 0) ? i : (int)(i - offset), j); valS = rangeData.GetCustom((i + offset > rangeData.Width - 1) ? i : (int)(i + offset), j); valW = rangeData.GetCustom(i, (j - offset < 0) ? j : (int)(j - offset)); valN = rangeData.GetCustom(i, (j + offset > rangeData.Height - 1) ? j : (int)(j + offset)); //Calculate the difference between the closest point, and the farther away pointDifference = Math.Max(Math.Max(valE, valN), Math.Max(valS, valW)) - Math.Min(Math.Min(valE, valN), Math.Min(valS, valW)); //Average of all four points minus the distance to center avgPoints = ((valE + valS + valW + valN) / 4); //Formula for expected difference between center distance and distance of four points at k/2 for sphere with radius k formula2 = ((17f / 9 * (float)(maxRad - k)) - 94f / 9f) / 1000f; //Console.WriteLine("----------------\nSPHERE ID="+centers.Count+"\nradius="+(maxRad-k)+"\ndistance edges=" + accumulation[i, j, k, 1] + "\ndistanceAvg=" + avgDistance + "\n(distance edges)-distanceAvg=" + distance + "\n(Midpoint points avg distance)-avgDistance(center)=" + avgPoints + "\nNEWNUMBER***=" + formula2 + "\npointDifference=" + pointDifference+"\n--------------"); diffCircumference = accumulation[i, j, k, 3] - accumulation[i, j, k, 2]; //if (avgEdges > 1.6 && avgEdges < 1.9) float diffToOptimal = Math.Abs(((float)(maxRad - k) / 800f) - (float)(avgPoints - avgDistance)); //if (pointDifference < 0.02d && avgPoints - formula2 > 0 && avgPoints - formula2 < 0.002d) // && Math.Abs((avgPoints-avgDistance)-formula2)<0.1f float tmptmp = (float)(avgEdge - (avgPoints + (float)(((float)(maxRad - k) * 2) / 100f))); float tmptmptmp = (float)(maxRad - k) / 100; double radiusMeters = (float)(maxRad - k) * (Math.Cos(89.75 * (Math.PI / 180)) * avgDistance); float circumferenceThreshold = 0.1f; float distanceCenterPointsThreshold = 0.005f; //&& tmptmp < tmptmptmp//&& tmptmp < tmptmptmp if (diffCircumference < circumferenceThreshold && avgPoints - avgDistance > distanceCenterPointsThreshold && pointDifference < pointDifferenteThreshold && diffToOptimal < midPointDifferenteThreshold && avgEdge > avgPoints && avgPoints > avgDistance && avgEdge - avgDistance > radiusMeters && avgEdge < avgDistance * 3 //&& // Magic Number! //avgEdge - avgDistance < radiusMeters * 3 ) { //Console.WriteLine("----------------\nSPHERE ID=" + centers.Count + "\nradius=" + (maxRad - k) + "\ndistance edges=" + avgEdge + "\ndistanceAvg=" + avgDistance + "\n(distance edges)-distanceAvg=" + distance + "\n(Midpoint points avg distance)-avgDistance(center)=" + avgPoints + "\nNEWNUMBER***=" + formula2 + "\npointDifference=" + pointDifference + "\nSCORE=" + accumulation[i, j, k, 0] + "\n--------------"); //trash.Add("distance edges=" + accumulation[i, j, k, 1] + "\ndistanceAvg=" + avgDistance + "\ndiference=" + distance + "\ndiff2 - avgDistance=" + avgPoints + "\nNEWNUMBER***="+formula2+"\npointDifference=" + pointDifference+ "\nRESULT=" + (avgPoints - distance * Math.Sin(45 * (Math.PI / 180)))); //Add the values of this sphere to the global lists centers.Add(new Point(i, j)); radii.Add(maxRad - k); accumulatedValues.Add(accumulation[i, j, k, 0]); midPoints.Add(avgPoints); avgEdges.Add(avgEdge); avgDistances.Add(avgDistance); diffCircumferences.Add(diffCircumference); } } } } } dt.debugEnlapsed("Done with tests..."); List<Sphere> repeatedList = new List<Sphere>(); double deg2rad = Math.PI / 180; double realRadius, theta, phi; for (int i = 0; i < centers.Count; i++) { Vector3 absolutePosition = new Vector3(); //double theta = Math.Asin(((centers[i].X - rangeData.Width / 2) * Math.Cos(89.75 * deg2rad)) / avgDistances[i]); //double phi = Math.Asin(((centers[i].Y - rangeData.Height / 2) * Math.Cos(89.75 * deg2rad)) / avgDistances[i]); theta = Math.Asin((centers[i].X - rangeData.Width / 2) * Math.Cos(89.75 * deg2rad)); phi = Math.Asin((centers[i].Y - rangeData.Height / 2) * Math.Cos(89.75 * deg2rad)); absolutePosition.X = (float)(avgDistances[i] * Math.Cos(phi) * Math.Sin(theta)); absolutePosition.Y = (float)(avgDistances[i] * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Sin(theta)); absolutePosition.Z = (float)(avgDistances[i] * Math.Cos(phi)); realRadius = avgDistances[i] * Math.Cos(89.75 * deg2rad) * radii[i]; Sphere a = new Sphere(absolutePosition, centers[i], radii[i], (float)realRadius, accumulatedValues[i], (float)avgEdges[i], (float)avgDistances[i], (float)midPoints[i], (float)diffCircumferences[i]); repeatedList.Add(a); } List<Sphere> finalList = new List<Sphere>(); dt.debug("Start sphere merging algorithm..."); //Minimum dstance to consider that two centers are the same sphere int minDistanceThreshold = 16; //finalList = repeatedList; /**/ List<Sphere> toMerge = new List<Sphere>(); IEnumerator<Sphere> enu = repeatedList.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator<Sphere> enu2; List<Sphere> tmpSpheres = new List<Sphere>(repeatedList); int limit = repeatedList.Count - 1; Sphere actual, test; while (enu.MoveNext()) { actual = enu.Current; toMerge.Clear(); toMerge.Add(actual); if (tmpSpheres.Contains(actual)) { enu2 = tmpSpheres.GetEnumerator(); while (enu2.MoveNext()) { test = enu2.Current; if (actual != test && pointDistance(, < minDistanceThreshold) toMerge.Add(test); } foreach (Sphere sph in toMerge) tmpSpheres.Remove(sph); if (toMerge.Count > 1) finalList.Add(mergeSpheres(toMerge)); else finalList.Add(actual); } } dt.debugEnlapsed("Done with merging..."); /**/ List<Sphere> balancedFinalList = new List<Sphere>(finalList); /**/ dt.debug("Finally filtering by score..."); foreach (Sphere sph in finalList) { if (sph.score < sph.radius * Math.PI) balancedFinalList.Remove(sph); } /**/ dt.debugEnlapsed("Final list prepared."); dt.debug("Returning list of spheres (" + balancedFinalList.Count + "). Done."); //return repeatedList; return balancedFinalList; }