public GPSINSFilter(TimeSpan startTime, Vector3 startPos, Vector3 startVelocity, Quaternion orientation,
                            SensorSpecifications sensorSpecifications)
            _startTime            = startTime;
            _orientation          = orientation;
            _sensorSpecifications = sensorSpecifications;

            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
                { startPos.X }, { startPos.Y }, { startPos.Z },                                 // Position
                { startVelocity.X }, { startVelocity.Y }, { startVelocity.Z },                  // Velocity
                { _orientation.X }, { _orientation.Y }, { _orientation.Z }, { _orientation.W }, // Quaternion

            // Make sure we don't reference the same object, but rather copy its values.
            // It is possible to set PostX0 to a different state than X0, so that the initial guess
            // of state is wrong.
            PostX0 = X0.Clone();

            // We use a very low initial estimate for error covariance, meaning the filter will
            // initially trust the model more and the sensors/observations less and gradually adjust on the way.
            // Note setting this to zero matrix will cause the filter to infinitely distrust all observations,
            // so always use a close-to-zero value instead.
            // Setting it to a diagnoal matrix of high values will cause the filter to trust the observations more in the beginning,
            // since we say that we think the current PostX0 estimate is unreliable.
            PostP0 = 0.001 * Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Process noise (acceleromters, gyros, etc..)
            _stdDevW = new Vector(new double[n]
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

            // Observation noise (GPS inaccuarcy etc..)
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                          0.001000, 0.001000, 0.001000,
//                                          1000, 1000, 1000,

            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            _zeroMM = Matrix.Zeros(m);

            _rand         = new GaussianRandom();
            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);
        public StepOutput <GPSFilter2DSample> Filter(GPSObservation obs, GPSFilter2DInput input)
            var inputFromPrev          = new StepInput <Matrix>(_prevEstimate);
            StepOutput <Matrix> result = CalculateNext(inputFromPrev, obs, input);

            _prevEstimate = result;

 private static StepOutput <GPSINSOutput> ToFilterResult(StepOutput <Matrix> step)
     return(new StepOutput <GPSINSOutput>
         X = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.X),
         PriX = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PriX),
         PostX = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PostX),
         Z = ObservationMatrixToFilterResult(step.Z),
         Time = step.Time,
 private static StepOutput <GPSFilter2DSample> ToFilterResult(StepOutput <Matrix> step)
     return(new StepOutput <GPSFilter2DSample>
         X = new GPSFilter2DSample {
             Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.X).Position,
         PriX = new GPSFilter2DSample {
             Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PriX).Position,
         PostX = new GPSFilter2DSample {
             Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.PostX).Position,
         Z = new GPSFilter2DSample {
             Position = EstimateMatrixToFilterResult(step.Z).Position,
         Time = step.Time,
        public IList <StepOutput <float> > Filter(IList <float> samples)
            var result = new List <StepOutput <float> >();

            // Initial state condition
            const float x0     = 1.0f;
            const float postX0 = 1.5f;
            const float postP0 = 1.0f;

            StepOutput <float> first = InitializeFirstStep(x0, postX0, postP0);


            for (int i = 1; i < samples.Count; i++)
                StepOutput <float> prev = result.Last();
                result.Add(CalculateNext(new StepInput <float>(prev)));

        public GPSFilter2D(GPSObservation startState)
            X0 = Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
                { startState.Position.X }, { startState.Position.Y }, { startState.Position.Z },
                // Position
                { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 },                  // Velocity
                { 0 }, { 0 }, { 0 },                  // Acceleration

            PostX0 = X0.Clone();

            /* Matrix.Create(new double[n, 1]
             *                     {
             *                         {startState.Position.X}, {startState.Position.Y}, {startState.Position.Z}, // Position
             *                         {1}, {0}, {0}, // Velocity
             *                         {0}, {1}, {0}, // Acceleration
             *                     });*/

            // Start by assuming no covariance between states, meaning position, velocity, acceleration and their three XYZ components
            // have no correlation and behave independently. This not entirely true.
            PostP0 = Matrix.Identity(n, n);

            // Refs:

            // Assuming GPS Sensor: FV-M8
            // Cold start: 41s
            // Hot start: 1s
            // Position precision: 3.3m CEP (horizontal circle, half the points within this radius centred on truth)
            // Position precision (DGPS): 2.6m CEP

            //            const float coVarQ = ;
            //            _r = covarianceR;

            // Determine standard deviation of estimated process and observation noise variance
            // Position process noise
            _stdDevW = Vector.Zeros(n); //(float)Math.Sqrt(_q);

            _rand = new GaussianRandom();

            // Circle Error Probable (50% of the values are within this radius)
            //            const float cep = 3.3f;

            // GPS position observation noise by standard deviation [meters]
            // Assume gaussian distribution, 2.45 x CEP is approx. 2dRMS (95%)
            // ref:

            // Found empirically by
            // using area=0.5 and limits +- 3.3 meters
            _stdDevV = new Vector(new double[m]
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
//                                             0,
            //2, 2, 4.8926f);

            H = Matrix.Identity(m, n);
            I = Matrix.Identity(n, n);
            Q = new Matrix(n, n);
            R = Matrix.Identity(m, m);

            _prevEstimate = GetInitialEstimate(X0, PostX0, PostP0);