예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// A method for returning a parameterContainer object. The contract and parameter in question must be loaded by
 /// Contracts Window + and may return null. All fields within the object are publicly accessible through properties.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contract">Instance of the root contract (contractParameter.Root)</param>
 /// <param name="parameter">Instance of the contract parameter in question</param>
 /// <returns>parameterContainer object</returns>
 public static parameterContainer getParameterContainer(Contract contract, ContractParameter parameter)
         contractContainer  c  = contractParser.getActiveContract(contract.ContractGuid);
         parameterContainer pC = null;
         if (c != null)
             pC = c.AllParamList.SingleOrDefault(a => a.CParam == parameter);
     catch (Exception e)
         Debug.LogWarning("[Contracts +] Something went wrong when attempting to get a Parameter Container object: " + e);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// A method for manually resetting locally cached contract parameter notes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="contract">Instance of the root contract (contractParameter.Root)</param>
 /// <param name="parameter">Instance of the contract parameter in question</param>
 /// <param name="notes">The new contract parameter notes</param>
 public static void setParameterNotes(Contract contract, ContractParameter parameter, string notes)
         contractContainer c = contractParser.getActiveContract(contract.ContractGuid);
         if (c != null)
             parameterContainer pC = c.AllParamList.SingleOrDefault(a => a.CParam == parameter);
             if (pC != null)
     catch (Exception e)
         Debug.LogWarning("[Contracts +] Something went wrong when attempting to assign a new Parameter Notes: " + e);
 //Change parameter title GUIStyle based on its current state
 private GUIStyle paramState(parameterContainer cP)
     switch (cP.CParam.State)
         case ParameterState.Complete:
             return contractSkins.paramCompleted;
         case ParameterState.Failed:
             return contractSkins.paramFailed;
             if (cP.Level == 0)
                 return contractSkins.paramText;
                 return contractSkins.paramSub;
        private void buildParameterLabel(parameterContainer cP, contractContainer c, int level, int id, int size, ref Rect r)
            string paramTitle = cP.Title;
            bool active = cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Incomplete;
            bool greenState = cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Complete || cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Incomplete;
            bool redState = cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Incomplete || cP.CParam.State == ParameterState.Failed;
            GUIStyle pStyle = paramState(cP);

            GUILayout.Space(5 + (level * 5));

            r.x = 5 + (level * 5);
            r.y += r.height;

            //Note icon button
            if (active && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cP.Notes))
                r.x -= 2;
                r.y += 4;
                r.width = 12 + (size * 2);
                r.height = 14 + (size * 4);

                if (!cP.ShowNote)
                    if (GUI.Button(r, new GUIContent(contractSkins.noteIcon, "Show Note"), contractSkins.texButtonSmall))
                        cP.ShowNote = !cP.ShowNote;
                    if (GUI.Button(r, new GUIContent(contractSkins.noteIconOff, "Hide Note"), contractSkins.texButtonSmall))
                        cP.ShowNote = !cP.ShowNote;
                GUILayout.Space(12 + size * 2);

            /* FIXME - Disabled For Now; Need to Figure Out Changes Made In 0.90 */
            //Editor part icon button
            //if (cP.part != null && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
            //	if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(contractSkins.partIcon, "Preview Part"), contractSkins.texButtonSmall, GUILayout.MaxWidth(18 + contractScenario.Instance.windowSize * 4), GUILayout.MaxHeight(18 + contractScenario.Instance.windowSize * 4)))
            //	{
            //		EditorLogic.fetch.Unlock(lockID);
            //		editorLocked = false;
            //		EditorPartList.Instance.RevealPart(cP.part, true);
            //	}
            //	GUILayout.Space(-3);

            //Contract parameter title
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cP.Notes))
                GUILayout.Box(paramTitle, pStyle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(208 - (level * 5) + size * 28));
                GUILayout.Box(paramTitle, pStyle, GUILayout.MaxWidth(220 - (level * 5) + size * 30));

            r = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();


            //Parameter reward info
            if (WindowRect.width >= 270 + (size * 30))
                if (r.yMin >= (scroll.y - 20) && r.yMax <= (scroll.y + WindowRect.height - (30 + size * 6)))
                    Rect rewardsRect = r;
                    rewardsRect.x = 230 + (size * 30);
                    rewardsRect.y += 4;

                    scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, cP.FundsRewString, cP.FundsPenString, Currency.Funds, size, greenState, redState);

                    scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, cP.SciRewString, "", Currency.Science, size, greenState, redState);

                    scaledContent(ref rewardsRect, cP.RepRewString, cP.RepPenString, Currency.Reputation, size, greenState, redState);

            //Display note
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cP.Notes) && cP.ShowNote && active)
                GUILayout.Box(cP.Notes, GUILayout.MaxWidth(320 + size * 60));

                r.height += GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().height;

            if (level < 4)
                foreach (parameterContainer sP in cP.ParamList)
                    if (sP.Level == level + 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sP.Title))
                        if (active)
                            buildParameterLabel(sP, c, level + 1, id, size, ref r);
 internal void addToParamList(parameterContainer pC)