private void UpdatePDAAppearance(PDAComponent pda) { if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(pda.Owner, out AppearanceComponent? appearance)) { appearance.SetData(PDAVisuals.IDCardInserted, pda.ContainedID != null); } }
private void OnActivateInWorld(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, ActivateInWorldEvent args) { if (args.Handled) { return; } args.Handled = OpenUI(pda, args.User); }
private void OnUse(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, UseInHandEvent args) { if (args.Handled) { return; } args.Handled = OpenUI(pda, args.User); }
private void OnUIMessage(PDAComponent pda, ServerBoundUserInterfaceMessage msg) { // cast EntityUid? to EntityUid if (msg.Session.AttachedEntity is not { Valid: true } playerUid) { return; } switch (msg.Message) { case PDARequestUpdateInterfaceMessage _: UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda, playerUid); break; case PDAToggleFlashlightMessage _: { if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(pda.Owner, out UnpoweredFlashlightComponent? flashlight)) { _unpoweredFlashlight.ToggleLight(flashlight); } break; } case PDAEjectIDMessage _: { ItemSlotsSystem.TryEjectToHands(pda.Owner, pda.IdSlot, playerUid); break; } case PDAEjectPenMessage _: { ItemSlotsSystem.TryEjectToHands(pda.Owner, pda.PenSlot, playerUid); break; } case PDAShowUplinkMessage _: { if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(pda.Owner, out UplinkComponent? uplink)) { _uplinkSystem.ToggleUplinkUI(uplink, msg.Session); } break; } case PDAShowRingtoneMessage _: { if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(pda.Owner, out RingerComponent? ringer)) { _ringerSystem.ToggleRingerUI(ringer, msg.Session); } break; } } }
private void OnItemRemoved(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, EntRemovedFromContainerMessage args) { if (args.Container.ID == pda.IdSlot.ID) { pda.ContainedID = null; } UpdatePDAAppearance(pda); UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }
private void OnItemInserted(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, EntInsertedIntoContainerMessage args) { if (args.Container.ID == pda.IdSlot.ID) { pda.ContainedID = EntityManager.GetComponentOrNull <IdCardComponent>(args.Entity); } UpdatePDAAppearance(pda); UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }
private void OnComponentInit(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, ComponentInit args) { var ui = pda.Owner.GetUIOrNull(PDAUiKey.Key); if (ui != null) { ui.OnReceiveMessage += (msg) => OnUIMessage(pda, msg); } UpdatePDAAppearance(pda); }
protected override void OnComponentInit(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, ComponentInit args) { base.OnComponentInit(uid, pda, args); var ui = pda.Owner.GetUIOrNull(PDAUiKey.Key); if (ui != null) { ui.OnReceiveMessage += (msg) => OnUIMessage(pda, msg); } }
private bool OpenUI(PDAComponent pda, EntityUid user) { if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent(user, out ActorComponent? actor)) { return(false); } var ui = pda.Owner.GetUIOrNull(PDAUiKey.Key); ui?.Toggle(actor.PlayerSession); return(true); }
private void OnMapInit(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, MapInitEvent args) { // try to place ID inside item slot if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pda.StartingIdCard)) { // if pda prototype doesn't have slots, ID will drop down on ground var idCard = EntityManager.SpawnEntity(pda.StartingIdCard, pda.Owner.Transform.Coordinates); if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(uid, out SharedItemSlotsComponent? itemSlots)) { _slotsSystem.TryInsertContent(itemSlots, idCard, pda.IdSlot); } } }
protected override void OnComponentInit(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, ComponentInit args) { base.OnComponentInit(uid, pda, args); if (!TryComp(uid, out ServerUserInterfaceComponent? uiComponent)) { return; } if (_uiSystem.TryGetUi(uid, PDAUiKey.Key, out var ui, uiComponent)) { ui.OnReceiveMessage += (msg) => OnUIMessage(pda, msg); } }
private void UpdatePDAUserInterface(PDAComponent pda) { var ownerInfo = new PDAIdInfoText { ActualOwnerName = pda.OwnerName, IdOwner = pda.ContainedID?.FullName, JobTitle = pda.ContainedID?.JobTitle }; var hasUplink = EntityManager.HasComponent <UplinkComponent>(pda.Owner); var ui = pda.Owner.GetUIOrNull(PDAUiKey.Key); ui?.SetState(new PDAUpdateState(pda.FlashlightOn, pda.PenSlot.HasItem, ownerInfo, hasUplink)); }
private void OnComponentInit(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, ComponentInit args) { var ui = pda.Owner.GetUIOrNull(PDAUiKey.Key); if (ui != null) { ui.OnReceiveMessage += (msg) => OnUIMessage(pda, msg); } if (pda.IdCard != null) { pda.IdSlot.StartingItem = pda.IdCard; } _itemSlotsSystem.AddItemSlot(uid, $"{pda.Name}-id", pda.IdSlot); _itemSlotsSystem.AddItemSlot(uid, $"{pda.Name}-pen", pda.PenSlot); }
private void OnUIMessage(PDAComponent pda, ServerBoundUserInterfaceMessage msg) { // todo: move this to entity events switch (msg.Message) { case PDARequestUpdateInterfaceMessage _: UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); break; case PDAToggleFlashlightMessage _: { if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(pda.Owner, out UnpoweredFlashlightComponent? flashlight)) { _unpoweredFlashlight.ToggleLight(flashlight); } break; } case PDAShowUplinkMessage _: { if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(pda.Owner, out UplinkComponent? uplink)) { _uplinkSystem.ToggleUplinkUI(uplink, msg.Session); } break; } case PDAShowRingtoneMessage _: { if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(pda.Owner, out RingerComponent? ringer)) { _ringerSystem.ToggleRingerUI(ringer, msg.Session); } break; } case PDAShowMusicMessage _: { if (TryComp(pda.Owner, out InstrumentComponent? instrument)) { _instrumentSystem.ToggleInstrumentUi(pda.Owner, msg.Session, instrument); } break; } } }
private void UpdatePDAUserInterface(PDAComponent pda) { var ownerInfo = new PDAIdInfoText { ActualOwnerName = pda.OwnerName, IdOwner = pda.ContainedID?.FullName, JobTitle = pda.ContainedID?.JobTitle }; if (!_uiSystem.TryGetUi(pda.Owner, PDAUiKey.Key, out var ui)) { return; } var hasInstrument = HasComp <InstrumentComponent>(pda.Owner); var state = new PDAUpdateState(pda.FlashlightOn, pda.PenSlot.HasItem, ownerInfo, false, hasInstrument); ui.SetState(state); // TODO UPLINK RINGTONES/SECRETS This is just a janky placeholder way of hiding uplinks from non syndicate // players. This should really use a sort of key-code entry system that selects an account which is not directly tied to // a player entity. if (!HasComp <UplinkComponent>(pda.Owner)) { return; } var uplinkState = new PDAUpdateState(pda.FlashlightOn, pda.PenSlot.HasItem, ownerInfo, true, hasInstrument); foreach (var session in ui.SubscribedSessions) { if (session.AttachedEntity is not EntityUid { Valid: true } user) { continue; } if (_uplinkAccounts.HasAccount(user)) { ui.SetState(uplinkState, session); } } }
private void UpdatePDAUserInterface(PDAComponent pda, EntityUid?user = null) { var ownerInfo = new PDAIdInfoText { ActualOwnerName = pda.OwnerName, IdOwner = pda.ContainedID?.FullName, JobTitle = pda.ContainedID?.JobTitle }; var ui = pda.Owner.GetUIOrNull(PDAUiKey.Key); if (ui == null) { return; } ui.SetState(new PDAUpdateState(pda.FlashlightOn, pda.PenSlot.HasItem, ownerInfo, ShouldShowUplink(pda.Owner, ui, user))); }
private void OnUIMessage(PDAComponent pda, ServerBoundUserInterfaceMessage msg) { switch (msg.Message) { case PDARequestUpdateInterfaceMessage _: UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); break; case PDAToggleFlashlightMessage _: { if (pda.Owner.TryGetComponent(out UnpoweredFlashlightComponent? flashlight)) { _unpoweredFlashlight.ToggleLight(flashlight); } break; } case PDAEjectIDMessage _: { _slotsSystem.TryEjectContent(pda.Owner.Uid, pda.IdSlot, msg.Session.AttachedEntity); break; } case PDAEjectPenMessage _: { _slotsSystem.TryEjectContent(pda.Owner.Uid, pda.PenSlot, msg.Session.AttachedEntity); break; } case PDAShowUplinkMessage _: { if (pda.Owner.TryGetComponent(out UplinkComponent? uplink)) { _uplinkSystem.ToggleUplinkUI(uplink, msg.Session); } break; } } }
private void OnItemSlotChanged(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, ItemSlotChangedEvent args) { // check if ID slot changed if (args.SlotName == pda.IdSlot) { var item = args.ContainedItem; if (item == null || !EntityManager.TryGetComponent(item.Value, out IdCardComponent ? idCard)) { pda.ContainedID = null; } else { pda.ContainedID = idCard; } } else if (args.SlotName == pda.PenSlot) { var item = args.ContainedItem; pda.PenInserted = item != null; } UpdatePDAAppearance(pda); UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }
private void AfterUIOpen(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, AfterActivatableUIOpenEvent args) { // A new user opened the UI --> Check if they are a traitor and should get a user specific UI state override. if (!HasComp <UplinkComponent>(pda.Owner) || !_uplinkAccounts.HasAccount(args.User)) { return; } if (!_uiSystem.TryGetUi(pda.Owner, PDAUiKey.Key, out var ui)) { return; } var ownerInfo = new PDAIdInfoText { ActualOwnerName = pda.OwnerName, IdOwner = pda.ContainedID?.FullName, JobTitle = pda.ContainedID?.JobTitle }; var state = new PDAUpdateState(pda.FlashlightOn, pda.PenSlot.HasItem, ownerInfo, true, HasComp <InstrumentComponent>(pda.Owner)); ui.SetState(state, args.Session); }
protected override void OnItemRemoved(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, EntRemovedFromContainerMessage args) { base.OnItemRemoved(uid, pda, args); UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }
private void OnComponentRemove(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, ComponentRemove args) { _itemSlotsSystem.RemoveItemSlot(uid, pda.IdSlot); _itemSlotsSystem.RemoveItemSlot(uid, pda.PenSlot); }
private void OnLightToggle(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, LightToggleEvent args) { pda.FlashlightOn = args.IsOn; UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }
private void OnUplinkRemoved(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, UplinkRemovedEvent args) { UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }
public void SetOwner(PDAComponent pda, string ownerName) { pda.OwnerName = ownerName; UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }
private void UpdateStationName(PDAComponent pda) { var station = _stationSystem.GetOwningStation(pda.Owner); pda.StationName = station is null ? null : Name(station.Value); }
public PdaAccessSet(PDAComponent pdaComponent) { _pdaComponent = pdaComponent; }
private void OnGridChanged(EntityUid uid, PDAComponent pda, GridModifiedEvent args) { UpdateStationName(pda); UpdatePDAUserInterface(pda); }