예제 #1
        // ====================================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the content of a tab in the Edit Screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="adminData"></param>
        /// <param name="RecordID"></param>
        /// <param name="ContentID"></param>
        /// <param name="record_readOnly"></param>
        /// <param name="IsLandingPage"></param>
        /// <param name="IsRootPage"></param>
        /// <param name="EditTab"></param>
        /// <param name="EditorContext"></param>
        /// <param name="return_NewFieldList"></param>
        /// <param name="HelpCnt"></param>
        /// <param name="HelpIDCache"></param>
        /// <param name="helpDefaultCache"></param>
        /// <param name="HelpCustomCache"></param>
        /// <param name="AllowHelpMsgCustom"></param>
        /// <param name="helpIdIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getTab(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData, EditorEnvironmentModel editorEnv, int RecordID, int ContentID, string EditTab)
            string returnHtml = "";

            try {
                // ----- Open the panel
                if (adminData.adminContent.fields.Count <= 0)
                    // There are no visible fiels, return empty
                    LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("There is no metadata for this field."));
                    // ----- Build an index to sort the fields by EditSortOrder
                    Dictionary <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> sortingFields = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel>();
                    foreach (var keyValuePair in adminData.adminContent.fields)
                        ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                        if (field.editTabName.ToLowerInvariant() == EditTab.ToLowerInvariant())
                            if (AdminDataModel.isVisibleUserField(core, field.adminOnly, field.developerOnly, field.active, field.authorable, field.nameLc, adminData.adminContent.tableName))
                                string AlphaSort = GenericController.getIntegerString(field.editSortPriority, 10) + "-" + GenericController.getIntegerString(field.id, 10);
                                sortingFields.Add(AlphaSort, field);
                    // ----- display the record fields
                    bool AllowHelpIcon = core.visitProperty.getBoolean("AllowHelpIcon");
                    StringBuilderLegacyController resultBody = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                    bool needUniqueEmailMessage = false;
                    foreach (var kvp in sortingFields)
                        ContentFieldMetadataModel field = kvp.Value;
                        string editorRow = EditorRowClass.getEditorRow(core, field, adminData, editorEnv);
                        resultBody.add("<tr><td colspan=2>" + editorRow + "</td></tr>");
                    // ----- add the *Required Fields footer
                    resultBody.add("<tr><td colspan=2 style=\"padding-top:10px;font-size:70%\"><div>* Field is required.</div><div>** Field must be unique.</div>");
                    if (needUniqueEmailMessage)
                        resultBody.add("<div>*** Field must be unique because this site allows login by email.</div>");
                    // ----- close the panel
                    returnHtml = AdminUIController.getEditPanel(core, false, "", "", AdminUIController.editTable(resultBody.text));
                    adminData.editSectionPanelCount += 1;
                    resultBody = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Control edit tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="adminData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData, EditorEnvironmentModel editorEnv)
            string result = null;

            try {
                bool disabled = false;
                var tabPanel = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminData.adminContent.name))
                    // Content not found or not loaded
                    if (adminData.adminContent.id == 0)
                        LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("No content definition was specified for this page"));
                        return(HtmlController.p("No content was specified."));
                        // Content Definition was not specified
                        LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("The content definition specified for this page [" + adminData.adminContent.id + "] was not found"));
                        return(HtmlController.p("No content was specified."));
                // ----- Authoring status
                bool FieldRequired = false;

                List <string> TabsFound = new List <string>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> keyValuePair in adminData.adminContent.fields)
                    ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                    if ((field.editTabName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("control info")) && (field.authorable) && (field.active))
                        tabPanel.add(EditorRowClass.getEditorRow(core, field, adminData, editorEnv));
                // ----- RecordID
                    string fieldValue  = (adminData.editRecord.id == 0) ? "(available after save)" : adminData.editRecord.id.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore", fieldValue, true, "");
                    string fieldHelp   = "This is the unique number that identifies this record within this content.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Record Number", fieldHelp, true, false, ""));
                // -- Active
                    string htmlId      = "fieldActive";
                    string fieldEditor = HtmlController.checkbox("active", adminData.editRecord.active, htmlId, disabled, "", adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly);
                    string fieldHelp   = "When unchecked, add-ons can ignore this record as if it was temporarily deleted.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Active", fieldHelp, false, false, htmlId));
                // -- GUID
                    string guidSetHtmlId   = "guidSet" + GenericController.getRandomInteger(core).ToString();
                    string guidInputHtmlId = "guidInput" + GenericController.getRandomInteger(core).ToString();
                    string fieldValue      = GenericController.encodeText(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["ccguid"].value);
                    string fieldEditor     = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly)
                        // -- readonly
                        fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore", fieldValue, true, "");
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue))
                        // add a set button
                        string setButton        = "<input id=\"" + guidSetHtmlId + "\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Set\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm\">";
                        string setButtonWrapped = "<div class=\"input-group-append\">" + setButton + "</div>";
                        string inputCell        = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ccguid", "", false, guidInputHtmlId);
                        fieldEditor = HtmlController.div(inputCell + setButtonWrapped, "input-group");
                        string newGuid   = GenericController.getGUID(true);
                        string onClickFn = "function(e){e.preventDefault();e.stopPropagation();$('#" + guidInputHtmlId + "').val('" + newGuid + "');}";
                        string script    = "$('body').on('click','#" + guidSetHtmlId + "'," + onClickFn + ")";
                        core.html.addScriptCode(script, "Admin edit control-info-tab guid set button");
                        // field is read-only except for developers
                        fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ccguid", fieldValue, !core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper(), guidInputHtmlId);
                    string FieldHelp = "This is a unique number that identifies this record globally. A GUID is not required, but when set it should never be changed. GUIDs are used to synchronize records. When empty, you can create a new guid. Only Developers can modify the guid.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "GUID", FieldHelp, false, false, guidInputHtmlId));
                // ----- EID (Encoded ID)
                    if (GenericController.toUCase(adminData.adminContent.tableName) == GenericController.toUCase("ccMembers"))
                        string htmlId      = "fieldGuid";
                        bool   AllowEId    = (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkLogin", true)) || (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkRecognize", true));
                        string fieldHelp   = "This string is an authentication token that can be used in the URL for the next 15 minutes to log in as this user.";
                        string fieldEditor = "";
                        if (!AllowEId)
                            fieldEditor = "(link login and link recognize are disabled in security preferences)";
                        else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                            fieldEditor = "(available after save)";
                            string eidQueryString = "eid=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(SecurityController.encodeToken(core, adminData.editRecord.id, core.doc.profileStartTime.AddMinutes(15)));
                            string sampleUrl      = core.webServer.requestProtocol + core.webServer.requestDomain + "/" + core.siteProperties.serverPageDefault + "?" + eidQueryString;
                            if (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkLogin", true))
                                fieldHelp = " If " + eidQueryString + " is added to a url querystring for this site, the user be logged in as this person.";
                                fieldHelp = " If " + eidQueryString + " is added to a url querystring for this site, the user be recognized in as this person, but not logged in.";
                            fieldHelp  += " To enable, disable or modify this feature, use the security tab on the Preferences page.";
                            fieldHelp  += "<br>For example: " + sampleUrl;
                            fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_eid", eidQueryString, true, htmlId);
                        tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Member Link Login Querystring", fieldHelp, true, false, htmlId));
                // ----- Controlling Content
                    string HTMLFieldString          = "";
                    string FieldHelp                = "The content in which this record is stored. This is similar to a database table.";
                    ContentFieldMetadataModel field = null;
                    if (adminData.adminContent.fields.ContainsKey("contentcontrolid"))
                        field = adminData.adminContent.fields["contentcontrolid"];
                        // if this record has a parent id, only include CDefs compatible with the parent record - otherwise get all for the table
                        FieldHelp     = GenericController.encodeText(field.helpMessage);
                        FieldRequired = GenericController.encodeBoolean(field.required);
                        int FieldValueInteger = (adminData.editRecord.contentControlId.Equals(0)) ? adminData.adminContent.id : adminData.editRecord.contentControlId;
                        if (!core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                            HTMLFieldString = HTMLFieldString + HtmlController.inputHidden("contentControlId", FieldValueInteger);
                            string RecordContentName = adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name;
                            string TableName2        = MetadataController.getContentTablename(core, RecordContentName);
                            int    TableId           = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, "Tables", TableName2);
                            // Test for parentid
                            int  ParentId = 0;
                            bool ContentSupportsParentId = false;
                            if (adminData.editRecord.id > 0)
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    if (csData.openRecord(RecordContentName, adminData.editRecord.id))
                                        ContentSupportsParentId = csData.isFieldSupported("ParentID");
                                        if (ContentSupportsParentId)
                                            ParentId = csData.getInteger("ParentID");
                            bool IsEmptyList = false;
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                // administrator, and either ( no parentid or does not support it), let them select any content compatible with the table
                                string sqlFilter  = "(ContentTableID=" + TableId + ")";
                                int    contentCId = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, ContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, ContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                                HTMLFieldString += AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, "contentcontrolid", FieldValueInteger, contentCId, ref IsEmptyList, adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly, "", "", true, sqlFilter);
                                FieldHelp        = FieldHelp + " (Only administrators have access to this control. Changing the Controlling Content allows you to change who can author the record, as well as how it is edited.)";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HTMLFieldString))
                        HTMLFieldString = adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name;
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, HTMLFieldString, "Controlling Content", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Created By
                    string FieldHelp  = "The people account of the user who created this record.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.createdBy == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                        int FieldValueInteger = adminData.editRecord.createdBy.id;
                        if (FieldValueInteger == 0)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                csData.open("people", "(id=" + FieldValueInteger + ")", "name,active", false);
                                if (!csData.ok())
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", (deleted)";
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", " + csData.getText("name");
                                    if (!csData.getBoolean("active"))
                                        fieldValue += " (inactive)";
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_createdBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Created By", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Created Date
                    string FieldHelp  = "The date and time when this record was originally created.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                        if (GenericController.encodeDateMinValue(adminData.editRecord.dateAdded) == DateTime.MinValue)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            fieldValue = adminData.editRecord.dateAdded.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_createdDate", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Created Date", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Modified By
                    string FieldHelp  = "The people account of the last user who modified this record.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.modifiedBy == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                        int FieldValueInteger = adminData.editRecord.modifiedBy.id;
                        if (FieldValueInteger == 0)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                csData.open("people", "(id=" + FieldValueInteger + ")", "name,active", false);
                                if (!csData.ok())
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", (deleted)";
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", " + csData.getText("name");
                                    if (!csData.getBoolean("active"))
                                        fieldValue += " (inactive)";
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_modifiedBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Modified By", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Modified Date
                    string FieldHelp  = "The date and time when this record was last modified.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                        if (GenericController.encodeDateMinValue(adminData.editRecord.modifiedDate) == DateTime.MinValue)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            fieldValue = adminData.editRecord.modifiedDate.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_modifiedBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Modified Date", FieldHelp, false, false, ""));
                string s = AdminUIController.editTable(tabPanel.text);
                result = AdminUIController.getEditPanel(core, true, "Control Information", "", s);
                adminData.editSectionPanelCount += 1;
                tabPanel = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);