private static void addANewVehicleToGarage(Garage i_Garage) { Console.WriteLine(" ===== Add New Vechile To Our Garage ==== "); SupportVehicle.eVehicleType vehicleType = chooseVechileToAdd(); Console.WriteLine("Please Type Owner Name"); string ownerName = getAlphabeatString(); Console.WriteLine("please Type Phone Number"); string phoneNumber = getANumericString(); List <string> propertiesToGet = SupportVehicle.GetPropertiesByVehicleType(vehicleType); List <string> userInputProperties = new List <string>(); foreach (string prop in propertiesToGet) { Console.WriteLine("Please Type {0}", prop); userInputProperties.Add(getNonEmptyString()); } try { bool res = i_Garage.TryAddingNewVehicleToGarage(ownerName, phoneNumber, userInputProperties, vehicleType); if (res) { Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}Sucsses Adding A New Vehicle!{1}{0}", k_BreakLine, System.Environment.NewLine); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}Vechile by the same license plate already exist in the garage{1}{0}", k_BreakLine, System.Environment.NewLine); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}Cannot Adding a New Vechile{1}{2}{1}{0}", k_BreakLine, System.Environment.NewLine, e.Message); } }