예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Console Monopoly!");
            bool   isPlayerCountWrong = true;
            string stringPlayers      = "";

            while (isPlayerCountWrong)
                Console.WriteLine("How many players do you want to play with?(Max 8 players)");
                stringPlayers = Console.ReadLine();
                    int numberofPlayers = int.Parse(stringPlayers);
                    if (numberofPlayers > 1 && numberofPlayers < 8)
                        isPlayerCountWrong = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number between 2-8");
                catch (FormatException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '{0}'.", stringPlayers);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please try again with a valid number");
                catch (OverflowException)
                    Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is out of range of the Int32 type.", stringPlayers);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please try again with a valid number");
                catch (ArgumentNullException)
                    Console.WriteLine("This is either a '' or null");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please try again with a valid number");
            int numOfPlayers = int.Parse(stringPlayers);

            Player[] listOfPlayers = new Player[numOfPlayers];
            int      playerNumber  = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("The max length for names is 32 characters.");
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfPlayers; i++)
                bool   isNameGood = true;
                string name       = "";
                while (isNameGood)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of Player {0}", i + 1);
                    name = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (name != "" && name != null)
                        isNameGood = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("This is either a '' or null");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please try again with a valid string");
                if (name.Length > 32)
                    name = name.Substring(0, 32);
                bool         uniqueToken = true;
                Player.Token token       = Player.Token.Null;
                while (uniqueToken)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please choose a token by using the number next to the token");
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (var token1 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Player.Token)))
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", j, token1);
                    int playerChoice = 0;
                        playerChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                    catch (FormatException)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '{0}'.", stringPlayers);
                        Console.WriteLine("Please try again with a valid number");
                    switch (playerChoice)
                    case 0:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Null.");

                    case 1:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Scottish Terrier");
                        token = Player.Token.ScottishTerrier;

                    case 2:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Battleship");
                        token = Player.Token.Battleship;

                    case 3:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Race Car");
                        token = Player.Token.RaceCar;

                    case 4:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Top Hat");
                        token = Player.Token.TopHat;

                    case 5:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Thimble");
                        token = Player.Token.Thimble;

                    case 6:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Shoe");
                        token = Player.Token.Shoe;

                    case 7:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Wheel Barrow");
                        token = Player.Token.WheelBarrow;

                    case 8:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Howitzer");
                        token = Player.Token.Howitzer;

                    case 9:
                        Console.WriteLine("You chose Iron");
                        token = Player.Token.Iron;

                        Console.WriteLine("You chose an invalid number. ");
                        Console.WriteLine("You get to play as Null now.");
                    /*This part needs fixing, does not catch copy tokens.*/
                    for (int k = 0; k < (listOfPlayers.Length - 1); k++)
                        Player player1 = listOfPlayers[k];
                        if (player1 != null)
                            if (token == Player.Token.Null)
                                uniqueToken = false;
                            else if (token == player1.PlayerToken)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please choose a unique token");
                                Console.WriteLine("Someone has already picked {0}", player1.PlayerToken.ToString());
                                uniqueToken = false;
                            uniqueToken = false;
                IProperty[] ownedProperties = new IProperty[0];
                Player      player          = new Player(name, token, 1500, ownedProperties);
                listOfPlayers[playerNumber] = player;
            Console.WriteLine("Creating new board...");
            Board board = new Board(numOfPlayers);

            Console.WriteLine("Choosing who goes first. The order will be the same as when you added them.");
            int[]    rolls = new int[listOfPlayers.Length];
            DiceRoll dice  = new DiceRoll();

            for (int player = 0; player < listOfPlayers.Length; player++)
                rolls[player] = dice.Roll();
            int max   = rolls.Max();
            int index = Array.IndexOf(rolls, max);

            Console.WriteLine("Congratulations {0}! You get to go first", listOfPlayers[index].Name);

            bool   isGameStillGoing = true;
            int    turn             = index;
            Player currentPlayer    = listOfPlayers[index];
            int    chanceCard       = 0;
            int    commChestCard    = 0;

            while (isGameStillGoing)
                bool endTurn = true;
                while (endTurn)
                    Console.WriteLine("It is {0}'s turn. What would you like to do?", listOfPlayers[turn]);
                    if (currentPlayer.isJail)
                        Console.WriteLine("You are currently in jail. Your actions are limited to");
                    int j = 0;
                    foreach (var action in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Action)))
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", j, action);
                    int playerAction = 0;
                        playerAction = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                    catch (FormatException)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert '{0}'.", stringPlayers);
                        Console.WriteLine("Please try again with a valid number");
                    switch (playerAction)
                    case 0:     /* End turn */
                        Console.WriteLine("You have chosen to end your turn");
                        endTurn = false;

                    case 1:     /* Roll */
                        max = dice.Roll();
                        currentPlayer.Location += max;
                        if (currentPlayer.Location > 39)
                            currentPlayer.Location -= 40;
                        IProperty currentProperty = board.Properties[currentPlayer.Location];
                        Console.WriteLine("You have moved forward {0} spaces and landed on {1}", max, currentProperty.Name);
                        /* Now that they have landed do something*/
                        int rentDue = RentCalculator(board, currentPlayer, max);     /* Rent is due. Handled in the function */
                        PropertyChecker(rentDue, board, listOfPlayers, currentProperty, currentPlayer, commChestCard, chanceCard);

                    case 4:     /* Funds */
                        Console.WriteLine("You currently have ${0} in your funds.", currentPlayer.Funds);

                    case 5:     /*Properties */
                        foreach (IProperty property in currentPlayer.OwnedProperties)
                            if (property.Type == "Util")
                                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", property.Name);
                            else if (property.Type == "RR")
                                RailRoadProperty RRproperty = (RailRoadProperty)property;
                                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} Rent: {1}", property.Name, (int)RRproperty.RentArray.GetValue(RRproperty.NumOfRRs));
                                RegularProperty regularProperty = (RegularProperty)property;
                                Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} Rent: {1} House Cost: {2}", regularProperty.Name, (int)regularProperty.RentArray.GetValue(regularProperty.NumOfHouses), regularProperty.HouseCost);
예제 #2
        public static void ChanceCards(Player[] listOfPlayers, int cardNumber, Player player, Board board)
            switch (cardNumber)
            case 0:
                Console.WriteLine("Your Building And Loan Matures. You have collected $150");
                player.Funds += 150;

            case 1:
                Console.WriteLine("Get Out Of Jail, Free.");
                player.JailFreeCard = true;

            case 2:
                Console.WriteLine("You Have Been Elected Chairman Of The Board. You payed each player $50");
                foreach (Player iterPlayer in listOfPlayers)
                    iterPlayer.Funds += 50;
                player.Funds -= (listOfPlayers.Length + 1) * 50;

            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                if (cardNumber == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("Advance To Illinois Ave. You must pay rent if owned. If you pass GO, collect $200.");
                    player.Location = 24;
                else if (cardNumber == 4)
                    Console.WriteLine("Take A Walk On The Board Walk. Advance to Board Walk. If you pass GO, collect $200.");
                    player.Location = 39;
                    Console.WriteLine("Advance to St. Charles Place. If you pass GO, collect $200.");
                    player.Location = 11;
                int       rentDue        = RentCalculator(board, player, 0);
                IProperty chanceProperty = board.Properties[player.Location];
                PropertyChecker(rentDue, board, listOfPlayers, chanceProperty, player);

            case 6:    /* There are two separate advance to nearest RRs */
            case 7:
                Console.WriteLine("Advance Token to the nearest Railroad and pay owner double the rent. If Railroad is unowned you may buy it.");
                int next   = 5;
                int lowest = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if ((next - player.Location) < lowest && (next - player.Location) > 0)
                        lowest = next;
                    next += 10;
                rentDue        = RentCalculator(board, player, 0);
                chanceProperty = board.Properties[player.Location];
                PropertyChecker(rentDue, board, listOfPlayers, chanceProperty, player);

            /* This is not done either */
            case 8:
                Console.WriteLine("Pay Poor Tax of $15.");
                player.Funds -= 15;

            case 9:
                Console.WriteLine("Bank pays you dividend of $50");
                player.Funds += 50;

            case 10:
                Console.WriteLine("Take A Ride On The Reading. If you pass go, you collect $200");
                if (player.Location > 5)
                    player.Funds += 200;
                player.Location = 5;
                rentDue         = RentCalculator(board, player, 0);
                chanceProperty  = board.Properties[player.Location];
                PropertyChecker(rentDue, board, listOfPlayers, chanceProperty, player);

            case 11:
                Console.WriteLine("Advance To GO. You have collected $200");
                player.Location = 0;
                player.Funds   += 200;

            case 12:
                Console.WriteLine("Advance Token to nearest Utility and pay owner ten times a dice roll. If Utility is unowned you may buy it.");
                int electric = player.Location - 12;
                int water    = player.Location - 28;
                if (water < 0 || electric < water)
                    player.Location = 12;
                    player.Location = 28;
                DiceRoll dice = new DiceRoll();
                int      roll = dice.Roll();
                rentDue        = RentCalculator(board, player, roll);
                chanceProperty = board.Properties[player.Location];
                PropertyChecker(rentDue, board, listOfPlayers, chanceProperty, player);

            case 13:
                Console.WriteLine("Go Back 3 Spaces");
                /* Three cases: CC, NY Ave, Income Tax*/
                player.Location -= 3;

            case 14:
                Console.WriteLine("Go Directly To Jail. Do Not Pass GO, Do Not Collect $200");
                player.isJail   = true;
                player.Location = 10;

            case 15:
                Console.WriteLine("Make General Repairs On All Your Property. For each house pay $25, for each hotel pay $100");
                foreach (RegularProperty property in player.OwnedProperties)
                /* This will be the same as CC */