예제 #1
        //The following example performs a join over the Product and SalesOrderHeader tables, grouping the results by contact ID.
        public void join2()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var query = context.Products.Join(
                    order => order.ProductID,
                    card => card.CreditCardID,
                    (card, order) => new
                    ProductID    = card.ProductID,
                    CreditCardID = order.CreditCardID,
                    TotalDue     = order.TotalDue
                            .GroupBy(record => record.ProductID);

                foreach (var group in query)
                    foreach (var progroup in group)
                        Console.WriteLine("Product ID: {0}"
                                          + "\t CreditCardID ID: {1}"
                                          + "\t TotalDue: {2}",
예제 #2
        //The following example uses the Take method to get the first three addresses in Seattle.
        public void take2()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                string seattle = "Seattle";

                var query = (from address in context.Addresses
                             from order in context.SalesOrderHeaders
                             where address.AddressID == order.Address.AddressID &&
                             address.City == seattle
                             select new
                    City = address.City,
                    OrderID = order.SalesOrderID,
                    OrderDate = order.OrderDate

                Console.WriteLine("First 3 order in Seattle");

                foreach (var order in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("City: {0} \t Order ID: {1} \t Order Date: {2}", order.City, order.OrderID, order.OrderDate);
예제 #3
        //The following example performs a GroupJoin over the Contact and SalesOrderHeader tables to find the number of orders per contact.
        //The order count and IDs for each contact are displayed.
        public void groupjoin2()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var query = context.Products.GroupJoin(context.SalesOrderDetails,
                                                       product => product.ProductID,
                                                       order => order.ProductID,
                                                       (product, productgroup) => new
                    ProductID  = product.ProductID,
                    OrderCount = productgroup.Count(),
                    Orders     = productgroup

                foreach (var group in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("ProductID: {0}", group.ProductID);
                    Console.WriteLine("Order Count: {0}", group.OrderCount);

                    foreach (var orderinfo  in group.Orders)
                        Console.WriteLine("Sales ID: {0}", orderinfo.SalesOrderID);
예제 #4
        //The following example performs a join over the Product and SalesOrderHeader tables.
        public void join()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var query = context.Products.Join(
                    order => order.ProductID,
                    sales => sales.CreditCardID,
                    (sales, order) => new
                    ProductID    = sales.ProductID,
                    CreditCardID = order.CreditCardID,
                    TotalDue     = order.TotalDue

                foreach (var order in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("Product ID: {0}"
                                      + "\t Credit Card ID: {1}"
                                      + "\t Total Due: {2}",
예제 #5
 //The following example uses the Max method to get the largest total due.
 public void max()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         Decimal maxtotaldue = context.SalesOrderHeaders.Max(m => m.TotalDue);
         Console.WriteLine("The Maximum TotalDue is {0}", maxtotaldue);
예제 #6
 //The following example uses the Min method to get the smallest total due.
 public void min()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         Decimal smalltotaldue = context.SalesOrderHeaders.Min(total => total.TotalDue);
         Console.WriteLine("The Smallest TotalDue is {0}", smalltotaldue);
예제 #7
 //The following example uses the Count method to return the number of products in the Product table.
 public void count()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         int numProduct = context.Products.Count();
         Console.WriteLine("There are {0} products.", numProduct);
예제 #8
 //The following example uses the Min method to get the orders with the smallest total due for each contact.
 public void sum()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         double totalorderqty = context.SalesOrderDetails.Sum(o => o.OrderQty);
         Console.WriteLine("There are {0} total of OrderQty", totalorderqty);
예제 #9
 //The following example gets the product count as a long integer.
 public void longcount()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         long productnumber = context.Products.LongCount();
         Console.WriteLine("There are {0} Products", productnumber);
예제 #10
 //The following example uses the Average method to find the average list price of the products of each style.
 public void Average3()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         Decimal averageTotalDue =
             context.SalesOrderHeaders.Average(o => o.TotalDue);
         Console.WriteLine("The average TotalDue is {0} ", averageTotalDue);
예제 #11
 //The following example uses the ToDictionary method to immediately
 //evaluate a sequence and a related key expression into a dictionary.
 public void todictionary()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         Dictionary <String, Product> ScoreRecordDic = context.Products.
                                                       ToDictionary(record => record.Name);
         Console.WriteLine("Top Tube's ProductID: {0}", ScoreRecordDic["Top Tube"].Name);
예제 #12
        //The following example uses the Average method to find the average list price of the products.
        public void Average()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                Decimal averageListPrice =
                    context.Products.Average(p => p.ListPrice);

                Console.WriteLine("The average list price of all the product is ${0}", averageListPrice);
예제 #13
 //The following example uses the Take method to get only the first five contacts from the Contact table.
 public void take()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         Console.WriteLine("First 5 Product");
         foreach (Product product in context.Products.Take(5))
             Console.WriteLine("Product ID: {0} \t Product Number: {1}", product.ProductID, product.ProductNumber);
예제 #14
        //The following example uses the First method to find the first e-mail address that starts with 'caroline'.
        public void first()
            string name = "mountain";

            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                Product query = context.Products.First(
                    prod => prod.Name.StartsWith(name));
                Console.WriteLine("A Product starting with 'Mountain': {0}", query.Name);
예제 #15

        //The following example uses an array as part of a Where…Contains clause to find
        //all products that have a ProductModelID that matches a value in the array.
        public void contains1()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities AWEntities = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                int?[] productModelIds = { 19, 26, 118 };
                var    products        = AWEntities.Products
                                         .Where(p => productModelIds.Contains(p.ProductModelID));

                foreach (var p in products)
                    Console.WriteLine("ModelID: {0} = ID: {1}", p.ProductModelID, p.ProductID);
예제 #16
        //The following example uses the Select method to return all the rows from the Product table and display the product names.
        public void select()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                IQueryable <Product> ProdQeury = from product in context.Products select product;

                Console.WriteLine("Product Names: ");
                foreach (var prod in ProdQeury)
예제 #17
 //The following example uses the ToList method to immediately evaluate a sequence into a List<T>, where T is of type DataRow.
 public void tolist()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         List <Product> query = (from product in context.Products
                                 orderby product.Name
                                 select product).ToList();
         Console.WriteLine("The Product list, ordered by product name: ");
         foreach (Product product in query)
예제 #18
        //The following example uses Select to return a sequence of only product names.
        public void select2()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                IQueryable <string> Prodname =
                    from p in context.Products select p.Name;

                Console.WriteLine("Product Names: ");

                foreach (String prod in Prodname)
예제 #19

        //he following example in method-based query syntax uses OrderBy and ThenBy to return
        //a list of contacts ordered by last name and then by first name.
        public void thenby1()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                IQueryable <ContactType> sortedContact = context.ContactTypes
                                                         .OrderBy(c => c.Name)
                                                         .ThenBy(c => c.ModifiedDate);

                Console.WriteLine("The list of the contact sorted by Name then Modified Date: ");

                foreach (ContactType sorted in sortedContact)
                    Console.WriteLine(sorted.Name + "," + sorted.ModifiedDate);
예제 #20
        //TO ARRAY
        //The following example uses the ToArray method to immediately evaluate a sequence into an array.
        public void toarray()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                Product[] prodArray = (
                    from product in context.Products
                    orderby product.ListPrice descending
                    select product).ToArray();

                Console.WriteLine("Price From Higher to Lowest");
                foreach (Product p in prodArray)
                    Console.WriteLine("Product Name: {0} \t Price: {1}", p.Name, p.ListPrice);
예제 #21

        //The following example returns all online orders.
        public void where1()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var onlineOrder = context.SalesOrderHeaders
                                  .Where(order => order.OnlineOrderFlag == true)
                                  .Select(s => new { s.SalesOrderID, s.OrderDate, s.SalesOrderNumber });

                foreach (var oo in onlineOrder)
                    Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} Order Date: {1} Order Number: {2}"
                                      , oo.SalesOrderID
                                      , oo.OrderDate
                                      , oo.SalesOrderNumber);
예제 #22

        //The following example uses the OrderBy and ThenByDescending methods to first sort by list price,
        //and then perform a descending sort of the product names.
        public void thenbydescending()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                IQueryable <Product> query = context.Products
                                             .OrderBy(p => p.ListPrice)
                                             .ThenByDescending(p => p.Name);

                foreach (Product product in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("Product ID: {0} Product Name: {1} List Price {2}"
                                      , product.ProductID
                                      , product.Name
                                      , product.ListPrice);
예제 #23
        //The following example uses the GroupBy method to return Address objects that are grouped by postal code.
        //The results are projected into an anonymous type.
        public void group()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var query = context.Addresses
                            .GroupBy(address => address.PostalCode);

                foreach (IGrouping <string, Address> addressGroup in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("Postal Code: {0}", addressGroup.Key);
                    foreach (Address add in addressGroup)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t" + add.AddressLine1 + add.AddressLine2);
예제 #24
        //The following example uses the Skip method to get all but the first five contacts of the Contact table.
        public void skip()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                //LINQ to entities only supports SKIP on ordered collections
                IOrderedQueryable <Product> product = context.Products
                                                      .OrderBy(p => p.ListPrice);
                IQueryable <Product> AllAboutFirst3Product = product.Skip(3);

                Console.WriteLine("All about first 3 product: ");

                foreach (Product productS in AllAboutFirst3Product)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} \t ID: {1}", productS.Name, productS.ProductID);
예제 #25
 //The following example uses the Average method to find the average list price of the products of each style.
 public void Average2()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         var query = from product in context.Products
                     group product by product.Style into g
                     select new
             style            = g.Key,
             averageListPrice = g.Average(s => s.ListPrice)
         foreach (var prodyct in query)
             Console.WriteLine("Product Style: {0} \t Average List Price: {1}", prodyct.style, prodyct.averageListPrice);
예제 #26
        //The following example uses the Count method to return a list of Product and how many orders each has.
        public void count2()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var query = from product in context.Products
                            select new
                    productID  = context.Products,
                    orderCount = context.SalesOrderHeaders.Count()

                foreach (var product in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("Product = {0} \t Order Count = {1}", product.productID, product.orderCount);
예제 #27
 //The following example groups products by color and uses the Count method to return the number of products in each color group.
 public void count3()
     using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
         var query = from products in context.Products
                     group products by products.Color into g
                     select new
             color        = g.Key,
             productcount = g.Count()
         foreach (var product in query)
             Console.WriteLine("Color = {0} \t\t Product Count = {1}", product.color, product.productcount);
예제 #28
        //The following example declares and initializes arrays in a Where…Contains clause to find
        //all products that have a ProductModelID or a Size that matches a value in the arrays.
        public void contains2()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities AWEntities = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var products = AWEntities.Products
                               .Where(p => (new int?[] { 19, 26, 18 }).Contains(p.ProductModelID) ||
                                      (new string[] { "L", "XL", "M", "S" }).Contains(p.Size));

                foreach (var P in products)
                    Console.WriteLine("ID {0}: ModelID {1}, Size {2}"
                                      , P.ProductID
                                      , P.ProductModelID
                                      , P.Size);
예제 #29
        //The following example uses the Sum method to get the total due for each Creditcard ID.
        public void sum1()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var query = from order in context.SalesOrderHeaders
                            group order by order.CreditCardID into g
                            select new
                    category = g.Key,
                    totaldue = g.Sum(a => a.TotalDue)

                foreach (var order in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("CreditCardID {0} \t TotalDue Sum : {1}", order.category, order.totaldue);
예제 #30
        //The following example uses the Min method to get the smallest total due for each contact ID.
        public void min2()
            using (AdventureWorks2014Entities context = new AdventureWorks2014Entities())
                var query = from order in context.SalesOrderHeaders
                            group order by order.CreditCardID into g
                            select new
                    category      = g.Key,
                    smalltotaldue = g.Min(total => total.TotalDue)

                foreach (var order in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("CreditCard ID {0} \t Minimum TotalDUe = {1}", order.category, order.smalltotaldue);