public static extern void Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh(IntPtr mesh, Ng_Meshing_Parameters mp);
static void Main(string[] args) { List <PontOfVol> points = new List <PontOfVol>(); PontOfVol p1 = new PontOfVol(); p1.x = 0; p1.y = 0; p1.z = 0; PontOfVol p2 = new PontOfVol(); p2.x = 1; p2.y = 0; p2.z = 0; PontOfVol p3 = new PontOfVol(); p3.x = 1; p3.y = 1; p3.z = 1; PontOfVol p4 = new PontOfVol(); p4.x = 1; p4.y = 0; p4.z = 1; PontOfVol p5 = new PontOfVol(); p5.x = 0; p5.y = 1; p5.z = 1; PontOfVol p6 = new PontOfVol(); p6.x = 0; p6.y = 0; p6.z = 1; PontOfVol p7 = new PontOfVol(); p7.x = 0; p7.y = 1; p7.z = 0; PontOfVol p8 = new PontOfVol(); p8.x = 1; p8.y = 1; p8.z = 0; points.Add(p1); points.Add(p2); points.Add(p3); points.Add(p4); points.Add(p5); points.Add(p6); points.Add(p7); points.Add(p8); List <SurfaceOfVol> surfaces = new List <SurfaceOfVol>(); SurfaceOfVol surface1 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface1.first = 2; surface1.second = 1; surface1.third = 7; SurfaceOfVol surface2 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface2.first = 8; surface2.second = 2; surface2.third = 7; SurfaceOfVol surface3 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface3.first = 6; surface3.second = 1; surface3.third = 2; SurfaceOfVol surface4 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface4.first = 4; surface4.second = 6; surface4.third = 2; SurfaceOfVol surface5 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface5.first = 4; surface5.second = 3; surface5.third = 5; SurfaceOfVol surface6 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface6.first = 5; surface6.second = 6; surface6.third = 4; SurfaceOfVol surface7 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface7.first = 8; surface7.second = 3; surface7.third = 4; SurfaceOfVol surface8 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface8.first = 8; surface8.second = 4; surface8.third = 2; SurfaceOfVol surface9 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface9.first = 5; surface9.second = 3; surface9.third = 8; SurfaceOfVol surface10 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface10.first = 7; surface10.second = 5; surface10.third = 8; SurfaceOfVol surface11 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface11.first = 1; surface11.second = 6; surface11.third = 5; SurfaceOfVol surface12 = new SurfaceOfVol(); surface12.first = 7; surface12.second = 1; surface12.third = 5; surfaces.Add(surface1); surfaces.Add(surface2); surfaces.Add(surface3); surfaces.Add(surface4); surfaces.Add(surface5); surfaces.Add(surface6); surfaces.Add(surface7); surfaces.Add(surface8); surfaces.Add(surface9); surfaces.Add(surface10); surfaces.Add(surface11); surfaces.Add(surface12); int i = 0; int np = 8; int nse = 12; int ne = 0; int[] trig = new int[3]; int[] tet = new int[4]; double[] point = new double[3]; string strMeshFile = ""; // initialize the Netgen library. NgLib.Ng_Init(); // Generate new mesh structure. IntPtr mesh = NgLib.Ng_NewMesh(); // Read surface mesh from file. // feed points to the mesh. for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i) { point[0] = points[i - 1].x; point[1] = points[i - 1].y; point[2] = points[i - 1].z; NgLib.Ng_AddPoint(mesh, point); } // feed surface elements to the mesh. for (int i = 0; i < nse; ++i) { trig[0] = surfaces[i - 1].first; trig[1] = surfaces[i - 1].second; trig[2] = surfaces[i - 1].third; NgLib.Ng_AddSurfaceElement(mesh, Ng_Surface_Element_Type.NG_TRIG, trig); } // generate volume mesh. Ng_Meshing_Parameters mp = new Ng_Meshing_Parameters(); mp.maxh = 1e6; mp.fineness = 1; mp.second_order = 0; NgLib.Ng_GenerateVolumeMesh(mesh, mp); // volume mesh output. np = NgLib.Ng_GetNP(mesh); for (int i = 1; i <= np; ++i) { NgLib.Ng_GetPoint(mesh, i, point); } ne = NgLib.Ng_GetNE(mesh); for (int i = 1; i <= ne; ++i) { NgLib.Ng_GetVolumeElement(mesh, i, tet); } // Save mesh. NgLib.Ng_SaveMesh(mesh, "test.vol"); // deconstruct Netgen library. NgLib.Ng_Exit(); }