static song[] MethodEdit(song[] x) { Console.WriteLine("do you want to add or delete?(add,delete)"); string str = Console.ReadLine(); if (str == " delete") { Console.WriteLine("choose index of song you want to delete: "); int songind = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int newLength = x.Length - 1; song[] songlist = new song[newLength]; for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++) { if (songind == i) { for (int j = i; j < newLength; j++) { songlist[j] = x[j + 1]; } } } return(songlist); } else if (str == "add") { Console.WriteLine("choose index of song you want to add: "); int c = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int newLength = x.Length + 1; } return(x); }
static void Main() { string t = "Theos"; song[] songlist = new song[5]; songlist[0].Authors = "mary poppins"; songlist[1].Authors = t; songlist[2].Authors = "unknown"; songlist[3].Authors = "some drunk guy"; songlist[4].Authors = "Metallica"; songlist[0].Genre = genres.folk; songlist[1].Genre = genres.pop; songlist[2].Genre = genres.rock; songlist[3].Genre = genres.soul; songlist[4].Genre = genres.rock; songlist[0].LengthInSeconds = 120; songlist[1].LengthInSeconds = 130; songlist[2].LengthInSeconds = 159; songlist[3].LengthInSeconds = 123; songlist[4].LengthInSeconds = 160; songlist[0].Name = "test"; songlist[1].Name = "sets4"; songlist[2].Name = "unknown"; songlist[3].Name = "i am drunk"; songlist[4].Name = "heaven"; int door; Console.WriteLine(""); if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out door)) { Console.WriteLine("you choosed {0} song {1}", door, songlist[door].Name); songlist[door].Name = Console.ReadLine(); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Console.WriteLine(songlist[j].Name + "\t" + songlist[j].Authors + "\t" + songlist[j].Genre + "\t" + songlist[j].LengthInSeconds + "seconds"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("WRONG NUMBER"); } int number = 0, max = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (max < songlist[j].LengthInSeconds) { number = j; max = songlist[j].LengthInSeconds; } } Console.WriteLine("the longest song is:"); Console.WriteLine(songlist[number].Name + "\t" + songlist[number].Authors + "\t" + songlist[number].Genre + "\t" + songlist[number].LengthInSeconds + "seconds"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("plese now type the genre you want(rock,soul,pop, folk):"); string factor = Console.ReadLine(); var x = Enum.Parse((typeof(genres)), factor); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if ((genres)x == songlist[j].Genre) { Console.WriteLine(songlist[j].Name + "\t" + songlist[j].Authors + "\t" + songlist[j].Genre + "\t" + songlist[j].LengthInSeconds + "seconds"); } } Console.ReadLine(); //4 Flag: Console.WriteLine("do you want to add or delete songs?(yes,no)"); if (Console.ReadLine() == "yes") { MethodEdit(songlist); } else { Console.WriteLine("Goodbue!"); Console.Read(); } }