public myParallelogram(MyPoint a, MyPoint b, MyPoint c, MyPoint d) { A = a; B = b; C = c; D = d; }
public bool is_between(MyPoint one, MyPoint two) { double exp1 = getDistance(one) + getDistance(two); double exp2 = one.getDistance(two); double exp3 = exp1 - exp2; if (exp3 < 0) exp3 *= -1; return exp3 < coefficient_error; }
public void TestMethod1() { MyPoint a = new MyPoint(0, 0); MyPoint b = new MyPoint(0, 3); MyPoint c = new MyPoint(4, 3); MyPoint d = new MyPoint(4, 0); MyPoint e = new MyPoint(2, 2); myParallelogram parall = new myParallelogram(a, b, c, d); Assert.AreEqual(true, parall.isCorrect(), "correct data chelking"); parall = new myParallelogram(a, b, e, d); Assert.AreEqual(false, parall.isCorrect(), "incorrect data chelking"); }
public double Distance(MyPoint point) { return(Distance(point.GetX(), point.GetY())); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Author a1 = new Author("ThanhNhan", "*****@*****.**", 'A'); //Console.WriteLine(a1); //a1.setEmail("*****@*****.**"); //Console.WriteLine("name is: " + a1.getName()); //Console.WriteLine("eamil is: " + a1.getEmail()); //Console.WriteLine("gender is: " + a1.getGender()); //------------------------------Book-------------------------------- //Author ahTeck = new Author("Tan Ah Teck", "*****@*****.**", 'm'); //Console.WriteLine(ahTeck); // Author's toString() //Book dummyBook = new Book("Java for dummy", ahTeck, 19.95, 99); // Test Book's Constructor //Console.WriteLine(dummyBook); // Test Book's toString() //// Test Getters and Setters //dummyBook.setPrice(29.95); //dummyBook.setQty(28); //Console.WriteLine("name is: " + dummyBook.getName()); //Console.WriteLine("price is: " + dummyBook.getPrice()); //Console.WriteLine("qty is: " + dummyBook.getqty()); //Console.WriteLine("Author is: " + dummyBook.getAuthors()); // Author's toString() //Console.WriteLine("Author's name is: " + dummyBook.getAuthors().getName()); //Console.WriteLine("Author's email is: " + dummyBook.getAuthors().getEmail()); //// Use an anonymous instance of Author to construct a Book instance //Book anotherBook = new Book("more Java", // new Author("Paul Tan", "*****@*****.**", 'm'), 29.95); // Console.WriteLine(anotherBook); // toString() //------------------------------------------------------ //Author[] authors = new Author[2]; //authors[0] = new Author("Tan Ah Teck", "*****@*****.**", 'm'); //authors[1] = new Author("Paul Tan", "*****@*****.**", 'm'); //// Declare and allocate a Book instance //Book javaDummy = new Book("Java for Dummy", authors, 19.99, 99); //Console.WriteLine(javaDummy); // toString() //------------------------------------- // Test program to test all constructors and public methods MyPoint p1 = new MyPoint(); // Test constructor Console.WriteLine(p1); // Test toString() p1.setX(8); // Test setters p1.setY(6); Console.WriteLine("x is: " + p1.getX()); // Test getters Console.WriteLine("y is: " + p1.getY()); p1.setXY(3, 0); // Test setXY() Console.WriteLine(p1.getXY()[0]); // Test getXY() Console.WriteLine(p1.getXY()[1]); Console.WriteLine(p1); MyPoint p2 = new MyPoint(0, 4); // Test another constructor Console.WriteLine(p2); // Testing the overloaded methods distance() Console.WriteLine(p1.Distance(p2)); // which version? Console.WriteLine(p2.Distance(p1)); // which version? Console.WriteLine(p1.Distance(5, 6)); // which version? Console.WriteLine(p1.Distance()); // which version? }
public double Distance(MyPoint Point) { return(Distance(Point.x, Point.y)); }
public double getDistance(MyPoint o) { return Math.Pow((Math.Pow(X - o.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Y - o.Y, 2)), 0.5); }