예제 #1
        public static void swap(int i, int minimum) //o(1)
            nodes newnode = new nodes();

            newnode = priority_queue[minimum];           //o(1)
            priority_queue[minimum] = priority_queue[i]; //o(1)
            priority_queue[i]       = newnode;           //o(1)
예제 #2
        public static void insert_heap(nodes node) //o(log v)
            int i = Count - 1;

            while (i > 0)
                int p = (i - 1) / 2;
                if (priority_queue[p].time <= node.time)

                priority_queue[i] = priority_queue[p];
                i = p;

            if (Count > 0)
                priority_queue[i] = node;
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            readfolder(@"D:\computer science fuclty\subjects\fuclty projects\algorizm project\algorizim\[2] Medium Cases");

            int size_list = files.Count / 3;

            for (int i = 0; i < size_list; i++) //exact n , n:num of files
                dic_edges.Clear();              //o(1)
                list_query.Clear();             //o(1)
                                                //list_vertix.Clear();  //o(1)

                nodes[] vertix = readfile(files[i], files[i + (2 * size_list)], files[i + size_list]);

                dic_temp.Clear();                                                                     //o(1)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Int32, List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > > node in dic_edges) //o(e) , e = num of edges
                    Int32 key = node.Key;
                    List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > lis = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();
                    for (int c = 0; c < node.Value.Count; c++)
                        Int32 end_ = node.Value[c].Key;               //o(1)
                        info  temp = new info();                      //o(1)
                        temp.distance = node.Value[c].Value.distance; //o(1)
                        temp.speed    = node.Value[c].Value.speed;    //o(1)
                        temp.time     = node.Value[c].Value.time;     //o(1)

                        lis.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(end_, temp)); //o(1)
                    dic_temp.Add(key, lis);                                  //o(1)

                priorityqueue.getdata(prority_queue, dic_edges, list_query);  //o(1)

                Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();

                for (int j = 0; j < list_query.Count; j++)
                    prority_queue.Clear();                     //kda kda hy3ml over write 3lah

                    for (Int32 k = 0; k < vertix.Count(); k++) //o(v) , v: num of vertix
                        nodes p = new nodes();                 //o(1)
                        p.name     = vertix[k].name;           //o(1)
                        p.parent   = vertix[k].parent;         //o(1)
                        p.x        = vertix[k].x;              //o(1)
                        p.y        = vertix[k].y;              //o(1)
                        p.time     = vertix[k].time;           //o(1)
                        p.distance = vertix[k].distance;       //o(1)
                        p.visited  = vertix[k].visited;        //o(1)
                        prority_queue.Add(p);                  //o(1)
                        //prority_queue[list_vertix[k].name] = p;

                    priorityqueue.getdata(prority_queue, dic_temp, list_query); //o(1)

                    priorityqueue.shortestpath(list_query[j].xstart, list_query[j].ystart, list_query[j].xend, list_query[j].yend, list_query[j].radius, i + 1);

                sw1.Stop(); //o(1)
예제 #4
        public static nodes[] readfile(string map, string query, string output)
            FileStream   file = new FileStream(@map, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader sr   = new StreamReader(file);

            int vertices;

            //int wronganswers = 0;
            int edges;

            string line = sr.ReadLine();

            vertices = int.Parse(line);

            nodes[] list_vertix = new nodes[vertices];


            for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
                line = sr.ReadLine();
                string[] lineparts = line.Split(' ');
                nodes    n         = new nodes();
                n.name     = Int32.Parse(lineparts[0]);
                n.distance = double.MaxValue;
                n.time     = double.MaxValue;
                n.parent   = -4;
                n.visited  = false;
                n.x        = double.Parse(lineparts[1]);
                n.y        = double.Parse(lineparts[2]);

                list_vertix[n.name] = n;

            //dictionary of edges

            line  = sr.ReadLine();
            edges = int.Parse(line);

            for (int i = 0; i < edges; i++)//e
                line = sr.ReadLine();
                string[] lineparts = line.Split(' ');

                info edge = new info();

                Int32 key_ = Int32.Parse(lineparts[0]);
                Int32 end  = Int32.Parse(lineparts[1]);
                edge.distance = double.Parse(lineparts[2]);
                edge.speed    = double.Parse(lineparts[3]);
                edge.time     = (edge.distance / edge.speed) * 60; // time minutes

                if (dic_edges.ContainsKey(key_) == true)
                    List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();

                    dic_edges.TryGetValue(key_, out old_list); // return bool (true or false) (true return value)
                    old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(end, edge));
                    dic_edges[key_] = old_list;
                    List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();
                    old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(end, edge));
                    dic_edges.Add(key_, old_list);

                // bnzbt mn al end ll start

                if (dic_edges.ContainsKey(end) == true)
                    List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();
                    dic_edges.TryGetValue(end, out old_list); // return bool (true or false) (true return value)
                    old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(key_, edge));
                    dic_edges[end] = old_list;
                    List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();

                    old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(key_, edge));
                    dic_edges.Add(end, old_list);


            FileStream   file1 = new FileStream(@query, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            StreamReader sr1   = new StreamReader(file1);

            int num_queries;

            line        = sr1.ReadLine();
            num_queries = int.Parse(line);

            for (int i = 0; i < num_queries; i++)
                line = sr1.ReadLine();
                string[] lineparts = line.Split(' ');
                query    quer      = new query();

                quer.xstart = double.Parse(lineparts[0]);
                quer.ystart = double.Parse(lineparts[1]);
                quer.xend   = double.Parse(lineparts[2]);
                quer.yend   = double.Parse(lineparts[3]);
                quer.radius = double.Parse(lineparts[4]);

예제 #5
        public static void shortestpath(double xstart, double ystart, double xend, double yend, double r, int filenum)
            Stopwatch sw2 = new Stopwatch();


            nodes final = new nodes();  //o(1)

            final.name     = list_vertics.Count;
            final.x        = xend;            //o(1)
            final.y        = yend;            //o(1)
            final.time     = double.MaxValue; //o(1)
            final.distance = double.MaxValue; //o(1)
            final.visited  = false;
            final.parent   = -4;              //o(1)

            nodes start = new nodes(); //o(1)

            start.name     = -1;       //o(1)
            start.x        = xstart;   //o(1)
            start.y        = ystart;   //o(1)
            start.time     = 0;        //o(1)
            start.distance = 0;        //o(1)
            start.parent   = -5;       //o(1)

            nodes dummy = new nodes();        //o(1)

            dummy.name     = -3;              //o(1)
            dummy.x        = -1;              //o(1)
            dummy.y        = -1;              //o(1)
            dummy.time     = double.MinValue; //o(1)
            dummy.distance = double.MinValue; //o(1)
            dummy.parent   = -3;              //o(1)

            //priority_queue.Add(dummy); //o(1)

            priority_queue.Add(start); //o(1)

            List <Int32> final_neg = new List <Int32>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list_vertics.Count; i++) //o(v)
                double start_node_dis, end_node_dis;
                double xstart_xnode, xend_xnode;
                double ystart_ynode, yend_ynode;
                xstart_xnode   = start.x - list_vertics[i].x;                                              //o(1)
                ystart_ynode   = start.y - list_vertics[i].y;                                              //o(1)
                start_node_dis = Math.Sqrt((xstart_xnode * xstart_xnode) + (ystart_ynode * ystart_ynode)); //o(1)
                if (start_node_dis <= r / 1000)                                                            //o(1)
                    /*------------add start neighbours------------- */
                    info edge = new info();
                    int  key_ = -1;
                    int  end  = list_vertics[i].name;
                    edge.distance = start_node_dis;                    //o(1)
                    edge.speed    = 5;                                 //o(1)
                    edge.time     = (edge.distance / edge.speed) * 60; // time minutes //o(1)

                    if (d_edges.ContainsKey(key_) == true) //o(1)
                        List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();

                        d_edges.TryGetValue(key_, out old_list);                 //o(1)
                        old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(end, edge)); //o(1)
                        d_edges[key_] = old_list;                                //o(1)
                        List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();
                        old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(end, edge)); //o(1)
                        d_edges.Add(key_, old_list);                             //o(1)

                    /*5lst edaft al node l geran al start*/


                xend_xnode   = final.x - list_vertics[i].x;                                      //o(1)
                yend_ynode   = final.y - list_vertics[i].y;                                      //o(1)
                end_node_dis = Math.Sqrt((xend_xnode * xend_xnode) + (yend_ynode * yend_ynode)); //o(1)
                if (end_node_dis <= r / 1000)                                                    //o(1)
                    /*hdeef al end tkon geranhom*/

                    info  edge = new info();
                    Int32 key_ = list_vertics[i].name;                 //o(1)
                    final_neg.Add(key_);                               //o(1)
                    Int32 end = final.name;                            //o(1)
                    edge.distance = end_node_dis;                      //o(1)
                    edge.speed    = 5;                                 //o(1)
                    edge.time     = (edge.distance / edge.speed) * 60; // time minutes //o(1)

                    if (d_edges.ContainsKey(key_) == true) //o(1)
                        List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();

                        d_edges.TryGetValue(key_, out old_list);                 //o(1)
                        old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(end, edge)); //o(1)
                        d_edges[key_] = old_list;                                //o(1)
                    else //o(1)
                        List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();
                        old_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <Int32, info>(end, edge)); //o(1)
                        d_edges.Add(key_, old_list);                             //o(1)

                    /*kda dafo al final b2t garthom*/
                } //end if
            }     //end loop

            //add final
            list_vertics.Add(final);//o(1) //m7d4 y7tha fo2 al for loop

            Int32 final_count = 0;

            while (priority_queue.Count > 0) //o(e log v)
                nodes extractnode = new nodes();
                extractnode = heap_extract_min();               //o(log v)

                if (extractnode.name == list_vertics.Count - 1) //o(1)

                List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > neighbours = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();

                d_edges.TryGetValue(extractnode.name, out neighbours); //o(1)
                Int32 j;

                /*34an case 67 al drba fe al large
                 *   al 3ayz ygrb w y4of by7sl ah y7t breakpoint gowa al if de 3la 7tt al console w ym4i continue*/
                 * /* if (extractnode.name == 13722 || extractnode.name == 13717 || extractnode.name == list_vertics.Count-1)
                 * {
                 *      Console.WriteLine("l2ato");
                 * }
                for (int k = 0; k < neighbours.Count; k++) // num of neighbours of extract node
                    /*34an case 67 al drba fe al large
                     * al 3ayz ygrb w y4of by7sl ah y7t breakpoint gowa al if de 3la 7tt al console w ym4i continue*/
                     * if (neighbours[k].Key == list_vertics.Count - 1 || neighbours[k].Key == 13722 || neighbours[k].Key == 13717)
                     * {
                     *  Console.WriteLine("l2ato");
                     * }

                    j = neighbours[k].Key;

                    if (list_vertics[j].time >= neighbours[k].Value.time + extractnode.time)//o(log v)
                        nodes n = new nodes();
                        n.time          = neighbours[k].Value.time + extractnode.time;         //o(1)
                        n.distance      = neighbours[k].Value.distance + extractnode.distance; //o(1)
                        n.parent        = extractnode.name;                                    //o(1)
                        n.name          = list_vertics[j].name;                                //o(1)
                        n.x             = list_vertics[j].x;                                   //o(1)
                        n.y             = list_vertics[j].y;                                   //o(1)
                        list_vertics[j] = n;                                                   //o(1)

                        insert_heap(list_vertics[j]);                                          //o(log v)
            }//end while

            sw2.Stop(); //o(1)
            Console.WriteLine(sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");

            double walked = 0; //o(1)

            FileStream   finalfile = new FileStream(@"C:\Users\gehad\Desktop\algorizim project virsion1\New folder" + filenum + ".txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
            StreamWriter sw        = new StreamWriter(finalfile);

            Stack <Int32> stack_nodes = new Stack <Int32>();

            walked = list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].distance - list_vertics[list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].parent].distance;
            Int32 index = list_vertics.Count - 1;

            while (true)
                if (list_vertics[index].parent != -1)
                    index = list_vertics[index].parent;
                    walked += list_vertics[index].distance;
            //Console.WriteLine("the path");
            while (stack_nodes.Count != 0)
                //Console.Write(stack_nodes.Pop()+" => ");
                sw.Write(stack_nodes.Pop() + " ");
                //Console.Write(stack_nodes.Pop() + " ");


            // Console.WriteLine();

            // walked += min_dist; //o(1)
            //Console.WriteLine("start--> node : "+ min_dist);

            /* Console.WriteLine("total time : " + Math.Round(list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].time, 2)); //o(1)
             * Console.WriteLine("total distance : " + Math.Round(list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].distance, 2)); //o(1)
             * Console.WriteLine("walked distance : " + Math.Round(walked,2)); //o(1)
             * Console.WriteLine("car distance : " + Math.Round((list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].distance - walked), 2)); //o(1)
             * Console.WriteLine("____________________ ");

            sw.WriteLine(Math.Round(list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].time, 2) + " mins");
            sw.WriteLine(Math.Round(list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].distance, 2) + " km");
            sw.WriteLine(Math.Round(walked, 2) + " km");
            sw.WriteLine(Math.Round((list_vertics[list_vertics.Count - 1].distance - walked), 2) + " km");//car distance

            //sw.WriteLine(sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");

            priority_queue.Clear(); //o(1)
            d_edges.Remove(-1);     //ms7t al start
                                    /*hms7 final mn kol node*/

            for (int i = 0; i < final_neg.Count; i++)
                List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> > old_list = new List <KeyValuePair <Int32, info> >();

                d_edges.TryGetValue(final_neg[i], out old_list); //o(1)
                old_list.RemoveAt(old_list.Count - 1);           //o(1)

                d_edges[final_neg[i]] = old_list;                //o(1)
