private void ShowLocation(Location location, Hero hero) { DialogParser dialogParser = new DialogParser(hero); while (true) { NonPlayerCharacter currentNPC; int numberNPC; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Znajdujesz sie w {0}. Co chcesz zrobic?\n",; location.ShowNPCs(); Console.WriteLine("[X] Zamknij program"); string command = Console.ReadLine(); if (command.Equals("X")) { break; } else if (command.Equals("T")) { ChangeLocation(location, hero); break; } else if (int.TryParse(command, out numberNPC)) { if (numberNPC < location.npcs.Count) { currentNPC = location.npcs[numberNPC]; flag = true; Console.Clear(); TalkTo(currentNPC.StartTalking(), dialogParser); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nYou have chosen the wrong command.\n" + "Try again.\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\nYou have chosen the wrong command.\n" + "Try again."); } } }
public NPCDialogPart GetNPCDialogPart(DialogParser dialogParser) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", dialogParser.ParseDialog(this)); return(npcDialogPart); }
public void ShowHeroDialogPart(DialogParser dialogParser) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}: {2}", idHeroDialogPart,, dialogParser.ParseDialog(this)); }