public static void PrepareSpell(Database.SpellInformation spell, Client.GameState client) { if (spell.NeedXP == 1) client.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.XPList); if (client.Map.ID != 1039) { if (spell.UseMana > 0) if (client.Entity.Mana >= spell.UseMana) client.Entity.Mana -= spell.UseMana; if (spell.UseStamina > 0) if (client.Entity.Stamina >= spell.UseStamina) client.Entity.Stamina -= spell.UseStamina; if (spell.UseArrows > 0 && isArcherSkill(spell.ID)) { if (!client.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem arrow = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); arrow.Durability -= spell.UseArrows; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(true) { UID = arrow.UID, dwParam = arrow.Durability, ID = ItemUsage.UpdateDurability }; usage.Send(client); if (arrow.Durability <= spell.UseArrows || arrow.Durability > 5000) { Network.PacketHandler.ReloadArrows(client.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon), client); } } } } }
private void Execute() { #region interactions if (attack != null) { switch (attack.AttackType) { case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionRequest: new InteractionRequest(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionEffect: new InteractionEffect(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionAccept: new InteractionAccept(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionRefuse: new InteractionRefuse(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionStopEffect: new InteractionStopEffect(attack, attacker); return; } } #endregion #region Monster -> Player \ Monster if (attack == null) { if (attacker.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Monster) return; if (attacker.Companion) { if (ServerBase.Constants.PKForbiddenMaps.Contains(attacker.MapID)) return; } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { if (!attacked.Owner.Attackable) return; if (attacked.Dead) return; //uint damageo = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); //uint damageo2 = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (attacked.Dead) { attacked.Die(); return; } #region New Monster Attack And Spells #region SwordMaster if (attacker.Name == "SwordMaster") { uint rand = (uint)Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1, 4); switch (rand) { case 1: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10502; break; case 2: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10504; break; case 3: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10506; break; case 4: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10505; break; } uint damage = 0;//Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0); damage += (uint)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1200, 1400); // damage += attacker.MagicAttack; //damage -= attacked.PhysicalDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDefence; if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } if (attacker.Companion) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } #endregion #region ThrillingSpook if (attacker.Name == "ThrillingSpook" || attacker.Name == "LavaBeast") { uint rand = (uint)Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1, 4); switch (rand) { case 1: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10363; break; case 2: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10360; break; case 3: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10361; break; case 4: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10362; break; } uint damage = 0;//Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0); damage += (uint)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(300, 500); // damage += attacker.MagicAttack; //damage -= attacked.PhysicalDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDefence; if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } if (attacker.Companion) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } #endregion #region SnowBanhe if (attacker.Name == "SnowBanshee") { uint rand = (uint)Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1, 4); switch (rand) { case 1: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 30010; break; case 2: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 30011; break; case 3: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 30012; break; case 4: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 10001; break; } uint damage = 0;//Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0); damage += (uint)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1200, 1400); // damage += attacker.MagicAttack; //damage -= attacked.PhysicalDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDefence; if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } if (attacker.Companion) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } #endregion #region TreatoDragon if (attacker.Name == "TeratoDragon") { uint rand = (uint)Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1, 5); switch (rand) { case 1: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7012; break; case 2: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7013; break; case 3: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7015; break; case 4: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7016; break; case 5: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7017; break; } uint damage = 0;//Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0); damage += (uint)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1200, 1400); // damage += attacker.MagicAttack; //damage -= attacked.PhysicalDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDefence; if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } if (attacker.Companion) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } #endregion #region Nobility War if (attacker.Name == "KingMonster" || attacker.Name == "PrincesMonster" || attacker.Name == "DukeMonster") { uint rand = (uint)Conquer_Online_Server.ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1, 5); switch (rand) { case 1: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7012; break; case 2: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7013; break; case 3: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7015; break; case 4: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7016; break; case 5: attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID = 7017; break; } uint damage = 0;//Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0); damage += (uint)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(100, 300); // damage += attacker.MagicAttack; //damage -= attacked.PhysicalDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDamageDecrease; // damage -= attacked.MagicDefence; if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } if (attacker.Companion) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } #endregion #endregion if (attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID == 0) { uint damage = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } attack = new Attack(true); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attack.Damage = damage; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; //attack.FirstEffect = EffectValue.Block; attacked.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); } else { uint damage = Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0); if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } if (attacker.Companion) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { if (attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID == 0) { uint damage = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); attack = new Attack(true); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attack.Damage = damage; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(attack); if (attacker.Companion) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); else attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(damage, true); if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(attacker); attack = new Attack(true); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Network.GamePackets.Attack.Kill; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(attack); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } } else { uint damage = Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); if (attacker.Companion) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); else attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(damage, true); if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(attacker); attack = new Attack(true); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Network.GamePackets.Attack.Kill; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(attack); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } } } } #endregion #region Player -> Player \ Monster \ Sob Npc else { #region Merchant if (attack.AttackType == Attack.MerchantAccept || attack.AttackType == Attack.MerchantRefuse) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } #endregion #region Marriage if (attack.AttackType == Attack.MarriageAccept || attack.AttackType == Attack.MarriageRequest) { if (attack.AttackType == Attack.MarriageRequest) { Client.GameState Spouse = null; uint takeout = attack.Attacked; if (takeout == attacker.UID) takeout = attack.Attacker; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(takeout, out Spouse)) { if (attacker.Spouse != "None" || Spouse.Entity.Spouse != "None") { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone that is already married with someone else!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } else { uint id1 = attacker.Mesh % 10, id2 = Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10; if (id1 <= 2 && id2 >= 3 || id1 >= 2 && id2 <= 3) { attack.X = Spouse.Entity.X; attack.Y = Spouse.Entity.Y; Spouse.Send(attack); } else { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone of your gender!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } } } } else { Client.GameState Spouse = null; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked, out Spouse)) { if (attacker.Spouse != "None" || Spouse.Entity.Spouse != "None") { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone that is already married with someone else!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } else { if (attacker.Mesh % 10 <= 2 && Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10 >= 3 || attacker.Mesh % 10 >= 3 && Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10 <= 2) { Spouse.Entity.Spouse = attacker.Name; attacker.Spouse = Spouse.Entity.Name; Message message = null; if (Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10 >= 3) message = new Message("Joy and happiness! " + Spouse.Entity.Name + " and " + attacker.Name + " have joined together in the holy marriage. We wish them a stone house.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, Message.Center); else message = new Message("Joy and happiness! " + attacker.Name + " and " + attacker.Spouse + " have joined together in the holy marriage. We wish them a stone house.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, Message.Center); var varr = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values.GetEnumerator(); varr.MoveNext(); int COunt = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Count; for (uint x = 0; x < COunt; x++) { if (x >= COunt) break; Client.GameState client = (varr.Current as Client.GameState); client.Send(message); varr.MoveNext(); } Spouse.Entity.Update(_String.Effect, "firework-2love", true); attacker.Update(_String.Effect, "firework-2love", true); } else { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone of your gender!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } } } } } #endregion #endregion #region Attacking else { attacker.Owner.Attackable = true; Entity attacked = null; SobNpcSpawn attackedsob = null; #region Checks if (attack.Attacker != attacker.UID) return; if (attacker.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) return; attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Invisibility); bool pass = false; if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee) { if (attacker.OnFatalStrike()) { if (attack.Attacked < 600000) { pass = true; } } } ushort decrease = 0; if (attacker.OnCyclone()) decrease = 700; if (attacker.OnSuperman()) decrease = 300; if (!pass) { int milliSeconds = 1000 - attacker.Agility - decrease; if (milliSeconds < 0 || milliSeconds > 5000) milliSeconds = 0; if (Time32.Now < attacker.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(milliSeconds)) return; } if (attacker.Dead) { if (attacker.AttackPacket != null) attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.AttackStamp = Time32.Now; if (attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup != null) { if (Time32.Now < attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup.CreateTime.AddSeconds(12)) { return; } } restart: #region Extract attack information ushort SpellID = 0, X = 0, Y = 0; uint Target = 0; if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Magic) { if (!attack.Decoded) { #region GetSkillID SpellID = Convert.ToUInt16(((long)attack.ToArray()[24] & 0xFF) | (((long)attack.ToArray()[25] & 0xFF) << 8)); SpellID ^= (ushort)0x915d; SpellID ^= (ushort)attacker.UID; SpellID = (ushort)(SpellID << 0x3 | SpellID >> 0xd); SpellID -= 0xeb42; #endregion #region GetCoords X = (ushort)((attack.ToArray()[16] & 0xFF) | ((attack.ToArray()[17] & 0xFF) << 8)); X = (ushort)(X ^ (uint)(attacker.UID & 0xffff) ^ 0x2ed6); X = (ushort)(((X << 1) | ((X & 0x8000) >> 15)) & 0xffff); X = (ushort)((X | 0xffff0000) - 0xffff22ee); Y = (ushort)((attack.ToArray()[18] & 0xFF) | ((attack.ToArray()[19] & 0xFF) << 8)); Y = (ushort)(Y ^ (uint)(attacker.UID & 0xffff) ^ 0xb99b); Y = (ushort)(((Y << 5) | ((Y & 0xF800) >> 11)) & 0xffff); Y = (ushort)((Y | 0xffff0000) - 0xffff8922); #endregion #region GetTarget Target = ((uint)attack.ToArray()[12] & 0xFF) | (((uint)attack.ToArray()[13] & 0xFF) << 8) | (((uint)attack.ToArray()[14] & 0xFF) << 16) | (((uint)attack.ToArray()[15] & 0xFF) << 24); Target = ((((Target & 0xffffe000) >> 13) | ((Target & 0x1fff) << 19)) ^ 0x5F2D2463 ^ attacker.UID) - 0x746F4AE6; #endregion attack.X = X; attack.Y = Y; attack.Damage = SpellID; attack.Attacked = Target; attack.Decoded = true; } else { X = attack.X; Y = attack.Y; SpellID = (ushort)attack.Damage; Target = attack.Attacked; } } #endregion #endregion if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) { attacker.Stamina = 100; if (attacker.RidingCropID == 0) { if (attack.AttackType != Attack.Magic) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else if (!(SpellID == 7003 || SpellID == 7002)) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } } //if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) //{ // //if (attack.AttackType != Attack.Magic) // // attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); // //else // if (!(SpellID == 7003 || SpellID == 7002)) // attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); //} if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.CastPray)) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.CastPray); if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Praying)) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Praying); Interfaces.IConquerItem item = new Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); // BlessEffect.Handler(client); #region GemuriEfecte { #region DragonGem if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); if (rightweapon.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem || rightweapon.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("goldendragon"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); if (rightweapon.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem || rightweapon.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("goldendragon"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Head)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Head); if (rightweapon.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem || rightweapon.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("goldendragon"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Armor)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Armor); if (rightweapon.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem || rightweapon.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("goldendragon"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Boots)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Boots); if (rightweapon.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem || rightweapon.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("goldendragon"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Necklace)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Necklace); if (rightweapon.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem || rightweapon.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("goldendragon"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Ring)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Ring); if (rightweapon.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem || rightweapon.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperDragonGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("goldendragon"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } #endregion #region phoenix Gem else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon1 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); if (rightweapon1.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem || rightweapon1.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("phoenix"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon1 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); if (rightweapon1.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem || rightweapon1.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("phoenix"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Head)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon1 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Head); if (rightweapon1.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem || rightweapon1.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("phoenix"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Armor)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon1 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Armor); if (rightweapon1.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem || rightweapon1.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("phoenix"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Boots)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon1 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Boots); if (rightweapon1.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem || rightweapon1.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("phoenix"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Necklace)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon1 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Necklace); if (rightweapon1.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem || rightweapon1.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("phoenix"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Ring)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon1 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Ring); if (rightweapon1.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem || rightweapon1.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperPhoenixGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("phoenix"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } #endregion #region RainbowGem Gem else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon2 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); if (rightweapon2.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem || rightweapon2.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("rainbow"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon2 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); if (rightweapon2.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem || rightweapon2.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("rainbow"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Head)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon2 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Head); if (rightweapon2.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem || rightweapon2.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("rainbow"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Armor)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon2 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Armor); if (rightweapon2.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem || rightweapon2.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("rainbow"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Boots)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon2 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Boots); if (rightweapon2.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem || rightweapon2.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("rainbow"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Necklace)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon2 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Necklace); if (rightweapon2.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem || rightweapon2.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("rainbow"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } else if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.Ring)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon2 = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.Ring); if (rightweapon2.SocketOne == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem || rightweapon2.SocketTwo == Game.Enums.Gem.SuperRainbowGem) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(0.5)) { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = attacker.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("rainbow"); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(str, true); } } } #endregion } #endregion #region Dash if (SpellID == 1051) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attack.X, attack.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y) > 4) { attacker.Owner.Disconnect(); return; } attacker.X = attack.X; attacker.Y = attack.Y; ushort x = attacker.X, y = attacker.Y; Game.Map.UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref x, ref y, (Enums.ConquerAngle)Target); foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (obj == null) continue; if (obj.X == x && obj.Y == y && (obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)) { Entity entity = obj as Entity; if (!entity.Dead) { Target = obj.UID; break; } } } } #endregion #region CounterKill if (attack.AttackType == Attack.CounterKillSwitch) { if (attacked != null) if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Fly)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker != null) if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Fly)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(6003)) { if (!attacker.CounterKillSwitch) { if (Time32.Now >= attacker.CounterKillStamp.AddSeconds(15)) { attacker.CounterKillStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.CounterKillSwitch = true; Attack m_attack = new Attack(true); m_attack.Attacked = attacker.UID; m_attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; m_attack.AttackType = Attack.CounterKillSwitch; m_attack.Damage = 1; m_attack.X = attacker.X; m_attack.Y = attacker.Y; m_attack.Send(attacker.Owner); } } else { attacker.CounterKillSwitch = false; Attack m_attack = new Attack(true); m_attack.Attacked = attacker.UID; m_attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; m_attack.AttackType = Attack.CounterKillSwitch; m_attack.Damage = 0; m_attack.X = attacker.X; m_attack.Y = attacker.Y; m_attack.Send(attacker.Owner); } attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(100, 6003); attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion #region Melee else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee) { if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked, out attacked)) { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked); if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) return; pass = false; if (attacker.OnFatalStrike()) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { pass = true; } } ushort range = attacker.AttackRange; if (attacker.Transformed) range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= range || pass) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); attack.Damage = damage; if (attacker.OnFatalStrike()) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { bool can = false; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon).ID / 1000 == 601) can = true; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon).ID / 1000 == 601) can = true; if (!can) return; ushort x = attacked.X; ushort y = attacked.Y; Map.UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref x, ref y, ServerBase.Kernel.GetAngle(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y)); attacker.Shift(x, y); attack.X = x; attack.Y = y; attack.AttackType = Attack.FatalStrike; } } //over: if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0; bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false; if (wep1subyte == 421) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte--; } ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1subyte)) wep1spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte]; Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null; bool doWep1Spell = false, doWep2Spell = false; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep1spellid)) { wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level]; doWep1Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && wep1spellid == 10490) doWep1Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(5); } if (!doWep1Spell) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem leftweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000); if (wep2subyte == 421) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte--; } if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2subyte)) wep2spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte]; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep2spellid)) { wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level]; doWep2Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && wep2spellid == 10490) doWep2Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(5); } } } if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (doWep1Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID; goto restart; } if (doWep2Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID; goto restart; } if (wep1bs) wep1subyte++; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep2subyte); } } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep2subyte); } } } } else { if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), 0); } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, 0); } } } ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, null); attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } else if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(attack.Attacked, out attackedsob)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, null)) { ushort range = attacker.AttackRange; if (attacker.Transformed) range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= range) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0; bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false; if (wep1subyte == 421) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte--; } ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1subyte)) wep1spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte]; Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null; bool doWep1Spell = false, doWep2Spell = false; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep1spellid)) { wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level]; doWep1Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent); } if (!doWep1Spell) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem leftweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000); if (wep2subyte == 421) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte--; } if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2subyte)) wep2spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte]; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep2spellid)) { wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level]; doWep2Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent); } } } if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (doWep1Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attackedsob.X; attack.Y = attackedsob.Y; attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID; attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID; goto restart; } if (doWep2Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attackedsob.X; attack.Y = attackedsob.Y; attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID; attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID; goto restart; } if (attacker.MapID == 1039) { if (wep1bs) wep1subyte++; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep2subyte); } } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep2subyte); } } } } } attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, null); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion #region Ranged else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Ranged) { if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked, out attacked)) { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked); if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon) == null) return; if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) return; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem arrow = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); arrow.Durability -= 1; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(true) { UID = arrow.UID, dwParam = arrow.Durability, ID = ItemUsage.UpdateDurability }; usage.Send(attacker.Owner); if (arrow.Durability <= 0 || arrow.Durability > 5000) { Network.PacketHandler.ReloadArrows(attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon), attacker.Owner); } } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); attack.Damage = damage; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), 500); } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, 500); } ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, null); } } else if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(attack.Attacked, out attackedsob)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, null)) { if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon) == null) return; if (attacker.MapID != 1039) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem arrow = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); arrow.Durability -= 1; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(true) { UID = arrow.UID, dwParam = arrow.Durability, ID = ItemUsage.UpdateDurability }; usage.Send(attacker.Owner); if (arrow.Durability <= 0 || arrow.Durability > 5000) { Network.PacketHandler.ReloadArrows(attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon), attacker.Owner); } } } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, null); if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), 500); } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, 500); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion #region Magic else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Magic) { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked); uint Experience = 100; bool shuriken = false; ushort spellID = SpellID; if (SpellID >= 3090 && SpellID <= 3306) spellID = 3090; if (spellID == 6012) shuriken = true; if (attacker == null) return; if (attacker.Owner == null) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells == null) { attacker.Owner.Spells = new SafeDictionary<ushort, Conquer_Online_Server.Interfaces.ISkill>(10000); attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells[spellID] == null && spellID != 6012) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } Database.SpellInformation spell = null; if (shuriken) spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[6010][0]; else { byte choselevel = 0; if (spellID == SpellID) choselevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[spellID].Level; if (Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID] != null && !Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID].ContainsKey(choselevel)) choselevel = (byte)(Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID].Count - 1); spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID][choselevel]; } if (spell == null) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacked = null; attackedsob = null; if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(Target, out attacked) || attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(Target, out attackedsob) || Target == attacker.UID || spell.Sort != 1) { if (Target == attacker.UID) attacked = attacker; if (attacked != null) { if (attacked.Dead && spell.Sort != Database.SpellSort.Revive && spell.ID != 10405) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } if (Target >= 400000 && Target <= 600000 || Target >= 800000) { if (attacked == null && attackedsob == null) return; } else if (Target != 0 && attackedsob == null) return; if (attacked != null) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { if (spell.CanKill) { if (attacked.MonsterInfo.InSight == 0) { attacked.MonsterInfo.InSight = attacker.UID; } } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(spellID)) { if (spellID != 6012) return; } if (spell != null) { if (spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype != 0) { uint firstwepsubtype, secondwepsubtype; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(4)) { firstwepsubtype = attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[3].ID / 1000; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(5) && attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[4] != null) { secondwepsubtype = attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[4].ID / 1000; if (firstwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { if (secondwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } else { if (firstwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } // Buffers buff = new Buffers(); switch (spellID) { #region Single magic damage spells case 1000: case 1001: case 1002: case 1150: case 1160: case 1180: case 1320: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacked != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } break; } #endregion #region Single heal/meditation spells case 1190: case 1195: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; uint damage = spell.Power; if (spell.ID == 1190) { Experience = damage = Math.Min(damage, attacker.MaxHitpoints - attacker.Hitpoints); attacker.Hitpoints += damage; } else { Experience = damage = Math.Min(damage, (uint)(attacker.MaxMana - attacker.Mana)); attacker.Mana += (ushort)damage; } suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, spell.Power); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Multi heal spells case 1005: case 1055: case 1170: case 1175: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attackedsob != null) { if (attacker.MapID == 1038) break; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.MaxHitpoints - attackedsob.Hitpoints); attackedsob.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { if (spell.Multi) { if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) { uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, teammate.Entity.MaxHitpoints - teammate.Entity.Hitpoints); teammate.Entity.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, damage); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, attacked.MaxHitpoints - attacked.Hitpoints); attacked.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, attacked.MaxHitpoints - attacked.Hitpoints); attacked.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } break; } #endregion #region Revive case 1050: case 1100: { if (attackedsob != null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); attacked.Ressurect(); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; } #endregion #region Linear spells case 1045: case 11000: case 11005: case 1046: case 1260: case 11110: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm ila = new Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm(attacker.X, X, attacker.Y, Y, (byte)spell.Range, InLineAlgorithm.Algorithm.DDA); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ila.InLine(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) continue; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ila.InLine(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) continue; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region XPSpells inofensive case 1015: case 1020: case 1025: case 1110: case 6011: case 10390: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (spell.ID == 6011) { attacked.FatalStrikeStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.FatalStrikeTime = 60; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.CannonBarrage); } else { if (spell.ID == 1110 || spell.ID == 1025 || spell.ID == 10390) { if (!attacked.OnKOSpell()) attacked.KOCount = 0; attacked.KOSpell = spell.ID; if (spell.ID == 1110) { attacked.CycloneStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.CycloneTime = 20; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Cyclone); } else if (spell.ID == 10390) { attacked.OblivionStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.OblivionTime = 20; attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.Oblivion); } else { attacked.SupermanStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.SupermanTime = 20; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Superman); } } else { if (spell.ID == 1020) { attacked.ShieldTime = 0; attacked.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.MagicShield); attacked.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ShieldIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.ShieldTime = (byte)spell.Duration; } else { attacked.AccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.StarOfAccuracy); attacked.AccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AccuracyTime = (byte)spell.Duration; } } } attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Circle spells case 1010: case 1115: case 1120: case 1125: case 3090: case 5001: case 8030: case 11040: case 11070: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Buffers case 1075: case 1085: case 1090: case 1095: case 3080: { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (spell.ID == 1075 || spell.ID == 1085) { if (spell.ID == 1075) { attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Invisibility); attacked.InvisibilityStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.InvisibilityTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Invisibility(spell.Duration)); } else { attacked.AccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.StarOfAccuracy); attacked.StarOfAccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Accuracy(spell.Duration)); } } else { if (spell.ID == 1090) { attacked.ShieldTime = 0; attacked.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.MagicShield); attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.MagicShieldTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Shield(spell.PowerPercent, spell.Duration)); } else if (spell.ID == 1095) { attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Stigma); attacked.StigmaStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StigmaIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.StigmaTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Stigma(spell.PowerPercent, spell.Duration)); } else { attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Dodge); attacked.DodgeStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.DodgeIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.DodgeTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Dodge(spell.PowerPercent, spell.Duration)); } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } } break; } #endregion #region Percent case 3050: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent(attackedsob, spell.PowerPercent); attackedsob.Hitpoints -= damage; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent(attacked, spell.PowerPercent); if (attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup != null) attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup.UpdateDamage(attacker.Owner, damage); attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } } } break; } #endregion #region ExtraXP case 1040: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (teammate.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) { teammate.XPCount += 20; Update update = new Update(true); update.UID = teammate.Entity.UID; update.Append(Update.XPCircle, teammate.XPCount); update.Send(teammate); suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 20); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } break; } #endregion #region Pure Skills //SoulShackle case 10405: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacked == null) return; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) return; if (attacked.UID == attacker.UID) return; if (!attacked.Dead) return; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacked.BattlePower > attacker.BattlePower) { int diff = attacked.BattlePower - attacker.BattlePower; if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(100 - diff * 5)) { attacked.ShackleStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ShackleTime = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { attacked.ShackleStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ShackleTime = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; } //AzureShield case 30000: { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AzureStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AzureTime = (short)spell.Duration; attacked.AzureDamage = spell.Power; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.AzureShield); } } break; } //HeavenBlade case 10310: { if (attacked == null) return; spell.UseStamina = 100; if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacked != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(spell.Percent)) { damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } else { damage = 0; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(spell.Percent)) { ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } else { damage = 0; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } break; } //StarArrow case 10313: { spell.UseStamina = 50; if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacked != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, spell); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } break; } //DragonWhirl #region DragonWhirl case 10315: { if (attacker.Stamina >= 30) { attacker.Stamina -= 30; if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attack.X = X; attack.Y = Y; attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.AttackType = 53; attack.X = X; attack.Y = Y; Writer.WriteUInt16(spell.ID, 24, attack.ToArray()); Writer.WriteByte(spell.Level, 26, attack.ToArray()); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); attacker.X = X; attacker.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); uint DamageAdd = (damage * 150) / 100; if (spell.Power > 0) damage = (uint)(DamageAdd + Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell)); ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); uint DamageAdd = (damage * 150) / 100; if (spell.Power > 0) damage = (uint)(DamageAdd + Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell)); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; } #endregion #endregion #region WeaponSpells #region Circle case 5010: case 7020: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; if (suse.SpellID != 10415) { suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; } else { suse.X = 6; } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 1) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Single target case 10490: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); TryTrip suse = new TryTrip(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 1) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Damage = damage; suse.Attacked = attackedsob.UID; } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Damage = damage; suse.Attacked = attacked.UID; } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } case 1290: case 5030: case 5040: case 7000: case 7010: case 7030: case 7040: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } #endregion #region Sector case 1250: case 5050: case 5020: case 1300: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Sector sector = new Sector(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); sector.Arrange(spell.Sector, spell.Range); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Distance + 1) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (sector.Inside(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (sector.Inside(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #endregion #region Fly case 8002: case 8003: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacked.FlyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.FlyTime = (byte)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, attacked.FlyTime); attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Fly); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Ninja Spells case 6010://Vortex { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.ShurikenVortex); attacker.ShurikenVortexStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.ShurikenVortexTime = 20; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacker.VortexPacket = new Attack(true); attacker.VortexPacket.Decoded = true; attacker.VortexPacket.Damage = 6012; attacker.VortexPacket.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attacker.VortexPacket.Attacker = attacker.UID; } break; } case 6012://VortexRespone { if (!attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.ShurikenVortex)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attacker.X; suse.Y = attacker.Y; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); break; } case 6001: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Distance) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (attacked.Name == "TeratoDragon")//SnowBanshee continue; if (attacked.Name == "SnowBanshee")//SnowBanshee continue; if (attacked.Name == "ThrillingSpook")//SnowBanshee continue; if (attacked.Name == "SwordMaster")//SnowBanshee continue; if (attacked.Name == "LavaBeast")//SnowBanshee continue; if (attacked.Name == "Guard1")//SnowBanshee continue; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { int potDifference = attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower; int rate = spell.Percent + potDifference; // uint dmg = (uint)((attacked.Hitpoints * ((10))) / 100); if (attacked.Statistics.Detoxication > 0 && attacked.Statistics.Detoxication < 100) rate = (int)((rate * attacked.Statistics.Detoxication) / 100); if (attacked.Statistics.Detoxication >= 100) rate = 0; if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(rate)) { attacked.ToxicFogStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ToxicFogLeft = 20; attacked.ToxicFogPercent = spell.PowerPercent; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); } else { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } if (attacked.Hitpoints <= 1) { //client.Entity.Poison = null; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; //attacked.Update(true, false, true, Game.Enums.Poison); } } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 6000: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { ushort Xx, Yx; if (attacked != null) { Xx = attacked.X; Yx = attacked.Y; } else { Xx = attackedsob.X; Yx = attackedsob.Y; } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, Xx, Yx) <= spell.Range) { if (attackedsob == null) if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.Fly)) return; if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.Fly)) return; if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.Fly)) return; PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; bool send = false; if (attackedsob == null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); send = true; } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); send = true; } } if (send) attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } break; } case 6002: { if (attackedsob != null) return; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); int potDifference = attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower; int rate = spell.Percent + potDifference; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, false)) { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(rate)) { attacked.NoDrugsStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.NoDrugsTime = (short)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.NoDrugs(spell.Duration)); } } else { suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } break; } case 6004: { if (attackedsob != null) return; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) return; if (!attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Fly)) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); int potDifference = attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower; int rate = spell.Percent + potDifference; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, false)) { uint dmg = Calculate.Percent(attacked, 0.1F); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, dmg); if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(rate)) { attacked.Hitpoints -= dmg; attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Fly); } else { suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } break; } #endregion #region Riding case 7001: { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(12)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) { attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } else { if (attacker.Owner.Map.ID == 1036 && attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)12).Plus < 6) break; if (attacker.Stamina >= 100 && (attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup == null || attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup != null && !attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup.Inside)) { attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); attacker.Stamina -= 100; Network.GamePackets.Vigor vigor = new Network.GamePackets.Vigor(true); vigor.VigorValue = attacker.Owner.Entity.MaxVigor; vigor.Send(attacker.Owner); } } suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 7002: {//Spook if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride) && attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem attackedSteed = null, attackerSteed = null; if ((attackedSteed = attacked.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { if ((attackerSteed = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (attackedSteed.Plus < attackerSteed.Plus) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else if (attackedSteed.Plus == attackerSteed.Plus && attackedSteed.PlusProgress <= attackerSteed.PlusProgress) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } break; } case 7003: {//WarCry SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Interfaces.IConquerItem attackedSteed = null, attackerSteed = null; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player && _obj.UID != attacker.UID) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if ((attackedSteed = attacked.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { if ((attackerSteed = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= attackedSteed.Plus) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (attackedSteed.Plus < attackerSteed.Plus) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else if (attackedSteed.Plus == attackerSteed.Plus && attackedSteed.PlusProgress <= attackerSteed.PlusProgress) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } } } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); break; } #endregion #region Dash case 1051: { if (attacked != null) { if (!attacked.Dead) { var direction = ServerBase.Kernel.GetAngle(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y); if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); attack = new Attack(true); attack.AttackType = Attack.Dash; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = damage; attack.ToArray()[27] = (byte)direction; attacked.Move(direction); attacker.Move(direction); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); } } } break; } #endregion #region RapidFire case 8000: { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attackedsob.X; suse.Y = attackedsob.Y; uint damage = Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } else { if (!attacked.Dead) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; uint damage = Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } } break; } #endregion #region FireOfHell case 1165: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Sector sector = new Sector(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); sector.Arrange(spell.Sector, spell.Distance); foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (sector.Inside(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (sector.Inside(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Scatter case 8001: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Sector sector = new Sector(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); sector.Arrange(spell.Sector, spell.Distance); foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (sector.Inside(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, spell); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (sector.Inside(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); if (damage == 0) damage = 1; damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent((int)damage, spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Intensify case 9000: { attacker.IntensifyStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.OnIntensify = true; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); suse.Send(attacker.Owner); break; } #endregion #region Pirate Spells #region Xp Skills case 11050: //Cannon Barrage { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.CannonBarageStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.Cannonbarage = 30; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); //attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.CannonBarrage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); //attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.CannonBarrage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 11060: // BlackPearl Rage { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.BlackBeardStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.Blackbeard = 30; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.EagleEye); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.EagleEye); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Auto On Skills case 11120: //Adrenaline Rush case 11130: //BlackSpot { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 1) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); suse.MakeConst(); for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) damage = attackedsob.Hitpoints; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID + c, damage); } } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); suse.MakeConst(); for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) damage = attacked.Hitpoints; damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID + c, damage); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion // Doesnt Work // Doest Work #region WeaponSkills case 11140: //windstorm { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 1) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); suse.MakeConst(); for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) damage = attackedsob.Hitpoints; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID + c, damage); } } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); suse.MakeConst(); for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) damage = attacked.Hitpoints; damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID + c, damage); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion // Doesnt Work #region Linear Skills /*case 11110: //Blade Tempest { if (Time32.Now < attacker.WhilrwindKick.AddMilliseconds(1500)) return; attacker.WhilrwindKick = Time32.Now; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range)//<= 3 { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; //suse.X = (ushort)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(3, 10); suse.X = X; //suse.Y = 0; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Ranged)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); attacked.Stunned = true; attacked.StunStamp = Time32.Now; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; }*/ #endregion #region Single damage Skill case 11030: // Eagle Eye if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, spell.Power); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent * 30); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.EagleEye); } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; #endregion #region Region Damage Skills case 11100: //kracken revenge { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.KrackenRevenge); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.KrackenRevenge); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } /*case 11040: // Scurvey Bomb { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Update(_String.Effect, "pro_gre_assflo", true); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); //attacked.Update(_String.Effect, "pro_gre_assflo", true); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; }*/ /* case 11070: // Gale Bomb { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked); damage = ReceiveAttack(suse, attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Update(_String.Effect, "pro_tir_assflo", true); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacked.Update(_String.Effect, "pro_tir_assflo", true); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; }*/ #endregion #endregion #region Trasnformations case 1270: case 1280: case 1350: case 1360: case 3321: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacker.MapID == 1036) return; bool wasTransformated = attacker.Transformed; PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); #region Atributes switch (spell.ID) { case 1350: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 182; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 122; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1300; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 94; attacker.TransformationDodge = 35; attacker.TransformationTime = 39; attacker.TransformationID = 207; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 200; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 134; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1400; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 96; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 49; attacker.TransformationID = 207; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 240; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 160; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1500; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 97; attacker.TransformationDodge = 45; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 207; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 258; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 172; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1600; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 98; attacker.TransformationDodge = 50; attacker.TransformationTime = 69; attacker.TransformationID = 267; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 300; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 200; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1900; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 99; attacker.TransformationDodge = 55; attacker.TransformationTime = 79; attacker.TransformationID = 267; break; } } break; case 1270: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 282; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 179; attacker.TransformationDefence = 73; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 34; attacker.TransformationDodge = 9; attacker.TransformationTime = 34; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 395; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 245; attacker.TransformationDefence = 126; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 45; attacker.TransformationDodge = 12; attacker.TransformationTime = 39; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 616; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 367; attacker.TransformationDefence = 180; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 15; attacker.TransformationTime = 44; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 724; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 429; attacker.TransformationDefence = 247; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 15; attacker.TransformationTime = 49; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1231; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 704; attacker.TransformationDefence = 499; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 50; attacker.TransformationDodge = 20; attacker.TransformationTime = 54; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } case 5: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1573; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 941; attacker.TransformationDefence = 601; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 25; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } case 6: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1991; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1107; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1029; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 55; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 64; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } case 7: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2226; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1235; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1029; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 55; attacker.TransformationDodge = 35; attacker.TransformationTime = 69; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } } break; case 1360: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1215; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 610; attacker.TransformationDefence = 100; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 96; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 217; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1310; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 650; attacker.TransformationDefence = 400; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 97; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 79; attacker.TransformationID = 217; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1420; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 710; attacker.TransformationDefence = 650; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 98; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 89; attacker.TransformationID = 217; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1555; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 780; attacker.TransformationDefence = 720; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 98; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 99; attacker.TransformationID = 277; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1660; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 840; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1200; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 99; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 109; attacker.TransformationID = 277; break; } } break; case 1280: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 930; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 656; attacker.TransformationDefence = 290; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 45; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 29; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1062; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 750; attacker.TransformationDefence = 320; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 46; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 34; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1292; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 910; attacker.TransformationDefence = 510; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 50; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 39; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1428; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1000; attacker.TransformationDefence = 600; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 44; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1570; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1100; attacker.TransformationDefence = 700; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 55; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 49; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 5: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1700; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1200; attacker.TransformationDefence = 880; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 57; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 54; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } case 6: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1900; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1300; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1540; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 59; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } case 7: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2100; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1500; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1880; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 61; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } case 8: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2300; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1600; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1970; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 63; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } } break; case 3321: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2000000; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 2000000; attacker.TransformationDefence = 65355; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 65355; attacker.TransformationDodge = 35; attacker.TransformationTime = 65355; attacker.TransformationID = 223; break; } } #endregion SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID; spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID; spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; spellUse.X = X; spellUse.Y = Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, (uint)0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true); attacker.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.TransformationMaxHP = 3000; if (spell.ID == 1270) attacker.TransformationMaxHP = 50000; attacker.TransformationAttackRange = 3; if (spell.ID == 1360) attacker.TransformationAttackRange = 10; if (!wasTransformated) { double maxHP = attacker.MaxHitpoints; double HP = attacker.Hitpoints; double point = HP / maxHP; attacker.Hitpoints = (uint)(attacker.TransformationMaxHP * point); } attacker.Update(Update.MaxHitpoints, attacker.TransformationMaxHP, false); } break; } #endregion #region Bless case 9876: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.CastPray); SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID; spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID; spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; spellUse.X = X; spellUse.Y = Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Companions case 4000: case 4010: case 4020: case 4050: case 4060: case 4070: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacker.Owner.Companion != null) { if (attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo != null) { attacker.Owner.Map.RemoveEntity(attacker.Owner.Companion); Data data = new Data(true); data.UID = attacker.Owner.Companion.UID; data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity; attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(data); attacker.Owner.Companion = null; } } PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID; spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID; spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; spellUse.X = X; spellUse.Y = Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true); attacker.Owner.Companion = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, true); attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo = new Conquer_Online_Server.Database.MonsterInformation(); Database.MonsterInformation mt = Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInfos[spell.Power]; attacker.Owner.Companion.Owner = attacker.Owner; attacker.Owner.Companion.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster; attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy(); attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo.Owner = attacker.Owner.Companion; attacker.Owner.Companion.Name = mt.Name; attacker.Owner.Companion.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack; attacker.Owner.Companion.MaxAttack = attacker.Owner.Companion.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack; attacker.Owner.Companion.Hitpoints = attacker.Owner.Companion.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints; attacker.Owner.Companion.Body = mt.Mesh; attacker.Owner.Companion.Level = mt.Level; attacker.Owner.Companion.UID = (uint)(attacker.UID - 200000); attacker.Owner.Companion.MapID = attacker.Owner.Map.ID; attacker.Owner.Companion.SendUpdates = true; attacker.Owner.Companion.X = attacker.X; attacker.Owner.Companion.Y = attacker.Y; attacker.Owner.Map.AddEntity(attacker.Owner.Companion); attacker.Owner.SendScreenSpawn(attacker.Owner.Companion, true); } break; } #endregion #region MonkSpells //TyrantAura case 10395: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); { if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//FendAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//FendAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//TyrantAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//TyrantAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } teammate.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike += 200; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); teammate.Entity.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; teammate.Entity.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//FendAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//FendAura attacker.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura attacker.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { attacker.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { attacker.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { attacker.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { attacker.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura } if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//TyrantAura { attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//TyrantAura attacked.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); attacker.Statistics.CriticalStrike += 200; attacker.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; attacker.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //FendAura case 10410: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); { if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } teammate.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity += 200; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); teammate.Entity.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; teammate.Entity.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura attacked.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura attacker.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { attacker.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { attacker.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { attacker.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { attacker.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura attacker.Statistics.Immunity += 200; } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); attacker.Statistics.Immunity += 200; attacker.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; attacker.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //ElementalAuraMetal case 10420: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); { if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } teammate.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance += 30; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); teammate.Entity.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; teammate.Entity.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura attacker.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura attacked.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { attacker.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { attacker.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { attacker.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { attacker.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura attacker.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); attacker.Statistics.MetalResistance += 30; attacker.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; attacker.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //ElementalAuraWood case 10421: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); { if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } teammate.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance += 30; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); teammate.Entity.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; teammate.Entity.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura attacker.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura attacker.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { attacked.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { attacker.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { attacker.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { attacker.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura attacker.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); attacker.Statistics.WoodResistance += 30; attacker.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; attacker.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //ElementalAuraWater case 10422: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); { if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } teammate.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance += 30; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); teammate.Entity.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; teammate.Entity.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura attacker.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura attacker.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { attacker.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura } if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { attacked.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { attacker.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { attacker.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura attacker.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); attacker.Statistics.WaterResistance += 30; attacker.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; attacker.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //ElementalAuraFire case 10423: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); { if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } teammate.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance += 30; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); teammate.Entity.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; teammate.Entity.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura attacker.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura attacker.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { attacker.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { attacker.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura } if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { attacked.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { attacker.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura attacker.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); attacker.Statistics.FireResistance += 30; attacker.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; attacker.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //ElementalEarthAura case 10424: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); { if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; } if (teammate.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura teammate.Entity.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } teammate.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); teammate.Entity.Statistics.EarthResistance += 30; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); teammate.Entity.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; teammate.Entity.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura))//FendAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura);//FendAura attacker.Statistics.CriticalStrike -= 200; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura))//MetalAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura);//MetalAura attacker.Statistics.MetalResistance -= 30; } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura))//WoodAura { attacker.Statistics.WoodResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura);//WoodAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura))//WaterAura { attacker.Statistics.WaterResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura);//WaterAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura))//FireAura { attacker.Statistics.FireResistance -= 30; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura);//FireAura } if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura))//EarthAura { attacked.Statistics.EarthResistance -= 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura);//EarthAura } if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura))//TyrantAura { attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura);//TyrantAura attacker.Statistics.Immunity -= 200; } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); attacker.Statistics.EarthResistance += 30; attacker.TyrantAura = Time32.Now; attacker.TyrantAuras = (short)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //Compassion case 10430: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) { attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Poisoned); suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Poisoned); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //Serenity case 10400: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker == null) return; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 1); attacker.ToxicFogLeft = 0; //attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //Tranquility case 10425: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) { attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); teammate.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.SoulShackle); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //Radiant Palm case 10381: // case 10315: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm ila = new Conquer_Online_Server.Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm(attacker.X, X, attacker.Y, Y, (byte)spell.Range, InLineAlgorithm.Algorithm.DDA); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Length; c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Length) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ila.InLine(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) continue; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ila.InLine(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) continue; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //WhirlwindKick case 10415: { if (Time32.Now < attacker.WhilrwindKick.AddMilliseconds(1500)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.WhilrwindKick = Time32.Now; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 3) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = 0; suse.X = (ushort)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(3, 10); suse.Y = 0; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 3) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Length; c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Length) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Ranged)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); attacked.Stunned = true; attacked.StunStamp = Time32.Now; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); suse.Targets = new SafeDictionary<uint, SpellUse.DamageClass>(); attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; //break; } #endregion } attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(Experience, spellID); if (attacker.MapID == 1039) { if (spell.ID == 7001 || spell.ID == 9876) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.AttackPacket != null) { attack.Damage = spell.ID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsValue(spell.ID)) { if (attacker.AttackPacket == null) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket.AttackType = Attack.Melee; } } } } else { if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { if (spell.NextSpellID >= 1000 && spell.NextSpellID <= 1002) if (Target >= 1000000) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { if (!Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsValue(spell.ID) || spell.ID == 9876) attacker.AttackPacket = null; else { if (attacker.AttackPacket == null) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket.AttackType = Attack.Melee; } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion } #endregion } }