예제 #1
        private void InsertData()
            CityStateZip cityStateZip = new CityStateZip();
            cityStateZip.City = acctCity.Text;
            cityStateZip.State = acctState.Text;
            cityStateZip.ZipCode = acctZipCode.Text;
            CityStateZipLogic cszLogic = new CityStateZipLogic();
            cityStateZip = cszLogic.InsertCityStateZip(cityStateZip);

            PaymentInfo paymentInfo = new PaymentInfo();
            paymentInfo.AmazonToken = "test";
            PaymentInfoLogic piLogic = new PaymentInfoLogic();
            paymentInfo = piLogic.InsertPaymentInfo(paymentInfo);

            Client client = new Client();
            client.ClientName = acctCompanyName.Text;
            client.PhoneNumber = acctPhoneNumber.Text;
            client.Email = acctEmail.Text;
            client.Address = acctAddress.Text;
            client.CityStateZipGuid = cityStateZip.CityStateZipGuid;
            client.PaymentInfoGuid = paymentInfo.PaymentInfoGuid;
            ClientLogic clientLogic = new ClientLogic();
            client = clientLogic.InsertClient(client);

            Response.Redirect(string.Format("CreateListing.aspx?ClientGuid={0}", client.ClientGuid));
예제 #2
        public ActionResult AccountToggle(AccountViewModel account)
            ClientLogic clientLogic = new ClientLogic();
            Client client = clientLogic.GetClientByClientGuid(account.ClientGuid);
            if (null == client)
                return RedirectToAction("See");
            // toggle account paused flag
            client.AccountPaused = !account.PauseAccount;

            return RedirectToAction("See");
예제 #3
파일: Client.cs 프로젝트: ankit-defacto/PSS
 public List<DC.Client> GetAllClientWithUndefined()
         BL.ClientLogic clientLogic = new BL.ClientLogic();
         List<BE.Client> entities = clientLogic.GetAllClientWithUndefined();
         List<DC.Client> response = entities.ToDataContractList();
         return response;
     catch (Exception ex)
         FC.DefaultFaultContract fault = new FC.DefaultFaultContract();
         fault.ErrorMessage = "Unable to retrieve client data.";
         throw new FaultException<FC.DefaultFaultContract>(fault,
             new FaultReason(ex.Message));
예제 #4
파일: Client.cs 프로젝트: ankit-defacto/PSS
        public void DeleteClient(DC.Client request)
                BL.ClientLogic clientLogic = new BL.ClientLogic();
                BE.Client entity = request.ToBusinessEntity();
            catch (BE.ClientNotFoundException ex)
                FC.DefaultFaultContract fault = new FC.DefaultFaultContract();
                fault.ErrorMessage = String.Format(
                    "Unable to delete Client data. Data: {0}",

                throw new FaultException<FC.DefaultFaultContract>(fault,
                    new FaultReason(ex.Message));
예제 #5
        public bool Delete(Guid facilityGuid, string email)
            bool success = false;
            FacilityLogic facilityLogic = new FacilityLogic();
            BE.Facility facility = facilityLogic.GetFacilityByFacilityGuid(facilityGuid);
            ClientLogic clientLogic = new ClientLogic();
            BE.Client client = clientLogic.GetClientByClientGuid(facility.ClientGuid);
            if (client.Email == email)
                // to delete facility first delete related records in FacilityPhoto and FacilityOffering
                // !!! in the existing business model transaction scope is hard to implement !!!
                FacilityOfferingLogic facilityOfferingLogic = new FacilityOfferingLogic();
                FacilityPhotoLogic facilityPhotoLogic = new FacilityPhotoLogic();
                OfferingLogic offeringLogic = new OfferingLogic();
                // delete related offerings
                var facilityOfferings = offeringLogic.GetOfferingsForFacility(facilityGuid);
                if (facilityOfferings.Count > 0)
                    facilityOfferings.ForEach(fo =>
                            new BE.FacilityOffering { FacilityGuid = facilityGuid, OfferingGuid = fo.OfferingGuid }
                // delete related photos
                var facilityPhotos = facilityPhotoLogic.GetFacilityPhotosForFacilityByFacilityGuid(facilityGuid);
                if (facilityPhotos.Count > 0)
                    facilityPhotos.ForEach(fp => facilityPhotoLogic.DeleteFacilityPhoto(fp));

                success = true;

            return success;
예제 #6
        private void SaveAccount(ClientLogic clientLogic, AccountViewModel account, MembershipUser user, bool insert)
            // Call business logic to insert the data.
            // todo: move to mapping
            CityStateZip cityStateZip = new CityStateZip
                City = account.City,
                State = account.State,
                ZipCode = account.ZipCode
            this.AddCityStateZipToAccount(account, cityStateZip);

            PaymentInfo paymentInfo = new PaymentInfo
                AmazonToken = User.Identity.Name
            this.AddPaymentInfoToAccount(account, paymentInfo);

            Client client = new Client();
            client.ClientName = account.ClientName;
            client.PhoneNumber = account.PhoneNumber;
            client.Email = user.UserName;
            client.Address = account.Address;
            client.CityStateZipGuid = account.CityStateZipGuid;
            client.PaymentInfoGuid = account.PaymentInfoGuid;
            // pause account - in create view is always false
            client.AccountPaused = account.PauseAccount;
            if (insert)
                if (SessionHandler.Current.GitAssertion != null)
                    GitAssertion assertion = SessionHandler.Current.GitAssertion;
                    client.FederatedIDProvider = assertion.Authority;
                    client.FederatedID = assertion.Identifier;
                    client.FederatedKey = user.ProviderUserKey.ToString();

                client = clientLogic.InsertClient(client);
                account.ClientGuid = client.ClientGuid;
                account.ClientID = client.ClientID;
                client.IsWaiverd = account.IsWaiverd;
                client.FreeDays = account.FreeDays;
                client.Credits = account.AccountBalance;
                client.IsSuspended = account.IsSuspended;
                client.IsActive = account.IsActive;
                client.ClientGuid = account.ClientGuid; // Had to add this......
예제 #7
        public ActionResult EditClientCardInfo(ClientCardInfoViewModel clientCardInfoVM)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please correct the errors and try again.");
                return View(clientCardInfoVM);

            var user = Membership.GetUser();
            if (user == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Create");

            ClientLogic clientLogic = new ClientLogic();
            Client possibleClient = clientLogic.GetClientByEmail(user.UserName);

            if (null == possibleClient)
                return RedirectToAction("Create");
            clientCardInfoVM.ClientGuid = possibleClient.ClientGuid;
            this.SaveClientCardInfo(clientCardInfoVM, false);
            return RedirectToAction("see");
예제 #8
        public ActionResult Edit(AccountViewModel account)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return View(account);

            // Call business logic to insert the data.
            ClientLogic clientLogic = new ClientLogic();
            Client possibleClient = clientLogic.GetClientByEmail(account.Email);

            if (null == possibleClient)
                return RedirectToAction("See");

            this.SaveAccount(clientLogic, account, Membership.GetUser(), false);
            return RedirectToAction("See");
예제 #9
        public ActionResult Create(AccountViewModel account)
            // todo: implement some create account wizard when have more information
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return View(account);

            // If logged in, show the appropriate view.
            var user = Membership.GetUser();
            if (user == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Create");

            ClientLogic clientLogic = new ClientLogic();
            // UserName is the email address they signed in with.
            Client possibleClient = clientLogic.GetClientByEmail(user.UserName);

            // If an account already exists for the user, show them the See page.
            if (null != possibleClient)
                return RedirectToAction("See");

            this.SaveAccount(clientLogic, account, user, true);
            return RedirectToAction("See");
예제 #10
        public ActionResult ClientCardInfo(ClientCardInfoViewModel clientCardInfoVM)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Please correct the errors and try again.");
                return View(clientCardInfoVM);

            var user = Membership.GetUser();
            if (user == null)
                return RedirectToAction("Create");

            ClientLogic clientLogic = new ClientLogic();
            // UserName is the email address they signed in with.
            Client possibleClient = clientLogic.GetClientByEmail(user.UserName);

            // If an account already exists for the user, show them the See page.
            if (null == possibleClient)
                return RedirectToAction("Create");
            clientCardInfoVM.ClientGuid = possibleClient.ClientGuid;
            this.SaveClientCardInfo(clientCardInfoVM, true);
            return RedirectToAction("See");
예제 #11
파일: Client.cs 프로젝트: ankit-defacto/PSS
 public DC.Client GetClientByClientGuid(Guid clientGuid)
         BL.ClientLogic clientLogic = new BL.ClientLogic();
         BE.Client entity = clientLogic.GetClientByClientGuid(clientGuid);
         DC.Client response = entity.ToDataContract();
         return response;
     catch (BE.ClientNotFoundException ex)
         FC.ClientFault fault = new FC.ClientFault();
         fault.ClientGuid = ex.ClientGuid;
         fault.ErrorMessage = "Client does not exsist in the database.";
         throw new FaultException<FC.ClientFault>(fault,
             new FaultReason(ex.Message));
     catch (Exception ex)
         FC.ClientFault fault = new FC.ClientFault();
         fault.ErrorMessage = "Could not retrieve a specific Client for unknown reasons.";
         throw new FaultException<FC.ClientFault>(fault,
             new FaultReason(ex.Message));
예제 #12
파일: Client.cs 프로젝트: ankit-defacto/PSS
 public List<DC.Client> GetClientsForPaymentInfoByPaymentInfoGuid(Guid paymentInfoGuid)
         BL.ClientLogic clientLogic = new BL.ClientLogic();
         List<BE.Client> entities = clientLogic.GetClientsForPaymentInfoByPaymentInfoGuid(paymentInfoGuid);
         List<DC.Client> response = entities.ToDataContractList();
         return response;
     catch (BE.ClientException ex)
         FC.DefaultFaultContract fault = new FC.DefaultFaultContract();
         fault.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Unable to find a Client with the given PaymentInfo");
         throw new FaultException<FC.DefaultFaultContract>(fault,
             new FaultReason(ex.Message));