private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { empID = tbUsername.Text; using (SqlConnection openCon = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;" + "Trusted_Connection=yes;" + "database=sampleDB; " + "connection timeout=30")) { using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand()) { comm.Connection = openCon; comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM emp_pw WHERE username = '******' AND password = '******';"; try { openCon.Open(); SqlDataReader sdr = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read() == true) { int eAccess = sdr.GetInt32(3); if (eAccess == 1 && == 1) { frmAdmin rf = new frmAdmin(); rf.Show(); this.Hide(); } else if (eAccess == 2 && == 2) { frmEmployee ef = new frmEmployee(); ef.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { lblIncorrect.Text = "*Invalid username or password"; } } else { lblIncorrect.Text = "*Invalid username or password"; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { openCon.Close(); } } } }
private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { empID = tbUsername.Text; using (SqlConnection openCon = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;" + "Trusted_Connection=yes;" + "database=dbPayroll; " + "connection timeout=30")) { using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand()) { comm.Connection = openCon; comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; comm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM EmpPW WHERE EmpID = '" + tbUsername.Text + "' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS AND password = '******' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS ;"; try { openCon.Open(); SqlDataReader sdr = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read() == true) { int eAccess = sdr.GetInt32(2); if (eAccess == 1) { frmAdmin ad = new frmAdmin(); ad.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { frmEmployee emp = new frmEmployee(); emp.Show(); this.Hide(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username and/or password!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { openCon.Close(); } } } }