예제 #1
        public void CheckThatEventsAreStored()
            CustomClock clock = new CustomClock(new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1));

              Console.WriteLine("Starting application at " + clock.Now);
              _context = new NotifyIconApplicationContext(clock, true);

              clock.Now = clock.Now.AddHours(1);
              _context.SessionEventOccurred(this, new SessionSwitchEventArgs(SessionSwitchReason.SessionLock));
              clock.Now = clock.Now.AddHours(1);
              _context.SessionEventOccurred(this, new SessionSwitchEventArgs(SessionSwitchReason.SessionUnlock));
              int eventCount = _context.TimeTracker.GetEvents().Count;
              Console.WriteLine("Exiting application at " + clock.Now +
                        ", " + eventCount + " events tracked");

              clock.Now = clock.Now.AddHours(1);
              Console.WriteLine("Restarting application at " + clock.Now);
              _context = new NotifyIconApplicationContext(clock, false);
              Assert.That(_context.TimeTracker.GetEvents().Count, Is.EqualTo(eventCount));
예제 #2
        public void CheckStartTimeAfterRestarts()
            // Run the application, forcing the start time to be updated
              DateTime launchTime1 = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
              CustomClock clock = new CustomClock(launchTime1);
              Console.WriteLine("Launching application at " + clock.Now);
              _context = new NotifyIconApplicationContext(clock, true);
              Assert.That(_context.TimeTracker.StartTime, Is.EqualTo(launchTime1));

              // Run the application again on the same day
              DateTime launchTime2 = launchTime1.AddMinutes(1);
              clock.Now = launchTime2;
              Console.WriteLine("Launching application at " + clock.Now);
              _context = new NotifyIconApplicationContext(clock);
              Assert.That(_context.TimeTracker.StartTime, Is.EqualTo(launchTime1));

              // Run the application again on the next day
              DateTime launchTime3 = launchTime1.AddDays(1);
              clock.Now = launchTime3;
              Console.WriteLine("Launching application at " + clock.Now);
              _context = new NotifyIconApplicationContext(clock);
              Assert.That(_context.TimeTracker.StartTime, Is.EqualTo(launchTime3));

              // The context will be exited in TearDown