예제 #1
        static public void Compile(FileInfo skinFileInfo, DirectoryInfo steamDirectoryInfo, DirectoryInfo baseDirectoryInfo = null)
            if (!FreeImage.IsAvailable())
                throw new Exception("FreeImage.dll not found");
            if (!skinFileInfo.Exists)
                throw new Exception("Definition file doesn't exist");
            if (!steamDirectoryInfo.Exists)
                throw new Exception("Steam directory doesn't exist");

            Dictionary <string, KeyValue> skinKeyValueList = new Dictionary <string, KeyValue>();

            JSchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = new JSchemaGenerator();

            JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(File.ReadAllText(skinFileInfo.FullName)));

            JSchemaValidatingReader validatingReader = new JSchemaValidatingReader(reader);

            validatingReader.Schema = schemaGenerator.Generate(typeof(SkinFile));
            SkinFile skinFile = new JsonSerializer().Deserialize <SkinFile>(validatingReader);

            string skinSourcePath;

            if (skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase == defaultSkinBaseName)
                skinSourcePath = steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/";
                string baseDirectory;
                if (baseDirectoryInfo != null)
                    baseDirectory = baseDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase;
                    baseDirectory = steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/" + skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase;

                skinSourcePath = baseDirectory + "/";

            /// TODO: Make copy of 3rd party skin and use it as a base

            if (!Directory.Exists(skinSourcePath))
                throw new Exception("Skin source '" + skinSourcePath + "' directory doesn't exist");

            if (skinFile.files != null)
                // iterate through files
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SkinFile.File> f in skinFile.files)
                    string path = skinSourcePath + f.Key;
                    if (!File.Exists(path))
                        StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(path);
                        writer.WriteLine('"' + f.Key + '"');
                    KeyValue kv = KeyValue.LoadFromString(KeyValue.NormalizeFileContent(path));
                    if (f.Value.remove is JArray)
                        foreach (JToken node in f.Value.remove.Children())
                            RemoveNode(kv, node);
                    if (f.Value.add is JObject)
                        foreach (JProperty node in f.Value.add.Children())
                            kv.Children.Add(CreateNode(kv, node));
                    if (f.Value.change is JObject)
                        // recursively iterate through sections and change all found keys
                        ChangeNode(kv, new JProperty(f.Key, f.Value.change), false);
                    skinKeyValueList.Add(f.Key, kv);

            //if (skinFile.metadata.folderName == null) throw new Exception("Undefined skin folder name");
            string folderName = skinFile.metadata.template.name;

            if (skinFile.metadata.skin.name != null && skinFile.metadata.skin.author != null)
                folderName = skinFile.metadata.skin.name + " #" + skinFile.metadata.skin.id;

            string destinationPath = steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/" + folderName;

                if (Directory.Exists(destinationPath))
                    if (backupEnabled)
                        string backupDirectoryName = destinationPath + " - Backup (" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ")";
                        if (Directory.Exists(backupDirectoryName))
                            Directory.Delete(backupDirectoryName, true);
                        Directory.Move(destinationPath, backupDirectoryName);
                        Directory.Delete(destinationPath, true);


                /// NOTE: Copy base directory prior to writing modified files

                if (skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase != defaultSkinBaseName)
                    DirectoryCopy(skinSourcePath, destinationPath, true);

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyValue> kv in skinKeyValueList)
                    if (Directory.CreateDirectory(destinationPath + "/" + Path.GetDirectoryName(kv.Key)).Exists)
                        kv.Value.SaveToFile(destinationPath + "/" + kv.Key, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

            if (skinFile.attachments != null)
                foreach (SkinFile.Attachment attachment in skinFile.attachments)
                    string type = (attachment.type != null) ? attachment.type : "image";

                    switch (type.ToLower())
                    case "image":
                        using (Base64Image image = new Base64Image(attachment.data))
                            string graphicsDirPath = destinationPath + "/" + Path.GetDirectoryName(attachment.path);
                            string extension       = Path.GetExtension(attachment.path);
                            if (extension.Length == 0)
                                extension = "tga";
                                extension = extension.Substring(1);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(graphicsDirPath))

                            if (attachment.filters != null)

                            if (attachment.spritesheet == null)
                                if (attachment.transform != null)
                                image.Save(graphicsDirPath + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachment.path) + "." + extension);
                            else         // has defined spritesheet
                                string spritePath, finalPath = null;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int[]> spriteDefinition in attachment.spritesheet)
                                    if (spriteDefinition.Value.Length == 4)
                                        if (attachment.spritesheetFiles.TryGetValue(spriteDefinition.Key, out spritePath))
                                            string dir = destinationPath + "/" + Path.GetDirectoryName(spritePath);
                                            if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
                                            finalPath = dir + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(spritePath) + "." + extension;
                                            finalPath = graphicsDirPath + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachment.path) + spriteDefinition.Key + "." + extension;

                                        if (finalPath != null)
                                            image.SaveSprite(finalPath, spriteDefinition.Value);

            // write metadata
            //string iniTemplateSection = "Template",
            //       iniSkinSection = "Skin";
            Ini.IniFile metadataIni = new Ini.IniFile(destinationPath + "/metadata.ini");
            foreach (PropertyInfo metadata in skinFile.metadata.GetType().GetProperties())
                char[] arr = metadata.Name.ToCharArray();
                arr[0] = char.ToUpperInvariant(arr[0]);
                string sectionName = new string(arr);

                PropertyInfo sectionInfo = skinFile.metadata.GetType().GetProperty(metadata.Name);
                if (sectionInfo != null)
                    object section = sectionInfo.GetValue(skinFile.metadata, null);
                    foreach (PropertyInfo property in section.GetType().GetProperties())
                        arr    = property.Name.ToCharArray();
                        arr[0] = char.ToUpperInvariant(arr[0]);
                        string propertyName = new string(arr);

                        object val           = property.GetValue(section, null);
                        string propertyValue = (val == null) ? "" : property.GetValue(section, null).ToString();
                        switch (property.Name)
                        case "revision":
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue) > 0)
                                metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue);

                        case "primaryColor":
                        case "primaryTextColor":
                        case "accentColor":
                        case "accentTextColor":
                            if (propertyValue.Length > 0)
                                metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, "0x" + propertyValue);

                        case "thumbnail":
                                string fileName = "thumb.jpg";
                                using (Base64Image image = new Base64Image(propertyValue))
                                    if (image.Save(destinationPath + "/" + fileName, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_JPEG, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS.JPEG_QUALITYSUPERB))
                                        metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, fileName);
                            catch { }

                            if (propertyValue.Length > 0)
                                metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue);

                 * foreach (PropertyInfo field in skinFile.metadata.GetType().GetField(metadata.Name).GetType().GetProperties())
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine(field);
                 * }

             * metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Version", skinFile.metadata.template);
             * metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Name", skinFile.metadata.name);
             * metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Author", skinFile.metadata.author);
             * metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "AuthorUrl", skinFile.metadata.authorUrl != null ? skinFile.metadata.authorUrl : "");
             * metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "SkinURL", skinFile.metadata.skinURL != null ? skinFile.metadata.skinURL : "");
             * metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Description", skinFile.metadata.description != null ? skinFile.metadata.description : "");
             * metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Color", skinFile.metadata.color != null ? skinFile.metadata.color : "0x1E1E1E");
            // activate skin
            File.Delete(steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/.active");
            if (activateSkin)
                File.WriteAllText(steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/.active", folderName);

            // print debug
            if (debugMode)
                string buffer = "";
                buffer += "Steam Customizer compiler debug log @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\r\n";
                buffer += "Schema list:\r\n";
                foreach (Type t in new Type[] { typeof(SkinFile) })
                    buffer += "\r\n" + t.ToString() + ":\r\n";
                    buffer += schemaGenerator.Generate(t).ToString();
                    buffer += "\r\n";
                File.WriteAllText("debug.log", buffer);
예제 #2
        public static void Compile(FileInfo skinFileInfo, DirectoryInfo steamDirectoryInfo, DirectoryInfo baseDirectoryInfo = null)
            if (!FreeImage.IsAvailable()) throw new Exception("FreeImage.dll not found");
            if (!skinFileInfo.Exists) throw new Exception("Definition file doesn't exist");
            if (!steamDirectoryInfo.Exists) throw new Exception("Steam directory doesn't exist");

            Dictionary<string, KeyValue> skinKeyValueList = new Dictionary<string, KeyValue>();

            JSchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = new JSchemaGenerator();

            JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(File.ReadAllText(skinFileInfo.FullName)));

            JSchemaValidatingReader validatingReader = new JSchemaValidatingReader(reader);
            validatingReader.Schema = schemaGenerator.Generate(typeof(SkinFile));
            SkinFile skinFile = new JsonSerializer().Deserialize<SkinFile>(validatingReader);

            string skinSourcePath;
            if (skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase == defaultSkinBaseName)
                skinSourcePath = steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/";
                string baseDirectory;
                if (baseDirectoryInfo != null)
                    baseDirectory = baseDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase;
                    baseDirectory = steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/" + skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase;

                skinSourcePath = baseDirectory + "/";

            /// TODO: Make copy of 3rd party skin and use it as a base

            if (!Directory.Exists(skinSourcePath)) throw new Exception("Skin source '" + skinSourcePath + "' directory doesn't exist");

            if (skinFile.files != null)
                // iterate through files
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, SkinFile.File> f in skinFile.files)
                    string path = skinSourcePath + f.Key;
                    if (!File.Exists(path))
                        StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(path);
                        writer.WriteLine('"' + f.Key + '"');
                    KeyValue kv = KeyValue.LoadFromString(KeyValue.NormalizeFileContent(path));
                    if (f.Value.remove is JArray)
                        foreach (JToken node in f.Value.remove.Children())
                            RemoveNode(kv, node);
                    if (f.Value.add is JObject)
                        foreach (JProperty node in f.Value.add.Children())
                            kv.Children.Add(CreateNode(kv, node));
                    if (f.Value.change is JObject)
                        // recursively iterate through sections and change all found keys
                        ChangeNode(kv, new JProperty(f.Key, f.Value.change), false);
                    skinKeyValueList.Add(f.Key, kv);

            //if (skinFile.metadata.folderName == null) throw new Exception("Undefined skin folder name");
            string folderName = skinFile.metadata.template.name;
            if (skinFile.metadata.skin.name != null && skinFile.metadata.skin.author != null)
                folderName = skinFile.metadata.skin.name + " #" + skinFile.metadata.skin.id;

            string destinationPath = steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/" + folderName;

                if (Directory.Exists(destinationPath))
                    if (backupEnabled)
                        string backupDirectoryName = destinationPath + " - Backup (" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ")";
                        if (Directory.Exists(backupDirectoryName)) Directory.Delete(backupDirectoryName, true);
                        Directory.Move(destinationPath, backupDirectoryName);
                    else Directory.Delete(destinationPath, true);


                /// NOTE: Copy base directory prior to writing modified files

                if (skinFile.metadata.template.skinBase != defaultSkinBaseName)
                    DirectoryCopy(skinSourcePath, destinationPath, true);

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, KeyValue> kv in skinKeyValueList)
                    if (Directory.CreateDirectory(destinationPath + "/" + Path.GetDirectoryName(kv.Key)).Exists)
                        kv.Value.SaveToFile(destinationPath + "/" + kv.Key, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

            if (skinFile.attachments != null)
                foreach (SkinFile.Attachment attachment in skinFile.attachments)
                    string type = (attachment.type != null) ? attachment.type : "image";

                    switch (type.ToLower())
                        case "image":
                                using (Base64Image image = new Base64Image(attachment.data))
                                    string graphicsDirPath = destinationPath + "/" + Path.GetDirectoryName(attachment.path);
                                    string extension = Path.GetExtension(attachment.path);
                                    if (extension.Length == 0)
                                        extension = "tga";
                                        extension = extension.Substring(1);
                                    if (!Directory.Exists(graphicsDirPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(graphicsDirPath);

                                    if (attachment.filters != null)

                                    if (attachment.spritesheet == null)
                                        if (attachment.transform != null)
                                        image.Save(graphicsDirPath + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachment.path) + "." + extension);
                                    else // has defined spritesheet
                                        string spritePath, finalPath = null;
                                        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int[]> spriteDefinition in attachment.spritesheet)
                                            if (spriteDefinition.Value.Length == 4)
                                                if (attachment.spritesheetFiles.TryGetValue(spriteDefinition.Key, out spritePath))
                                                    string dir = destinationPath + "/" + Path.GetDirectoryName(spritePath);
                                                    if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);
                                                    finalPath = dir + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(spritePath) + "." + extension;
                                                    finalPath = graphicsDirPath + "/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachment.path) + spriteDefinition.Key + "." + extension;

                                                if (finalPath != null)
                                                    image.SaveSprite(finalPath, spriteDefinition.Value);

            // write metadata
            //string iniTemplateSection = "Template",
            //       iniSkinSection = "Skin";
            Ini.IniFile metadataIni = new Ini.IniFile(destinationPath + "/metadata.ini");
            foreach (PropertyInfo metadata in skinFile.metadata.GetType().GetProperties())
                char[] arr = metadata.Name.ToCharArray();
                arr[0] = char.ToUpperInvariant(arr[0]);
                string sectionName = new string(arr);

                PropertyInfo sectionInfo = skinFile.metadata.GetType().GetProperty(metadata.Name);
                if (sectionInfo != null)
                    object section = sectionInfo.GetValue(skinFile.metadata, null);
                    foreach (PropertyInfo property in section.GetType().GetProperties())
                        arr = property.Name.ToCharArray();
                        arr[0] = char.ToUpperInvariant(arr[0]);
                        string propertyName = new string(arr);

                        object val = property.GetValue(section, null);
                        string propertyValue = (val == null) ? "" : property.GetValue(section, null).ToString();
                        switch (property.Name)
                            case "revision":
                                    if (Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue) > 0)
                                        metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue);
                            case "primaryColor":
                            case "primaryTextColor":
                            case "accentColor":
                            case "accentTextColor":
                                    if (propertyValue.Length > 0)
                                        metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, "0x" + propertyValue);
                            case "thumbnail":
                                        string fileName = "thumb.jpg";
                                        using (Base64Image image = new Base64Image(propertyValue))
                                            if (image.Save(destinationPath + "/" + fileName, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_JPEG, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS.JPEG_QUALITYSUPERB))
                                                metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, fileName);
                                    catch { }
                                    if (propertyValue.Length > 0)
                                        metadataIni.IniWriteValue(sectionName, propertyName, propertyValue);
                foreach (PropertyInfo field in skinFile.metadata.GetType().GetField(metadata.Name).GetType().GetProperties())
            metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Version", skinFile.metadata.template);
            metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Name", skinFile.metadata.name);
            metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Author", skinFile.metadata.author);
            metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "AuthorUrl", skinFile.metadata.authorUrl != null ? skinFile.metadata.authorUrl : "");
            metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "SkinURL", skinFile.metadata.skinURL != null ? skinFile.metadata.skinURL : "");
            metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Description", skinFile.metadata.description != null ? skinFile.metadata.description : "");
            metadataIni.IniWriteValue(iniTemplateSection, "Color", skinFile.metadata.color != null ? skinFile.metadata.color : "0x1E1E1E");
            // activate skin
            File.Delete(steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/.active");
            if (activateSkin)
                File.WriteAllText(steamDirectoryInfo.FullName + "/" + defaultSkinFolderName + "/.active", folderName);

            // print debug
            if (debugMode)
                string buffer = "";
                buffer += "Steam Customizer compiler debug log @ " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\r\n";
                buffer += "Schema list:\r\n";
                foreach (Type t in new Type[] { typeof(SkinFile) })
                    buffer += "\r\n" + t.ToString() + ":\r\n";
                    buffer += schemaGenerator.Generate(t).ToString();
                    buffer += "\r\n";
                File.WriteAllText("debug.log", buffer);