public void SetExtProperty(String vn, String pn, String pval) // VendorName and PropertyName { String fpn = GetExtensionPropertyName(vn, pn); vObjectProperty pr = new ExtensionProperty(fpn, this); ((ExtensionProperty)pr).SetValue(pval); SetProperty(pr); }
public void SetExtProperty(ExtensionProperty ep) { _proplist.Add(ep); }
public void SetExtProperty(String vn,String pn,String pval) // VendorName and PropertyName { String fpn=GetExtensionPropertyName(vn,pn); vObjectProperty pr=new ExtensionProperty(fpn,this); ((ExtensionProperty)pr).SetValue(pval); SetProperty(pr); }
public override void ParseFromStream(StreamReader sr) { String tkn = ""; while (true) { tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn == "END") { tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != ":") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != "VTODO") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } return; } vObjectProperty pr = null; switch (tkn) { case "BEGIN": throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); break; case "DCREATED": pr = new DateTimeCreated(this); break; case "COMPLETED": pr = new DateTimeCompleted(this); break; case "DESCRIPTION": pr = new Description(this); break; case "LAST-MODIFIED": pr = new LastModified(this); break; case "CATEGORIES": pr = new Categories(this); break; case "DUE": pr = new DueDateTime(this); break; case "DTEND": pr = new EndDateTime(this); break; case "PRIORITY": pr = new Priority(this); break; case "DTSTART": pr = new StartDateTime(this); break; case "SUMMARY": pr = new Summary(this); break; case "STATUS": pr = new Status(this); break; default: if (tkn.Substring(0, 2) == "X-") // Extention property { pr = new ExtensionProperty(tkn, this); } else // Comment this if optional properties support is not required { pr = new OptionalProperty(tkn, this); } break; } if (pr != null) { pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetProperty(pr); } } }
public override void ParseFromStream(StreamReader sr) { String tkn = ""; while (true) { tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn == "END") { tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != ":") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != "VCALENDAR") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } return; } vObjectProperty pr = null; switch (tkn) { case "BEGIN": { tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != ":") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); vObject ent = null; if (tkn == "VEVENT") { ent = new vEvent(); } if (tkn == "VTODO") { ent = new vTodo(); } if ((tkn != "VEVENT") && (tkn != "VTODO")) { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } ent.ParseFromStream(sr); AddEntity(ent); break; } case "GEO": pr = new GeographicPosition(this); break; case "PRODID": pr = new ProductID(this); break; case "TZ": pr = new TZone(this); break; case "VERSION": pr = new SpecificationVersion(this); break; default: if (tkn.Substring(0, 2) == "X-") // Extention property { pr = new ExtensionProperty(tkn, this); } else // Comment this if optional properties support is not required { pr = new OptionalProperty(tkn, this); } break; } if (pr != null) { pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetProperty(pr); } } }
public override void ParseFromStream(StreamReader sr) { String tkn = ""; while (true) { tkn = Parser.GetTokenPnt(sr); if (tkn == "END") { tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != ":") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != "VCARD") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } return; } vObjectProperty pr = null; switch (tkn) { case "BEGIN": { tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); if (tkn != ":") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); vCard ent = null; if (tkn == "VCARD") { ent = new vCard(); } if (tkn != "VCARD") { throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); } ent.ParseFromStream(sr); AddNested(ent); break; } case "N": pr = new NameProperty(this); break; case "GEO": pr = new GeographicPosition(this); break; case "TZ": pr = new TZone(this); break; case "VERSION": pr = new SpecificationVersion(this); break; default: if (tkn[tkn.Length - 1] == '.') { String cn = tkn.Substring(0, tkn.Length - 1); tkn = Parser.GetToken(sr); pr = new OptionalProperty(tkn, this); pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetPrToComposite(cn, pr); pr = null; break; } if (tkn.Substring(0, 2) == "X-") // Extention property { pr = new ExtensionProperty(tkn, this); } else // Comment this if optional properties support is not required { pr = new OptionalProperty(tkn, this); } break; } if (pr != null) { pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetProperty(pr); } } }
public override void ParseFromStream(StreamReader sr) { String tkn=""; while(true) { tkn=Parser.GetTokenPnt(sr); if(tkn=="END") { tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!=":")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!="VCARD")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); return ; } vObjectProperty pr=null; switch(tkn) { case "BEGIN": { tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!=":")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); vCard ent=null; if(tkn=="VCARD") ent=new vCard(); if(tkn!="VCARD")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); ent.ParseFromStream(sr); AddNested(ent); break; } case "N": pr=new NameProperty(this); break; case "GEO": pr=new GeographicPosition(this); break; case "TZ": pr=new TZone(this); break; case "VERSION": pr=new SpecificationVersion(this); break; default: if(tkn[tkn.Length-1]=='.') { String cn=tkn.Substring(0,tkn.Length-1); tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); pr=new OptionalProperty(tkn,this); pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetPrToComposite(cn,pr); pr=null; break; } if(tkn.Substring(0,2)=="X-") // Extention property { pr=new ExtensionProperty(tkn,this); } else // Comment this if optional properties support is not required { pr=new OptionalProperty(tkn,this); } break; } if(pr!=null) { pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetProperty(pr); } } }
public override void ParseFromStream(StreamReader sr) { String tkn=""; while(true) { tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn=="END") { tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!=":")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!="VTODO")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); return ; } vObjectProperty pr=null; switch(tkn) { case "BEGIN": throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); break; case "DCREATED": pr=new DateTimeCreated(this); break; case "COMPLETED": pr=new DateTimeCompleted(this); break; case "DESCRIPTION": pr=new Description(this); break; case "LAST-MODIFIED": pr=new LastModified(this); break; case "CATEGORIES": pr=new Categories(this); break; case "DUE": pr=new DueDateTime(this); break; case "DTEND": pr=new EndDateTime(this); break; case "PRIORITY": pr=new Priority(this); break; case "DTSTART": pr=new StartDateTime(this); break; case "SUMMARY": pr=new Summary(this); break; case "STATUS": pr=new Status(this); break; default: if(tkn.Substring(0,2)=="X-") // Extention property { pr=new ExtensionProperty(tkn,this); } else // Comment this if optional properties support is not required { pr=new OptionalProperty(tkn,this); } break; } if(pr!=null) { pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetProperty(pr); } } }
public override void ParseFromStream(StreamReader sr) { String tkn=""; while(true) { tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn=="END") { tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!=":")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!="VCALENDAR")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); return ; } vObjectProperty pr=null; switch(tkn) { case "BEGIN": { tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); if(tkn!=":")throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); tkn=Parser.GetToken(sr); vObject ent=null; if(tkn=="VEVENT") ent=new vEvent(); if(tkn=="VTODO") ent=new vTodo(); if((tkn!="VEVENT")&&(tkn!="VTODO"))throw new InvalidDocumentStructureExeption(); ent.ParseFromStream(sr); AddEntity(ent); break; } case "GEO": pr=new GeographicPosition(this); break; case "PRODID": pr=new ProductID(this); break; case "TZ": pr=new TZone(this); break; case "VERSION": pr=new SpecificationVersion(this); break; default: if(tkn.Substring(0,2)=="X-") // Extention property { pr=new ExtensionProperty(tkn,this); } else // Comment this if optional properties support is not required { pr=new OptionalProperty(tkn,this); } break; } if(pr!=null) { pr.ParseFromStream(sr); SetProperty(pr); } } }